The Seagull Explained

The Seagull
Setting:Sorin's country estate
Premiere:17 October 1896
Place:Alexandrinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg, Russia
Orig Lang:Russian

The Seagull (Russian: Ча́йка|r=Cháyka|links=no) is a play by Russian dramatist Anton Chekhov, written in 1895 and first produced in 1896. The Seagull is generally considered to be the first of his four major plays. It dramatizes the romantic and artistic conflicts between four characters: the famous middlebrow story writer Boris Trigorin, the ingenue Nina, the fading actress Irina Arkadina, and her son the symbolist playwright Konstantin Treplev.

Like Chekhov's other full-length plays, The Seagull relies upon an ensemble cast of diverse, fully-developed characters. In contrast to the melodrama of mainstream 19th-century theatre, lurid actions (such as Konstantin's suicide attempts) are not shown onstage. Characters tend to speak in subtext rather than directly. The character Trigorin is considered one of Chekhov's greatest male roles.

The opening night of the first production was a famous failure. Vera Komissarzhevskaya, playing Nina, was so intimidated by the hostility of the audience that she lost her voice.[1] Chekhov left the audience and spent the last two acts behind the scenes. When supporters wrote to him that the production later became a success, he assumed that they were merely trying to be kind. When Konstantin Stanislavski, the seminal Russian theatre practitioner of the time, directed it in 1898 for his Moscow Art Theatre, the play was a triumph. Stanislavski's production became "one of the greatest events in the history of Russian theatre and one of the greatest new developments in the history of world drama".

Stanislavski's direction caused The Seagull to be perceived as a tragedy through overzealousness with the concept of subtext, whereas Chekhov intended it to be a comedy.


Chekhov purchased the Melikhovo farm in 1892 and ordered a lodge built in the middle of a cherry orchard. The lodge had three rooms, one containing a bed and another a writing table. Chekhov eventually moved in, and in a letter written in October 1895 he wrote:

I am writing a play which I shall probably not finish before the end of November. I am writing it not without pleasure, though I swear fearfully at the conventions of the stage. It's a comedy, there are three women's parts, six men's, four acts, landscapes (view over a lake); a great deal of conversation about literature, little action, and tons of love.
Thus he acknowledged a departure from traditional dramatic action. This departure became a hallmark of Chekhovian theater. Chekhov's statement also reflects his view of the play as a comedy, a view he maintained towards all his plays. After the play's disastrous opening night, his friend Aleksey Suvorin chided him for being "womanish" and accused him of being in "a funk." Chekhov vigorously denied this, stating:
Why this libel? After the performance, I had supper at Romanov's. On my word of honor. Then I went to bed, slept soundly, and the next day, went home without uttering a sound of complaint. If I had been in a funk I should have run from editor to editor and actor to actor, should have nervously entreated them to be considerate, should nervously have inserted useless corrections, and should have spent two or three weeks in Petersburg fussing over my Seagull, in excitement, in a cold perspiration, in lamentation... I acted as coldly and reasonably as a man who has made an offer, received a refusal, and has nothing left but to go. Yes, my vanity was stung, but you know it was not a bolt from the blue; I was expecting a failure and was prepared for it, as I warned you with perfect sincerity beforehand.
And a month later:
I thought that if I had written and put on the stage a play so obviously brimming over with monstrous defects, I had lost all instinct and that, therefore, my machinery must have gone wrong for good.
The eventual success of the play, both in the remainder of its first run and in the subsequent staging by the Moscow Art Theatre under Stanislavski, encouraged Chekhov to remain a playwright and led to the overwhelming success of his next endeavor, Uncle Vanya, and indeed to the rest of his dramatic work.



Act I

Pyotr Sorin is a retired senior civil servant in failing health at his country estate. His sister, actress Irina Arkadina, arrives at the estate for a brief vacation with her lover, the writer Boris Trigorin. Pyotr and his guests gather at an outdoor stage to see an unconventional play that Irina's son, Konstantin Treplev, has written and directed. The play-within-a-play features Nina Zarechnaya, a young woman who lives on a neighboring estate, as the "soul of the world" in a time far in the future. The play is Konstantin's latest attempt at creating a new theatrical form. It is a dense symbolist work. Irina laughs at the play, finding it ridiculous and incomprehensible; the performance ends prematurely after audience interruption and Konstantin storms off in humiliation. Irina does not seem concerned about her son, who has not found his way in the world. Although others ridicule Konstantin's drama, the physician Yevgeny Dorn praises him.

