Thamer Shaker Explained

Thamer Shaker
Birth Date:July 1975
Occupation:writer, businessman, and management consultant

Thamer Adnan Shaker (Arabic: ثامر عدنان شاكر) is a Saudi businessman, management consultant, and writer. He is the founder of Shaker Consultancy House.[1]


Thamer was born in Jeddah, July 1975. He received his master's degree in business administration from Nova Southeastern University, Florida, USA. He received his bachelor's degree in accounting. He has more than 15 years of experience in media. In that period, He wrote 10 books, participated in many events, spoke in many local and regional conferences, Contributed to the production of the cultural salon in Mecca, and other cultural programs. He has more than 20 years of experience in management, enterprise and strategy development, and leadership development in both government and public sectors. He founded MYSAN Management Consulting company in 2014. Through MYSAN, he led several to implement development programs. He is now a CEO of an IT company, a member of the American Academy of Financial Management, a member of the American Institute of Management Consultant, and a board member of some Saudi institutes.[2]



  1. Web site: حوار مع الأديب والمستشار الإداري ثامر شاكر. 2021-12-08. en.
  2. Web site: 2021-06-17 . ثامر عدنان شاكر . 2021-12-08 . . 17 June 2021 . dead.
  3. Web site: 2021-06-17 . تحميل كتب ثامر عدنان شاكر pdf - مكتبة نور . 2021-12-08 . . 17 June 2021 . dead.
  4. Web site: 2016-09-29 . Books by ثامر عدنان شاكر (Author of صرح مصدر غير مسؤول) . 2021-12-08 . . 29 September 2016 . dead.