List of sweet potato cultivars explained

This list of sweet potato cultivars provides some information about varieties and cultivars of sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas). The sweet potato was first domesticated in the Americas more than 5,000 years ago.[1] As of 2013, there are approximately 7,000 sweet potato cultivars. People grow sweet potato in many parts of the world, including New Zealand, Australia, the Philippines, Japan, Hawaii, China, and North America. However, sweet potato is not widely cultivated in Europe.[2]

People breed sweet potatoes mainly either for food (their nutritious storage roots) or for their attractive vines. (The variety 'Vardaman' is grown for both.) The first table below lists sweet potato cultivars grown for their edible roots; the second table lists cultivars bred as ornamental vines. In the first table, the Parentage column briefly explains how the sweet potato cultivar was bred. Sweet potato plants with desirable traits are selectively bred to produce new cultivars.

Sweet potato cultivars differ in many ways. One way people compare them is by the size, shape, and color of the roots. The more orange the flesh of a sweet potato root is, the more nutritious carotene it has. (Humans metabolize carotene into vitamin A.) The skin of a sweet potato root is a different color than the flesh. The biological word for the outer skin is epidermis; the flesh is called the pith or medulla. The first table below has a general description of the color of the root's flesh and skin.

In the mid-20th century, sweet potato growers in the Southern United States began marketing orange-fleshed sweet potatoes as "yams", in an attempt to differentiate them from pale-fleshed sweet potatoes.[3] Even though these growers called their products yams, true yams are significantly different. All sweet potatoes are variations of one species: I. batatas. Yams are any of various tropical species of the genus Dioscorea. A yam tuber is starchier, dryer, and often larger than the storage root of a sweet potato, and the skin is more coarse.[3] This list does not include yams.

Cultivars bred for edible roots

Many of the sweet potato cultivars below were bred at agricultural experiment stations. An agricultural experiment station (AES) is a research center where scientists work to increase the quality and quantity of food production. Agricultural experiment stations are usually operated by a government agency and/or a university.

