TimedText:J'accuse (1919).webm.en.srt explained

100:00:23,120 --> 00:00:27,764Abel GanceAuthor and Director

200:00:42,440 --> 00:00:46,188Romuald Joubé of the Odéon Theatre

300:00:46,292 --> 00:00:48,262as Jean Diaz

400:01:16,720 --> 00:01:19,190Maxime Desjardins

500:01:19,299 --> 00:01:21,769of the Comédie Française

600:01:21,870 --> 00:01:23,566as Maria Lazare

700:01:39,760 --> 00:01:45,156M. Séverin-Mars as François Laurin

800:02:00,360 --> 00:02:05,702Little Angèle Guys as Angèle

900:02:11,480 --> 00:02:16,976Marise Dauvray as Edith Laurin

1000:02:32,269 --> 00:02:37,801In those days, the people of Francestill knew the meaning of joy...

1100:02:38,480 --> 00:02:41,839A festive night in Provence

1200:02:50,720 --> 00:02:52,160One bright morning

1300:02:52,261 --> 00:02:54,060I came across the train

1400:02:54,164 --> 00:02:56,133With three wise men

1500:02:56,232 --> 00:02:59,203Setting off on a journey...

1600:03:59,600 --> 00:04:01,806Jean Diaz, the poet,

1700:04:01,914 --> 00:04:05,783all intelligence, all melancholy,

1800:04:05,885 --> 00:04:09,015all tenderness, all France.

1900:04:16,732 --> 00:04:20,431His dear mother.

2000:04:52,363 --> 00:04:58,362Edith is a married woman.Stop thinking of the past.

2100:05:46,303 --> 00:05:51,709An owl on a midsummer's night,soon calamity will be in sight.

2200:08:36,619 --> 00:08:42,059Maria Lazare, Edith's father,veteran of the war of 1870,

2300:08:42,159 --> 00:08:45,927straight and simpleas a sword blade...

2400:09:08,425 --> 00:09:11,657Go to bed!

2500:10:45,746 --> 00:10:49,148MY ALSACE AND MY LORRAINE

2600:11:47,455 --> 00:11:50,449What Jean was writing:

2700:12:45,427 --> 00:12:52,301Mother, let me read youthe latest poem in my "Pacifiques":

2800:12:52,401 --> 00:12:54,530Ode to the Sun.

2900:14:44,191 --> 00:14:47,924In the meantime, the drunken brute...

3000:15:45,015 --> 00:15:49,317And under the golden circleof his lamp,

3100:15:49,420 --> 00:15:52,084Jean Diaz wrote his verses of light

3200:15:52,190 --> 00:15:54,887while the happy village slept.

3300:16:02,736 --> 00:16:09,941Tragedy almost seemed to hangfrom the tips of the branches...

3400:16:33,174 --> 00:16:36,634This gash on your neck!

3500:16:36,745 --> 00:16:39,807He did it, didn't he?

3600:17:54,308 --> 00:17:56,834Run along!

3700:18:29,294 --> 00:18:36,600One day, when happinessshone on the village...

3800:19:06,463 --> 00:19:10,026SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1914

3900:19:31,027 --> 00:19:34,465It's war!

4000:19:37,305 --> 00:19:41,368What's war?

4100:19:42,341 --> 00:19:45,828I don't know.

4200:20:03,233 --> 00:20:04,861ARMY AND NAVY

4300:20:04,969 --> 00:20:08,372ORDEROF GENERAL MOBILIZATION

4400:20:31,101 --> 00:20:34,971Long live France!

4500:21:40,463 --> 00:21:42,796At last!


4700:22:36,592 --> 00:22:37,688RESERVE ARMY

4800:22:37,769 --> 00:22:39,774Private Jean Diaz,the bearer of the present order,

4900:22:39,879 --> 00:22:42,597is to report for active serviceon the 40th day of mobilization.

5000:22:58,249 --> 00:23:03,279Go ask Jean Diaz,on behalf of Madam Edith,

5100:23:03,389 --> 00:23:10,328if he's being mobilized tomorrowalong with his comrades.

5200:23:18,208 --> 00:23:22,010I'm leaving tomorrow, dearest Edith.

5300:24:12,240 --> 00:24:16,680SEE YOU SOON

5400:24:42,946 --> 00:24:47,009Give François your hand.

5500:24:57,863 --> 00:25:02,598M. Jean doesn't leavefor another month...

5600:25:31,138 --> 00:25:34,439In every household of the village,

5700:25:34,609 --> 00:25:39,981the humble tragedy of departureplayed out in poignant detail.

5800:27:57,486 --> 00:28:00,183Evening.

5900:29:57,600 --> 00:30:03,233A few days later, he obtainedpermission from his superiors

6000:30:03,341 --> 00:30:07,211to make a two-hour stopoverin Orneval,

6100:30:07,312 --> 00:30:10,977as his company was to reportto a nearby station...

6200:30:14,755 --> 00:30:18,386Dear Edith,I must see you again.

6300:30:18,493 --> 00:30:22,056I love you.Your Jean Diaz.