Act I also sets up the play's various romantic triangles. The schoolteacher Semyon Medvedenko loves Masha, the daughter of the estate's steward Ilya Shamrayev and his wife Polina Andryevna. However, Masha is in love with Konstantin, who is in love with Nina, but Nina falls for Trigorin. Polina is in an affair with Yevgeny. When Masha tells Yevgeny about her longing for Konstantin, Yevgeny helplessly blames the lake for making everybody feel romantic.

Act II

A few days later, in the afternoon, characters are outside the estate. Arkadina, after reminiscing about happier times, engages in a heated argument with the house steward Shamrayev and decides to leave. Nina lingers behind after the group leaves, and Konstantin arrives to give her a gull that he has shot. Nina is confused and horrified at the gift. Konstantin sees Trigorin approaching and leaves in a jealous fit.

Nina asks Trigorin to tell her about the writer's life; he replies that it is not an easy one. Nina says that she knows the life of an actress is not easy either, but she wants more than anything to be one. Trigorin sees the gull that Konstantin has shot and muses on how he could use it as a subject for a short story:

The plot for the short story: a young girl lives all her life on the shore of a lake. She loves the lake, like a gull, and she's happy and free, like a gull. But a man arrives by chance, and when he sees her, he destroys her, out of sheer boredom. Like this gull.
Arkadina calls for Trigorin, and he leaves as she tells him that she has changed her mind – they will be leaving immediately. Nina lingers behind, enthralled with Trigorin's celebrity and modesty, and gushes, "My dream!"


Inside the estate, Arkadina and Trigorin have decided to depart. Between acts, Konstantin attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head, but the bullet only grazed his skull. He spends the majority of Act III with his scalp heavily bandaged.

Nina finds Trigorin eating breakfast and presents him with a medallion that proclaims her devotion to him, using a line from one of Trigorin's own books: "If you ever need my life, come and take it." She retreats after begging for one last chance to see Trigorin before he leaves. Arkadina appears, followed by Sorin, whose health has continued to deteriorate. Trigorin leaves to continue packing. After a brief argument between Arkadina and Sorin, Sorin collapses in grief. He is helped by Medvedenko. Konstantin enters and asks his mother to change his bandage. As she is doing this, Konstantin disparages Trigorin, eliciting another argument. When Trigorin reenters, Konstantin leaves in tears.

Trigorin asks Arkadina if they can stay at the estate. She flatters and cajoles him until he agrees to return with her to Moscow. After she has left the room, Nina comes to say her final goodbye to Trigorin and to inform him that she is running away to become an actress against her parents' wishes. They kiss passionately and make plans to meet again in Moscow.

Act IV

It is winter two years later, in the drawing room that has been converted to Konstantin's study. Masha finally accepts Medvedenko's marriage proposal, and they have a child together, though Masha still nurses an unrequited love for Konstantin. Various characters discuss what has happened in the two years that have passed: Nina and Trigorin lived together in Moscow for a time until he abandoned her and went back to Arkadina. Nina gave birth to Trigorin's baby, but it died in a short time. Nina never achieved any real success as an actress, and she is currently on a tour of the provinces with a small theatre group. Konstantin has had some short stories published, but he is increasingly depressed. Sorin's health is still failing, and the people at the estate have telegraphed for Arkadina to come for his final days.

Most of the play's characters go to the drawing room to play a game of bingo. Konstantin does not join them, instead working on a manuscript at his desk. After the group leaves to eat dinner, Konstantin hears someone at the back door. He is surprised to find Nina, whom he invites inside. Nina tells Konstantin about her life over the last two years. Konstantin says that he followed Nina. She starts to compare herself to the gull that Konstantin killed in Act II, then rejects that and says "I am an actress." She tells him that she was forced to tour with a second-rate theatre company after the death of the child she had with Trigorin, but she seems to have a newfound confidence. Konstantin pleads with her to stay, but she is in such disarray that his pleading means nothing. She embraces Konstantin and leaves. Despondent, Konstantin spends two minutes silently tearing up his manuscripts before leaving the study.

The group reenters and returns to the bingo game. There is a sudden gunshot from off-stage, and Dorn goes to investigate. He returns and takes Trigorin aside. Dorn tells Trigorin to somehow get Arkadina away, for Konstantin has just shot himself.

