The Voice Brasil season 10 explained

Image Upright:1.13
Host:Tiago Leifert

André Marques

Jeniffer Nascimento
Num Contestants:77 artists
Winner:Giuliano Eriston
Winner Coach:Michel Teló
Runner Up:Gustavo Matias
Network:TV Globo

The tenth season of The Voice Brasil, premieres on TV Globo on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, in the (BRT / AMT) slot, immediately following the special re-airing of the telenovela Império (2014).[1]

Claudia Leitte returned to the panel after a five-year hiatus, along with returning coaches Carlinhos Brown, Iza, Lulu Santos and Michel Teló, thus making it the first season to have five coaches.[2]

The season introduced "The Comeback Stage", where artists eliminated from the Blind Auditions, Knockouts, and Battles are selected and coached by Teló to form his team that will ultimately join the main competition in the "Cross Battles" round (which made a return for the first time since season seven). However, this season's Cross Battles were pre-recorded and, as result, does not feature the public vote component. Instead, the winner is determined by the three coaches not involved in the Battle.[2]

Giuliano Eriston was announced the winner of the season on December 23, 2021. This marked Michel Teló's sixth victory in seven seasons as a coach, the first artist that had a coach blocked in their blind audition (Claudia Leitte blocking Carlinhos Brown), & the first and only artist that chosen for the Comeback Stage went on to win the entire Brazilian season.


CoachesTop 77 artists
Carlinhos Brown
Gustavo MatiasNêgamandaLysa NgacaAmmora AlvesCristiana de PaulaSerenaLéo Pinheiro
Thor JuniorLeticia CoutinhoManú RodriguesThais PereiraBia CantãoLuamaWill Gordon
Marya BravoMilla PazAnna JúliaRodrigo MelloManu Semiguen
Claudia Leitte
Bruno FernandezDanilo MorenoDielle AnjosWinaAriane ZaineCibelle HespanholAdriana
Raphael MarroneAndrielly SouzaAnna ClaraBelle AyresBelle BritoNougBruna Gonçalves
Dayse RosaEdvania SousaAna Luiza PostingherBianca AragãoLetícia Alecrim
Michel Teló
Giuliano EristonFernanda de LimaEuLáNyahJúlia RezendeThór JuniorCriston Lucas
Anna JúliaDida LarruscainBella RaianeEdvania SouzaÉrika RibeiroFabiana GomesHoney
Krishna PennuttMarya BravoMilla PazPamela Yuri
Hugo RafaelWDAnna JúliaDona PretaCriston LucasLuiza DutraCamila Marieta
Eduardo VidalGleyssinho SamblackGiovanna RangelGustavinhoIsabella CarvalhoJamily DiwlayRafa
Dida LarruscainFernanda de LimaHoneyKrishna PennuttAndrielly SousaIgor SarapuíVanessa Souto
Lulu Santos
Gustavo BonáJúlia PazCarlos FilhoThais PizaBruno RodriguezLéo PinheiroAna Luiza Postingher
Bárbara NeryTaty GomesAlessandra SanBia TrindadeCarol FincattiNatália AraújoYasmin Maria
EuLáGiuliano EristonNyahJúlia RezendeLuamaJamily Diwlan

Blind Auditions

In the Blind auditions, each coach had to complete their teams with 18 contestants. Each coach had two Blocks to prevent another of the coaches from getting a contestant. Some participants who got no chair turn were chosen to participate in The Comeback Stage.