6400:31:02,080 --> 00:31:08,180You could be court-martialedfor that!

6500:31:23,506 --> 00:31:29,778To M. Jean LaurinLake Road, Waldheim

6600:31:35,455 --> 00:31:37,287My dear parents,

6700:31:37,390 --> 00:31:39,622My wife, whose conducthas not been irreproachable,

6800:31:39,726 --> 00:31:42,007is taking the train todayto come to stay with you.

6900:31:42,111 --> 00:31:43,128Watch over her.

7000:31:43,231 --> 00:31:45,427When I return to civilian life,I will take her back.

7100:31:45,515 --> 00:31:46,711Your son, François.

7200:32:46,709 --> 00:32:49,941She's gone!

7300:34:15,686 --> 00:34:19,020François did not know what fear was.

7400:34:47,224 --> 00:34:49,626Meanwhile, on the home front,

7500:34:49,728 --> 00:34:52,789the veterans were winningevery battle.

7600:35:25,472 --> 00:35:28,534YOUR DAUGHTERBRUTALLY ABDUCTED ALIVE,

7700:35:28,642 --> 00:35:31,669TAKEN TO GERMANYAFTER RECENT ENEMY ADVANCE.

7800:35:57,945 --> 00:36:05,581The news of Edith's abductionspread rapidly through the village.

7900:36:30,752 --> 00:36:36,216Tell me, Monsieur,is it true they abducted her?

8000:36:36,326 --> 00:36:38,591Can I avenge her?

8100:37:19,746 --> 00:37:29,747I request transfer to active service.Jean Diaz

8200:37:44,176 --> 00:37:48,138Edith has vanished.I have no more reason to stay.

8300:37:48,248 --> 00:37:51,741I'm off to the front lines.

8400:38:22,641 --> 00:38:26,375My dear François,

8500:38:26,462 --> 00:38:29,022Be brave.

8600:38:29,131 --> 00:38:36,472Edith was taken prisonerduring an enemy advance.

8700:42:24,656 --> 00:42:27,182MY ALSACE AND MY LORRAINE

8800:43:44,488 --> 00:43:48,220It's all nonsense,my dear Father-in-Law.

8900:43:48,325 --> 00:43:53,766She sent you that telegramto be free to join Jean,

9000:43:53,866 --> 00:43:57,269who's lying low somewhere.

9100:43:57,371 --> 00:44:00,273Edith, Jean and his mother

9200:44:00,374 --> 00:44:04,904are the three scoundrelsbehind this charade.

9300:44:10,120 --> 00:44:14,821What a spot to write letters!

9400:44:14,925 --> 00:44:20,991Want to get yourself killed,you idiot?

9500:45:01,650 --> 00:45:03,642It's all nonsense,my dear Father-in-Law.

9600:45:03,752 --> 00:45:05,815She sent you that telegramto be free to join Jean,

9700:45:05,899 --> 00:45:07,756who's lying low somewhere.

9800:45:07,854 --> 00:45:09,136Edith, Jean and his mother

9900:45:09,213 --> 00:45:11,177are the three scoundrelsbehind this charade.

10000:45:14,632 --> 00:45:15,656Jean?

10100:45:15,767 --> 00:45:19,864But he's been at Officers'Training School in Valréas

10200:45:19,972 --> 00:45:21,838for the past two months.

10300:45:26,279 --> 00:45:31,652When the guns fall silent.

10400:46:00,456 --> 00:46:06,055You blubberin'because your missus doesn't write?

10500:46:16,008 --> 00:46:21,209Don't worry, you good-for-nothing...

10600:46:21,314 --> 00:46:26,948You see, my wife ran offwith a young shirker...

10700:46:31,193 --> 00:46:34,731Our new lieutenant.

10800:47:36,941 --> 00:47:43,179Back home, to celebratethe appointment...

10900:48:05,276 --> 00:48:08,270Nomination at the Officers'Training School of Valréas

11000:48:08,361 --> 00:48:10,564Number 1: Jean Diaz of Orneval

11100:48:34,679 --> 00:48:36,671My dear Father-in-Law,

11200:48:36,781 --> 00:48:41,152I can't ask this new officerfor news of my wife,

11300:48:41,253 --> 00:48:44,691but I'm certain he knows something.

11400:48:44,791 --> 00:48:48,422Try to find out somethingfrom his mother

11500:48:48,529 --> 00:48:51,183and write back to me quickly.François

11600:48:55,671 --> 00:49:01,044Dear Mother, I have to find outwhat happened to Edith,

11700:49:01,145 --> 00:49:03,809but I can't ask François.

11800:49:03,915 --> 00:49:06,908Ask Lazare if he knows anything

11900:49:07,018 --> 00:49:09,750and write back to me quickly.Jean

12000:50:27,084 --> 00:50:31,989Wireless reportsan enemy munitions depot

12100:50:32,090 --> 00:50:34,651within reach of Hill 33.

12200:50:34,760 --> 00:50:39,062Send your bravest man,François Laurin,

12300:50:39,166 --> 00:50:43,798out on a reconnaissance missiontonight.

