This Blows Explained

This Blows is a Canadian horror comedy web series, which premiered February 15, 2018 on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation's digital platform.[1] Created by Aleita Northey and Cole Northey, the series stars Aleita Northey as Anna Gowen, a young aspiring actress who suddenly develops the ability to make people explode when she's angry.[2]

The cast also includes Michelle Thrush, Tracy Ryan, Darcy Michael and Bruce McCulloch. McCulloch is also a writer for the series,[1] while music was composed and performed by Aleita and Cole Northey's father, Craig Northey of the band Odds.[2]

Notes and References

  1. "Bruce McCulloch on his new CBC web series This Blows and working with young people"
  2. "Family figures big in new CBC web series"