List of TED speakers explained

This is a partial list of people who have spoken or otherwise presented at official TED conferences such as TED, TED@, TEDActive, TEDCity, TED-Ed, TED-NY, TEDGlobal,[1] [2] TEDSummit, TEDIndia, TEDSalon, TEDWomen, TEDYouth, TED Fellows Retreat, and TED Talks Education. It also includes speakers at the independent TEDMED conferences.[3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Talks from the independent TEDx conferences are not included since there are thousands of such events (over 11,000 held and over 1,100 upcoming) making them less notable.[8] The website also hosts videos from conferences not affiliated with TED, but those talks and speakers are not included in this list.


Speaker Talk(s)
The case for having kids (TED2019)
How this FBI strategy is actually creating US-based terrorists (TED2015)
Telling stories from Africa (TEDGlobal 2007)
On humanity (TED2008)
Mother and daughter doctor-heroes (TEDWomen 2010)
A science award that makes you laugh, then think (TEDMED 2014)
The mystery box (TED2007)
The El Sistema music revolution (TED2009)
All you need is justice (TEDxBrisbane 2011)
The danger of a single story (TEDGlobal 2009)
The story of Ezra (TEDGlobal 2007)
Why massive open online courses (still) matter (TED2013)
A new ecosystem for electric cars (TED2009)
How PhotoSynth can connect the world's images (TED2007)
Augmented-reality maps (TED2010)
A new strategy in the war on cancer (TEDMED 2009)
Political change with pen and paper (TED2010)
Globalizing the local, localizing the global (TEDWomen 2010)
A Saudi woman who dared to drive (TEDGlobal 2013)
On being a woman and a diplomat (TEDWomen 2010)
The search for humanity's roots (TEDGlobal 2007)
An 11-year-old prodigy performs old-school jazz (TED2015)
An Architectural Ecosystem of the Future (TEDX2016)
Tales of passion (TED2007)
How to live passionately—no matter your age (TED2014)
Why truly innovative science demands a leap into the unknown (TEDGlobal 2013)
The surprising ingredient that makes businesses work better (TED2018)
Following the Lights (TEDGlobal 2014)[9] [10]
How I named, shamed and jailed (TED2013)
Please don't take my Air Jordans (TEDYouth 2011)
TED's nonprofit transition (TED2002)
How web video powers global innovation (TEDGlobal 2010)
Questions no one knows the answers to (TED-Ed 2012)
Technology's long tail (TED2004)
The business logic of sustainability (TED2009)
A promising test for pancreatic cancer ... from a teenager (TED2013)
Which country does the most good for the world? (TEDSalon Berlin 2014)
Behind the great firewall of China (TEDGlobal 2012)
Treat design as art (TED2007)
Why I brought Pac-Man to MoMA (TEDSalon NY2013)
Is religion good or bad? (This is a trick question) (TEDSalon NY2014)
My architectural philosophy? Bring the community into the process (TEDGlobal 2014)
Our buggy moral code (TED2009)
Beware conflicts of interest (TED2011)
How equal do we want the world to be? You'd be surprised (TED2015)
My wish: The Charter for Compassion (TED2008)
Let's revive the Golden Rule (TEDGlobal 2009)
A wide-angle view of fragile Earth (TED2009)
The face of AIDS in Africa (TED2003)
Why the world needs WikiLeaks (TEDGlobal 2010)
Growing new organs (TEDMED 2009)
Printing a human kidney (TED2011)
Africa's cheetahs versus hippos (TEDGlobal 2007)


Speaker Talk(s)
Ingenious homes in unexpected places (TEDCity2.0 2013)
Pay attention to nonviolence (TEDGlobal 2011)
Wry photos that turn stereotypes upside down (TED2014)
How to combat modern slavery (TED2010)
The astonishing hidden world of the deep ocean (TED2008)
How business leaders can renew democracy (TED Democracy 2023)
Time-lapse proof of extreme ice loss (TEDGlobal 2009)
Great cars are great art (TED2002)
Intricate beauty by design (TED2010)
How Arduino is open-sourcing imagination (TEDGlobal 2012)
The birth of the open-source learning revolution (TED2006)
Why mayors should rule the world (TEDGlobal 2013)
How I fell in love with a fish (TED2010)
Let's rethink America's military strategy (TED2005)
Brain magic (TED2004)
The museum of you (TEDSalon NY2013)
How bacteria "talk" (TED2009)
Building blocks that blink, beep and teach (TED2012)
The polyphonic me (TED2013)
A police chief with a difference (TEDWomen 2010)
The fastest ambulance? A motorcycle (TEDMED 2013)
Designing objects that tell stories (TED2008)
A supercharged motorcycle design (TED2009)
Evolution's gift of play, from bonobo apes to humans (TED2011)
A cello with many voices (TED2011)
The Game (TED2004)
A performance of "Mathemagic" (TED2005)
Teach statistics before calculus! (TED2009)
The magic of Fibonacci numbers (TEDGlobal 2013)
Conquering uncertainty with tenacity (TED2017)
The new open-source economics (TEDGlobal 2005)
We need a heroic narrative for death (TEDMED 2013)
Biomimicry's surprising lessons from nature's engineers (TED2005)
Biomimicry in action (TEDGlobal 2009)
Simplifying complexity (TEDGlobal 2010)
Mapping ideas worth spreading (TED2013) talk with Sean Gourley
HIV and flu — the vaccine strategy (TED2010)
The next web (TED2009)
The year open data went worldwide (TED2010)
A Magna Carta for the web (TED2014)
Our refugee system is failing. Here's how we can fix it (TED2016)
The electricity metaphor for the web's future (TED2003)
The rise of cricket, the rise of India (TEDIndia 2009)
An artist's unflinching look at racial violence (TED2016)
The arts festival revolution (TEDGlobal 2012)
A one-man orchestra of the imagination (TED2010)
The early birdwatchers (TED2010)
Experiments that point to a new understanding of cancer (TEDGlobal 2012)
Memes and "temes" (TED2008)
How I held my breath for 17 minutes (TEDMED 2009)
The mysterious workings of the adolescent brain (TEDGlobal 2012)
Becky BlantonThe year I was homeless (TEDGLOBAL Oxford England 2009)
The origins of pleasure (TEDGlobal 2011)
Can prejudice ever be a good thing? (TEDSalon NY2014)
A computer that works like the brain (TEDGlobal 2007)
Visualizing the wonder of a living cell (TED2007)
My wish: Three actions for Africa (TED2005)
The good news on poverty (Yes, there's good news) (TED2013)
Photos of endangered cultures (TED2006)
How language shapes the way we think (TED2018)
Teaching one child at a time (TEDIndia 2009)
There might just be life on Mars (TED2006)
A philosophical quest for our biggest problems (TEDGlobal 2005)
What happens when our computers get smarter than we are? (TED2015)
The most mysterious star in the universe (TED2016)
Depressed dogs, cats with OCD — what animal madness means for us humans (TEDSalon NY2014)
The Long Now (TED2004)
What squatter cities can teach us (TED2006)
4 environmental 'heresies' (TED@State 2009)
Debate: Does the world need nuclear energy? (TED2010)
The dawn of de-extinction. Are you ready? (TED2013)
Life at 30,000 feet (TED2007)
The rise of personal robots (TEDWomen 2010)
A one-man world summit (TEDGlobal 2009)
The bridge between suicide and life (TED2014)
My wish: Help me stop pandemics (TED2006)
The genesis of Google (TED2004)
Why Google Glass? (TED2013)
My battle to expose government corruption (TEDGlobal 2012)
A conservative's plea: Let's work together (TED2016)
The social animal (TED2011)
Should you live for your résumé ... or your eulogy? (TED2014)
Robots will invade our lives (TED2003)
Why we will rely on robots (TED2013)
Listening to shame (TED2012)
Wiring a web for global good (TEDGlobal 2009)
Global ethic vs. national interest (TEDGlobal 2009)
Doodlers, unite! (TED2011)
The key to growth? Race with the machines (TED2013)
How to "sketch" with electronics (TEDYouth 2011)
A prediction for the future of Iran (TED2009)
How public spaces make cities work (TED2014)
The joy of surfing in ice-cold water (TED2015)
How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime (TEDMED 2014)
The future of cars (TED2005)
Why people need poetry (TEDGlobal 2013)
My wish: manufactured landscapes and green education (TED2005)
Photographing the landscape of oil (TEDGlobal 2009)
"(Nothing But) Flowers" with string quartet (TED2010)


