Sutton River (Hudson Bay) Explained

Sutton River
Subdivision Type1:Country
Subdivision Name1:Canada
Subdivision Type2:Province
Subdivision Name2:Ontario
Subdivision Type3:Region
Subdivision Name3:Kenora District
Length:NaNkm (-2,147,483,648miles)
Source1:Lake Sutton
Source1 Location:Kenora District
Source1 Coordinates:54.5923°N -84.6162°W
Source1 Elevation:140m (460feet)
Mouth:Hudson Bay
Mouth Location:Kenora District
Mouth Coordinates:55.2283°N -83.6891°W
Mouth Elevation:0m (00feet)
Tributaries Left:unidentified stream.
Tributaries Right:(Upstream) Aquatuk River, Warchesku River

The Sutton River is a tributary of the south shore of Hudson Bay, crossing the Kenora District, Northwestern Ontario, Canada.

This watercourse rises at the mouth of Lake Sutton. From there, the current crosses the "Sutton Narrows", then Lake Hawley. The course of the river crosses large areas of marshland.

This river has two main tributaries: Aquatuk River, Warchesku River.

See also