Country: | Hungary |
Weight Class: | 60 kg |
Worlds Rank: | 7 |
Worlds Year: | 1981 |
Regionals Type: | EU |
Regionals Rank: | 5 |
Regionals Year: | 1981 |
Regionals Weight: | Men's 60 kg |
Olympics Rank: | 3 |
Olympics Year: | 1980 |
Olympics Weight: | Men's 60 kg |
Updated: | 19 June 2023 |
Tibor Kincses (born 12 February 1960 in Kecskemét) is a Hungarian former judoka who competed in the 1980 Summer Olympics.[1]
Later after finishing his athletic career, Mr. Kincses worked with the PR & Communication Department of AIBA, and then he was appointed PR & Communication Director of the Asian Boxing Confederation (ASBC)