style="background:white; border:1px solid black"
 ✔ Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button
    Artist defaulted to a coach's team
    Artist elected a coach's team
    Artist was eliminated and was not invited back for "The Comeback Stage"
    Artist was eliminated, but got a second chance to compete in "The Comeback Stage"
 ✘ Coach pressed "I WANT YOU" button, but was blocked by another coach from getting the artist
  • Blocked by Brown
  • Blocked by Claudia
  • Blocked by Iza
  • Blocked by Lulu
Episode! scope="col" rowspan=2 width="04%"
OrderArtistAgeHometownSongCoach's and contestant's choices
Episode 1
1WD28Campinas"Eu Sou"
2Cristiane de Paula43Carangola"Canta Brasil"---
3Criston Lucas27Porto Velho"Quem Sabe"----
4Carlos Filho33Serra Talhada"Enquanto Engoma a Calça"
5Edvania Sousa22Malacacheta"Nuvem de Lágrimas"-
6Hugo Rafael35Sorocaba"A Song for You"
7Lysa Ngaca25Luanda, Angola"Quando A Chuva Passar"-
8Dayse Rosa31Caruaru"Onde Está Você?"--
9Letícia Drumond26Rio de Janeiro"Malandro"----
10Léo Pinheiro36Paraíso do Tocantins"Bar do Balacobaco"
11Alessandra San31São Paulo"You Oughta Know"--
12Eriem Beek30Florianópolis"Supera"----
13Belle Ayres26Recife"Flutua"
Episode 2
1Bruno Fernandez29Rio de Janeiro"Estranha Loucura"-
2Eulá30Vitória da Conquista"Céu Azul"
3Thais Pereira22Mauá"I Wish"-
4Bella Raiane22João Pessoa"Confidência"----
5Gustavo Boná24Três Rios"Céu de Santo Amaro"---
6Camila Marieta24Fortaleza"Espumas ao Vento"
7Ammora Alves24Florianópolis"I Put a Spell on You"
8Quei25Pombal"Triste, Louca ou Má"----
9Noug24Salvador"Deixa Tudo Como Tá"-
10Giovanna Rangel22Bauru"Don't You Worry 'bout a Thing"
11Marya Bravo50Rio de Janeiro"Travessia"--
12Giuliano Eriston24Bela Cruz"A Rota do Indivíduo"
13Bruna Gonçalves30Bela Cruz"Never Enough"---
14Dida Larruscain26Santa Maria"Chovendo na Roseira"
15Fabiana Gomes19Inhumas"Facas"----
Episode 3
1Manu Semiguen28Campo Mourão"Something's Got a Hold on Me"
2Taty Gomes42Ribeirão das Neves"Joga Fora"-
3Raphael Marrone26Guarabira"Labios Compartidos"
4Pamela Yuri26Maringá"Lealdade Coragem Verdade"----
5Thais Piza33São Paulo"Dressed for Success"---
6Honey26Rio de Janeiro"Toda Sua"--
7Nêgamanda 31Itabuna"Killing Me Softly with His Song"
8Dielle Anjos21Guanambi"Nem Tchum"---
9Ariane Amorim27Itaú de Minas"Romaria"----
10Bruno Rodriguez26Manaus"Crazy"--
11Rafa22Belo Horizonte"Um Amor Puro"---
12Nyah26São Paulo"Aquarius"
13Will Gordon27São Paulo"How Deep is Your Love"---
14Lorrana Veras22Duque de Caxias"Te Amar Demais"----
15Danilo Moreno31Salvador"Muito Estranho"-
16Gustavinho20São Gonçalo"Já Tentei"--
Episode 4
1Eduardo Vidal26Assis"Superstition"
2Belle Brito27Tracunhaém"Indestrutível"-
3Serena26Ilhabela"Back to Black"
4Dona Preta26Itumbiara"A Boba Fui Eu"-
5Bia Trindade20Cuiabá"Put Your Records On"--
6Érika Ribeiro28Iporá"Sampa"----
7Adriana27Salvador"Quando Fui Chuva"---
8Leticia Coutinho18Salvador"O Bêbado e a Equilibrista"--
9Krishna Pennutt28Manaus"Girassol"
10Matheus Torres28Extrema"Heaven"----
11Carol Fincatti25São Paulo"Moon River"--
12Gustavo Matias22Cruzeiro do Sul"Nessun dorma"--
13Isabella Carvalho25Rio de Janeiro"Blues da Piedade"-
14Lucas Martins24Nova Friburgo"Final Feliz"--
15Anna Clara32Mogi Guaçu"I'm Gonna Getcha Good!"
16Bárbara Nery28Franca"Amarelo, Azul e Branco"

Note: At the end of the blind auditions, Iza did not use her second block.