Performance history

Premiere in St. Petersburg

The first night of The Seagull on 17 October 1896 at the Alexandrinsky Theatre in Petersburg was a disaster, booed by the audience. The hostile audience intimidated Vera Komissarzhevskaya so severely that she lost her voice. Some considered her the best actor in Russia who, according to Chekhov, had moved people to tears as Nina in rehearsal. The next day, Chekhov, who had taken refuge backstage for the last two acts, announced to Suvorin that he was finished with writing plays. When supporters assured him that later performances were more successful, Chekhov assumed they were just being kind. The Seagull impressed the playwright and friend of Chekhov Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko, however, who said Chekhov should have won the Griboyedov prize that year for The Seagull instead of himself.[2]

Moscow Art Theatre production

Nemirovich overcame Chekhov's refusal to allow the play to appear in Moscow and convinced Stanislavski to direct the play for their innovative and newly founded Moscow Art Theatre in 1898.[3] Stanislavski prepared a detailed directorial score, which indicated when the actors should "wipe away dribble, blow their noses, smack their lips, wipe away sweat, or clean their teeth and nails with matchsticks", as well as organising a tight control of the overall mise en scène.[4] This approach was intended to facilitate the unified expression of the inner action that Stanislavski perceived to be hidden beneath the surface of the play in its subtext. Stanislavski's directorial score was published in 1938.[5]

Stanislavski played Trigorin, while Vsevolod Meyerhold, the future director and practitioner (whom Stanislavski on his death-bed declared to be "my sole heir in the theatre"), played Konstantin, and Olga Knipper (Chekhov's future wife) played Arkadina.[6] The production opened on 17 December 1898 with a sense of crisis in the air in the theatre; most of the actors were mildly self-tranquilised with Valerian drops. In a letter to Chekhov, one audience member described how:Nemirovich-Danchenko described the applause, which came after a prolonged silence, as bursting from the audience like a dam breaking.[7] The production received unanimous praise from the press.

It was not until 1 May 1899 that Chekhov saw the production, in a performance without sets but in make-up and costumes at the Paradiz Theatre.[8] He praised the production but was less keen on Stanislavski's own performance; he objected to the "soft, weak-willed tone" in his interpretation (shared by Nemirovich) of Trigorin and entreated Nemirovich to "put some spunk into him or something".[9] He proposed that the play be published with Stanislavski's score of the production's mise en scène. Chekhov's collaboration with Stanislavski proved crucial to the creative development of both men. Stanislavski's attention to psychological realism and ensemble playing coaxed the buried subtleties from the play and revived Chekhov's interest in writing for the stage. Chekhov's unwillingness to explain or expand on the script forced Stanislavski to dig beneath the surface of the text in ways that were new in theatre.[10] The Moscow Art Theatre to this day bears the seagull as its emblem to commemorate the historic production that gave it its identity.

Other notable productions

Analysis and criticism

It has been remarked that the play was "a spectacle of waste" (such as at the beginning of the play when Medvedenko asks Masha why she always wears black, she answers "Because I'm in mourning for my life.").[42]

The play also has an intertextual relationship with Shakespeare's Hamlet.[43] Arkadina and Treplyov quote lines from it before the play-within-a-play in the first act (and this device is itself used in Hamlet). There are many allusions to Shakespearean plot details as well. For instance, Treplyov seeks to win his mother back from the usurping older man Trigorin much as Hamlet tries to win Queen Gertrude back from his uncle Claudius.


The Seagull was first translated into English for a performance at the Royalty Theatre, Glasgow, in November 1909.[44] Since that time, there have been numerous translations of the text—between 1998 and 2004 alone there were 25 published versions. In the introduction to his own version, Tom Stoppard wrote: "You can't have too many English Seagulls: at the intersection of all of them, the Russian one will be forever elusive."[45] In fact, the problems start with the title of the play: there's no sea anywhere near the play's settings, so the bird in question was in all likelihood a lake-dwelling gull such as the common gull (larus canus), rather than a nautical variant. In Russian both kinds of birds are named Russian: chayka, simply meaning "gull", as in English. However, the title persists as it is much more euphonious in English than the much shorter and blunter "The Gull", which comes across as too forceful and direct to represent the encompassing vague and partially hidden feelings beneath the surface. Therefore, the faint reference to the sea has been seen as a more fitting representation of the intent of the play.