Speaker Talk(s)
The power of introverts (TED2012)
The next age of government (TED2010)
Before Avatar ... a curious boy (TED2010)
Weaving narratives in museum galleries (TED2012)
Our failing schools. Enough is enough! (TED Talks Education 2013)
Cooking as alchemy (TED2011)
Blindfold origami and cello (TED2008)
Design and discovery (TED2003)
Why I believe the mistreatment of women is the number one human rights abuse (TEDWomen 2015)
Greening the ghetto (TED2006 and TED2022)
My life in typefaces (TED2014)
Tools for a better world (TED2006)
The interspecies internet? An idea in progress (TED2013)
How do you explain consciousness? (TED2014)
The voices of China's workers (TEDGlobal 2012)
How to make hard choices (TEDSalon NY2014)
The power of cartoons (TEDGlobal 2010)
The idea behind Zipcar (and what comes next) (TED2007)
Excuse me, may I rent your car? (TEDGlobal 2012)
7 ways games reward the brain (TEDGlobal 2010)
A warm embrace that saves lives (TEDIndia 2009)
Finding the story inside the painting (TEDSalon London Spring 2012)
The anthropology of mobile phones (TED2007)
The hidden influence of social networks (TED2010)
How social networks predict epidemics (TED@Cannes 2010)
The history of our world in 18 minutes (TED2011)
Synthetic Life (TED2010)
Synthetic Personal Genomes (TEDMED 2010)
A circle of caring (TED2007)
My wish: Rebuilding Rwanda (TED2007)
The "bottom billion" (TED2008)
New rules for rebuilding a broken nation (TED@State 2009)
Everyday moments, caught in time (TED2012)
Two poems about what dogs think (probably) (TED2014)
We need better drugs — now (TEDMED 2012)
Measuring what makes life worthwhile (TED2010)
How an obese town lost a million pounds (TEDMED 2013)
What I learned from spending 31 days underwater (TEDGlobal 2014)
Fusion is energy's future (TEDGlobal 2009)
CERN's supercollider (TED2008)
What went wrong at the LHC (TED2009)
Why we need the explorers (TEDSalon London 2010)
Making matter come alive (TEDGlobal 2011)
Print your own medicine (TEDGlobal 2012)
The small and surprisingly dangerous detail the police track about you (TEDGlobal 2014)
How architectural innovations migrate across borders (TEDGlobal 2013)
Flow, the secret to happiness (TED2004)
Your body language shapes who you are (TEDGlobal 2012)
How I beat a patent troll (TED2012)
Try something new for 30 days (TED2011)


Speaker Talk(s)
The astounding athletic power of quadcopters (TEDGlobal 2013)
Meet the dazzling flying machines of the future (TED2016)
The quest to understand consciousness (TED2011)
What diseases come from animals? (TEDMED 2010)
Programming bacteria to detect cancer (and maybe treat it) (TED2015)
What we learned from teetering on the fiscal cliff (TEDSalon NY2012)
Organic (TED2005)[11]
Dreams from endangered cultures (TED2003)
The World Wide Web of belief and ritual (TED2008)
Gorgeous photos of a backyard wilderness worth saving (TED2012)
Life in the "digital now" (TEDGlobal 2013)
Militant atheism (TED2002)
Why the universe seems so strange (TEDGlobal 2005)
A kinder, gentler philosophy of success (TEDGlobal 2009)
Atheism 2.0 (TEDGlobal 2011)
A roadmap to end aging (TEDGlobal 2005)
A flirtatious aria (TEDGlobal 2011)
Don't eat the marshmallow! (TED2009)
Four American characters (TED2005)
A look inside the brain in real time (TED2008)
Once upon a time, my mother ... (TED2005)
How can science and business team up for the long (health) haul? (TEDMED2013)
Dangerous memes (TED2002)
The illusion of consciousness (TED2003)
Let's teach religion — all religion — in schools (TED2006)
Cute, sexy, sweet, funny (TED2009)
Odes to vice and consequences (TED2004)
Solving medical mysteries (TED2006)
What if 3D printing was 100x faster? (TED2015)
Old books reborn as art (TEDYouth 2014)
Chemical scum that dream of distant quasars (TEDGlobal 2005)
A new way to explain explanation (TEDGlobal 2009)
Our next giant leap (TEDGlobal 2005)
Stephen Hawking's zero g flight (TED2008)
Abundance is our future (TED2012)
Why do societies collapse? (TED2003)
How societies can grow old better (TED2013)
Rethinking the way we sit down (TED2002)
Salvation (and profit) in greentech (TED2007)
Cape Breton fiddling in reel time (TED2002)
"What You've Got" (TED2003)
"La Vie en Rose" (TED2004)
"Love Is a Loaded Pistol" (TED2010)
"(Nothing But) Flowers" with string quartet (TED2010)
Drawing on humor for change (TEDWomen 2010)
How juries are fooled by statistics (TEDGlobal 2005)
We are makers (TED@MotorCity 2011)
Symmetry, reality's riddle (TEDGlobal 2009)
Insightful human portraits made from data (TED2016)
The key to success? Grit (TED Talks Education 2013)
El Sistema's top youth orchestra (TED2009)
Social experiments to fight poverty (TED2010)
From mach-20 glider to hummingbird drone (TED2012)
The lifelong learner (TED2007)
A Darwinian theory of beauty (TED2010)
Let's look for life in the outer solar system (TED2003)
The story of Project Orion (TED2002)
The birth of the computer (TED2003)


Speaker Talk(s)
Can we create new senses for humans? (TED2015)
My wish: protect our oceans (TED2009)
The invention that unlocked a locked-in artist (TEDActive 2011)
Remaking my voice (TED2011)
My magic moves (TED2007)
Taking imagination seriously (TED2011)
My wish: once upon a school (TED2008)
The fractals at the heart of African designs (TEDGlobal 2007)
A talking, squawking parrot (TED2006)
Meet your microbes (TEDMED 2012)
Pop culture in the Arab world (TEDGlobal 2009)
A little-told tale of sex and sensuality (TEDGlobal 2013)
This app knows how you feel — from the look on your face (TEDWomen 2015)
Making peace is a marathon (TEDGlobal 2013)
FBI, here I am! (TEDGlobal 2011)
Hackers: the Internet's immune system (TED2014)
3 things I learned while my plane crashed (TED2011)
Playing with space and light (TED2009)
Teach teachers how to create magic (TED@NYC 2013)
The life code that will reshape the future (TED2003)
Using biology to rethink the energy challenge (TEDSalon 2007 Hot Science)
The next species of human (TED2009)
Your online life, permanent as a tattoo (TED2013)
Happiness in body and soul (TED2004)
What security means to me (TEDGlobal 2005)
Embrace your inner girl (TEDIndia 2009)
Suddenly, my body (TEDWomen 2010)
Are athletes really getting faster, better, stronger? (TED2014)
Happiness and its surprises (TED2004)
A string quartet plays "Blue Room" (TED2006)
"(Nothing But) Flowers" with string quartet (TED2010)
What does it mean to be a citizen of the world? (TED2016)
Can we domesticate germs? (TED2007)
A hero of the Congo forest (TEDGlobal 2007)


Speaker Talk(s)
The first secret of design is ... noticing (TED2015)
Exploring the mind of a killer (TED2009)
Building a Facebook of biodiversity for the island of Hispaniola (TED2005)[12]
A highly scientific taxonomy of haters (TED2016)
The council of dads (TEDMED 2010)
Agile programming — for your family (TEDSalon NY2013)
Politics and religion are technologies (TED2003)
Craig FentonHumanity in a Digital Age (TED2021)
The 6 killer apps of prosperity (TEDGlobal 2011)
To create for the ages, let's combine art and engineering (TED2014)
Reading & writing is a fad (TED-NY)
There's no bits like show bits (TED2)
My identity is a superpower - not an obstacle (TED2019)
Are we ready for neo-evolution? (TED2011)
A guerilla gardener in South Central LA (TED2013)
The pursuit of ignorance (TED2013)
My wish: three unusual medical inventions (TED2005)
Why we love, why we cheat (TED2006)
The brain in love (TED2008)
Is Pivot a turning point for web exploration (TED2010)
All things are Moleeds (TED2005)
Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents' (TED2013)
Feats of memory anyone can do (TED2012)
A future beyond traffic gridlock (TED2011)
What can cancer survivors teach us about cancer treatment? (TED2017)
Why do we sleep? (TEDGlobal 2013)
One seed at a time, protecting the future of food (TEDGlobal 2009)
Walk the earth ... my 17-year vow of silence (TED2008)
Nerdcore comedy (TED2004)
My web playroom (TEDGlobal 2010)
Are you human? (TED2014)
A visual history of inequality in industrial America (TED2015)
The rise of the new global super-rich (TEDGlobal 2013)
We need to feed the whole world (TED2009)
The hunt for "unexpected genetic heroes" (TED2014)