Auditions not shown

Due to the large number of auditions (over 70) for just four episodes of blind auditions, TV Globo put some presentations available on the program's website, within the platform Gshow.[3] In total, 24 auditions were not broadcast, six from each team.[4]

Jamily Diwaly26Salvador"Redemption Song"Lulu Santos
Luama29Três Rios"Deus Me Proteja"
Júlia Rezende22Ipameri"Nossa Conversa"
Júlia Paz19Sorriso"Flagra"
Yasmin Maria19Remígio"Hackearam-me"
Natália Araújo28Brasília"Creep"
Letícia Alecrim18Belém"Ai, Amor"Claudia Leitte
Ariane Zaine26Guaratinguetá"Eu Amo Você"
Wina23São Paulo"Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)"
Ana Luiza Postingher25Campo Grande"Fim de Tarde"
Bianca Aragão25Guaíra"Rise Up"
Cibelle Hespanhol30São Paulo"Pense em Mim"
Manú Rodrigues27Porteiras"De Volta pro Aconchego"Carlinhos Brown
Rodrigo Mello38Santos"Photograph"
Anna Júlia19Goiânia"Coração Bandido"
Thór Junior37Salvador"Leave the Door Open"
Bia Cantão28Cametá"Quero Você do Jeito Que Quiser"
Milla Paz41Paulista"Mineira"
Andrielly Souza23Palmares"Pesadão"Iza
Igor Sarapuí24Rio de Janeiro"Separação"
Luiza Dutra22Vitória"Berimbau"
Fernanda de Lima33Araranguá"Dangerous Woman"
Gleyssinho Samblack42Sete Lagoas"Segundo Plano"
Vanessa Souto18Pedra Lavrada"Dona Cila"


For this phase, each coach selected six team members to sing in knockouts of two. Each coach was allowed to steal one losing artist from another coach, while the fifth coach, Teló, was able to steal two.

style="background:#FDFC8F; border:1px solid black"
     Artist won the Knockout and advanced to the Battles
     Artist lost the Knockout but, was stolen by another coach, and advanced to the Battles
     Artist lost the Knockout but was chosen for the Comeback Stage
     Artist lost the Knockout and was eliminated
Episode! scope="col" width="05%" rowspan="2"
CoachOrderWinnerLoser'Steal' result
Episode 5
Iza1"Madalena"Luiza DutraVanessa Souto"Sina"
Brown2"Cem Mil"Bia CantãoAnna Júlia"Não Abro Mão"
Lulu3"Apenas Mais Uma de Amor"Natália AraújoJamily Diwlay"Vapor Barato"
Claudia4"Careless Whisper"WinaAna Luiza Postingher"Every Breath You Take"
Episode 6
Iza1"Always Remember Us This Way"Fernanda de LimaAndrielly Souza"Diamonds"
Brown2"Resposta ao Tempo"Milla PazManú Rodrigues"Me Usa"
Claudia3"Péssimo Negócio"Cibelle HespanholLetícia Alecrim"Me Beija com Raiva"
Lulu4"Girls Just Want to Have Fun"Júlia PazLuama"Gostoso Demais"
Episode 7
Brown1"Eu Te Devoro"Rodrigo MelloThór Junior"Você"
Claudia2"Baby 95"Ariane ZaineBianca Aragão"Bola de Sabão "
Iza3"Trovão"Gleyssinho SamblackIgor Sarapuí"Deixa"
Lulu4"Cobaia"Yasmin MariaJúlia Rezende"Dancing with the Devil"


For the battles round, each coach divides their artists in pairs to sing the same song. The 'steals' were removed for the first time this season, and only the fifth coach, Teló, could select eliminated artists to participate in the Comeback Stage. Contestants who win their battle advance to the Cross battles.

