Tasman Orogen Explained

The Tasman Orogen, Tasman Orogenic Zone or Tasman Orogenic System is an orogenic zone that covers the seaboard of Eastern Australia and part of the adjacent Tasman Sea stretching from southern Tasmania to northern Queensland.[1] It is a general term that includes a number of orogenic belts formed during Paleozoic.[2] These include Delamerian Orogen, Lachlan Orogen, New England Orogen, Thomson Orogen. [1]

Notes and References

  1. https://www.earthscrust.org.au/science/transects/east_aus.html IGCP Project 559 - Seismic Images Crustal Images from the Tasman Orogen, Eastern Australia.
  2. John J W Rogers, M Santosh, Continents and Supercontinents. Chapter 1148 "Gondwana and Pangea", Oxford Scholarship Online