Speaker Talk(s)
A commodities exchange for Ethiopia (TEDGlobal 2007)
Fight injustice with raw video (TED2006)
The interspecies internet? An idea in progress (TED2013)
The cockroach beatbox (TEDYouth 2011)
Backyard brains: the neurorevolution (TED2012)
The RoboRoach (TEDGlobal 2013)[13]
How to control someone else's arm with your brain (TED2015)
Electrical experiments with plants that count and communicate (TED2017)
DIY neuroscience (TED Series 2018)[14]
Make love, not porn (TED2009)[15]
Our natural sleep cycle (TEDGlobal 2010)
The future of business is the "mesh" (TED@MotorCity 2011)
Moving sculpture (TED2002)
Lessons from the 1918 flu (TED2007)
Mosquitos, malaria and education (TED2009)
Innovating to zero! (TED2010)
How state budgets are breaking US schools (TED2011)
Teachers need real feedback (TED Talks Education 2013)
Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done (TED2014)
The next outbreak? We’re not ready (TED2015)
Why giving away our wealth has been the most satisfying thing we've done (TED2014)
How to revive a neighborhood: with imagination, beauty and art (TED2015)
How do we heal medicine? (TED2012)
Confessions of a bad feminist (TEDWomen 2015)
Unlock the intelligence, passion, greatness of girls (TED2012)
Metaphorically speaking (TEDGlobal 2009)
How Airbnb designs for trust (TED2016)
Extreme wingsuit flying (TED2009)
My days as a young rebel (TED1990)
A master architect asks, Now what? (TED2002)
Beauty, truth and ... physics? (TED2007)
The ancestor of language (TED2007)
Let's talk crap. Seriously. (TED2013)
Inside the secret shipping industry (TED@BCG Singapore 2013)
Unleash your creativity in a Fab Lab (TED2006)
The interspecies internet? An idea in progress (TED2013)
How to rebuild a broken state (TEDGlobal 2005)
Actually, the world isn't flat (TEDGlobal 2012)
The hunt for a supermassive black hole (TEDGlobal 2009)
Inside the Egyptian revolution (TED2011)
Be passionate. Be courageous. Be your best. (TED2014)
The surprising science of happiness (TED2004)
Why we make bad decisions (TEDGlobal 2005)
The psychology of your future self (TED2014)
Your elusive creative genius (TED2009)
Success, failure and the drive to keep creating (TED2014)
The Earth is full (TED2012)
A tale of two Americas. And the mini-mart where they collided (TED2015)
Choice, happiness and spaghetti sauce (TED2004)
The strange tale of the Norden bombsight (TEDGlobal 2011)
The unheard story of David and Goliath (TEDSalon NY2013)
Using design to make ideas new (TED1998)
How to truly listen (TED2003)
How global crime networks work (TEDGlobal 2009)
Hire the hackers! (TEDGlobal 2011)
How to get your ideas to spread (TED2003)
The tribes we lead (TED2009)
How we're priming some kids for college — and others for prison (TED2015)
Battling bad science (TEDGlobal 2011)
What doctors don't know about the drugs they prescribe (TEDMED 2012)
How art gives shape to cultural change (TED2009)
Navigating our global future (TEDGlobal 2009)
The battle between your present and future self (TEDSalon NY2011)
The long reach of reason (TED2012)
Why aren't we more compassionate? (TED2007)
Meet global corruption's hidden players (TEDGlobal 2013)
My wish: To launch a new era of openness in business (TED2014)
What separates us from chimpanzees? (TED2002)
How humans and animals can live together (TEDGlobal 2007)
Lessons from past presidents (TED2008)
What do babies think? (TEDGlobal 2011)
The emergent genius of ant colonies (TED2003)
What ants teach us about the brain, cancer and the Internet (TED2014)
The death of innovation, the end of growth (TED2013)
Averting the climate crisis (TED2006)
New thinking on the climate crisis (TED2008)
What comes after An Inconvenient Truth? (TED2009)
Sculpted space, within and without (TEDGlobal 2012)
The problem with "trickle-down techonomics" (TEDGlobal 2014)
On technology and faith (TED1998)
The world needs all kinds of minds (TED2010)
A clean energy proposal — race to the top! (TED2013)
Close-up card magic with a twist (TED2005)
Making sense of string theory (TED2005)
Is our universe the only universe? (TED2012)
Why privacy matters (TEDGlobal 2014)
Everyday inventions (TED2006)
High-altitude wind energy from kites! (TED2009)
A solar energy system that tracks the sun (TED2003)
The single biggest reason why startups succeed (TED2015)
The hidden power of smiling (TED2011)


Speaker Talk(s)
What I learned from going blind in space (TED2014)
The moral roots of liberals and conservatives (TED2008)
Religion, evolution, and the ecstasy of self-transcendence (TED2012)
How common threats can make common (political) ground (TEDSalon NY2012)
Compassion and the true meaning of empathy (TEDWomen 2010)
Poems of war, peace, women, power (TEDWomen 2010)
Building a park in the sky (TED2011)
The radical promise of the multi-touch interface (TED2006)
Who are the job creators? (TED2012)[16] [17]
Beware, fellow plutocrats, the pitchforks are coming (TEDSalon NY2014)
An all-star set (TED2009)
The genius puppetry behind War Horse (TED2011)
Why I must speak out about climate change (TED2012)
Embrace the shake (TED2013)
Building unimaginable shapes (TEDGlobal 2012)
Robots that "show emotion" (TED2009)
What explains the rise of humans? (TEDGlobalLondon 2015)
I listen to color (TEDGlobal 2012)
My green school dream (TEDGlobal 2010)
Trial, error and the God complex (TEDGlobal 2011)
A history of the universe in sound (TEDSalon London Spring 2011)
Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong (TEDGlobalLondon 2015)
The Web's secret stories (TED2007)
The web as art (TED2007)
Science can answer moral questions (TED2010)
There are no mistakes on the bandstand (TEDSalon NY2011)
Protecting Twitter users (sometimes from themselves) (TED2014)
The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now (TED2015)
A flight through the ocean (TED2005)
Questioning the universe (TED2008)
How brain science will change computing (TED2003)
The magnificence of spider silk (TED2010)
The toxic baby (TEDWomen 2010)
The doubt essential to faith (TEDGlobal 2013)
Trusting the ensemble (TEDGlobal 2011)
"Wait It Out" (TEDGlobal 2009)
Building the Seed Cathedral (TED2011)
Dare to disagree (TEDGlobal 2012)
Why it's time to forget the pecking order at work (TEDWomen 2015)
What new power looks like (TEDSalon Berlin 2014)
How I became 100 artists (TED2011)
The new bionics that let us run, climb and dance (TED2014)
Reporting crisis via texting (TED2009)
How to use experts — and when not to (TEDSalon London 2010)
Could we speak the language of dolphins? (TED2013)
The big idea my brother inspired (TEDMED 2009)
Back to the future (of 1994) (TED1994)
Understanding cancer through proteomics (TEDMED 2010)
The Internet could crash. We need a Plan B (TED2013)
Do the green thing (TED2008)
Color blind or color brave? (TED2014)
The painter and the pendulum (TED in the Field 2009)
We are all designers (TED2012)
Aliens, love — where are they? (TED2008)
Design, explained. (TED2012)
Lab testing reinvented (TEDMED2014)
The joyful tradition of mountain music (TED2004)
Why does the universe exist? (TED2014)
In praise of slowness (TEDGlobal 2005)
Transition to a world without oil (TEDGlobal 2009)
Building a dinosaur from a chicken (TED2011)
Four ways to fix a broken legal system (TED2010)
4 pillars of college success in science (TED2013)
Learn to read Chinese ... with ease! (TED2013)
An 11-year-old's magical violin (TED2006)
Does democracy stifle economic growth? (TEDGlobal 2011)
How to succeed? Get more sleep (TEDWomen 2010)
Songs of secrets and city lights (TEDGlobal 2009)
2070 Paradigm Shift (TEDxDrexel 2013)[18]
Fighting viruses, defending the net (TEDGlobal 2011)


