Taqi Tabatabaei Qomi Explained

  1. ABE9CC
Taqi Tabatabaei Qomi
Location:Qom, Iran
Grand Ayatollah
Post:Grand Ayatollah
Birth Date:21 February 1923
Birth Place:Mashhad, Iran
Death Place:Karbala, Iraq
Honorific Prefix:Grand Ayatollah Sayyid
Native Name:السيد تقي طباطبائي القمي
Parents:Hossein Tabatabaei Qomi (father)
Relatives:Hassan Tabatabaei Qomi (brother)
Musa al-Sadr (nephew)
Madh'hab:Usuli Twelver Shia Islam

Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Taqi Tabatabaei Qomi (Arabic: تقي الطباطبايي القمي Persian: {{nq|تقى طباطبايى قمى, February 21, 1923–October 26, 2016) was an Iranian Shia marja'.[1] [2] He, along with Ali al-Sistani, and Ali Falsafi, were among the only three people to receive a written statement declaring their ijtihad by grand Ayatollah Abu al-Qasim al-Khoei.[3]

Birth and education

He was born in Mashhad, Iran. He is the son of Grand Ayatollah Hossein Tabatabaei Qomi (1865–1947) and the younger brother of Grand Ayatollah Hassan Tabatabaei Qomi (1912–2007).

In 1936 he moved to Iraq and has studied in seminaries of Karbala and then Najaf under Grand Ayatollah Mohammad Hadi Milani, ِAbd al-Hadi al-Shirazi, Hossein Heli, Mohammad Kazem Shirazi and especially Abu al-Qasim al-Khoei. He obtained his Ijtihad in 1965 in Najaf.[4]


He has written close to 50 Islamic books (mainly in Arabic), most of which are now used as the main sources of teaching in the Seminaries of Qom and Najaf.[5] [6]

In 1984, his statements were published in a book by Abbas Hajiani Dashti with the title Lessons from pleading (درسهایی از شفاعت).[7]

Political views

He was one of the Independent Marja and didn't like to interfere in politics. He was among those Maraji that who declined to meet Ali Khamenei in September 2010.[8]

Personal views

See also

Notes and References

  1. http://persian.shirazi.ir/shownews.php?Code=3750 دیدار حضرت آیت الله العظمی قمی با حضرت آیت الله العظمی شیرازی
  2. http://www.saafi.net/fa/node/6751 ديدار حضرت آيت الله العظمي صافي با حضرت آيت الله العظمي قمي
  3. http://afghanistan.shafaqna.com/interviews-and-texts/item/8015-گفت-و-گوی-شفقنا-با-فرزند-آیت-الله-العظمی-خوییفقیه-استوار/-شخصیتی-بزرگ-و-با-تقوا-که-اسوه-ای-ازعلم-و-عمل-است/-مرجعیت-در-گذشته-ضوابط-بيشتری-داشت.html?tmpl=component&print=1 مرجعیت در گذشته ضوابط بیشتری داشت
  4. http://afghanistan.shafaqna.com/interviews-and-texts/item/8015-گفت-و-گوی-شفقنا-با-فرزند-آیت-الله-العظمی-خوییفقیه-استوار/-شخصیتی-بزرگ-و-با-تقوا-که-اسوه-ای-ازعلم-و-عمل-است/-مرجعیت-در-گذشته-ضوابط-بيشتری-داشت.html?tmpl=component&print=1 گفت و گو با فرزند آیت الله العظمی خویی: فقیه استوار شخصیتی بزرگ و با تقوا که اسوه‌ای ازعلم و عمل است/ مرجعیت در گذشته ضوابط بیشتری داشت
  5. http://www.noorlib.ir/View/fa/CreatorList?SearchText=طباطبایی%20قمی،%20تقی&SearchKind=Creator تالیفات سید تقی طباطبایی قمی
  6. http://ketabeqom.com/fa/sites/advSearch?bookName=&shabak=&yearFrom=&yearTo=&nashersId=&moalefId=2149&chapkhaneId=&motarjemId=&virastarId=&mohaqeqId=&searched=1&subjectsId= کتب سید تقی طباطبایی قمی
  7. http://mtif.ir/p/book/2594/درسهایی-از-شفاعت درسهایی از شفاعت
  8. http://www.iran-emrooz.net/index.php?/news2/25021/ بيانيه شماره ۱۴ مدرسين و طلاب قم و نجف(متقن)
  9. http://www.al-meshkah.com/maaref_detail.php?id=4024 آراء المراجع والمجتهدین فی شریعتی وکتبه
  10. http://www.wthga.8m.com/wthaiq/rodood/gumy.htm پاسخ به مسائل فقهی