12400:50:43,905 --> 00:50:48,546He has little chance of coming back.Warn him.

12500:51:21,852 --> 00:51:30,422...Jean began to realize he wasn'tthe only one who loved Edith...

12600:52:19,714 --> 00:52:23,777Jean's sacrifice.

12700:54:42,800 --> 00:54:48,002Is François back from his mission?

12800:55:37,267 --> 00:55:42,708You deserve the Legion of Honorfor your exploits

12900:55:42,808 --> 00:55:49,306and the guardhouse for riskingyour life instead of François,

13000:55:49,415 --> 00:55:51,578whom I had appointed.

13100:56:29,699 --> 00:56:33,296Coffee's ready!

13200:57:48,562 --> 00:57:53,037Jean, tell me...Have you had any news from Edith?

13300:58:07,586 --> 00:58:12,491And you, M. Laurin, have you?

13400:58:38,825 --> 00:58:46,098Will you forgive me, M. Laurin,for having loved her as much as you?

13500:58:48,136 --> 00:58:53,907Stop being so formalif you want me to answer you...

13600:58:55,745 --> 00:58:59,046Will you forgive me, François?

13700:59:04,923 --> 00:59:09,645We'll talk about her often,won't we, Jean?

13800:59:19,496 --> 00:59:26,859Pipe down, guys.They're both cryin'. What dopes!

13900:59:32,540 --> 00:59:36,361The veteran piously framed

14000:59:36,463 --> 00:59:41,835the glorious lieutenant'sLegion of Honor

14100:59:41,936 --> 00:59:48,030as the two old people's heartsbeat loudly...

14201:00:53,214 --> 01:00:56,313We're out of ammo!

14301:00:57,214 --> 01:01:00,548So what if we are!

14401:01:04,204 --> 01:01:08,695Do you remember when she...

14501:02:08,043 --> 01:02:12,956You have to understand that therewill always be beauty on this earth

14601:02:13,056 --> 01:02:16,549and that man will never be cruelenough to destroy it.

14701:02:16,660 --> 01:02:18,653"Letters from a soldier"

14801:02:48,020 --> 01:02:53,241END OF PART ONE

14901:02:56,376 --> 01:03:01,422J'Accuse by Abel GancePart Two

15001:03:04,954 --> 01:03:10,827Four years later,the war is at its height.

15101:03:10,927 --> 01:03:18,302The blue devils are nowonly gray, mud-clotted forms.

15201:03:18,403 --> 01:03:25,835The cannon squator lie monstrously sprawled,

15301:03:25,946 --> 01:03:35,947the eternal spirit of Evil hoversover this battle to save the world.

15401:04:45,631 --> 01:04:52,815My fifth blackout in a week...It's the fatigue.

15501:05:02,624 --> 01:05:09,700Dear Father-in-Law, tell Madame Diazto write to her son

15601:05:09,807 --> 01:05:16,443and tell him to reportto the Discharge Review Board,

15701:05:16,549 --> 01:05:20,385as the doctors advised him.

15801:05:20,487 --> 01:05:23,685His health is in jeopardy.

15901:05:23,791 --> 01:05:26,092He could die if...

16001:05:55,891 --> 01:06:02,570I thought I saw an owl there...It's the fever...

16101:06:34,834 --> 01:06:37,828Dear Father-in-Law, tell Madame Diazto write to her son

16201:06:37,938 --> 01:06:40,465and tell him to reportto the Discharge Review Board,

16301:06:40,575 --> 01:06:42,043as the doctors advised him.

16401:06:42,143 --> 01:06:43,509His health is in jeopardy.

16501:06:43,611 --> 01:06:44,635He could die if...

16601:07:03,703 --> 01:07:09,735My dear François,tell Jean his mother is gravely ill.

16701:07:09,844 --> 01:07:15,217That might persuade himto request a discharge.

16801:07:15,318 --> 01:07:21,418I'm writing this in secretbecause she doesn't want him

16901:07:21,525 --> 01:07:27,592to leave France for her,as she courageously puts it.

17001:08:01,141 --> 01:08:09,449What his health couldn't accomplish,his filial feeling did.

17101:08:09,551 --> 01:08:13,854Jean, discharged, returned home.

17201:08:54,940 --> 01:08:59,710Go to bed.I'm feeling better tonight.

17301:11:15,981 --> 01:11:19,278Well, Mama...

17401:12:02,371 --> 01:12:05,467My dear Jean! My little boy!

17501:12:05,576 --> 01:12:10,862How you've changed!You're sick too, aren't you?

17601:12:42,355 --> 01:12:45,018I'm just very weary.

17701:12:45,124 --> 01:12:48,892All I want is to go to sleep listening

17801:12:48,996 --> 01:12:54,232to you read one of your poemsthe way you used to.

17901:13:19,400 --> 01:13:21,393My poem about the ploughmen?

18001:13:21,503 --> 01:13:23,495The one about silence?

18101:13:23,605 --> 01:13:25,799The Ode to the Sun?