style="background:#fdfc8f; border:1px solid black"
     Artist won the Battle and advanced to the Cross battles
     Artist lost the Battle but was chosen for the Comeback Stage
     Artist lost the Battle and was eliminated
Episode! width="03%"
Episode 8
1IzaHugo Rafael"Beauty and the Beast"Fernanda de Lima
2ClaudiaDielle Anjos"Leão do Norte"Dayse Rocha
3LuluCarlos Filho"Sorri, Sou Rei"EuLá
4BrownSerena"De Noite Na Cama"Leticia Coutinho
5ClaudiaDanilo Moreno"Melhor Eu Ir"Noug
6LuluTaty Gomes"Bem Que Se Quis"Carol Fincatti
7BrownLéo Pinheiro"Jack Soul Brasileiro"Luama
8IzaLuiza Dutra"Serrado"Dida Larruscain
Episode 9
1ClaudiaBruno Fernandez"Desafio"Edvania Souza
2LuluThais Piza"Prisoner"Alessandra San
3BrownNêgamanda"Mas que Nada"Milla Paz
4IzaCamila Marieta"As Rosas Não Falam"Rafa
5LuluBruno Rodriguez"Tangerina"Bia Trindade
6IzaGiovanna Rangel"I Can't Help It"Jamily Diwlay
7ClaudiaAdriana"Tempos Modernos"Belle Brito
8BrownGustavo Matias"The Prayer"Marya Bravo
Episode 10
1BrownCristiane De Paula"I Wanna Dance with Somebody"Thais Pereira
2LuluGustavo Boná"Lamento Sertanejo"Giuliano Eriston
3ClaudiaRaphael Marrone"Pra Você Acreditar"Anna Clara
5LuluAna Luiza Postingher"1 Minuto"Yasmin Maria
6BrownAmmora Alves"Meu Talismã"Bia Cantão
7ClaudiaAriane Zaine"Stay"Andrielly Souza
8IzaGleyssinho Samblack"Me Olha Nos Olhos"Gustavinho
Episode 11
1BrownLysa Ngaca"Chain of Fools"Manu Semiguen
2ClaudiaCibelle Hespanhol"Luz dos Olhos"Bruna Gonçalves
3IzaDona Preta"Várias Queixas"Krishna Pennutt
4LuluJúlia Paz"Someone You Loved"Natália Araújo
5ClaudiaWina"Beggin"Belle Ayres
6IzaEduardo Vidal"Primavera (Vai Chuva)"Isabella Carvalho
7BrownThór Junior"A Lua e Eu"Will Gordon
8LuluBárbara Nery"Hurt"Nyah

The Comeback Stage

This season's fifth coach, Michel Teló, had to select artists to form his team: five artists who did not make a team during the Blind auditions, two eliminated artists from the Knockouts, and ten from the Battles. Unlike other countries' Comeback Stages, this version has only one elimination round (the battles), to be broadcast exclusively on the network's website, Gshow. The intention is only to create an eight-member team to join the main competition for the Cross Battles (adding a fifth chair on the coaching panel), and compete to win the tenth season of The Voice Brasil just like a regular team.

style="background:#fdfc8f; border:1px solid black"
     Artist was chosen to advance
     Artist was eliminated
Aired in! style="width:05%"
Elimination battles Michel Teló1Fernanda de LimaMarya Bravo
2Criston LucasÉrika Ribeiro
3Giuliano EristonMilla Paz
4EuLáPamela Yuri
5Júlia RezendeFabiana Gomes
6Dida LarruscainEdvania Souza
Krishna Pennutt
8Anna JúliaBella Raiane

Cross Battles

For this round, coaches select an artist from their team, then challenge a fellow coach to compete against, and this coach selects an artist as well. The winner of the battle is decided by the three coaches not involved in the battle. Out of their eight team members, the coaches only chose four to participate in the phase, while the other four were sent automatically to the Remix. Coaches' names in bold means they were the challenger of the battle. Team Teló joins the main competition in this phase.

style="background:#fdfc8f; border:1px solid black"
     Artist won the Cross battle and advanced to the Remix
     Artist lost the Cross battle and was eliminated
Episode! style="width:04%"
OrderCoachArtistSongVotes received Result
Episode 12
1LuluTaty Gomes"Vira Homem"1Eliminated
ClaudiaAriane Zaine"Love on the Brain"2Advanced
2TelóNyah"Wicked Game"3Advanced
IzaGiovanna Rangel"A Tua Voz"0Eliminated
3BrownLéo Pinheiro"Linha de Passe"2Advanced
IzaGleyssinho Samblack"Não Deixe o Samba Morrer"1Eliminated
4LuluAna Luiza Postingher"Go the Distance"0Eliminated
TelóEuLá"Todo Homem"3Advanced
5ClaudiaAdriana"Mania De Você"0Eliminated
Episode 13
1BrownCristiane De Paula"Endless Love"2Advanced
LuluBárbara Nery"Não vá Embora"1Eliminated
2ClaudiaDielle Anjos"Encontros e Despedidas"2Advanced
TelóDida Larruscain"Gente Humilde"1Eliminated
3IzaEduardo Vidal"I Feel Good"1Eliminated
BrownGustavo Matias"Bohemian Rhapsody"2Advanced
4LuluCarlos Filho"Baby"2Advanced
IzaCamila Marieta"Alguém Me Disse"1Eliminated
5TelóGiuliano Eriston"O Que É Amor?"2Advanced
ClaudiaRaphael Marrone"Anunciação"1Eliminated