Some early translations of The Seagull have come under criticism from modern Russian scholars. Marian Fell's translation, in particular, has been criticized for its elementary mistakes and total ignorance of Russian life and culture.[46] Peter France, translator and author of the book The Oxford Guide to Literature in English Translation, wrote of Chekhov's multiple adaptations:

Notable English translations

George Calderon1909Glasgow Repertory TheatreThis is the first known English translation of The Seagull. This translation premiered at the Royalty Theatre, Glasgow, on 2 November 1909, also directed by Calderon.[47]
Marian Fell1912Charles Scribner's SonsFirst published English language translation of The Seagull in the United States, performed at the Bandbox Theatre on Broadway by the Washington Square Players in 1916.[48] Complete text from Project Gutenberg here.[49]
Fred Eisemann1913Poet LoreAppeared in Volume 26, Number 1 (New Year's 1913) of Poet Lore magazine[50] [51]
Constance Garnett1923Bantam BooksPerformed on Broadway at the Civic Repertory Theatre in 1929, directed by Eva Le Gallienne.
Stark Young1939Charles Scribner's SonsUsed in the 1938 Broadway production starring Uta Hagen as Nina,[52] as well as the 1975 film directed by John Desmond.[53]
Elisaveta Fen1954Penguin ClassicsAlong with Constance Garnett's translation, this is one of the most widely read translations of The Seagull.[54]
David Magarshack1956Hill & WangCommissioned for the 1956 West End production at the Saville Theatre, directed by Michael Macowan, and starring Diana Wynyard, Lyndon Brook, and Hugh Williams.
Moura Budberg1968Sidney Lumet ProductionsCommissioned and used for the 1968 film directed by Sidney Lumet.[55]
Tennessee Williams1981New Directions PublishingWilliams' "free adaptation" is titled The Notebook of Trigorin. First produced by the Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company in 1981, the United States premiere occurred at the Cincinnati Playhouse in 1996, starring Lynn Redgrave as Madame Arkadina. Williams was still revising the script when he died in 1983.[56]
Tania Alexander & Charles Sturridge1985Applause BooksCommissioned and used for the 1985 Oxford Playhouse production directed by Charles Sturridge and Vanessa Redgrave.
Michael Frayn1988Methuen PublishingTranslated Nina's famous line "I am a seagull," to "I am the seagull," as in the seagull in Trigorin's story. This was justified by Frayn, in part, because of the non-existence of indefinite or definite articles in the Russian language.[57]
Pam Gems1991Nick Hern Books
David French1992TalonbooksUsed in the 1992 Broadway production by the National Actors Theatre at the Lyceum Theatre, directed by Marshall W. Mason and featuring Tyne Daly, Ethan Hawke, Laura Linney, and Jon Voight.[58]
Paul Schmidt1997Harper PerennialUsed in the 2008 off-Broadway production at the Classic Stage Company, starring Dianne Wiest, Alan Cumming, and Kelli Garner.[59]
Tom Stoppard1997Faber and FaberPremiered at the Old Vic theatre in London on 28 April 1997. Its United States premiere in July 2001 in New York City drew crowds who sometimes waited 15 hours for tickets.[60]
Peter Gill2000Oberon Books
Peter Carson2002Penguin Classics
Christopher Hampton2007Faber and FaberUsed in the Royal Court Theatre's 2008 production of The Seagull at the Walter Kerr Theatre, directed by Ian Rickson and featuring Peter Sarsgaard, Kristin Scott Thomas, Mackenzie Crook and Carey Mulligan.[61]
Benedict Andrews2011Currency PressUsed in the 2011 production at Sydney's Belvoir St Theatre, starring Judy Davis, David Wenham, Emily Barclay, Anita Hegh, Gareth Davies, Dylan Young and Maeve Dermody, adapted for an Australian setting, with minor dialogue changes.[62] [63]
Anya Reiss2014Premiered at the Southwark Playhouse.[64]
David Hare2015Faber and FaberPresented at the Chichester Festival Theatre in tandem with Hare's translations of Platonov and Ivanov.[65]



The American playwright Tennessee Williams adapted the play as The Notebook of Trigorin, which premiered in 1981. That year, Thomas Kilroy's adaptation, The Seagull also premiered at the Royal Court Theatre in London. The Canadian playwright Daniel MacIvor wrote an adaptation called His Greatness.