18201:13:32,483 --> 01:13:36,501And, as he had donefour years earlier...

18301:15:04,396 --> 01:15:05,990Dead!

18401:15:06,099 --> 01:15:10,470At that point in the poemwhen she had fallen asleep

18501:15:10,571 --> 01:15:13,422the night of the festivities.

18601:15:26,223 --> 01:15:34,565So she could take to her gravehis stanzas of light,

18701:15:34,667 --> 01:15:38,825he sought to finish his ode.

18801:15:52,355 --> 01:15:58,388But all he foundwas the sadness of the twilight

18901:15:58,497 --> 01:16:03,459haunted by Edith's gentle spirit.

19001:17:00,105 --> 01:17:04,616War kills as much the mothersas the sons.

19101:17:19,096 --> 01:17:22,652I accuse!

19201:17:28,107 --> 01:17:31,101It rained that night...

19301:17:40,222 --> 01:17:43,216DEAR PAPA,COME TO JEAN DIAZ'S TONIGHT.

19401:17:43,326 --> 01:17:46,854I'LL BE THERE.EDITH LAURIN.

19501:18:19,938 --> 01:18:22,1000Mother Diaz!

19601:18:54,981 --> 01:19:02,294Death leaves through one door,as life enters through another!

19701:19:13,419 --> 01:19:17,206DEAR PAPA,COME TO JEAN DIAZ'S TONIGHT.

19801:19:17,309 --> 01:19:20,475I'LL BE THERE.EDITH LAURIN.

19901:19:47,780 --> 01:19:50,344If she came back!

20001:20:45,099 --> 01:20:48,195What's this?

20101:20:53,527 --> 01:20:58,228When enemy troopsoccupied the village,

20201:20:58,334 --> 01:21:03,239I hid in the barn,but the soldiers found me...

20301:21:31,007 --> 01:21:34,410There were several of them...

20401:22:02,546 --> 01:22:11,947Wouldn't Françoiskill her if he saw her?

20501:22:18,432 --> 01:22:21,961I knew that he wasn't around,

20601:22:22,070 --> 01:22:29,104and I thought that Madame Diazwould protect my child later...

20701:22:29,212 --> 01:22:31,551Isn't that so, Jean?

20801:23:23,479 --> 01:23:29,317My father's sudden departurefrightens me!

20901:23:29,420 --> 01:23:32,255He has such a violent nature.

21001:23:32,357 --> 01:23:35,540I'm going home. I'll be back later.

21101:24:38,705 --> 01:24:42,973My dear child,Honor is an old tradition among us.

21201:24:43,077 --> 01:24:46,947I will try to avengethis indelible affront.

21301:24:47,048 --> 01:24:51,817In any case, I could never standthat child's presence.

21401:24:51,922 --> 01:24:54,289Jean will help you bear your pain.

21501:24:54,391 --> 01:24:56,670Farewell. Maria Lazare.

21601:25:37,544 --> 01:25:43,247If you leave like my father has,who will protect my daughter?

21701:25:43,352 --> 01:25:47,518François must never find out.Never, never.

21801:25:47,624 --> 01:25:51,084If he does,I just know he'll kill her.

21901:26:48,732 --> 01:26:52,067I'll teach you how to become French.

22001:26:52,181 --> 01:26:58,303Then you can find your own wayto punish your father as he deserves.

22101:27:31,411 --> 01:27:33,417How he loves me,

22201:27:33,510 --> 01:27:38,779to make my tragedymore important than his own.

22301:28:02,246 --> 01:28:07,070The first French lesson.

22401:28:46,667 --> 01:28:49,069Have come home.

22501:28:49,170 --> 01:28:52,073Notify me of your next leave.

22601:28:52,174 --> 01:28:55,737Affectionately, Edith.

22701:29:08,372 --> 01:29:15,447Hey, cook! Prepare ussomething special for tomorrow!

22801:29:15,554 --> 01:29:18,649My wife's come back!

22901:30:21,886 --> 01:30:25,431Unwitting courage.

23001:31:13,076 --> 01:31:17,919They knew their luck would change...

23101:32:13,232 --> 01:32:17,560She... She must have gone outfor a walk...

23201:32:21,658 --> 01:32:24,177Why are those old hags

23301:32:24,286 --> 01:32:28,872looking at mewith such sorry expressions?

23401:32:59,190 --> 01:33:02,525He left... the night Edith came home.

23501:33:02,628 --> 01:33:06,088We haven't heard from him since.

23601:34:15,939 --> 01:34:19,549She's not here, François!

23701:34:57,691 --> 01:35:02,974A distant relative leftlittle Angèle... with me...

23801:35:03,076 --> 01:35:08,206I'm lookingafter her until... until...

23901:35:26,590 --> 01:35:29,179Someone's crying!

24001:35:50,269 --> 01:35:55,303I'm telling you, Françoisthere is no one there!

24101:37:22,949 --> 01:37:28,255After four years of sacrifice,a brute can become a man,

24201:37:28,357 --> 01:37:30,883a man like Jean Diaz perhaps.