Speaker Talk(s)
Nizar IbrahimHow we unearthed the Spinosaurus (TEDYouth 2014)
Science versus wonder? (TEDGlobal 2011)
3 warp-speed architecture tales (TEDGlobal 2009)
Everyone around you has a story the world needs to hear (TED2015)
The crime-fighting power of cross-border investigative journalism (TED2022)
How spectroscopy could reveal alien life (TEDGlobal 2009)
Want to innovate? Become a "now-ist" (TED2014)
How animations can help scientists test a hypothesis (TED2014)
The art of choosing (TEDGlobal 2010)
How to make choosing easier (TEDSalon NY2011)
Where is home? (TEDGlobal 2013)
The art of stillness (TEDSalon NY2014)


Speaker Talk(s)
Skin color is an illusion (TED2009)
Poverty, money — and love (TEDGlobal 2010)
An unusual glimpse at celebrity (TEDGlobal 2005)
An economic reality check (TEDGlobal 2010)
How healthy living nearly killed me (TEDMED 2011)
The world's largest family reunion … we're all invited! (TEDActive 2014)
Debate: Does the world need nuclear energy? (TED2010)
Understanding the rise of China (TEDSalon London 2010)
AstriaGraph: world’s first crowdsourced Space Traffic Monitoring system (TED2019)
The music of a war child (TEDGlobal 2009)
My creations, a new form of life (TED2007)
Teach arts and sciences together (TED2002)
Could future devices read images from our brains? (TED2013)
Don't build your home, grow it! (TED2010)
Did you hear the one about the Iranian-American? (TEDGlobal 2010)
Impossible photography (TEDSalon London Fall 2011)
The Web as a city (TED2003)
How the "ghost map" helped end a killer disease (TEDSalon 2006)
Where good ideas come from (TEDGlobal 2010)
The dancer, the singer, the cellist ... and a moment of creative magic (TED2015)
Why we need to rethink capitalism (TED2015)
A one-woman global village (TED2009)
What does the future hold? 11 characters offer quirky answers (TED2014)
One woman, five characters, and a sex lesson from the future (TED2015)
Turning powerful stats into art (TED2008)
Ellen JorgensenBiohacking—you can do it, too (TED2013)What you need to know about CRISPR (TED2016)
What I'm worried about, what I'm excited about (TED2006)
My wish: Use art to turn the world inside out (TED2011)
One year of turning the world inside out (TED2012)
Sex Advice to All Creation (TED2005)[19]
Why veterans miss war (TEDSalon NY2014)
Model rocketry (TED2007)


Speaker Talk(s)
Scenes from "My Architect" (TED2002)
The riddle of experience vs. memory (TED2010)
The illustrated woman (TED2007)
To invent is to give (TED2002)
Luke, a new prosthetic arm for soldiers (TED2007)
The emotion behind invention (TEDMED 2009)
How I built a windmill (TEDGlobal 2007)
How I harnessed the wind (TEDGlobal 2009)
Medical miracle on Everest (TEDMED 2009)
A neural portrait of the human mind (TED2014)
Toys and materials from the future (TED2005)
We are the stories we tell ourselves (TEDIndia 2009)
The technology of the heart (TEDIndia 2009)
Comics of bygone New York (TED2002)
A powerful idea about ideas (TED2007)
If I should have a daughter ... (TED2011)
A critical look at geoengineering against climate change (TEDSalon 2007 Hot Science)
Human-centered design (TED2002)
How to build your creative confidence (TED2012)
How technology evolves (TED2005)
Be passionate. Be courageous. Be your best. (TED2014)
Experiments that hint of longer lives (TEDGlobal 2011)
How to build with clay... and community (TEDCity2.0 2013)
Let's use video to reinvent education (TED2011)
Thoughts on humanity, fame and love (TED2017)
A historic moment in the Arab world (TED2011)
Mapping the future of countries (TEDGlobal 2009)
Designing books is no laughing matter. OK, it is. (TED2012)
The art of first impressions — in design and life (TEDSalon NY2015)
The shared wonder of film (TEDSalon London Spring 2012)
This is what it's like to teach in North Korea (TED2015)
Playing "Pink Noise" on guitar (TED2008)
How I use sonar to navigate the world (TED2015)
Photos that changed the world (TED2010)
A thought experiment on the intelligence of crows (TED2008)
Addicted to risk (TEDWomen 2010)
How augmented reality will change sports ... and build empathy (TED2014)
The dark secrets of a surveillance state (TEDSalon Berlin 2014)
How our microbes make us who we are (TED2014)
Visualizing ourselves ... with crowd-sourced data (TED2011)
Let's try emotional correctness (TED@NYC 2013)
Don't like clickbait? Don't click (TED@NYC 2014)
Katlego Kai Kolanyane-KesupileHow I'm bringing queer pride to my rural village (TEDGlobal2017)[20]
What we're learning from online education (TEDGlobal 2012)
1.3m reasons to re-invent the syringe (TEDGlobal 2009)
Tracking our online trackers (TED2012)
To This Day ... for the bullied and beautiful (TED2013)
Can democracy exist without trust? (TEDGlobal 2012)
The voice of the natural world (TEDGlobal 2013)
The fight against sex slavery (TEDIndia 2009)
Why lunch ladies are heroes (TED@NYC 2014)
Stunning data visualization in the AlloSphere (TED2009)
Robots that fly ... and cooperate (TED2012)
The ghastly tragedy of the suburbs (TED2004)
The untouchable music of the theremin (TED2002)
The accelerating power of technology (TED2005)
A university for the coming singularity (TED2009)
Get ready for hybrid thinking (TED2014)
Why the buildings of the future will be shaped by ... you (TED2014)
Two nerdy obsessions meet — and it's magic (TED2014)
Why You Don't Have to Wait Till You Grow Up (TED2016)


Speaker Talk(s)
A Plug for Smart Power Outlets (TED2009)
The generation that's remaking China (TEDGlobal 2011)
A song for my hero, the woman who rowed into a hurricane (TED2015)
This gel can make you stop bleeding instantly (TEDGlobal 2014)
My underwater robot (TED2013)
The math and magic of origami (TED2008)
The story of life in photographs (TED2005)
Photos that give voice to the animal kingdom (TED2014)
Games for girls (TED1998)
Casting a spell on the cello (TED2005)
A headset that reads your brainwaves (TEDGlobal 2010)
The era of open innovation (TEDGlobal 2005)
Education innovation in the slums (TEDSalon London 2010)
A dig for humanity's origins (TED2008)
The NSA responds to Edward Snowden's TED Talk (TED2014)
My escape from North Korea (TED2013)
My mushroom burial suit (TEDGlobal 2011)
Free or cheap Wii Remote hacks (TED2008)
Grow your own clothes (TED2011)
The art of creating awe (TEDGlobal 2012)
A parable for Kenya (TEDGlobal 2007)
Joel S. LevineWhy we need to go back to Mars (TED2009)
Jon LevyWhat makes us influential? (TEDSalon NY2018)
Meet the women fighting on the front lines of an American war (TEDWomen 2015)
Why I am an HIV/AIDS activist (TEDGlobal 2010)
A song of the city (TED2007)
Take "the Other" to lunch (TEDWomen 2010)
Laws that choke creativity (TED2007)
We the People, and the Republic we must reclaim (TED2013)
The unstoppable walk to political reform (TED2014)
Software (as) art (TED2004)
Art that looks back at you (TED2009)
The sound the universe makes (TED2011)
A theory of everything (TED2002)
The freakonomics of crack dealing (TED2004)
Surprising stats about child carseats (TEDGlobal 2005)
The price of shame (TED2015)
Piano jazz that rocks (TED2009)
Chaos and harmony on piano (TED2009)
Embrace the near win (TED2014)
How we're teaching computers to understand pictures (TED2015)
17 words of architectural inspiration (TED2009)
A Visual History of Human Knowledge (TED2015)
Your brain on improv (TED2010)
Building the musical muscle (TED2011)
What we can learn from galaxies far, far away (TEDYouth 2013)
Improvising on piano, aged 14 (TED2004)
Curating humanity's heritage (TEDWomen 2010)
Building "self-aware" robots (TED2007)
An 8-dimensional model of the universe (TED2008)
The invisible man (TED2013)
Why ordinary people need to understand power (TEDCity2.0 2013)
An inventory of the invisible (TEDGlobal 2009)
An animated tour of the invisible (TED-Ed 2012)
The fiction of memory (TEDGlobal 2013)
Global priorities bigger than climate change (TED2005)
Organic design, inspired by nature (TED2005)
Winning the oil endgame (TED2005)
A 40-year plan for energy (TEDSalon NY2012)
Texting that saves lives (TED2012)
In the Internet age, dance evolves ... (TED2010)
Organic algorithms in architecture (TED2005)


