The Bible Reading Explained

The Bible Reading
Artist:Jean-Baptiste Greuze
Material:Oil on canvas
Height Metric:65.3
Width Metric:82.4

The Bible Reading, Reading the Bible or The Father of a Family Reading the Bible to his Children is a 1755 oil on canvas genre painting by Jean-Baptiste Greuze.[1] It was exhibited at the Académie royale on 28 June 1755 then at the Paris Salon on 25 August the same year.[2] It was declared a national treasure of France in 2012 and has been in the Louvre since 2016.[3] [4]


  1. Web site: bpk-Bildagentur entry.
  2. Web site: Catalogue entry.
  3. Exemple typique de la « théorie de l'absorbement » p. 41-42 and ill. 1 chez Michael Fried, in La place du spectateur : Esthétique et origines de la peinture moderne, Poche, 20 April 2017, translation by Claire Brunet of Absorption and Theatricality. Painting and Beholder in the Age of Diderot, with a foreword added.
  4. Web site: Utpictura18 entry.