In 2004, American playwright Regina Taylor's African-American adaptation, Drowning Crow, was performed on Broadway.

Emily Mann wrote and directed an adaptation called A Seagull in the Hamptons. The play premiered at the McCarter Theatre May 2008.[66]

Libby Appel did a new version that premiered in 2011 at the Marin Theatre in Mill Valley using newly discovered material from Chekhov's original manuscripts. In pre-Revolutionary Russia, plays underwent censorship from two sources, the government censor and the directors. The removed passages were saved in the archives of Russia, and unavailable till the fall of the Iron Curtain.[67]

In 2011, Benedict Andrews re-imagined the work as being set on a modern Australian beach in his production of the play at Sydney's Belvoir Theatre, which starred Judy Davis, David Wenham and Maeve Darmody. He did this to explore the ideas of liminal space and time.

In October 2011, it was announced that a contemporary Hamptons-set film adaptation, Relative Insanity, will be directed by the acting coach Larry Moss, starring David Duchovny, Helen Hunt, Maggie Grace and Joan Chen.[68] [69]

In 2013, a deconstruction of the play by Aaron Posner, set in the modern day under the title Stupid Fucking Bird, was premiered at the Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company in Washington, D.C.; it won the 2014 Charles MacArthur Award for Outstanding New Play or Musical[70] and has been staged widely across American theatres.

In 2014, Takarazuka Revues's Star Troupe performed a musical version of the play, which was adapted and directed by Naoko Koyonagi. It starred Makoto Rei as Konstantin and Mirei Shiroki as Nina.[71]

A 2022 gender-fluid adaptation of the Tom Stoppard version was completed by the Doris Place Players to great success in Los Angeles.

In 2022, Emilia Clarke starred in Anya Reiss' adaption in Harold Pinter Theatre in London. It was described as a unique 21st century modernisation.[72]

Thomas Bradshaw wrote a modern-day adaptation set in New York's Hudson Valley entitled The Seagull/Woodstock, NY. The play was produced Off-Broadway by The New Group in 2023 and starred Parker Posey, Nat Wolff, Ato Essandoh, and Hari Nef.

A new version by Duncan Macmillan and Thomas Ostermeier, starring Emma Corrin as Nina and Cate Blanchett as Arkadina, is set to premiere at London's Barbican Centre in February 2025. Directed by Ostermeier, the adaptation is also due to star Priyanga Burford, Tom Burke, Tanya Reynolds, Kodi Smit-McPhee and Jason Watkins.[73] [74]


Sidney Lumet's 1968 film The Sea Gull used Moura Budberg's translation. The play was also adapted as the Russian film The Seagull in 1972.

The 2003 film La petite Lili by director Claude Miller, starring Ludivine Sagnier as Nina renamed Lili, updates Chekhov's play to contemporary France in the world of the cinema.

Christian Camargo directed a 2014 film adaptation of the play, titled Days and Nights, set in rural New England during the 1980s. The film starred Camargo, William Hurt, Allison Janney, Katie Holmes, Mark Rylance, and Juliet Rylance.

An American film titled The Seagull went into production in 2015.[75] It was released on May 11, 2018, by Sony Pictures Classics; directed by Michael Mayer with a screenplay by Stephen Karam, starring Annette Bening and Saoirse Ronan.

A contemporary Afrikaans-language film adaptation directed by Christiaan Olwagen, titled Die Seemeeu, debuted at the Kyknet Silwerskermfees on 23 August 2018. Cintaine Schutte won the Best Supporting Actress award for her portrayal of Masha.


The play was the basis for the 1974 opera The Seagull by Thomas Pasatieri to an English libretto by Kenward Elmslie.


The 1987 musical Birds of Paradise by Winnie Holzman and David Evans is a metatheatrical adaptation, both loosely following the original play and containing a musical version of the play as the Konstantin equivalent's play.