First, in this phase, each coach was able to automatically send three of their team artists to the live shows, as presented in the table below.

Coach! colspan="3"
Carlinhos BrownGustavo MatiasLysa NgacaSerena
Claudia LeitteCibelle Hespanhol Ariane Zaine Danilo Moreno
Michel TelóEuLá Giuliano Eriston Júlia Rezende
IzaDona Preta WD Luiza Dutra
Lulu SantosCarlos Filho Gustavo Boná Thais Piza

Then, the remaining artists performed for their coach, who could only choose two artists to continue on the team. By default, Lulu did not need to choose since he only had two artists remaining on his team, and Iza did not choose as well, because her team had only one artist remaining. The order of the coaches choosing their artists was set by the number of wins each coach had on the Cross Battles.

style="background:#B0E0E6; border:1px solid black"
     Artist was chosen by her/his coach to advance to the live shows
     Artist was not chosen by her/his coach and was sent to Repechage
Episode! scope="col" width="10%"
Episode 14
Brown1Ammora Alves"Emotion"Coach's choice
2Cristiane de Paula"Bye Bye Tristeza"Coach's choice
3Léo Pinheiro"Tatá Engenho Novo"Repechage
5Thór Junior"Meu Bem Querer"Repechage
Teló6Anna Júlia"Amoreco"Repechage
7Criston Lucas"Será"Repechage
8Fernanda de Lima"Oceano"Coach's choice
9Nyah"Chandelier"Coach's choice
Claudia10Bruno Fernandez"Você Me Vira A Cabeça (Me Tira do Sério)"Coach's choice
11Dielle Anjos"Conto de Areia"Coach's choice
12Wina"Another Brinck In The Wall"Repechage
Lulu13Bruno Rodriguez"Suplicar"Coach's choice
14Júlia Paz"I Will Survive"Coach's choice
Iza15Hugo Rafael"What a Fool Believes"Coach's choice

Finally, in the Repechage, the coaches had to finish their teams of six members. Brown, Claudia, Lulu, and Teló chose one artist to be on their teams, while Iza chose two. Again, the order of choosing was set by the number of wins on the Cross Battles.

style="background:#ccf; border:1px solid black"
     Artist chosen by Brown               Artist chosen by Claudia
     Artist chosen by Teló               Artist chosen by Iza
     Artist chosen by Lulu
Former coach! colspan="3"
Carlinhos BrownLéo PinheiroNêgamandaThór Júnior
Michel TelóAnna JúliaCriston Lucas
Claudia LeitteWina

Live shows

Artist's info
Result details
Artists! colspan="2"
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Giuliano Eriston"Para Ver as Meninas""Sanfona Sentida" "Luz do Sol"
Bruno Fernandez"O Bem""Nada Mais (Lately)" "Me Dê Motivo"
Gustavo Matias"O Sole Mio""My Heart Will Go On" "Ave Maria"
Gustavo Boná"Onde Deus Possa Me Ouvir""Avesso" "Goodbye Yellow Brick Road"
Hugo Rafael"Your Song""My Love" "Coleção"
Danilo Moreno"Envolvidão""Morena" Eliminated (Semifinal)
Fernanda de Lima"The Greatest Love of All""When We Were Young"
Júlia Paz"Uptown Funk""Do Seu Lado"
Nêgamanda"Fallin'""Ilê Ayê (Que Bloco é Esse)"
Carlos Filho"Pavão Mysteriozo"Withdrew (Semifinal)
Dielle Anjos"Explode Coração"
Lysa Ngaca"Glory"
Ammora Alves"Bete Balanço"Eliminated (Quarterfinals, Thursday)
Anna Júlia"De Quem é A Culpa?"
Cristiane de Paula"O Amor e o Poder"
Dona Preta"Tua"
EuLá"Não Existe Amor em SP"
Nyah"Like a Virgin"
Thais Pisa"A Queda"
Wina"Até Quando Esperar"
Ariane Zaine"Certas Coisas"Eliminated (Quarterfinals, Tuesday)
Bruno Rodriguez"Billie Jean"
Cibelle Hespanhol"Angel"
Criston Lucas"Vinte Graus"
Júlia Rezende"Melhor Sozinha"
Léo Pinheiro"Refazenda"
Luiza Dutra"Upa, Neguinho"
Thór Junior"O Portão"

