Talysh alphabet explained

The Talysh alphabet (Talysh: Tolışə əlifba) was created for the Talysh language in 1930 by Talysh poet Zolfaghar Ahmadzadeh based on Latin script. Before that, alphabets based on Cyrillic and Arabic scripts were widely used.[1]

In the Talysh alphabet, 29 phonemes are indicated by 29 letters.[2]


Notes and References

  1. https://avestatalysh.com/2017/10/25/talis-elifbasi-haqqinda-melumat Talış əlifbası haqqında məlumat - AvestaTalysh
  2. Əbülfəz Rəcəbli "Talış dilinin fonetikası" (Bakı - 2009)