Sverker 21 is a tool steel manufactured by Uddeholms AB. It is primarily used for Cold Work applications such as blanking, piercing, cropping, bending, forming and cutting. It's a proprietary equivalent to D2 [tool steel].
Sverker 21 is characterized by high compressive strength, highsurface hardness after hardening, good though-hardening properties and high wearresistance (abrasive type of wear profile). These characteristics combine to give a steelsuitable for the manufacture of medium run tooling for applications where abrasivewear is dominant and the risk of chipping or cracking is not so high, e.g. for blanking andforming of thinner, harder work materials.
It is a 12% chromium steel suitable for medium production volume tooling where the production materials cause abrasive wear and the risk of chipping is not so high.
Arne, Caldie, Calmax, Rigor, Sleipner, Sverker 3, Unimax, Vanadis 4 Extra, Vanadis 6, Vanadis 10, Vanadis 23, Vancron 40, UHB 11, Formax, Holdax,