Tatishchev information explained

Tatishchev information (ru|Татищевские известия|translit=Tatishchevskie izvestiya; uk|Татищевські звістки{{efn|'Попри дискусійність окремих висновків Олексія Толочка, він усе ж має рацію, що ці татищевські “звістки” та “давні літописи” (насамперед Йоахимівський) є, радше, містифікацією видатного російського історика.' ("Despite the debatability of some of Oleksiy Tolochko's conclusions, he is nevertheless right that these Tatyshchev 'tidings' and 'ancient chronicles' (primarily Ioachim's) are rather a hoax by the prominent Russian historian."){{sfn|Skochylyas|2010|pp=18–19) is a group of historiographical texts written by Imperial Russian historian Vasily Tatishchev (1686–1750) and posthumously published in his book Istoriya Rossiyskaya (История Российская, "History of Russia", 1768 onwards), containing information that has no analogues in currently known historical sources. Soviet historian Iakov Lur'e (1968) defined it as 'data found only in that historian', that is, in Tatishchev's writings. American historian Edward C. Thaden (1986) described "Tatishchev's information" as 'information to be found in no known Russian chronicle but only in Tatishchev'. The origin and authenticity of the information is debatable; they can be considered as fabrications of history created by Tatishchev himself. The alleged Ioachim Chronicle is considered by researchers to be the most dubious part of the Tatishchev information.