Tale of the Doomed Prince explained

The "Tale of the Doomed Prince" is an ancient Egyptian story, dating to the 18th Dynasty, written in hieratic text, which survived partially on the verso of Papyrus Harris 500 currently housed in the British Museum. The papyrus was burned in an explosion; because of this damage the conclusion of the story is missing. Some scholars speculate that the missing ending was mostly likely a happy one and that the tale could be more aptly named "The Prince who was Threatened by Three Fates" or the like.[1]

There are dozens of translations of this story from a wide variety of scholars. The translations by Miriam Lichtheim and William Kelly Simpson from the 1970s are both widely accepted versions.


The story goes as follows: The king of Egypt was very sad that a son had not yet been born to him. The king prays to the gods, and that night his wife conceives a child. When the king's son is born the seven Hathors (goddesses, who pronounce the fate of each child at birth) foretell that he will die either by crocodile, snake or dog. His father, afraid for his son's safety, builds his son an isolated palace in the mountains, so as to keep him away from danger.

One day the prince sees from his palace a man with a dog. He asks his father for a dog. The king warily gives the prince a dog, not wishing his son to be unhappy. When the prince grows up, he decides to face his doom, travelling abroad to Nahrin. There he meets a group of young men competing for the heart of the princess. The prince succeeds in winning the heart of a princess by jumping (possibly flying) to the window of the room where the princess is locked up. The prince did not tell the king the truth about himself, but said he was the son of a charioteer, and explained that he had had to leave home because of his new stepmother. Eventually the king agrees to let the prince-in-disguise marry his daughter, after seeing the merits of the young man.

After marrying the princess he tells her of his three dooms, and of his prince-hood. She urges him to kill the dog, but the prince cannot bear to kill the dog he has raised from a puppy. His wife watches over him dutifully, and stops a snake from biting the prince in his sleep. Thus, one of the prince's fates is defeated. Some time after that the prince goes for a walk with his dog. The dog begins speaking (the dog possibly bites the prince), and tells the prince he is meant to be killed by the dog. Fleeing from the dog, he runs to a lake where he is seized by a crocodile who, instead of killing him, carries him back to the old wise man and his wife.


This story is an example of an Egyptian folktale. It shows the existence of written and oral traditions in ancient Egyptian culture.

The story also emphasizes the importance of the concept of fate to the Egyptian society: the idea of personal fate, destiny or doom surely played an integral role in people's lives.

The tale also highlights the perception of bravery and heroism: the prince performs a feat of daring heroism to rescue and marry the princess. In addition, something can be seen in this story of the relationship between husband and wife: the husband is honest with his wife, and the wife protects her husband.

Another important point is the fact that the prince leaves Egypt and goes abroad to seek his fortune. It details aspects of the prince's life once he leaves his homeland.


Some of its motifs reappear in later European fairy tales:

Fate goddesses

The Seven Hathors who appear at the prince's birth to decree his fate may appear analogous to the Moirai or Parcae of Graeco-Roman mythology,[8] [9] [10] or to the Norns of Norse mythology.[11]

Inevitability of fate

Since the tale ends on an ambiguous note, some versions and translations of the story conclude with the death of the prince, as if to keep with the idea of inevitability of fate or the futility of trying to escape it.[12] [13] Under this lens, the tale is close to Aarne–Thompson–Uther Index tale type ATU 930, "The Prophecy that Poor boy shall marry rich girl". One example is Indian tale The King Who Would Be Stronger Than Fate: the king tries to dispose of his predestined future son-in-law, but his actions only serve to ensure that such fate will come to pass.[14]

In folkloristics, the tale is classified as ATU 934A, "The Predestined Death".[15]

Avoidance of fate

Once again, due to the unknown precise ending of the story, and also to the general direction of the traits (the dog's hesitance, the death of the snake, the crocodile's offer of help) one very likely conclusion of the tale is the general avoidance of the prince's gruesome fate and the more positive ending of having him avoid death by those creatures, eventually being free of his doomed fate.




Lang, Andrew. ‘The Prince and the Three Fates.’  The Brown Fairy Book.  https://fairytalez.com/the-prince-and-the-three-fates/ [17]

Manniche, Lise. The Prince Who Knew His Fate: An Ancient Egyptian Story. British Museum Publications, 1981.

Storynory.  ‘The Doomed Prince.’ https://www.storynory.com/the-doomed-prince/

The Egyptian story was the inspiration for the 1992 Amelia Peabody mystery by Elizabeth Peters, The Snake, the Crocodile, and the Dog [18]


  1. Lichtheim, op.cit., p.200
  2. Anderson, op.cit., p.122
  3. Grimm, Jacob, Wilhelm Grimm, JACK ZIPES, and ANDREA DEZSÖ. "THE CHILDREN OF THE TWO KINGS." In The Original Folk and Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm: The Complete First Edition, 369-77. Princeton; Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2014. .
  4. Anderson, op.cit., p. 122.
  5. Anderson, op.cit., p. 121.
  6. Maspero, Gaston & El-Shamy, Hasan. Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO. 2002. pp. XXXIV-XXXV (Introduction). .
  7. Thompson, Stith (1977). The Folktale. University of California Press. pp. 274-275 and footnote nr. 430. .
  8. Fahmy, Mohamed. Umbilicus and Umbilical Cord. Springer International Publishing. 2018. p. 29.
  9. Géza Róheim (1948). "The Thread of Life". In: The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 17:4, 471-486.
  10. Greenbaum, Dorian Gieseler. "3 Twists of Fate: Daimon, Fortune and Astrology in Egypt and the Near East". In 3 Twists of Fate: Daimon, Fortune and Astrology in Egypt and the Near East, (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2016)
  11. Sherman, Josepha (ed.). Storytelling: An Encyclopedia of Mythology and Folklore. Volumes One-Three. London and New York: Routledge. 2015 [2008]. p. 161.
  12. Radulović, Nemanja (2012). "Belief Legends About Fate -The Genre Issues". In: Karanovic, Zoja; de Blécourt, Willem (eds.) Belief Narrative Genres. pp. 95-100. Novi Sad: Filozofski fakultet, International Society for Folk Narrative Research.
  13. Racėnaitė, Radvilė. “Structural-Semantic Analysis and Some Peculiarities of Lithuanian Novelle Tales.” Folklore-electronic Journal of Folklore 36 (2007): 101-112.
  14. Thompson, Stith. The Folktale. University of California Press. 1977. pp. 139-140.
  15. Maspero, Gaston. Popular Stories of Ancient Egypt. Edited and with an introduction by Hasan El-Shamy. Oxford University Press/ABC-CLIO. 2002. p. xii.
  16. Maspero, Sir Gaston Camille Charles. Les contes populaires de l'Égypte ancienne. Paris: Guilmoto. 1900. pp. 168-179.
  17. Lang, Andrew. The brown fairy book. London; New York: Longmans, Green. 1904. pp. 233-244. https://archive.org/details/brownfairybook00lang/page/244/mode/2up
  18. Book: Peters, Elizabeth . The Snake, the Crocodile, and the Dog . Robinson . 2007 . 9781845295554 . United Kingdom . en.


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