Telephone numbers in Samoa explained

Country Link:Samoa
Country Calling Code:+685
International Prefix:0
Nsn Length:5, 6, 7
Number Format:
  • +685 XX XXX
  • +685 XX XX XX
  • +685 XXX XXXX

National Significant Numbers (NSN):

Minimum number length (excluding the country code): three digits

Maximum number length (excluding the country code): seven digits

Format: +685 XX XXX or +685 XX XX XX or +685 XXX XXXX

Numbering allocation in Samoa

Number range allocation in Samoa is as follows:[1]

RangeNumber lengthUsageAdditional information
0 International call prefix
2x xxx 5Fixed line services Apia area
3x xxx
4x xxx Upolu
5x xxx Savaii
6x xxx Apia
7x xx xxx 7Mobile services
800 xxx 6Toll-free services
83 xx xxx – 87 xx xxx 7Mobile services
89 xx xx xx xx 10Mobile services
9xx 3Special services

See also

Notes and References

  1. Web site: May 2016 . Samoa National Numbering Plan . Office of the Regulator.