Speaker Talk(s)
The surprising thing I learned sailing solo around the world (TED2015)
An illustrated journey through Rome (TED2002)
Nature vs. humans (TED1998)
A flight on solar wings (TED2003)
2600 years of history in one object (TEDGlobal 2011)
Inventing instruments that unlock new music (TED2008)
Let's take back the Internet! (TEDGlobal 2011)
Cape Breton fiddling in reel time (TED2002)
Fiddling in reel time (TED2003)
Meet the microscopic life in your home—and on your face (TED2017)
-Better toilets, better life (TEDGlobal 2014)
Designing for simplicity (TED2007)
How art, technology and design inform creative leaders (TEDGlobal 2012)
Meet the SixthSense interaction (TED2009)
"Thula Mama" (TEDGlobal 2007)
"Woza" (TEDGlobal 2007)
How to upgrade democracy for the Internet era (TEDGlobal 2014)
Fractals and the art of roughness (TED2010)
Anatomy of a New Yorker cartoon (TEDSalon NY2013)
Profit's not always the point (TED@BCG Singapore 2013)
A brain in a supercomputer (TEDGlobal 2009)
Why city flags may be the worst-designed thing you've never noticed (TED2015)
Tiny satellites show us the Earth as it changes in near-real-time (TED2014)
This isn't her mother's feminism (TEDWomen 2010)
Breakthrough designs for ultra-low-cost products (TEDIndia 2009)
Discovering and designing genomes for Earth, Mars, and beyond (TEDMED 2015)
A next-generation digital book (TED2011)
A new way to fight corruption (TEDIndia 2009)
Your Human Firewall – The Answer to the Cyber Security Problem (TEDxWoking 2017)
How architecture can connect us (TED2005)
Government — investor, risk-taker, innovator (TEDGlobal 2013)
What will future jobs look like? (TED2013)
The beauty of data visualization (TEDGlobal 2010)
Listen, learn ... then lead (TED2011)
The military case for sharing knowledge (TED2014)
The visual magic of comics (TED2005)
Cradle to cradle design (TED2005)
Gaming can make a better world (TED2010)
The game that can give you 10 extra years of life (TEDGlobal 2012)
Massively multi-player… thumb-wrestling? (TEDGlobal 2013)
How to make stress your friend (TEDGlobal 2013)
A choreographer's creative process in real time (TEDGlobal 2012)
"Clonie" (TED2008)
"Mother of Pearl," "If I Had You" (TED2008)
"The Dog Song" (TED2008)
The joy of lexicography (TED2007)
Go ahead, make up new words! (TEDYouth 2014)
Txtng is killing language. JK!(TED2013)
Your body is my canvas (TEDGlobal 2013)
How to grow fresh air (TED2009)
How pig parts make the world turn (TEDGlobal 2010)
Singing old poems to life (TED2010)
Growing evidence of brain plasticity (TED2004)
Science visualization (TED2013)
Body neutrality (TEDx BethuneStreetWomen 2018)
"Tembererana" (TED2007)
"Peace on Earth" (TED2007)
Re-engineering the brain (TEDGlobal 2010)
Why smart statistics are the key to fighting crime (TED@BCG San Francisco 2013)
How virtual reality can create the ultimate empathy machine (TED2015)
Vivienne MingMaking a better person (TEDMED2015)
Health and the human mind (TED2003)
The ancient ingenuity of water harvesting (TEDIndia 2009)
Meet the SixthSense interaction (TED2009)
The thrilling potential of SixthSense technology (TEDIndia 2009)
So we leaned in ... now what? (TEDWomen 2013)
The child-driven education (TEDGlobal 2010)
Build a School in the Cloud (TED2013)
Fashion and creativity (TED2008)
How a dead duck changed my life (TED2013)
My dream of a flying car (TED2004)
Meet Milo, the virtual boy (TEDGlobal 2010)
For more wonder, rewild the world (TEDGlobal 2013)
What we're learning from 5,000 brains (TEDGlobal 2012)
How the teddy bear taught us compassion (TED2014)
Hidden music rituals around the world (TEDGlobal 2014)
Seas of plastic (TED2009)
How to talk to veterans about the war (TEDSalon NY2014)
I believe we evolved from aquatic apes (TEDGlobal 2009)
How the Net aids dictatorships (TEDGlobal 2009)
Why stay in Chernobyl? Because it's home (TEDGlobal 2013)
Juggling as art ... and science (TED2002)
Is China the new idol for emerging economies? (TEDGlobal 2013)
Could we cure HIV with lasers? (TED2015)
Post-crash, investing in a better world (TEDGlobal 2009)
A short intro to the Studio School (TEDGlobal 2011)
Solving social problems with a nudge (TEDIndia 2009)
Changing my legs - and my mindset (TED1998)
My 12 pairs of legs (TED2009)
The opportunity of adversity (TEDMED 2009)
Play! ExperimentDiscover! (TED2002)
A next-gen cure for killer infections (TED2009)
Art with wire, sugar, chocolate and string (TED2003)
Comics that ask "what if?" (TED2014)
What my religion really says about women (TEDWomen 2015)
Fighting a contagious cancer (TEDGlobal 2011)
How I started a sanitary napkin revolution! (TED@Bangalore 2012)
The mind behind Tesla, SpaceX, SolarCity ... (TED2013)
Kasiva MutuaHow I use the drum to tell my story (TEDGlobal 2017)[21]
The day I stood up alone (TEDGlobal 2014)
Aid for Africa? No thanks. (TEDGlobal 2007)
Archeology, animal photography, BBQ ... (TED2007)
Could this laser zap malaria? (TED2010)
Cooking as never seen before (TED2011)


Speaker Talk(s)
My wish: Let my photographs bear witness (TED2007)
Moving photos of extreme drug-resistant TB (TED Prize Wish 2008)
Why we need to end the War on Drugs (TEDGlobal 2014)
Conserving the canopy (TED2009)
Life science in prison (TED2010)
Harnessing the intelligence of the collective (TED2017)
Why invest in Africa (TEDGlobal 2007)
The intricate economics of terrorism (TEDGlobal 2009)
Betiya (TED2019)
A word game to communicate in any language (TED2013)
A full-band beatbox (TED2009)
A global culture to fight extremism (TEDGlobal 2011)
Gorgeous portraits of the world's vanishing people (TEDGlobal 2014)
5 predictions, from 1984 (TED1984)
One Laptop per Child (TED2006)
Taking OLPC to Colombia (TED in the Field 2008)
A 30-year history of the future (TED2014)
Art in exile (TEDWomen 2010)
The hidden world of shadow cities (TEDGlobal 2005)
The power of the informal economy (TEDGlobal 2012)
Embracing otherness, embracing myself (TEDGlobal 2011)
The danger of a single story (TEDGlobal 2009)
Tales of ice-bound wonderlands (TED2011)
A monkey that controls a robot with its thoughts. No, really. (TEDMED 2012)
Brain-to-brain communication has arrived. How we did it (TEDGlobal 2014)
Ideas for India's future (TED2009)
A prosthetic eye to treat blindness (TEDMED 2011)
3 ways good design makes you happy (TED2003)
Hypersonic sound and other inventions (TED2004)
The 100,000-student classroom (TED2012)
My wish: A global day of film (TED2006)
Demand a more open-source government (TEDGlobal 2012)
Invest in Africa's own solutions (TEDGlobal 2005)
Patient capitalism (TEDGlobal 2007)
An escape from poverty (TED2009)
A third way to think about aid (TED@State 2009)
Inspiring a life of immersion (TEDWomen 2010)
How electroshock therapy changed me (TED2001)
The extraordinary power of ordinary people (TED2003)
Extreme swimming with the world's most dangerous jellyfish (TEDMED 2011)
Never, ever give up (TEDWomen 2013)
Global power shifts (TEDGlobal 2010)