In 2015, the play was adapted into Songbird, a country musical by Michael Kimmel and Lauren Pritchard. Songbird sets its story in Nashville and centers around Tammy Trip, a fading country star. Tammy returns to the honky tonk where she got her start to help her estranged son launch his own music career. The show was produced at 59E59 Theaters and featured Kate Baldwin and Erin Dilly. It was recognized as a New York Times Critic's Pick.[76]


It was made into a ballet by John Neumeier with his Hamburg Ballet company in June 2002. This version re-imagined the main characters as coming from the world of dance. Arkadina became a famous prima ballerina, Nina was a young dancer on the brink of her career. Konstantin appeared as a revolutionary young choreographer and Trigorin as an older, more conventional choreographer.[77]

An earlier ballet in two acts, by Russian composer Rodion Shchedrin, was first performed at the Bolshoi Theatre, Moscow in 1980.



  1. Chekhov (1920); Letter to A. F. Koni, 11 November 1896. Available online at Project Gutenberg.
  2. ) and .
  3. and .
  4. and .
  5. . For an English translation of Stanislavski's score, see .
  6. ) and .
  7. .
  8. .
  9. and .
  10. Chekhov and the Art Theatre, in Stanislavski's words, were united in a common desire "to achieve artistic simplicity and truth on the stage"; .
  11. "The Drama in Berlin", The Era, 8 May 1909, p. 11
  12. "The Seagull", The Era, 6 November 1909, p. 16
  13. "The Seagull", The Era, 6 April 1912, p. 13
  14. "The Seagull"
  15. Pavis, p. 137
  16."Chronique Théatrale"
  17. "New Theatre", The Times, 21 May 1936, p. 14
  18. [Ivor Brown|Brown, Ivor]
  19. "The Seagull"
  20. "The Lunts Superb in 'The Seagull'", Courier-Post, 2 November 1938, p, 17
  21. "The Seagull"
  22. "The Seagull"
  23. Web site: Da Gaivota. 22 December 2015. Folha newspaper.
  24. "Rickson bows out with flawless classic", The Stage, 1 February 2007, p. 20
  25. "The fall of a high-flying bird"
  26. "Marquee value: The Seagull at the Walter Kerr Theatre"
  27. Web site: Ludman. Mark. 8 February 2019. REVIEW: The Seagull, Satirikon Theatre, Moscow (Stage Russia) ✭✭✭✭✭. 26 May 2021. British
  28. Seagull
  29. Web site: Hughley. Marty. Oregon Shakespeare Festival reviews: season-opening shows hit their marks (and, in one case, Marx). June 15, 2012. The Oregonian. 5 March 2012.
  30. Web site: Die seemeeu, performance details. Aardklop. 8 October 2014.
  31. Web site: The Seagull - Streetcar Crowsnest . 2022-06-08 . . en.
  32. Web site: The Seagull The Toronto Theatre Database . 2022-06-08 . en-US.
  33. Web site: Regent's Park Open Air Theatre 2015 Season. Open Air Theatre. 6 November 2014.
  34. Cavendish, Dominic: "The Seagull, Open Air Theatre, Regent's Park, review: 'terrific'", The Telegraph, 26 June 2015
  35. Web site: David Kary . The Rocks Pop-Up Project- The Seagull Review . Sydney Arts Guide . 2015-03-23 . 2017-07-06.
  36. Web site: The Seagull. 17 November 2015. 3 December 2016. Théâtre de Vidy.
  37. Sullivan, Lindsey. "Jessica Chastain-Led A Doll's House & The Seagull with Emilia Clarke Postponed in London",, 28 May 2020
  38. Deen, Sarah. "Emilia Clarke's play The Seagull suspended as London's West End shuts down over coronavirus pandemic", Metro, 17 March 2020
  39. Web site: The Seagull review – Emilia Clarke makes her West End debut | WhatsOnStage . 8 July 2022 .
  40. Web site: Chekhov's The Seagull, a new online version.
  41. Web site: Five of the best plays to watch online in the coming days.
  42. Servants of Art. The New Yorker. 2008-03-24. 2021-03-14. In the play's opening moments, Masha (the beautiful Marjan Neshat) walks onstage with a lovelorn Medvedenko (Greg Keller) in tow; he asks her, "Why do you always wear black?," and she replies, "Because I'm in mourning for my life." Chekhov suggests that we spend far more time killing life than living it. And the various ways in which we murder our own happiness—through self-absorption, or by rejecting pure-hearted offers of love because we're taken in by glamour—constitute the majority of the play's action. Among other things, "The Seagull" is a spectacle of waste..