NamePlant breederParentageRoot skin (epidermis) colourRoot flesh (medulla) colourNotesOrigin
AcadianLouisiana State University[4] L21 × L131 copper orange US
Allgold / Okla. 240Creole × Triumph (Parent 10) tan orange US
ApacheUSDA (United States Department of Agriculture) (Yellow Yam 149 × Nancy Hall 42–1) × (Pelican Processor Triumph) orange US
Australian CannerAdaptation trials/naming by USDA et al. Australia
Ayamurasakiindigenous sangria plum Also called beniimoOkinawa
Baker / V 2158Virginian × numbered seedling US
Beauregardopen-pollinated seedling of L78-21 rose[5] orange First cultivated in 1987 US
Campeonlight red white Commonly called boniato[6] (a word for sweet potato in Cuban Spanish)
Canbake / G-52-15-1Georgia Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) US
Caro-GoldC317 × Goldrush bright purple orange US
Carolina BunchUS Vegetable Laboratory (USDA Agricultural Research Service); South Carolina AES open pollinated seedling of Excel light copper deep orange US
Carolina NuggetHM1-36 × Lakan rosy medium orange First cultivated in 1954 US
Carolina RubyNorth Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS) open pollinated seedling of Beauregard dark red to purple-red dark orange First cultivated in 1988 US
CaromexNorth Carolina State University NC228 × NC234 dark copper deep orange First cultivated in 1971 US
CarverCentennial × Jewel deep rose deep orange US
Centennial / L-3-77Louisiana AES (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) Unit IPR × Pelican Processor orange[7] orange US
Covington NC98-608North Carolina State University rose orange Smooth skin US
Cliett Bunch Porto Rico / Georgia Bunch Porto RicoUniversity of Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station (Tifton, Georgia) mutation from Vining Porto Rico Similar to Vining Porto Rico US
Coastal RedUniversity of Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station (Tifton, Georgia) open-pollinated seedling from GA-76 red medium orange First cultivated in 1978 US
CoppergoldL. A. Sharum (Fort Smith, Arkansas) selected mutation in Allgold russet copper US
Cordnercopper medium orange First cultivated in 1983 US
DarbyLouisiana AES (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) open pollinated seedling of L 83-523 dark rose orange Purple stems US
Don JuanPuerto Rico AES (Río Piedras, Puerto Rico) selected from native stock Puerto Rico
EarlyportLouisiana AES (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) (Mameyita × seedling L-4-6) × (seedling L-5 × Triumph) copper orange Similar to Porto Rico US
Earlysweet / T-3University of Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station (Tifton, Georgia) Porto Rico × unnamed breeding lines light-skinned deep orange US
EurekaLouisiana State University AES; University of California AES L9-163 × LO-132 copper orange US
EvangelineLouisiana[8] rose orange US
ExcelUSDA and the South Carolina AES open-pollinated seedling of Regal polycrossed in 1981 to 29 other parental selections light copper orange Skin color is slightly lighter than that of Jewel US
GA90-16Georgia AES; US Vegetable Laboratory (USDA ARS) white Low sugar, low maltose US
Garnetpale copper brilliant orange Commonly called "yams" in the United States to distinguish them from O'Henry sweet potatoes US
Georgia Jetpurplish red deep orange US
Georgia Red / T-6University of Georgia Coastal Plain Experiment Station (Tifton, Georgia) Porto Rican crosses coppery-red skin Similar to Porto Rico US
Gold RushLouisiana AES (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) (Mameyita × Seedling L4-6) × (Seedling L-5 × Triumph) light copper deep orange Purple stems US
Golden BelleBryce Woods (Rogers, Arkansas) Nancy Gold mutation golden Flesh color differs from Nancy Hall. US
GoldmarMaryland AES (College Park, Maryland) Redmar mutation golden Cultivated in 1973. Similar to Redmar, but different skin color. US
Grand Asiapink white Boniato-type similar to 'Japanese'
Hannah Sweet
Hayman Whitetan[9] cream An heirloom variety of the Eastern United States[10] [11] US
HeartogoldLouisiana State University Mameyita × Yellow Yam flesh-colored deep orange US
HernandezLouisiana State University AES seedling of L70-323 burnt orange deep orange First cultivated in 1992 US
HiDryClemson University
fourth-generation, open-pollinated selection from MK-14 white cream Cultivated for industrial use US
Hoolehua Goldpale red orange
Hoolehua Redred off-white
Hopi / HM-122USDA Horticultural Field Station (Meridian, Mississippi) US
HouhereMāori traditional pre-European "kūmara" type[12] pink yellow Rectangular tubers New Zealand
HutihutiMāori traditional pre-European "kūmara" type[13] cream cream Long, thin, up to 20 roots per plant New Zealand
Japanese / Orientalpurplish red pale Boniato-type.[14] Comparatively lower moisture.
Jersey Orange / Orange Little SternKansas State Collegeorange-brown deep orange Size and shape are similar to that of Jersey Yellow US
Jersey RedAn heirloom variety US
Jersey Yellowgolden, buff, or tan cream to bright yellow An heirloom variety US
JewelNorth Carolina State University copper deep orange First cultivated in 1970. Commonly called "yams" in the United States to distinguish them from O'Henry sweet potatoes. US
Kandee / K1716Kansas State College La 1946 Cross 17 × 1 (yellow yam × Nancy Hall) reddish bronze bright orange US
Kona Bpale red to orange-red light orange
Kote Bukipurplish red white Mid-season
Lakan / L-0-123Louisiana AES (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) (Unit IPR × Pelican. Processor) × (Mameyita × L-4-6) reddish-bronze to reddish-tan bright orange US
Maryland GoldenUS
Murasakihybiscus pale Low moisture
Murff Bush Porto RicoE. L. Murff (Normangee, Texas) Porto Rico mutation copper orange First cultivated in 1949. Similar to Porto Rico. US
Nancy GoldKansas State College AES Nancy Hall mutation buff-colored deep-orange Skin color differs from Nancy Hall US
Nancy Halltan yellow
Nemagold / Okla. 46Oklahoma State University–Stillwater Yellow Jersey (Orlis strain) × Okla. 29 US