24301:37:30,992 --> 01:37:36,399And François suffered in silencebecause Edith hadn't noticed.

24401:37:45,440 --> 01:37:49,208Chance does not like secrets.

24501:38:20,454 --> 01:38:25,018You kissed a child just now.

24601:38:30,733 --> 01:38:34,068Yes, little Angèle...

24701:38:34,171 --> 01:38:38,940A distant relative left herwith Jean Diaz...

24801:38:39,043 --> 01:38:41,240Any harm in that?

24901:38:54,978 --> 01:38:59,732No harm, but... the neighbors talk.

25001:38:59,836 --> 01:39:05,037They say you cometo kiss her every day.

25101:39:05,142 --> 01:39:08,773That bothers me a little...

25201:39:18,804 --> 01:39:22,002My poor Edith, thank you.

25301:39:22,107 --> 01:39:24,907I didn't know, you see.

25401:39:25,011 --> 01:39:29,170My heart is so possessed.Forgive me!

25501:39:54,714 --> 01:39:59,949Velvet-clawed misfortuneapproached,

25601:40:00,020 --> 01:40:01,798and one day...

25701:41:19,239 --> 01:41:27,492Oh, I forgot to tell you.There's been quite a tragedy here.

25801:41:31,027 --> 01:41:36,030Little Angèle, the child you kissedthe other day with Jean...

25901:41:39,410 --> 01:41:47,252Ah! Well, she was playing nearthe river, fell in, and drowned...

26001:41:50,757 --> 01:41:54,024Is this true?

26101:41:55,877 --> 01:42:01,044Admit it, you shameful woman.That was your child.

26201:42:09,488 --> 01:42:14,086Dead! Dead!Yes, she's dead!

26301:42:22,771 --> 01:42:28,805Dead! Oh, she's dead!

26401:43:56,942 --> 01:44:02,384Protect me!François knows I'm her mother.

26501:44:02,494 --> 01:44:06,159He's coming. Protect me!

26601:44:46,333 --> 01:44:50,533You weren't a prisoner. You lied.

26701:44:50,621 --> 01:44:58,759You went into hiding after you sinned,and he went to see you on leave.

26801:44:58,864 --> 01:45:04,778Admit it, you wretches,or prove your innocence!

26901:45:16,713 --> 01:45:24,299Is your silence formal proofthat you're the child's father?

27001:46:05,133 --> 01:46:09,574She's my daughter!Mine alone!

27101:46:09,684 --> 01:46:13,452Let go of Jean.Don't kill him!

27201:47:03,758 --> 01:47:06,437Can you prove it?

27301:47:18,366 --> 01:47:23,140BIRTH CERTIFICATE -FATHER UNKNOWN

27401:48:04,331 --> 01:48:07,855You're right, Jean, I mustn't.

27501:48:07,964 --> 01:48:13,303I'll leave as soon as I canso as not to commit a crime.

27601:48:13,404 --> 01:48:19,077There are others I have to killin exchange for her life!

27701:48:47,738 --> 01:48:51,594Leave was almost up.

27801:49:25,050 --> 01:49:31,118Jean... It hurts too much to leave,knowing you're here near her.

27901:49:31,225 --> 01:49:36,324You're not to blame, I know,but you have to understand,

28001:49:36,431 --> 01:49:38,424my heart is bursting!

28101:49:41,959 --> 01:49:51,817I can't go and live with this anxiety.Help me find a way out.

28201:50:03,322 --> 01:50:10,127Sir, former officerdischarged for health reasons,

28301:50:10,229 --> 01:50:16,637I now request permissionto return to active duty

28401:50:16,737 --> 01:50:22,974in my old companywith the rank of Private 2nd Class

28501:50:23,078 --> 01:50:28,834under the ordersof Sergeant François Laurin.

28601:50:39,898 --> 01:50:42,835Departure.

28701:51:26,456 --> 01:51:31,953We have to finish this war.Be brave!

28801:52:00,555 --> 01:52:02,684Go ahead, kiss each other!

28901:52:37,844 --> 01:52:42,776End of Part Two

29001:52:45,429 --> 01:52:51,427J'Accuse by Abel GancePart Three

29101:54:52,459 --> 01:54:56,831Hearing the callof the dispenser of justice,

29201:54:56,932 --> 01:54:59,094hearts united suddenly,

29301:54:59,201 --> 01:55:04,695and poor mud-caked bodiesmoved toward him like tanks.

29401:55:07,564 --> 01:55:10,663He knew how to speak to them,

29501:55:10,771 --> 01:55:16,040with visionary imagesthat roused energy

29601:55:16,144 --> 01:55:21,125and made themclutch their rifles harder.

29701:55:45,243 --> 01:55:51,883Beside every Frenchmanthere is always a Gaul.

29801:56:17,386 --> 01:56:21,552I accuse those who are asleep...

29901:56:30,636 --> 01:56:36,008Hang on a bit longer, fellows...Victory is here...

30001:56:36,110 --> 01:56:40,242In front of you,with its wings spread.

