List of cantonal executives of Switzerland explained

This article lists the cantonal executives of Switzerland. Each canton of Switzerland has its own executive body, as well as legislative body. The Federal Council is the executive of the Swiss federal government, and is included for purposes of comparison.

The cantonal executives are collegial bodies, each with 5 or 7 members. They are generally called German: Regierungsrat (Executive Council) in German-speaking cantons and French: Conseil d'État (State Council) in French-speaking cantons.

General structure

Presidents of the executives

The above mentioned collegial bodies are formally chaired by a president. However those presidents are primus inter pares, that is a first among equals in the council; other than presiding over meetings and the ability to cast tie-breaking votes, the president only holds ceremonial powers.

In the list below, unless otherwise noted, the official name of the office of president of the respective cantonal executive is Regierungsratspräsident (Government council president).


The cantonal governments are directly elected every four years. In some cantons (e.g. Basel-Stadt), the voters can cast a presidential vote for a candidate they are already voting for as member of the government. The elected member who has also received the most votes for president takes that office for the entirety of their term on the council, i.e. 4 years. In other cantons the electorate only elects the council members, and the presidency rotates according to seniority among members (e.g. Zürich and also in the federal council).

The date of the elections is not the same as the date of the start of the tenure. For example, the elections in Aargau were held in 2020, but the tenure of the new Executive started on 1 January 2021.

List of Cantonal executives


Note: due to the multiple official languages of Switzerland, parties may have more than one abbreviation

List as of July 2, 2022:

Official name(s)
MembersMember list(president first and in bold)Elections
Prev Next
AGAargauExecutive Council
5[1] Stephan Attiger[2] (FDP) Markus Dieth (CVP)

Dexter Egli (SP)

Alex Hürzeler (SVP)

Jean-Pierre Gallati (SVP)

ARAppenzell AusserrhodenExecutive Council
5[3] Dölf Biasotto (FDP) Yves Noël Balmer (SP)

Hansueli Reutegger (SVP)

Paul Signer (FDP)

Alfred Stricker (Ind)

AIAppenzell InnerrhodenState Commission
7[4] Roland Dähler (Ind)

Monika Rüegg Bless (Centre)

Ruedi Eberle (SVP)

Roland Inauen (Ind)

Stefan Müller (Ind)

Ruedi Ulmann (centre)

Jakob Signer (Ind)

BLBasel-LandschaftExecutive Council
5[5] Monica Gwind (FDP) Anton Lauber (Centre)

Isaac Reber (Green)

Kathrin Schweizer (SP)

Thomas Weber (SVP)

BSBasel-StadtExecutive Council
7[6] Beat Jans[7] (SP) Conradin Cramer (LDP)

Lukas Engelberger (Centre)

Stephanie Eymann (LDP)

Esther Keller (GLP)

Tanja Soland (SP)

Kaspar Sutter (SP)

BEBernExecutive Council

7[8] Christine Häsler (Greens) Evi Allemann (SP)

Astrid Bärtschi (Centre)

Christoph Ammann (SP)

Philippe Müller (FDP)

Christoph Neuhaus (SVP)

Pierre Alain Schnegg (SVP)

FRFribourgCouncil of State

7[9] Olivier Curty (Centre) Sylvie Bonvin-Sansonnens (Green)

Didier Castella (FDP)

Romain Collaud (FDP)

Philippe Demierre (SVP)

Jean-Pierre Siggen (Centre)

Jean-François Steiert (SP)

GEGenevaCouncil of State
7[10] Mauro Poggia (MCG) Antonio Hodgers (Green)

Thierry Apothéloz (SP)

Serge Dal Busco (Center)

Anne Emery-Torracinta (SP)

Fabienne Fischer (Green)

Nathalie Fontanet (FDP)

GLGlarusExecutive Council
7[11] Benjamin Mühlemann (FDP) Kaspar Becker (Centre)

Andrea Bettiga (FDP)

Markus Heer (SP)

Marianne Lienhard (SVP)

GRGrisonsExecutive Council

5[12] Marcus Caduff (Centre) Mario Cavigelli (Centre)

Jon Domenic Parolini (Centre)

Peter Peyer (SP)

Christian Rathgeb (FDP)

5[13] David Eray (CSP) Nathalie Barthoulot (SP)

Rosalie Beuret Siess (SP)

Martial Courtet (CVP)

Jacques Gerber (FDP)

LULucerneExecutive Council
5[14] Guido Graf (centre) Fabian Peter (FDP)

Marcel Schwerzmann (Ind)

Paul Winiker (SVP)

Reto Wyss (Centre)

NENeuchâtelCouncil of State
5[15] Laurent Kurth (SP) Laurent Favre (FDP)

Crystel Graf (FDP)

Alain Ribaux (FDP)

Florence Nater (SP)

NWNidwaldenExecutive Council
7[16] Joe Christen (FDP) Michèle Blöchliger (SVP)

Othmar Filliger (Centre)

Karin Kayser-Frutschi (Centre)

Therese Rotzer-Mathyer (Centre)

Res Schmid (SVP)

Peter Truttmann (GLP)

OWObwaldenExecutive Council
5[17] Christoph Amstad (CVP) Josef Hess (independent)

Cornelia Kaufmann-Hurschler(CVP)

Christian Schäli (CSP OW)

Daniel Wyler (SVP)

SHSchaffhausenExecutive Council
5[18] Cornelia Stamm Hurter (SVP) Martin Kessler (FDP)

Patrick Strasser (SP)

Dino Tamagni (SVP)

