Thomas C. Brickhouse Explained

Region:Western philosophy
Era:21st-century philosophy
Thomas C. Brickhouse
School Tradition:Ancient philosophy
Institutions:University of Lynchburg
Main Interests:Ancient Greek philosophy
Education:Vanderbilt University (PhD)[1]

Thomas C. Brickhouse (born 1947) is an American philosopher and John Turner Professor of the Humanities and Professor of Philosophy, Emeritus at the University of Lynchburg. He won the Outstanding Academic Book for 1994 award for his book Plato’s Socrates (with Nicholas D. Smith). Brickhouse is known for his research on Ancient Greek philosophy.[2] [3] [4]


Notes and References

  1. Brickhouse . Thomas C. . A Contradiction in Aristotle's Doctrines Concerning the Alterability of Moral Hexeis and the Role of Hexeis in the Explanation of Action . The Southern Journal of Philosophy . 1976 . 14 . 4 . 401–411 . 10.1111/j.2041-6962.1976.tb01297.x . en . 2041-6962.
  2. Web site: Brickhouse . Thomas C. . Smith . Nicholas D. . Harvey . Siegel . Socratic Teaching and Socratic Method . The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Education . en . 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195312881.001.0001 . 30 October 2009. 978-0-19-531288-1 .
  3. Book: Anagnostopoulos . Georgios . Socratic, Platonic and Aristotelian Studies: Essays in Honor of Gerasimos Santas . 12 August 2011 . Springer Science & Business Media . 978-94-007-1730-5 . en.
  4. Zuckert . Catherine . Review of Plato's Socrates; Socrates' Ancestor: An Essay on Architectural Beginnings . Political Theory . 1996 . 24 . 1 . 132–138 . 10.1177/0090591796024001009 . 192095 . 220901238 . 0090-5917.