30101:56:40,348 --> 01:56:42,681The Gaul told me so.

30201:57:01,368 --> 01:57:07,282Come on, men.The Gaul is with us.

30301:57:46,697 --> 01:57:52,797And the visionary told themmany other things.

30401:57:52,904 --> 01:57:57,366Profound and painful things,

30501:57:57,476 --> 01:58:03,782which mustn't emergefrom the mud through images,

30601:58:03,885 --> 01:58:12,591because the eyes are still too farfrom the heart to truly understand.

30701:58:22,413 --> 01:58:24,844And back there!

30802:00:07,531 --> 02:00:12,449However her heart swayed,Edith suffered.

30902:00:12,549 --> 02:00:18,820François's wife, Jean's lover,Maria Lazare's daughter,

31002:00:18,923 --> 02:00:20,996Angèle's mother.

31102:00:27,991 --> 02:00:35,400The cross of sacrifice, epitomizingthe French woman's agony.

31202:00:47,659 --> 02:00:51,153Strike again, o Sorrow,if you find room!

31302:00:51,263 --> 02:00:53,164Lamartine

31402:01:02,499 --> 02:01:05,883The morning of battle.

31502:01:14,860 --> 02:01:21,097The battalion is doomed, they know.

31602:01:21,200 --> 02:01:29,008They say nothingbut re-read the last letter.

31702:01:34,183 --> 02:01:41,752The weather is mildand the morning indifferent.

31802:01:41,859 --> 02:01:50,964The dead won't hold back the spring.(A soldier's letter)

31902:02:04,820 --> 02:02:11,023If these letters reach anyone,may they instill in the honest heart

32002:02:11,129 --> 02:02:15,795a horror of the infamyof those responsible for this war.

32102:02:15,901 --> 02:02:18,204(A soldier's letter)

32202:02:24,779 --> 02:02:31,152Dearest darling mother,I desire nothing more for myself.

32302:02:31,254 --> 02:02:35,385When the hardships are truly cruel,

32402:02:35,492 --> 02:02:42,093I'm content to be very unhappywithout thinking of other things.

32502:02:42,200 --> 02:02:45,103(A soldier's letter)

32602:02:49,776 --> 02:02:51,438My dear darling Mama,

32702:02:51,545 --> 02:02:55,313If you receive no more lettersfrom me after this one,

32802:02:55,416 --> 02:03:01,551tell yourself that your sonhas left this world

32902:03:01,658 --> 02:03:06,188for a country without postmen,

33002:03:06,297 --> 02:03:12,397but that still he thinksof you night and day.

33102:03:28,924 --> 02:03:31,394Jean, fearing the worst,

33202:03:31,495 --> 02:03:35,524had prepareda series of letters for Edith,

33302:03:35,633 --> 02:03:39,230pre-dated with the months to come,

33402:03:39,338 --> 02:03:45,573so that she would remain ignorantas long as possible...

33502:04:14,147 --> 02:04:17,949My dear Edith

33602:04:44,005 --> 02:04:53,985If I'm killed, look after the childand Edith. You're the one she loves.

33702:05:02,373 --> 02:05:06,004Don't say a word! Is that clear?

33802:05:06,111 --> 02:05:08,809Swear to me, Jean.

33902:05:08,915 --> 02:05:13,149Raise the child. It's your duty.

34002:05:13,254 --> 02:05:16,610I would have killed her!

34102:05:28,472 --> 02:05:31,033What about you, Jean?

34202:05:31,142 --> 02:05:36,241Do you have anything to sayif you get killed?

34302:05:51,464 --> 02:05:56,339No, no. Nothing to say...to anybody.

34402:06:04,483 --> 02:06:10,551I know you love her as much as I do.

34502:06:41,930 --> 02:06:44,764The attack on the St. Mihel sectorwas filmed

34602:06:44,866 --> 02:06:50,398with the collaborationof French and American troops,

34702:06:50,507 --> 02:06:54,570in particular the U.S. 28th Division,

34802:06:54,679 --> 02:07:00,795in the villages of Hattonchatel,Seicheprey and Mosec.

34902:07:36,430 --> 02:07:43,134If I fall in battle, send one letterper month, in order.

35002:07:43,238 --> 02:07:48,803It's so she doesn't know I'm dead,you understand?

35102:07:48,912 --> 02:07:52,179Promise, Mathieu?

35202:09:07,409 --> 02:09:12,144So it's clear, Mathieu,not a word to François!

35302:09:12,248 --> 02:09:16,084You'll send these letters to Edith.

35402:09:16,187 --> 02:09:18,885She mustn't die, as well.

35502:09:18,990 --> 02:09:22,620Above all,don't say a thing to François,

35602:09:22,727 --> 02:09:24,321not one word.

35702:09:43,453 --> 02:09:51,454Hey! Stretcher-bearers!Evacuate Jean, he's gone mad!

35802:11:28,562 --> 02:11:31,778Get up, you dead bodies!

35902:12:14,006 --> 02:12:17,098Until the last one!

