Terrorism in Ecuador explained

Terrorism in Ecuador is a rare occurrence as the country, despite recurrent periods of economic and political instability, has been traditionally known as a peaceful state in Latin America, unlike its neighbor states; Peru and Colombia, which have suffered widespread violence by insurgent, paramilitary and drug trafficking organizations (all using terror tactics) in different degrees for more than fifty years.[1] [2] Attacks in Ecuador have traditionally been carried out by small domestic organizations (both known and anonymous) as well as, in a lesser degree, foreign Colombian groups operating within Ecuador's borders. A number of terror organizations have been inactive for several years.

Terror groups

Domestic terrorist groups present in Ecuador, although some have been operationally inactive in the last few years, include the Popular Combatants Group (GCP), the Revolutionary Militia of the People (MRP), the Marxist-Leninist Party of Ecuador, and the ¡Alfaro Vive, Carajo!.[3] AVC was notably active in the 1980s, while both the GCP and MRP variously claimed authorship for a series of attacks in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

Foreign groups include the Colombian groups Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and National Liberation Army (ELN).[3]

Terror attacks







See also

Notes and References

  1. http://repositorio.usfq.edu.ec/bitstream/23000/6481/1/131686.pdf
  2. Political violence in Ecuador and the AVC. 10.1080/10576108708435659. 1987. Baratta. Robert Thomas. Terrorism. 10. 3. 165–174.
  3. http://m.state.gov/md140888.htm "Chapter 2: Country Reports, Western Hemisphere Review. 2009 Incidents."
  4. Web site: Incident Summary for GTDID: 197308120001 .
  5. https://www.eluniverso.com/noticias/2018/01/31/nota/6593731/hace-40-anos-se-registran-atentados-ecuador in Spanish
  6. Baratta, 1987; p. 165-166
  7. Web site: Incident Summary for GTDID: 197906190012 .
  8. https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/noticias/quito/1/la-licuadora-se-activa-tras-12-anos-de-abandono in Spanish
  9. Web site: Special to the JTA Israel Embassy in Quito Hit by Terrorist Bomb. 29 November 1982.
  10. https://elpais.com/diario/1982/11/27/internacional/407199608_850215.html in Spanish
  11. Baratta, 1987; p. 166
  12. El Universo, 2018
  13. Book: Bureau of Diplomatic Security. Significant Incidents of Violence Against Americans, 1989. United States Department of State. 1990. 6. en.
  14. Bureau of Diplomatic Security (1990), p. 10
  15. Bureau of Diplomatic Security (1990), p. 16
  16. Book: Bureau of Diplomatic Security. Significant Incidents of Violence Against Americans, 1991. United States Department of State. 1992. 5. en.
  17. Bureau of Diplomatic Security (1992), p. 12
  18. News: Violencia en Guayaquil por el despido de 4.000 funcionarios . El País . 20 January 1992 . Comas . José .
  19. Web site: Violencia en el Municipio Por Despido de 4 Mil Pipones .
  20. https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/notisur/8182/?utm_source=digitalrepository.unm.edu%2Fnotisur%2F8182&utm_medium=PDF&utm_campaign=PDFCoverPages
  21. Book: Bureau of Diplomatic Security. Significant Incidents of Violence Against Americans, 1993. United States Department of State. 1994. 10. en.
  22. Bureau of Diplomatic Security (1994), p. 12
  23. Web site: Incident Summary for GTDID: 199709280004. www.start.umd.edu. 2019-05-08.
  24. Web site: Incident Summary for GTDID: 200002160003.
  25. Web site: Incident Summary for GTDID: 200002210002.
  26. https://www.eluniverso.com/2002/08/29/0001/10/8332F311CCEE4513989416A62AA50A47.html/ El Universo, 29 August, 2002
  27. https://www.eluniverso.com/2003/01/30/0001/10/3E28E231F8B64A11B6E0F9CBB2087E33.html/ El Universo, 30 January, 2003
  28. El Universo, 30 January, 2003
  29. El Universo, 30 January, 2003
  30. El Universo, 29 August, 2002
  31. El Universo, 30 January, 2003
  32. El Universo, 29 August, 2002
  33. El Universo, 29 August, 2002
  34. IncidentSummary.aspx
  35. 01ADAD8FC3034ABD87680B0488345527.html
  36. Web site: Tercera bomba panfletaria estalló en Guayaquil anoche . 30 August 2002 .
  37. IncidentSummary.aspx
  38. Web site: Policía desactiva una bomba en Quito .
  39. Web site: Incident Summary for GTDID: 200303230002 .
  40. https://www.eluniverso.com/2003/03/25/0001/10/0A5D6CDB1F384982A16C5946FE97C593
  41. Web site: Arrestado sospechoso de atentados explosivos . 25 March 2003 .
  42. Web site: Una bomba estalló frente al edificio del Ministerio de Economía en Quito. El Universo. 2023-09-21.
  43. Web site: Bomba explotó en la casa del Presidente del TSE en Guayaquil. El Universo. 2023-09-21.
  44. Web site: Armed Revolutionary Left (IRA). Global Terrorism Database. 2023-09-21.
  45. Web site: Ecuador: Comunicado del Comando Amazónico Revolucionario. La Haine. 2023-01-24.
  46. Web site: Explota en Ecuador petardo panfletario de nuevo grupo revolucionario. El Universo. 30 May 2005 . 2023-01-24.
  47. Web site: Desmentido de la Dirección Nacional de PAL-ELA sobre los artículos de El Comercio. Cedema. 2023-05-20.
  48. Web site: ELA es un invento, según los bolivarianos. El Universo. 7 October 2005 . 2023-05-20.
  49. Web site: Revelan existencia de Grupo subversivo en Ecuador. My Plainview. 2023-05-20.
  50. Web site: Explosión en Guayaquil. El Universo (en español). 20 January 2009 . 2023-05-11.
  51. Web site: Alarma en edificio tras la explosión de una bomba. El Universo (en español). 21 January 2009 . 2023-05-11.
  52. Web site: Reivindicación de atentado en Guayaquil y Manifiesto. Cedema. 2023-05-11.
  53. https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/artefacto-explosivo-estallo-manana-teleamazonas.html
  54. Web site: CeDeMA .
  55. http://m.state.gov/md170259.htm "Chapter 2: Country Reports, Western Hemisphere Review. 2010 Incidents."
  56. http://m.state.gov/md195546.htm "Chapter 2: Country Reports, Western Hemisphere Review. 2011 Incidents."
  57. https://www.elcomercio.com/actualidad/politica/guayaquil-alianzapais-fiscalia-explosion-denuncia.html
  58. Web site: Policía investiga explosión de bomba en central de Alianza País, en Guayaquil – Ministerio de Gobierno .
  59. Web site: Estallan bombas panfletarias en Diario el Universo y el Telégrafo | la República EC . 30 July 2015 .
  60. Web site: Policía investiga al menos ocho sobres bomba entregados por Correos del Ecuador . 17 February 2017 .
  61. Web site: La banda se denominaba 'Comuneros de liberación nacional' y operaba en tres provincias. Ecuavisa (in spanish). 7 April 2017 . 2023-05-11.
  62. Web site: Presunta red delictiva que operaba en Sucumbíos fue desarticulada. Ministerio de Gobierno de Ecuador (in spanish). 2023-05-11.
  63. News: Ecuador links police barracks bombing to Colombia FARC dissidents. 2018-01-29. Reuters. 2018-01-30.
  64. News: Wertheimer . Tiffany . Ecuador: Guayaquil blast 'declaration of war' by gangs - officials . 15 August 2022 . BBC News . 15 August 2022.