Tanabe Hisao Prize Explained

Tanabe Hisao Prize (ja|田辺尚雄音楽賞 or 田辺尚雄賞) (often known more simply as the "Tanabe Prize") was created in 1983 by the Tōyō Ongaku Gakkai (ja|東洋音楽学会, "Society for Research in Asiatic Music"), the oldest musicological society of Japan (headquartered in Tokyo). The prize is named after the musicologist Tanabe Hisao (ja|田辺尚雄,1883–1984), one of the founding members of the society. The prize is awarded annually to one or several individuals or groups who have published an outstanding work of Asian musicology during the previous year, one that "promotes further research in Asian musicology and contributes to Japanese scholarship." It is generally considered the most prestigious award in the field of Asian musicology awarded in Japan.


Past winners, titles, and publishers are as follows (Japanese ideographs following names, titles, and publishing companies repeat the transliteration they follow):

Tokumaru Yoshihiko 徳丸吉彦, 『民俗音楽学』[Ethnomusicology], Hōsō Daigaku Kyōiku Shinkōkai 放送大学教育振興会.

Tsukahara Yasuko 塚原康子, 『十九世紀の日本における西洋音楽の受容』[The reception of western music in 19th century Japan], Taga Shuppan 多賀出版.

Gerald Groemer ジェラルド・グローマー, 『幕末のはやり唄――口説節と都々逸節の新研究』[Popular song in the late Edo period: new research on Kudoki and Dodoitsu], Meicho Shuppan 名著出版.

Iso Mizue 磯水絵, 『説話と音楽伝承』 [The musical transmission of medieval tales], Izumi Shoin 和泉書院.

Fukuoka Madoka 福岡まどか, 『ジャワの仮面舞踊』[Masked Dance in Java], Keisō Shoin 勁草書房.

Konjō Atsushi 金城厚, 『沖縄音楽の構造――歌詞リズムと学識の理論』[The structure of Okinawan music: the meter of song texts and the theory of knowledge], Daiichi Shobō 第一書房.

Yokomichi Mario 横道萬里雄, 『体現芸術として見た寺事の構造』[The structure of teragoto seen as embodied art], Iwanami Shoten 岩波書店.

Tani Masato 谷正人 『イランの音楽 声の文化と即興』 [The music of Iran: Vocal music and the culture of improvisation], Seidosha 青土社.

Tsukahara Yasuko 塚原康子, 『明治国家と雅楽ーー伝統の近代化、国楽の創成』 [The Meiji state and gagaku: the modernization of tradition and the creation of a national music], Yūshisha 有志社.