Northern StarCultivated in Australia
Nugget / NC-171North Carolina AES (Raleigh, North Carolina) NC-124 × (NC-41 × B5965) US
O'HenryHenry Wayne Bailey [(Vardaman, MS)][15] Beauregard mutation coppery tan lemon cream Variant of Beauregard US
Okla. 46Oklahoma State University–Stillwater Okla. 29 × Orlis [Okla. 29-Parent 10 (see Allgold) × L37 (see Red Gold)] golden russet orange Roots and vines are like yellow Jersey or Orlis; shouldered leaves US
Oklamar / Okla. 52Oklahoma State University–Stillwater AES Oklahoma 5 × Australian Canner purple salmon US
Oklamex RedOklahoma and New Mexico AES B 1564 × PI 153655 dark red salmon Extremely sweet, moist root; yam-type US
Onokeoviolet ivory
Onolena / HES number 14Vegetable Crops Department, University of Hawaii (Honolulu) Porto Rico × Nancy Hall tan dark orange Similar to Porto Rico US
Orange Sunsetpurple orange and purple First cultivated in 2014 New Zealand
OrlisKansas State College mutation from Common Little Stem Jersey bronze Similar to Little Stem Jersey US
Owairaka RedFay Gock and Joe Gock[16] waina type[17] [18] dark red yellow As of 2000, the preeminent cultivar of New Zealand (followed by Toka Toka Gold and Beauregard)[19] New Zealand
PapotaUSDA ARS; Tropical Agricultural Research Station International Institute of Tropical Agr. seedling white beige Turnip-shaped root US
ParaparaMāori traditional pink Medicinal variety, used to feed babies, the elderly, and the sick[20] New Zealand
Pelican Processor / L-5 / L-4-5Louisiana AES (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) selfed seedling of Americana cream light cream US
Picaditapurple-red white Commonly called boniato (a word for sweet potato in Cuban Spanish)
PopeNorth Carolina State University NC 288 × 304 light salmon medium orange US
PoporoMāori traditional purple purple traditional sweet and dry variety New Zealand
Porto Rico 198 / Porto Rican / Puerto RicanNorth Carolina rose-pink orange mottled First cultivated in 1966 US
Purple Dawnpurple purple First cultivated in 2014 New Zealand
Purple Heart / Okinawatan grape Japan
Queen Mary / L-126Louisiana AES (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) Porto Rico × Nancy Hall Similar to Porto Rico US
RangerLouisiana State University Porto Rico × Nancy Hall flesh-colored orange Similar to Nancy Hall US
Rapozaivory purple
RekarawaMāori traditional white chestnut flavour New Zealand
RekamaroaMāori traditional pre-European "kūmara" type white New Zealand
Red Diane
Red Garnetdeep red to purple orange
Red Jewelred deep orange
Red NancyKansas State College mutation of Nancy Gold red orange Similar to Nancy Gold US
RedglowUniversity of Georgia AES; California AES open pollinated seedling of GA-109 light, purple-red deep orange US
Redgold / Okla. 26Oklahoma State University–Stillwater Okla. 2 × L37 (seedlings involving Creole, Nancy Hall and Porto Rico) red orange US
Redmar / Md 2416Maryland AES (College Park, Maryland) [(K18400 × B6313) × Shoreland × (Virginian × K1846)] red First cultivated in 1971. Similar to Nemagold US
RegalUSDA ARS; South Carolina AES (Clemson University); Texas Agricultural Station (Texas A&M University) seedling of W-99 polycrossed with 29 other parental selections dark purplish-red orange to deep orange US
ResistoUSDA; South Carolina AES; Texas AES seedling of W-56 reddish-copper dark orange US
Rojo BlancoTuskegee Institute Rose Centennial × White Triumph deep red milk white US
RomanawaMāori traditional gold yellow/orange New Zealand
Rose Centennial
RuddyUS Vegetable Laboratory (USDA ARS); South Carolina AES open pollinated seedling of W-119 red skin orange US
ScarletNorth Carolina Agricultural Research Service (NCARS) selected from meristem-tip culture derived clones of Jewel orange US
Shore GoldVirginia Tech Experiment Station open pollinated seedling of L7-177 from the Louisiana breeding program light copper bright orange US
Southern DeliteUSDA ARS; Clemson University an open pollinated seedling of W-99 rose to dark copper orange Made publicly available in 1986. Skin color varies with soil type US
Stokes PurpleUnknown (North Carolina)[21] purple gray dark purple Made publicly available in 2012. US
SumorUSDA ARS; United States Vegetable Laboratory; South Carolina AES (Clemson University); Edisto Research and Education Center open pollinated seedling of W-154 light tan white to yellow US
SunnysideUSDA (Beltsville, Maryland and Louisiana) (Yellow Yam × Nancy Hall) × (Pelican Processor × Triumph) US
Sweet RedNorth Carolina State University open pollinated seedling of NC 258 deep copper-red deep orange US
TangoUSDA; Missouri AES (Columbia, Missouri); Sweet Potato Cooperative Group (Beltsville, Maryland) Nancy Hall × Porto Rico 1-10 US
TanhomaOklahoma State University–Stillwater AES selection Australian Canner US
TaputiniMāori traditional pre-European "kūmara" type cream cream Long, thin, up to 20 roots per plant New Zealand
Toka Toka Goldgold white Became commercially available in 1972[22] New Zealand
TopazTexas AES open pollinated seedling of W-26 bronze medium orange
TravisLouisiana AES polycross with L3-217 as seed parent rose deep orange First cultivated in 1980 US
UPLSP-1Cultivated in the Philippines[23]
UPLSP-2Cultivated in the Philippines
U.P.R. number 3Puerto Rico AES (Río Piedras, Puerto Rico) selected from Mameya; open-pollinated Puerto Rico
U.P.R. number 7Puerto Rico AES (Río Piedras, Puerto Rico) L-240 deep orange Puerto Rico
Vardamangolden light orange US
Virginian / V-53Truck Experiment Station (near Norfolk, Virginia) Maryland Golden × B-219 purplish-red to copper-red bright orange US
VSP-5Cultivated in the Philippines
VSP-6Cultivated in the Philippines
Waimanalo Redred pearl
WainaVining variety brought to New Zealand in the 1800s
White DeliteNorth Carolina State University cross between a University of Georgia breeding clone (GA41) and an unknown pollen parent purplish pink white First cultivated in 1979 US
White Triumph
WhitestarUSDA (Beltsville, Maryland) cultivar Laupahoehoe (Hawaii) white pale US
Yellow Yam