Speaker Talk(s)
Inside a school for suicide bombers (TED2010)
Smart failure for a fast-changing world (TEDGlobal 2012)
Psychedelic science (TEDGlobal 2013)
How to make a splash in social media (TEDIndia 2009)
How I became an activist (TEDGlobal 2007)
Want to help Africa? Do business here (TED2007)
Aid versus trade (TEDGlobal 2007)
Teach every child about food (TED2010)
What if our healthcare system kept us healthy? (TEDMED 2012)
Why we should trust scientists (TEDSalon NY2014)
Reviving New York's rivers — with oysters! (TEDWomen 2010)
Healing through diet (TED2004)
The killer American diet that's sweeping the planet (TED2006)
Your genes are not your fate (TED2008)
Flip your thinking on AIDS in Africa (TED2007)
After your final status update (TEDGlobal 2011)
A hospital tour in Nigeria (TEDGlobal 2007)



Speaker Talk(s)
DNA clues to our inner neanderthal (TEDGlobal 2011)
The 4 commandments of cities (TED2012)
The genesis of Google (TED2004)
Where's Google going next? (TED2014)
How language transformed humanity (TEDGlobal 2011)
Coding a better government (TED2012)
The rare galaxy that is challenging our understanding of the universe (TED2018)
Dinesh PalipanaThe barriers to becoming a doctor with quadriplegia (TEDxBrisbane 2018)
The way we think about charity is dead wrong (TED2013)
The art of asking (TED2013)
Imagine a European democracy without borders (TEDGlobal 2013)
Archeology from space (TED2012)
Beware online "filter bubbles" (TED2011)
The violin, and my dark night of the soul (TED2013)
Iran and Israel: Peace is possible (TEDGlobal 2013)
East vs. West — the myths that mystify (TEDIndia 2009)
A forensic anthropologist who brings closure for the "disappeared" (TEDYouth 2014)
Why buses represent democracy in action (TEDCity2.0 2013)
Meet a young entrepreneur, cartoonist, designer, activist … (TEDWomen 2013)
Parrot Intelligence (TED2005)[22]
The secret to desire in a long-term relationship (TEDSalon NY2013)
Rethinking infidelity ... a talk for anyone who has ever loved (TED2015)
Are games better than life? (TED2006)
The journey across the high wire (TED2012)
10 ways the world could end (TED2002)
The coming neurological epidemic (TED2008)
My solar-powered adventure (TEDGlobal 2009)
Let's transform energy — with natural gas (TED2012)
New thoughts on capital in the twenty-first century (TEDSalon Berlin 2014)
A dance of "Symbiosis" (TED2005)
The puzzle of motivation (TEDGlobal 2009)
Human nature and the blank slate (TED2003)
What our language habits reveal (TEDGlobal 2005)
The surprising decline in violence (TED2007)
The long reach of reason (TED2012)
Sex, drugs and HIV — let's get rational (TED2010)
What the people of the Amazon know that you don’t (TEDGlobal 2014)
Simplicity sells (TED2006)
10 top time-saving tech tips (TED2013)
A plant's-eye view (TED2007)
Can technology solve our big problems? (TED2013)
The case for anonymity online (TED2010)
This is Saturn (TED2007)
Could a Saturn moon harbor life? (TED2009)
Why business can be good at solving social problems (TEDGlobal 2013)
On glamour (TED2004)
The shocking move to criminalize nonviolent protest (TED2014)
A vision for sustainable restaurants (TEDGlobal 2010)
A complicated hero in the war on dictatorship (TED2008)
In search of the man who broke my neck (TED2013)
The lost art of letter-writing (TED2007)
The mysterious lives of giant trees (TED2008)
Cloudy with a chance of joy (TEDGlobal 2013)
Behind the design of Seattle's library (TED2006)
All it takes is 10 mindful minutes (TEDSalon London Fall 2012)
How I swam the North Pole (TEDGlobal 2009)
My mind-shifting Everest swim (TEDGlobal 2010)


Speaker Talk(s)
Creative problem-solving in the face of extreme limits (TEDGlobal 2014)
3 clues to understanding your brain (TED2007)
The neurons that shaped civilization (TEDIndia 2009)
Radical women, embracing tradition (TEDIndia 2009)
Homeopathy, quackery and fraud (TED2007)
A Rosetta Stone for a lost language (TED2011)
Imaging at a trillion frames per second (TEDGlobal 2012)
The hidden force in global economics: sending money home (TEDGlobal 2014)
Architecture that senses and responds (TED2011)
Lose your ego, find your compassion (TEDSalon 2009 Compassion)
A New Era (TED2022 | A New Era)|-| || How low-cost eye care can be world-class (TEDIndia 2009)|-| || "What You've Got" (TED2003)
"Kiteflyer's Hill" (TED2003)|-| || How to survive a nuclear attack (TED2008)|-| || A young guitarist meets his hero (TEDGlobal 2012)|-| || Is this our final century? (TEDGlobal 2005)
Can we prevent the end of the world? (TED2014)|-| || The $8 billion iPod (TED2012)|-| || The interspecies internet? An idea in progress (TED2013)|-| || An ultra-low-cost college degree (TED2014)|-| || The new power of collaboration (TED2005)|-| || The habits of happiness (TED2004)
How to let altruism be your guide (TEDGlobal 2014)|-| || What the gay rights movement learned from the civil rights movement (TED2014)|-| || When ideas have sex (TEDGlobal 2010)|-| ||| TEDxHouston 2013|-| || The day I turned down Tim Berners-Lee (TEDGlobal 2011)|-| || If I controlled the Internet (TEDSalon 2006)
A mockingbird remix of TED2006 (TED2006)
The 4 a.m. mystery (TED2007)
A story of mixed emoticons (TED2008)
The Museum of Four in the Morning (TEDActive 2014)|-| || 10 things you didn't know about orgasm (TED2009)|-| || The art of misdirection (TEDGlobal 2013)|-| || A Simple Formula To Inspire the World To Live Their Dreams (TEDx 2013)|-| || Why we do what we do (TED2006)|-| || Real-time performance capture (TED2019)|-| || How schools kill creativity (TED2006)
Bring on the learning revolution! (TED2010)
How to escape education's death valley (TED Talks Education 2013)|-| || Why I must come out (TED2014)|-| || Let the environment guide our development (TEDGlobal 2010)|-| || A memorial at Ground Zero (TED2002)|-| || On violon and cello, "Passacaglia" (TED2011)
The dancer, the singer, the cellist ... and a moment of creative magic (TED2015)|-| || Why the world needs charter cities (TEDGlobal 2009)
The world's first charter city? (TED2011)|-| || The case for engineering our food (TED2015)|-| || Strange answers to the psychopath test (TED2012)
What happens when online shaming spirals out of control (TEDGlobalLondon 2015)|-| || How sampling transformed music (TED2014)|-| || How to pitch to a VC (TED2007)|-| || The end of fake news (TED Res 2018)
Innovate -- curation!(TEDx Grand Rapids 2011)
Building a museum at Ground Zero (TED 2012)|-| || New data on the rise of women (TEDWomen 2010)|-| || The best stats you've ever seen (TED2006)
New insights on poverty (TED2007)
Insights on HIV, in stunning data visuals (TED2009)
Let my dataset change your mindset (TED@State 2009)
Asia's rise — how and when (TEDIndia 2009)
Global population growth, box by box (TED@Cannes 2010)
The magic washing machine (TEDWomen 2010)
How not to be ignorant about the world (TEDSalon Berlin 2014)|-| || How not to be ignorant about the world (TEDSalon Berlin 2014)|-| || Fly with the Jetman (TEDGlobal 2011)|-| || Suspended animation is within our grasp (TED2010)|-| || My daughter, my wife, our robot, and the quest for immortality (TED2015)|-| || Playing with DNA that self-assembles (TED2007)
DNA folding, in detail (TED2008)|-| || Meet BRCK, Internet access built for Africa (TEDGlobal 2013)|-| || Learning from a barefoot movement (TEDGlobal 2011)|-| || The birth of a word (TED2011)|-| || Are China and the US doomed to conflict? (TED2015)|-| || The thinking behind 50x15 (TEDGlobal 2007)|-| || The real future of space exploration (TED2006)|}