Ratings and reception

Brazilian ratings

All numbers are in points and provided by Kantar Ibope Media.

EpisodeTitleAir dateTimeslotSP viewers
(in points)
1Blind Auditions 1October 26, 202118.5[5]
2Blind Auditions 2October 28, 202119.7[6]
3Blind Auditions 3November 2, 202119.1[7]
4Blind Auditions 4November 4, 202118.9[8]
5Knockouts 1November 9, 202114.0[9]
6Knockouts 2November 12, 202115.6[10]
7Knockouts 3November 15, 202115.6[11]
8Battles 1November 18, 202116.1[12]
9Battles 2November 23, 202113.7[13]
10Battles 3November 25, 202113.7[14]
11Battles 4November 30, 202115.7[15]
12Cross Battles 1December 2, 202113.6[16]
13Cross Battles 2December 7, 202114.1[17]
14RemixDecember 8, 202115.0[18]
15Quarterfinals 1December 14, 202114.7[19]
16Quarterfinals 2December 16, 202015.0[20]
17SemifinalsDecember 21, 202116.6[21]
18FinalsDecember 23, 202116.2[22]

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Com Tiago Leifert, Globo define data de estreia do The Voice Brasil.
  2. Web site: Globo reformula o The Voice Brasil, muda técnicos e promove Michel Teló.
  3. Web site: 'The Voice Brasil': see unpublished presentations from the first day of Audições à Cegas . 2021-10-27 . Gshow . en.
  4. Web site: 'The Voice Brasil': see performances in the last night's auditions for the Blind . 2021-11-05 . Gshow . en.
  5. Web site: The Voice Brasil 10 estreia com menos ibope que The Masked Singer e No Limite.
  6. Web site: A Fazenda 13 tem melhor ibope de quinta com eliminação de Tati Quebra Barraco.
  7. Web site: Agora com César Tralli, Jornal Hoje conquista melhor ibope em oito semanas.
  8. Web site: Com novelas mexicanas em baixa, SBT amarga recorde negativo no IBOPE.
  9. Web site: Jornal Nacional ultrapassa novelas e vira programa mais visto da televisão.
  10. Web site: Cidade Alerta perde 39% de público em sete dias e vê SBT se aproximar.
  11. Web site: Em segunda do terror, SBT sofre para conseguir atingir 4 pontos de IBOPE.
  12. Web site: Eliminação de assistente do Ratinho faz A Fazenda bater recorde de IBOPE.
  13. Web site: Em terça-feira caótica, SBT fica quase 15 horas seguidas atrás da Record.
  14. Web site: Fala Brasil naufraga IBOPE matinal da Record e perde até para Vem Pra Cá.
  15. Web site: A Hora da Venenosa lidera e vira o programa mais assistido fora da Globo.
  16. Web site: Casos de Família tem pior IBOPE de 2021 e faz estrago nas tardes do SBT.
  17. Web site: Prova de Amor consegue maior IBOPE em 16 meses e supera todo o SBT.
  18. Web site: Primeiro Impacto vira a atração mais assistida do SBT até o final da tarde.
  19. Web site: Chico Pinheiro humilha a Record e supera toda a programação do SBT.
  20. Web site: The Voice Brasil consegue 100% de aproveitamento contra A Fazenda 13.
  21. Web site: Família Record não empolga e marca pior audiência dos últimos oito anos.
  22. Web site: The Voice Brasil estanca queda e termina temporada sem perder liderança.