Country: | Netherlands |
Weight Class: | –95 kg |
Worlds Rank: | 2 |
Worlds Year: | 1987 |
Regionals Type: | EU |
Regionals Rank: | 1 |
Regionals Year: | 1991 |
Regionals Weight: | Men's 95 kg |
Olympics Rank: | 3 |
Olympics Year: | 1992 |
Olympics Weight: | Men's 95 kg |
Updated: | 5 June 2023 |
Theodorus ("Theo") Johannes Meijer (born 18 February 1965 in Amersfoort, Utrecht) is a retired judoka from the Netherlands, who represented his native country at two consecutive Summer Olympics (1988 and 1992). He won the bronze medal in the men's half-heavyweight division (95 kg) in Barcelona, Spain (1992), alongside Dmitri Sergeyev who represented the Unified Team.