Speaker Talk(s)
What hallucination reveals about our minds (TED2009)
New York's streets? Not so mean any more (TEDCity2.0 2013)
The missing link to renewable energy (TED2012)
Building uniqueness (TED2002)
How to reinvent the apartment building (TED2014)
Happiness by design (TED2004)
Designing with slogans (TED2008)
The power of time off (TEDGlobal 2009)
7 rules for making more happiness (TED@Cannes 2010)
A tale of mental illness — from the inside (TEDGlobal 2012)
Women, wartime and the dream of peace (TEDGlobal 2010)
Our unhealthy obsession with choice (TEDGlobal 2013)
The silent drama of photography (TED2013)
Why we have too few women leaders (TEDWomen 2010)
So we leaned in ... now what? (TEDWomen 2013)
The lost art of democratic debate (TED2010)
Why we shouldn't trust markets with our civic life (TEDGlobal 2013)
A monkey economy as irrational as ours (TEDGlobal 2010)
Dance to change the world (TEDIndia 2009)
How we found hundreds of potential Earth-like planets (TEDGlobal 2010)
How to make peace? Get angry (TED2015)
Teach girls bravery, not perfection (TED2016)
Talking With Deaf (TEDxRíodelaPlata 2020)
The gentle genius of bonobos (TED2004)
How to fight desertification and reverse climate change (TED2013)
Cyber Crime: Asian Subcontinent vs. European and American Convention (TED2021)
How we read each other's minds (TEDGlobal 2009)
Toys and materials from the future (TED2005)
Use data to build better schools (TEDGlobal 2012)
The emergent patterns of climate change (TED2014)
On being wrong (TED2011)
Don't regret regret (TEDSalon NY2011)
The surprisingly logical minds of babies (TED2015)
The paradox of choice (TEDGlobal 2005)
Our loss of wisdom (TED2009)
Using our practical wisdom (TEDSalon NY2011 2010)
The hidden beauty of pollination (TED2011)
Hidden miracles of the natural world (TED2014)
What Cults Tell Us About Ourselves (TEDxPaloAltoSalon2019)
Why we laugh (TED2015)
An Iraq war movie crowd-sourced from soldiers (TED2007)
The search for planets beyond our solar system (TED2015)
Visual illusions that show how we (mis)think (TED2004)
Street art with a message of hope and peace (TED2015)
An ode to envy (TEDSalon NY2013)
The new era of positive psychology (TED2004)
How to run a company with (almost) no rules (TEDGlobal 2014)
The secret lives of paintings (TEDGlobal 2012)
Digging up dinosaurs (TED2005)
I am my connectome (TEDGlobal 2010)
The politics of fiction (TEDGlobal 2010)
3 reasons we still haven’t gotten rid of malaria (TEDGlobal 2013)
Fighting cancer with dance (TEDIndia 2009)
A second opinion on developmental disorders (TEDIndia 2009)
Anti-gravity sculpture (TED2003)
The painter and the pendulum (TED in the Field 2009)
You don't need an app for that (TEDGlobal 2013)
The optimism bias (TED2012)
Ending hunger now (TEDGlobal 2011)
Why people believe weird things (TED2006)
The pattern behind self-deception (TED2010)
A performance with breath, music, passion (TED2008)
Why do ambitious women have flat heads? (TED2015)
Institutions vs. collaboration (TEDGlobal 2005)
How social media can make history (TED@State 2009)
How cognitive surplus will change the world (TED@Cannes 2010)
Why SOPA is a bad idea (TEDSalon NY2012)
How the Internet will (one day) transform government (TEDGlobal 2012)
User Interfaces for Searching (TED1998)
Let's simplify legal jargon! (TED2010)
The forgotten history of autism (TED2015)
Hack a banana, make a keyboard! (TEDSalon NY2013)
Adjustable liquid-filled eyeglasses (TEDGlobal 2009)
Does racism affect how you vote? (TED2009)
A new perspective on the number 3000 (TED2010)[23] [24]
Photographs of secret sites (TEDGlobal 2009)
The stories behind the bloodlines (TEDSalon London Fall 2011)
My wish: A call for open-source architecture (TED2006)
The refugees of boom-and-bust (TED2009)
Why good leaders make you feel safe (TED2014)
Military robots and the future of war (TED2009)
The why and how of effective altruism (TED2013)
How brains learn to see (TEDIndia 2009)
Rhythm is everything, everywhere (TEDIndia 2009)
Weird, or just different? (TEDIndia 2009)
How to start a movement (TED2010)
Keep your goals to yourself (TEDGlobal 2010)
My journey into movies that matter (TED2007)
Can we all "have it all"? (TEDGlobal 2013)
Teen wonders play bluegrass (TED@New York 2012)
Bluegrass virtuosity from ... New Jersey? (TED2013)
Let's treat violence like a contagious disease (TEDMED 2013)
Simple designs to save a life (TED2006)
Lessons in business ... from prison (TED@New York 2012)
How to restore a rainforest (TED2009)
Science and democracy (TED2003)
Here's how we take back the Internet (TED2014)
The Philosophical Breakfast Club (TEDGlobal 2012)
Global warming's theme song, "Manhattan in January" (TED2006)
The Jill and Julia Show (TED2007)
Government surveillance — this is just the beginning (TED Fellows Retreat 2013)
Love, no matter what (TEDMED 2013)
How the worst moments in our lives make us who we are (TED2014)
The dancer, the singer, the cellist ... and a moment of creative magic (TED2015)
How we can predict the next financial crisis (TEDGlobal 2013)
This is what enduring love looks like (TED2015)
The danger of science denial (TED2010)
Why I fell in love with monster prime numbers (TED2013)
Your phone company is watching (TEDGlobal 2012)
Why bees are disappearing (TEDGlobal 2013)
The greatest TED Talk ever sold (TED2011)
6 ways mushrooms can save the world (TED2008)
The clues to a great story (TED2012)
Design and destiny (TED2007)
A Navy Admiral's thoughts on global security (TEDGlobal 2012)
The route to a sustainable future (TEDGlobal 2005)
The shareable future of cities (TEDGlobal 2011)
Want to be happy? Be grateful (TEDGlobal 2013)
The state of the climate — and what we might do about it (TED@Unilever 2014)
How much does a video weigh? (TED-Ed 2013)
A new way to grow bone (TEDGlobal 2013)
We need to talk about an injustice (TED2012)
"Black Men Ski" (TED2006)
Time to end the war in Afghanistan (TEDGlobal 2011)
How I started writing songs again (TED2014)
To upgrade is human (TED2003)
The call to learn (TED2006)
Can you live without the Internet? (TED University 2009)
I'm going to the moon. Who's with me? (TED2007)
The bio-future of joint replacement (TED2010)
Rebuilding a neighborhood with beauty, dignity, hope (TED2002)
The science of sync (TED2004)
The global food waste scandal (TEDSalon London Spring 2012)
The kill decision shouldn't belong to a robot (TEDGlobal 2013)
Put a value on nature! (TEDGlobal 2011)
Eco-friendly drywall (TED2009)
The power and the danger of online crowds (TED2005)
The world's oldest living things (TEDGlobal 2010)
What adults can learn from kids (TED2010)
Let's save the last pristine continent (TEDGlobal 2014)
The leaders who ruined Africa, and the generation who can fix it (TEDGlobal 2014)
Letting go of God (TED2006)
The Jill and Julia Show (TED2007)
It's time for "The Talk" (TED2010)


Speaker Talk(s)
How ideas trump crises (TED2009)
The balancing act of compassion (TEDSalon 2009 Compassion)
Lead like the great conductors (TEDGlobal 2009)
Different ways of knowing (TED2011)
Where does creativity hide? (TED2008)
Everyday compassion at Google (TEDPrize@UN 2010)
Caring for engineered tissue (TED2011)
Could tissue engineering mean personalized medicine? (TEDGlobal 2012)
Four principles for the open world (TEDGlobal 2012)
Join the SETI search (TED2009)
My stroke of insight (TED2008)
Fighters and mourners of the Ukrainian revolution (TEDGlobal 2014)
The power of love: a spark for community change (TEDxDepaul 2019)
Spider-Man, The Lion King, and life on the creative edge (TED2011)
The magic of truth and lies (and iPods) (TEDGlobal 2011)
Augmented reality, techno-magic (TEDGlobal 2011)
A magical tale (with augmented reality) (TED2012)
The electric rise and fall of Nikola Tesla (TED2012)
A cyber-magic card trick like no other (TEDGlobal 2012)
And for my next trick, a robot (TED2014)
Why nations should pursue soft power (TEDIndia 2009)
Wake up! (TED2007)
Make data more human (TEDxVancouver 2011)
Google's driverless car (TED2011)
We can be Buddhas (TEDSalon 2006)
Can we make things that make themselves? (TED2011)
The emergence of "4D printing" (TED2013)
Music and emotion through time (TED2012)
(TEDPrize@UN 2010)
Past is not our future (TEDxCGCMohali)
Succenergy Activate Your Energy Discover your Success Inside You (TED2017)
The wireless future of medicine (TEDMED 2009)
"M'Bifo" (TEDGlobal 2007)
"Kounandi" (TEDGlobal 2007)
A modern take on piano, violin, cello (TEDWomen 2010)
Meet the founder of the blog revolution (TED2006)
A leap from the edge of space (TEDGlobal 2009)
A multimedia theatrical adventure (TED2009)
The political power of being a good neighbor (TED2019)
5 dangerous things you should let your kids do (TED2007)
Life lessons through tinkering (TED2009)
The science of scent (TED2005)
Connected, but alone? (TED2012)
My wish: Find the next Einstein in Africa (TED2008)