Cultivars bred for ornamental vines

NameCultivator(s)Leaf colorLeaf shapeNotes
Black Heart / Ace of Spades / Purple Heartheart
Blackie purple and green blend Darker than Black Heart
Bronze Beautycopper Same leaf shape as Blackie
Copperchartreuse to purple
Gold Finger lime green lobed
Ivory Jewelgreen and ivory streaked heart
Lady Fingersgreen with purple veins lobed
Marguerite / Chartreuse / Sulfurchartreuse
Mini Blackiedark green with purple veins Leaf color is lighter than that of lacinato kale
NCORNSP011MNLC / Illusion® Midnight Lacedark green with purple veins
NCORNSP012EMLC / Illusion® Emerald Lacechartreuse lobed
Purple Tuber
Seki Blakhrt / Chillin™ / Blackberry Heart
Sidekick Blackdeep purple lobed
Sidekick Lime green lobed
Sweet Caroline Bewitched Purple / PP18574Craig Yencho; Ken Pecota (2006)[24] [25] dark green to vivid burgundy
Sweet Caroline Bronze / PP15437Craig Yencho; Ken Pecota; Cindy Pierce (2002)
Sweet Caroline Green
Sweet Caroline Green Yellow
Sweet Caroline Light Green
Sweet Caroline Purple
Sweet Caroline Red
Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Light Green
Sweet Caroline Sweetheart Red
Sweet Georgia Heart Purple
Terrace Lime
Tricolorgreen, white, pink Medium-size leaves