36002:13:11,825 --> 02:13:15,145I accuse!

36102:13:26,662 --> 02:13:29,997After the taking of the village.

36202:13:52,500 --> 02:13:56,923After the battle.

36302:14:33,645 --> 02:14:34,977And as his life ebbed,

36402:14:35,080 --> 02:14:38,449his feverish last thoughtswere for his dear Edith,

36502:14:38,551 --> 02:14:41,681whom he had loved so muchwithout her knowing it,

36602:14:41,789 --> 02:14:47,093and who at that momentmay have been laughing

36702:14:47,200 --> 02:14:51,536in the gentle light of Provence.

36802:15:01,980 --> 02:15:04,143And as in the old days,

36902:15:04,250 --> 02:15:10,465François would have liked to saygood-bye to his dear old dog.

37002:16:07,337 --> 02:16:11,767Who should be notifiedabout your condition?

37102:16:28,420 --> 02:16:37,704Post these, once a month,without a return address.

37202:18:07,943 --> 02:18:13,349One morning at Orneval.

37302:18:23,963 --> 02:18:26,660My beloved, I am doing well.

37402:18:26,767 --> 02:18:32,139Don't worry yourself if youdon't receive a swift reply.

37502:18:32,240 --> 02:18:35,146I'll be home soon.Your Jean.

37602:19:22,402 --> 02:19:27,569I've been given a secretand a difficult mission:

37702:19:27,675 --> 02:19:32,705I need to know how the moraleis in the country.

37802:19:39,756 --> 02:19:42,817What about Pierre,the blacksmith's son?

37902:19:48,567 --> 02:19:51,714And Jenny, the laundress?

38002:20:06,189 --> 02:20:08,420That evening,

38102:20:08,524 --> 02:20:14,830Jean Diaz took a strange strollthroughout the village.

38202:20:41,032 --> 02:20:45,994The Great Evening.

38302:20:46,138 --> 02:20:49,667Edith anxiously tried to understand

38402:20:49,776 --> 02:20:54,909Jean's strange, feverish behaviorsince his return.

38502:21:10,601 --> 02:21:13,629And where is François?What is he doing?

38602:21:13,739 --> 02:21:17,475I haven't received a letter from himin a month.

38702:21:30,827 --> 02:21:34,526Nightmares... dreams... life... war...

38802:21:34,625 --> 02:21:39,199The dead... And the living.I don't know anymore! I accuse!

38902:22:06,620 --> 02:22:10,023Come to Edith Laurin's homeat 10 p.m.

39002:22:10,125 --> 02:22:13,460for news of your dead.-- I accuse

39102:22:29,955 --> 02:22:33,324Yes, I called you here.Come in! Come in!

39202:22:39,761 --> 02:22:43,358That night, I was on guard dutyon the battlefield.

39302:22:43,466 --> 02:22:48,201All your dead were there...All your dearly departed. All of them!

39402:23:28,484 --> 02:23:32,017Then an extraordinary miraclehappened.

39502:24:11,141 --> 02:24:13,801One of the dead...

39602:24:37,874 --> 02:24:40,743Friends, the timehas come to find out

39702:24:40,844 --> 02:24:43,313if our death has done any good!

39802:24:43,414 --> 02:24:48,649Let us go home to see if theyare worthy of our sacrifice. Awaken!

39902:25:00,635 --> 02:25:04,038...And the dead obeyed!

40002:25:11,713 --> 02:25:15,356They obeyed, I tell you!

40102:25:26,400 --> 02:25:28,393...MY FRIENDS,

40202:25:28,503 --> 02:25:32,600RISE UP! RISE UP!

40302:26:33,817 --> 02:26:38,119They had soiled facesand eye-sockets full of stars.

40402:26:38,222 --> 02:26:42,558They came in rising wavesfrom across the horizon.

40502:26:46,666 --> 02:26:52,630While the living marchedto the music.

40602:27:06,591 --> 02:27:11,587The unknown dead...All the dead...

40702:27:11,697 --> 02:27:16,398The famous dead marched as well...

40802:27:46,006 --> 02:27:51,845I fled this innumerable flock.I'm here to warn you.

40902:27:51,947 --> 02:27:54,246They're coming.

41002:27:54,349 --> 02:27:57,320They will gladly go back to sleep

41102:27:57,420 --> 02:28:02,689if their sacrifice and deathhave served some purpose.

41202:28:27,057 --> 02:28:30,961The diaphanous and fantasticallyheroic dead.

41302:28:31,062 --> 02:28:33,327All the dead were on their way,

41402:28:33,431 --> 02:28:38,029and the gentle roadgrew transparent beneath their feet.

41502:29:22,568 --> 02:29:27,624Stop! You won't leavebefore you've heard me out.

41602:29:27,731 --> 02:29:34,264If you've been faithful to your dead,you have nothing to fear.

41702:29:43,051 --> 02:29:47,490You, Amelie!Your husband died for you, too!

41802:29:47,590 --> 02:29:51,485How did you behaveduring his absence?