Speaker Talk(s)
Never let your dreams die (2021 TEDxPrahladnagar)
Understanding Maps (2002)
We're worried about local warming ... in your lap (TED2007)
The first 21 days of a bee's life (TED2015)[25]
Hidden music rituals around the world (TEDGlobal 2014)
Majestic chaos (TEDIndia 2009)[26] [27]
Exposing the invisible (TEDGlobal 2009)
James VeitchThis is what happens when you reply to spam email (TEDGlobal 2015)The agony of trying to unsubscribe (TEDSummit 2016)
Sampling the ocean's DNA (TEDGlobal 2005)
On the verge of creating synthetic life (TED2008)
Watch me unveil "synthetic life" (TED in the Field 2010)
A doctor's touch (TEDGlobal 2011)
How to go to space, without having to go to space (TEDGlobal 2014)
Meet the future of cancer research (TED2005)
Architecture at home in its community (TEDGlobal 2013)
How I made an impossible film (TED2013)
Why we should invest in a free press (TED2016)


Speaker Talk(s)
The birth of Wikipedia (TEDGlobal 2005)[28]
My library of human imagination (TED2008)
The world's English mania (TED2009)
What fear can teach us (TEDGlobal 2012)
Finding planets around other stars (TED2011)
Let's not use Mars as a backup planet (TED2015)
Emergency medicine for our climate fever (TEDSummit 2019)
A theory of Earth's mass extinctions (TED2008)
Half a million secrets (TED2012)
A life of purpose (TED2006)
Building US-China relations ... by banjo (TED2012)
How we discovered DNA (TED2005)
Beats that defy boxes (TED2012)
What's so funny about mental illness? (TEDGlobal 2012)
How I hacked online dating (TEDSalon NY2013)
Tidying up art (TED2006)
A family tree for humanity (TEDGlobal 2007)
What your doctor won’t disclose (TEDMED 2014)
The beautiful math of coral (TED2009)
The surprising math of cities and corporations (TEDGlobal 2011)
A virtual choir 2,000 voices strong (TED2011)
Virtual Choir Live (TED2013)
The real danger lurking in the water (TEDIndia 2009)
Toward a science of simplicity (TED2010)
The weird, wonderful world of bioluminescence (TED2011)
How we found the giant squid (TED2013)
Hold your breath for micro-sculpture (TEDGlobal 2009)
Let's pool our medical data (TEDGlobal 2012)
How economic inequality harms societies (TEDGlobal 2011)
Poetry of youth and age (TED2001)
The voices of Twitter users (TED2009)
A realistic vision for world peace (TEDWomen 2010)
My wish: build the encyclopedia of ife (TED2007)
Advice to young scientists (TEDMED 2012)
Yup, I built a nuclear fusion reactor (TED2012)
My radical plan for small nuclear fission reactors (TED2013)
Chimps have feelings and thoughts. They should also have rights (TED2015)
The search for the true face of Leonardo (TED2008)
The quantified self (TED@Cannes 2010)
The jungle search for viruses (TED2009)
What's left to explore? (TED2012)
The path to ending ethnic conflicts (TEDGlobal 2010)
Teaching kids real math with computers (TEDGlobal 2010)
Computing a theory of all knowledge (TED2010)
Diane Wolk-Rogers A Parkland teacher's homework for us all (TED2018)
The real reason for brains (TEDGlobal 2011)
The difference between winning and succeeding (TED2001)
Progress is not a zero-sum game (TED2006)
The evolution of compassion (TEDSalon 2009 Compassion)
Spore, birth of a game (TED2007)
Our century's greatest injustice (TEDGlobal 2010)
3 ways the brain creates meaning (TED2009)
Learn to use the 13th-century astrolabe (TEDGlobal 2009)
Build a tower, build a team (TED2010)
Got a wicked problem? First, tell me how you make toast (TEDGlobal 2013)
30th TED birthday celebration (TED2014)[29]


Speaker Talk(s)
My trek to the South Pole (TED2009)
Trust, morality — and oxytocin? (TEDGlobal 2011)
The transformative power of classical music (TED2008)
I got 99 problems... palsy is just one (TEDWomen 2013)
The playful search for beauty (TED2001)
The psychology of evil (TED2008)
The psychology of time (TED2009)
The demise of guys? (TED2011)
The Web as random acts of kindness (TEDGlobal 2009)
Listening to global voices (TEDGlobal 2010)
What we learn from insects’ kinky sex lives (TEDWomen 2015)

See also

  • TED Prize

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: TEDGlobal 2014: The full lineup revealed. Kate. Torgovnick May. September 2, 2014.
  2. Web site: TEDGlobal 2014: Program Guide . October 6, 2014.
  3. Web site: TED2019: Program Guide . . 2019-01-12.
  4. Web site: Speakers . . 2014-11-25.
  5. Web site: Talks . . 2014-12-07.
  6. Web site: TED Talks . . . . 2014-12-04 . 2014-12-07 . . July 12, 2012 . dead .
  7. Web site: TED talks, ranked by PostRank engagement data . . . 2012-01-22.
  8. Web site: Organize a local TEDx event . . 2015-01-19 . TEDx Stats: 11,521 events held; 1,126 upcoming events.
  9. Web site: The urban canvas, splashed with color: A recap of session 5 at TEDGlobal 2014. TED staff. October 8, 2014.
  10. Web site: TEDGlobal 2014: Speaker A-Z . October 6, 2014.
  11. Web site: TED (Technology Entertainment Design) Conference 2005 Photographs & Highlights .
  12. Web site: Brian D. Farrell—Curriculum Vitae: Presentations & Invited talks . Farrell Lab @ Harvard University.
  13. Web site: Introducing the RoboRoach: Greg Gage at TEDGlobal 2013 . . 2013-06-12.
  14. Web site: TED Series: DIY Neuroscience . . 2018-06-11.
  15. Web site: Cindy Gallop: Make love, not porn . . 2009-12-02.
  16. News: Too Hot for TED: Income Inequality . . Tankersley, Jim . 2012-05-16.
  17. Web site: TED and inequality: The real story . TEDChris . . 2012-05-17 . . 2013-04-30.
  18. Web site: Comedian Gives Ridiculous Prank TED Talk . Business Insider . 2013-10-15.
  19. Web site: Olivia Judson on evolution in progress . . 2005-11-07.
  20. Web site: Botswana's first publicly open transgender among 10 African trailblazers on the TEDGlobal 2017 list. YourBotswana. en-GB. September 7, 2017. dead. 2018-07-16.
  21. News: Kasiva Mutua: I think I cried at US percussion fest. Nyaga. Boniface. 2018-07-04. Music In Africa. 2018-07-14. en.
  22. Web site: Ted Day 2 Morning Session Grade Out . TED Blog . 2005-02-25.
  23. Web site: Play: Roundup of TED2010, Session 10 . . 2010-02-12.
  24. News: Last Post On Sarah Silverman v. TED . . Michael . Arrington . Michael Arrington . 2010-02-17.
  25. Web site: Transcript of "The first 21 days of a bee's life". Anand. Varma. May 11, 2015 . July 29, 2019.
  26. Web site: The Buzz: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev meditates on majestic chaos . TEDIndia . . 2009-11-05.
  27. Web site: Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev's profile page . . 2012-01-22.
  28. Web site: Transcript of "The birth of Wikipedia". Jimmy. Wales. August 21, 2006 . July 29, 2019.
  29. Web site: The 30th birthday of TED: Richard Saul Wurman at TED2014 . . 2014-03-17.