Thiele's interpolation formula explained
from a
finite set of inputs
and their function values
. The problem of generating a function whose graph passes through a given set of function values is called
interpolation. This interpolation formula is named after the
Danish mathematician
Thorvald N. Thiele. It is expressed as a
continued fraction, where ρ represents the
reciprocal difference:
f(x)=f(x1)+\cfrac{x-x1}{\rho(x1,x2)+\cfrac{x-x2}{\rho2(x1,x2,x3)-f(x1)+\cfrac{x-x3}{\rho3(x1,x2,x3,x4)-\rho(x1,x2)+ … }}}
Note that the
-th level in Thiele's interpolation formula is
\rhon(x1,x2, … ,xn+1)-\rhon-2(x1,x2, … ,xn-1)+\cfrac{x-xn+1
while the
reciprocal difference is defined to be
| x1-xn+1 |
\rhon-1(x1,x2,\ldots,xn)-\rhon-1(x2,x3,\ldots,xn+1) |
The two
terms are different and can not be cancelled