41902:30:05,612 --> 02:30:07,844I accuse!

42002:30:20,029 --> 02:30:21,031And you, Pierre...

42102:30:21,181 --> 02:30:23,399Did you run your father's businessas you should have?

42202:30:44,893 --> 02:30:47,728I accuse!

42302:31:03,450 --> 02:31:06,249And you, Berthe! You, Lucile!You, Marie!

42402:31:06,353 --> 02:31:08,346You profited like cowards

42502:31:08,456 --> 02:31:12,758from the deaths of your husbands,brothers and children! I accuse!

42602:31:18,902 --> 02:31:21,964And you, Darmont,Bernard Chantonin,

42702:31:22,073 --> 02:31:26,136you all greedily profitedfrom the bloodshed shamelessly

42802:31:26,244 --> 02:31:28,042to line your pockets!

42902:31:29,782 --> 02:31:32,342...When the north windblows at night,

43002:31:32,453 --> 02:31:37,620can't you hear the millions ofdeath rattles: "I accuse! I accuse!"

43102:33:05,868 --> 02:33:10,967When fate strikes down the good,it is not being unjust.

43202:33:11,074 --> 02:33:15,445The bad who survivewill only be better for it.

43302:33:32,734 --> 02:33:35,226May a good flame raise you up

43402:33:35,337 --> 02:33:40,505And rather than weepThat I have lost the day

43502:33:40,611 --> 02:33:45,312Think that one never diesWhen he dies in this way

43602:33:45,416 --> 02:33:48,410-- Pierre Corneille

43702:33:53,827 --> 02:34:00,996These great dead said many thingsmore in the moonlight,

43802:34:01,103 --> 02:34:05,769mysterious words of the future

43902:34:05,875 --> 02:34:14,365that the living didn't understand,but which were soothing.

44002:34:31,540 --> 02:34:38,846Don't pain them by calling them.Let them go.

44102:34:38,949 --> 02:34:46,770They are begging youto preserve your courage!

44202:35:17,564 --> 02:35:22,697They were glad to see you again.

44302:35:22,803 --> 02:35:30,338They're going backto their peaceful sleep,

44402:35:30,446 --> 02:35:39,289knowing that you've all beenworthy of their death...

44502:36:08,059 --> 02:36:16,231They again took up their crosses,which now became lighter.

44602:37:41,474 --> 02:37:47,541Was it all a dream?Some incredible suggestion?

44702:37:47,649 --> 02:37:50,985What possessed us?

44802:37:58,896 --> 02:38:01,058And the child, in turn,

44902:38:01,165 --> 02:38:05,928taught the poet againto write the word of his life.

45002:39:11,419 --> 02:39:14,685He's mad!

45102:39:38,640 --> 02:39:41,988The next day.

45202:41:18,074 --> 02:41:21,204The soldier in himhad killed the poet.

45302:41:21,312 --> 02:41:23,578He laughed at this lunatic

45402:41:23,682 --> 02:41:28,144who once had written poemsabout sunlight, peace

45502:41:28,254 --> 02:41:30,723and the sweetness of living.

45602:41:39,201 --> 02:41:42,036Ode to the Sun.

45702:42:01,729 --> 02:42:03,288Hear me, O Sun, ere I be laid

45802:42:03,397 --> 02:42:05,867Amid the deadMy debt to thee unpaid

45902:42:05,968 --> 02:42:08,836Thee I accuseFor all the grandeur of thy day

46002:42:08,937 --> 02:42:12,067Abomination has thou clothedIn robes of light

46102:42:12,175 --> 02:42:14,907Passing unmovedOn they Celestial way

46202:42:15,012 --> 02:42:17,243Nor horror trembling at thy might

46302:42:17,348 --> 02:42:20,410In death I curse theeKing of Dreadful Night

46402:42:25,124 --> 02:42:28,357A poet there wasFestoons and astragals

46502:42:28,462 --> 02:42:31,524In my faceHis laughing spirit shone

46602:42:31,633 --> 02:42:36,038Soldier I came homeIn effigy supernatural

46702:42:36,138 --> 02:42:38,073From my grave I cried

46802:42:38,173 --> 02:42:43,944Pushing back the stoneAs if the earth itself did groan

46902:43:00,134 --> 02:43:04,334Hear me in the nameOf those your splendor misled

47002:43:04,439 --> 02:43:08,309Are you frightened?You blush bright red

47102:43:08,411 --> 02:43:12,645Jean Diaz I wasBut I have a new muse

47202:43:12,749 --> 02:43:17,085My name, once sweetIs now "I accuse!"

47302:43:17,188 --> 02:43:20,489And I accuse you instead

47402:43:22,195 --> 02:43:25,222You cast your lightOn a frightful bout

47502:43:25,332 --> 02:43:29,464Silent, placid worldWithout antipathy

47602:43:29,570 --> 02:43:33,474Like a horrible visageTongue ripped out

47702:43:33,575 --> 02:43:39,713Sadistic, from your azure balconyYou watched till the final rout

47802:44:45,631 --> 02:44:51,493The End