Walter Vogelsanger (SP)

SZSchwyzExecutive Council
7[19] Andreas Barraud (SVP) Herbert Huwiler (SVP)

Kaspar Michel (FDP)

Sandro Patierno (Centre)

Michael Stähli (Centre)

Petra Steimen-Rickenbacher (FDP)

SOSolothurnExecutive Council
5[20] Remo Ankli (FDP) Peter Hodel (FDP)

Sandra Kolly-Altermatt (Centre)

Susanne Schaffner (SP)

Brigit Wyss (Green)

SGSt. GallenGovernment
7[21] Fredy Fässler (SP) Laura Bucher (SP)

Bruno Damann (Centre)

Susanne Hartmann (Centre)

Stefan Kölliker (SVP)

Marc Mächler (FDP)

Beat Tinner (FDP)

TGThurgauExecutive Council
5[22] Cornelia Komposch-Breuer (SP) Dominik Diezi (Centre)

Monika Knill-Kradolfer (SVP)

Urs Martin (SVP)

Walter Schönholzer (FDP)

TITicinoCouncil of State
5[23] Claudio Zali (Lega) Manuele Bertoli (SP)

Raffaele De Rosa (Centre)

Norman Gobbi (Lega)

Christian Vitta (FDP)

URUriExecutive Council
7[24] Urs Janett (FDP) Christian Arnold (SVP)

Urban Camenzind (Centre)

Daniel Furrer (Centre)

Beat Jörg (Centre)

Dimitri Moretti (SP)

Roger Nager (FDP)

VSValaisCouncil of State

5[25] Roberto Schmidt (CSPO) Christophe Darbellay (Centre)

Frédéric Favre (FDP)

Mathias Reynard (SP)

Franz Ruppen (SVP)

VDVaudCouncil of State
7 Christelle Luisier (FDP) Frédéric Borloz (FDP)

Valérie Dittli (centre)

Nuria Gorrite (SP)

Isabelle Moret (FDP)

Rebecca Ruiz (SP)

Vassilis Venizelos (Green)

ZGZugExecutive Council
7[26] Martin Pfister (Centre) Andreas Hostettler (FDP)

Stephan Schleiss (SVP)

Heinz Tännler (SVP)

Silvia Thalmann-Gut (Centre)

Beat Villiger (Centre)

Florian Weber (FDP)

ZHZürichExecutive Council
7[27] Jacqueline Fehr[28] (SP) Mario Fehr (independent)

Martin Neukom (Green)

Natalie Rickli (SVP)

Silvia Steiner (Centre)

Ernst Stocker (SVP)

Carmen Walker Späh (FDP)

CHConfederationFederal Council

7[29] Alain Berset (SP) Viola Amherd (Centre)

Guy Parmelin (SVP)

Ignazio Cassis (FDP)

Karin Keller-Sutter (FDP)

Albert Rösti (SVP)

Elisabeth Baume-Schneider (SP)


See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Gesamtregierungsrat - Kanton Aargau. 2021-02-17.
  2. President officially called Landammann
  3. Web site: Regierungsrat - Appenzell Ausserrhoden. 2021-02-17.
  4. Web site: Standeskommission. 2021-02-17. Appenzell Innerrhoden. de.
  5. Web site: Regierungsrat. 2021-02-17. de.
  6. Web site: Der Regierungsrat heisst Sie willkommen!. 2021-02-17. de.
  7. President officially called Regierungspräsident (Government president)
  8. Web site: Der Regierungsrat (Der Regierungsrat) Regierungsrat - Kanton Bern. 2021-02-17.
  9. Web site: Les membres du Conseil d'Etat. 2021-02-17. fr.
  10. Web site: Page d'accueil. 2021-02-17. fr.
  11. Web site: Regierung – Kanton Glarus. 2021-02-17. de-CH.
  12. Web site: Regierung - Regierung. 2021-02-17.
  13. Web site: Jura. www jura ch, République et Canton du. Le Gouvernement jurassien. 2021-02-17. fr.
  14. Web site: Der Regierungsrat des Kantons Luzern - Kanton Luzern. 2021-02-17.
  15. Web site: Conseil d'État - République et canton de Neuchâtel. 2021-02-17. fr-CH.
  16. Web site: Regierungsrat. 2021-02-17. de-CH.
  17. Web site: Kanton Obwalden Online: Übersicht. 2021-02-17.
  18. Web site: Schaffhausen. Staatskanzlei Kanton. Der Regierungsrat - Kanton Schaffhausen. 2021-02-17. de-CH.
  19. Web site: Regierungsrat. 2021-02-17. de-CH.
  20. Web site: Regierung des Kantons Solothurn - Kanton Solothurn. 2021-02-17.
  21. Web site: Regierung 2021-02-17.
  22. Web site: Kantonsparlament. Portal Kanton Thurgau Sie finden auf diesen Seiten vielfältige Informationen über das. Regierungsrat. den. Regierung. 2021-02-17. de-CH.
  23. Web site: Stato e organizzazione - Repubblica e Cantone Ticino. 2021-02-17.
  24. Web site: Regierungsrat. 2021-02-17. de-CH.
  25. Web site: Gouvernement. 2021-02-17.
  26. Web site: Regierungsrat. 2021-02-17. Kanton Zug. de.
  27. Web site: Government Council. 2021-02-17. Kanton Zürich. en.
  28. President officially called Regierungsratspräsident (President of the Government council)
  29. Web site: The Federal Council . 16 June 2023 . The seven members of the Federal Council .