100:00:00,100 --> 00:00:03,400B to the A to the N to the G to the Hey
200:00:03,401 --> 00:00:05,900See anybody could be good to you,
300:00:06,000 --> 00:00:10,400You need a bad girl to blow your mind, your mind
400:00:11,000 --> 00:00:13,700Bang bang into the room
500:00:13,701 --> 00:00:14,400I know you want it
600:00:14,401 --> 00:00:17,000Bang bang all over you
700:00:17,001 --> 00:00:17,800I let you have it
800:00:17,900 --> 00:00:21,000Wait a minute let me take you there