  43. , chapter "Chekhov into English: the case of The Seagull", quote: "A dominant motif in the play is the recurrent Hamlet theme."
  44. Chekhov in English. British Association for Slavonic and East European Studies. March 2008. Peter. Henry. 3. 6 April 2009. dead. 13 September 2008.
  45. Book: Stoppard, Tom . Tom Stoppard . The Seagull . . August 2001 . 978-0-571-19270-0 .
  46. News: Terry . Byrne . For Seagull, director dove into translation . 4 July 2008. The Boston Globe. 6 April 2009.
  47. A Čexov Anniversary. The Slavic and East European Journal. Spring 1960. Robert. Tracy. 4. 1. 25–34. 10.2307/304054. 304054.
  48. Web site: The Seagull (1916 production) . . .
  49. Web site: The Sea-gull, by Anton Checkov . . 2017-07-06.
  50. Sendich . Munir . 1985 . ANTON CHEKHOV IN ENGLISH: A Comprehensive Bibliography of Works About and By Him (1889-1984). Russian Language Journal / Русский язык . 39. 132/134. 227–379 . American Councils for International Education ACTR / ACCELS . 43668947 .
  51. poetloremag . 998951651896643584 . Did you know? In 1913, Poet Lore published the first full English translation of Anton Chekhov's, "The Seagull." Back then, the playwright's name was transliterated as "Tchekkof." Catch the film adaptation in theaters now!.
  52. Web site: The Seagull (1938 production) . . .
  53. Web site: The Seagull (1975 film) . . .
  54. News: Adam. Kirsch. Chekhov in American. July 1997. The Atlantic. 8 February 2009.
  55. Web site: The Sea Gull (1968 film) . . .
  56. News: Alvin . Klein . Alvin Klein . Theater Review; Start With Chekhov; Add Lots of Williams . 28 January 2001. . 22 March 2009.
  57. News: Simon . Callow . Simon Callow . The play's the thing . 24 May 2008. The Guardian. 22 March 2009. London.
  58. Web site: The Seagull (1992 production) . . .
  59. Web site: The Seagull . 6 January 2009 . Cino . Maggie . 8 March 2008 . . dead . . 22 May 2008.
  60. Web site: Press Release: CSC Studio Series Features Anton Chekhov's The Seagull in New Stoppard Translation . 22 March 2009 . 19 December 2008 . . dead . . 21 November 2010.
  61. Web site: The Seagull (2008 production) . . .
  62. Web site: The Seagull . 2011-06-17 . dead . . 2011-06-18.
  63. Web site: The Seagull as per Benedict Andrew's vision at Belvoir Theatre | Miss Feathers . 2011-06-17 . dead . . 2011-06-15.
  64. News: The Seagull review – Anya Reiss's thrilling/frustrating take on Chekhov. Clare. Brennan. 1 March 2014. The Guardian.
  65. News: Holly Williams . Platonov, Ivanov and The Seagull: David Hare is determined to prove young Chekhov is more glorious than old Chekhov . . 2022-06-18 . subscription . live . . 2015-10-04 . 2017-07-06.
  66. Web site: McCarter Theatre Center . . 2017-07-06.
  67. Web site: MTC Dramapedia | Overview | Seagull . 2011-02-22 . dead . . 2010-12-08.
  68. "David Duchovny to star in film adaptation of Chekhov's The Seagull"
  69. Web site: Relative Insanity . . .
  70. Web site: Helen Hayes Awards: The Charles MacArthur Award for Outstanding New Play or Musical . . 2013-11-10 . 2017-07-06.
  71. Web site: ポスター 星組公演 『かもめ』 . 2024-04-10 . 宝塚歌劇公式ホームページ . ja.
  72. Web site: The Seagull Official Box Office Harold Pinter Theatre . 2022-09-03 .
  73. Web site: The Seagull Play – London West End . 2025-01-09 . The Seagull Play . en-GB.
  74. Web site: Rook . Olivia . 2024-08-22 . Cate Blanchett and Tom Burke to star in new version of 'The Seagull' . 2025-01-09 . London Theatre . en.
  75. News: Daniels. Nia. Principal photography underway on The Seagull. June 30, 2015. June 30, 2015.
  76. News: Charles . Isherwood . Review: Songbird, a Honky-Tonk Take on Chekhov . 28 October 2015. New York Times. 9 March 2021.
  77. Web site: The Hamburg Ballet - John Neumeier . 2015-11-23 . dead . . 2011-06-25.


External links