TimedText:1977 Southern Television Vrillon broadcast intrusion audio.mp3.en.srt explained

100:00:00,719 --> 00:00:03,780This is the voice of Vrillon,

200:00:03,780 --> 00:00:10,320a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you.

300:00:10,320 --> 00:00:15,080For many years you have seen us as lights in the skies.

400:00:15,080 --> 00:00:18,250We speak to you now in peace and wisdom

500:00:18,250 --> 00:00:22,117as we have done to your brothers and sisters all over this,

600:00:22,117 --> 00:00:25,453your planet Earth.

700:00:25,453 --> 00:00:29,779We come to warn you of the destiny of your race and your world

800:00:29,779 --> 00:00:34,376so that you may communicate to your fellow beings the course you must take

900:00:34,376 --> 00:00:38,236to avoid the disaster which threatens your world,

1000:00:38,236 --> 00:00:42,448and the beings on our worlds around you.

1100:00:42,448 --> 00:00:46,373This is in order that you may share in the great awakening,

1200:00:46,373 --> 00:00:51,727as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius.

1300:00:51,727 --> 00:00:57,232The New Age can be a time of great peace and evolution for your race,

1400:00:57,232 --> 00:01:00,825but only if your rulers are made aware of

1500:01:00,825 --> 00:01:06,397the evil forces that can overshadow their judgments.

1600:01:06,397 --> 00:01:09,895Be still now and listen,

1700:01:09,895 --> 00:01:15,325for your chance may not come again.

1800:01:15,325 --> 00:01:19,487All your weapons of evil must be removed.

1900:01:19,487 --> 00:01:22,100The time for conflict is now past

2000:01:22,100 --> 00:01:24,189and the race of which you are a part

2100:01:24,189 --> 00:01:28,100may proceed to the higher stages of its evolution

2200:01:28,100 --> 00:01:32,571if you show yourselves worthy to do this.

2300:01:32,571 --> 00:01:34,455You have but a short time

2400:01:34,455 --> 00:01:39,925to learn to live together in peace and goodwill.

2500:01:39,925 --> 00:01:43,650Small groups all over the planet are learning this,

2600:01:43,650 --> 00:01:48,725and exist to pass on the light of the dawning New Age to you all.

2700:01:48,725 --> 00:01:52,098You are free to accept or reject their teachings,

2800:01:52,098 --> 00:01:54,583but only those who learn to live in peace

2900:01:54,583 --> 00:01:59,831will pass to the higher realms of spiritual evolution.

3000:01:59,831 --> 00:02:03,051Hear now the voice of Vrillon,

3100:02:03,051 --> 00:02:09,930a representative of the Ashtar Galactic Command, speaking to you.

3200:02:09,930 --> 00:02:14,268Be aware also that there are many false prophets

3300:02:14,268 --> 00:02:18,450and guides at present operating on your world.

3400:02:18,450 --> 00:02:21,303They will suck your energy from you

3500:02:21,303 --> 00:02:23,195– the energy you call money

3600:02:23,195 --> 00:02:29,596and will put it to evil ends and give you worthless dross in return.

3700:02:29,596 --> 00:02:33,447Your inner divine self will protect you from this.

3800:02:33,447 --> 00:02:36,826You must learn to be sensitive to the voice within

3900:02:36,826 --> 00:02:38,825that can tell you what is truth,

4000:02:38,825 --> 00:02:44,975and what is confusion, chaos and untruth.

4100:02:44,975 --> 00:02:48,533Learn to listen to the voice of truth which is within you

4200:02:48,533 --> 00:02:54,475and you will lead yourselves onto the path of evolution.

4300:02:54,475 --> 00:02:58,750This is our message to our dear friends.

4400:02:58,750 --> 00:03:01,147We have watched you growing for many years

4500:03:01,147 --> 00:03:05,542as you too have watched our lights in your skies.

4600:03:05,542 --> 00:03:08,550You know now that we are here,

4700:03:08,550 --> 00:03:12,480and that there are more beings on and around your Earth

4800:03:12,480 --> 00:03:15,450than your scientists admit.

4900:03:15,450 --> 00:03:17,574We are deeply concerned about you

5000:03:17,574 --> 00:03:19,500and your path towards the light

5100:03:19,500 --> 00:03:23,275and will do all we can to help you.

5200:03:23,275 --> 00:03:27,192Have no fear, seek only to know yourselves,

5300:03:27,192 --> 00:03:32,127and live in harmony with the ways of your planet Earth.

5400:03:32,127 --> 00:03:34,913We here at the Ashtar Galactic Command

5500:03:34,913 --> 00:03:37,639thank you for your attention.

5600:03:37,639 --> 00:03:41,215We are now leaving the planes of your existence.

5700:03:41,215 --> 00:03:42,709May you be blessed

5800:03:42,709 --> 00:03:47,029by the supreme love and truth of the cosmos.