See also

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Web site: Sweetpotato . . . 21 November 2013.
  2. Web site: Sweet potatoes a growing niche in Europe . Núñez . Carlos . 7 May 2013 . FreshPlaza . 22 November 2013.
  3. Web site: What is the Difference Between a Sweetpotato and a Yam? . 30 January 1998 . Schultheis . Jonathan . NC Cooperative Extension . 2016-09-08 . 2019-09-24 . . dead .
  4. Web site: Sweetpotato, Lists 1-26 Combined . LaBonte . Don R. . Vegetable Cultivar Descriptions for North America . . 3 May 2012 . dead . 4 March 2016 . .
  5. Web site: Industry . . 2013 . North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission . 20 November 2013 . 16 January 2013 . . dead .
  6. Web site: Boniato—Ipomoea batatas (L.) Poir . Stephens . James M. . 2015 . 1994 . EDIS . . 2018-07-12.
  7. Web site: Watch Your Garden Grow – Sweet Potato . . University of Illinois Extension . . 22 November 2013.
  8. Web site: Sweet Potato Varieties . About Sweet Potatoes . North Carolina Sweet Potato Commission . . 4 September 2011 . 20 November 2013.
  9. News: Higgins . Adrian . 14 November 2012 . Rare sweet potatoes make a comeback . . 22 November 2013.
  10. News: Kasper . Rob . 26 November 2008 . Aging's a fine thing for sweet potatoes . . 22 November 2013.
  11. News: Eaton . Lorraine . 19 November 2010 . Haymans, an Eastern Shore sweet potato prized for generations . . Washington, D.C. . 22 November 2013.
  12. 17. 1. 31–45. Yen. D. E.. The New Zealand Kumara or Sweet Potato. Economic Botany. 1963. 10.1007/BF02985351. 1963EcBot..17...31Y. 32823869.
  13. 10.1080/0028825X.1987.10410171. 35. 4. 479–485. Harvey. Catherine F.. Gill. Geoffrey P.. Crossman. Catherine. Fraser. Lena G.. Assessing relationships of kumara cultivars by RAPD analysis. New Zealand Journal of Botany. 1997. 1997NZJB...35..479H.
  14. Web site: Identifying Boniato-Type Sweetpotato Cultivars Adapted to NC Growing Conditions . New Crops & Organics . . 2018-07-12.
  15. Web site: Sweet Potato Varieties . . 2012 . . Wayne Bailey Produce Company . 21 November 2013 . 2 December 2013 . . dead .
  16. Web site: Lee . Lily . 18 April 2016 . The Joe Gock Story . Auckland Zhong Shan Clan Association . 7 June 2023.
  17. 10.30843/nzpp.2011.64.5976. 64. 160–167. Lewthwaite. S. L.. Fletcher. P. J.. Fletcher. J. D.. Triggs. C. M.. Cultivar decline in sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas). New Zealand Plant Protection. 2011. free.
  18. 10.1002/jsfa.9702. 0022-5142. 99. 10. 4624–4634. Cui. Rongbin. Zhu. Fan. Physicochemical and functional properties of sweetpotato flour. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 2019. 30895624. 2019JSFA...99.4624C.
  19. Shaw . S. . van de Westelaken . T. . Sorrenson . I. . Searle . B. . Hederley . D. . 2008 . Effects of plant population and planting date on growth and development of kumara cultivar Owairaka Red . Agronomy New Zealand . 38 . 61–68 . 22 November 2013 . . 2 December 2013 . dead .
  20. Book: Te Reka O Te Kai: Maara Kai Practical Guide. 2021-06-23. 2010 . Te Waka Kai Ora . 978-0-473-17533-7 .
  21. Web site: Farmers markets: Stokes Purple is a sweet potato of mystery - Los Angeles Times . . 2 November 2012 . 2015-01-01 . 2015-01-01 . . live .
  22. 10.17660/actahortic.2006.703.2. 90-6605-387-9. II International Symposium on Sweetpotato and Cassava: Innovative Technologies for Commercialization 703. 31–38. Lewthwaite. SL. Sweetpotato products in a modern world: the New Zealand experience. 2005.
  23. Book: Cabanilla, Liborio S. . 1996 . Sweetpotato in the Philippines: Production, processing, and future prospects . 37–38 . Lima . International Potato Center . 92-9060-178-7 . 36071607 . 22 November 2013.
  24. Web site: Sweetpotato Breeding and Genetics Program . North Carolina State University. 27 November 2013.
  25. Web site: Ornamental Sweetpotatoes for the Home Landscape . Reeber . Meri . North Carolina State University . 27 November 2013.