Suna no Utsuwa (novel) explained
, also known as Inspector Imanishi Investigates, is mystery novel written by Seichō Matsumoto.[1] Suna no Utsuwa was originally serialized as a serial in the Japanese newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun between 1960 and 1961[2] and was published from Kobunsha in 1961.[3] The novel has been made into a film and TV dramas.
Notes and References
- Web site: 小説『砂の器』あらすじを紹介!映画、ドラマの映像化多数. ホンシェルジェ. ja. 26 November 2021.
- Web site: 砂の器記念碑. Shimane Tourism Association. ja. 26 November 2021.
- Web site: デジタル大辞泉プラス「砂の器」の解説. kotobank. ja. 26 November 2021.
- Web site: 砂の器2004. 松竹. 26 November 2021.
- Web site: 「松本清張生誕110年記念特集」がスタート!「砂の器」「熱い空気 家政婦は見た!」「黒革の手帖」など計37作品を放送. prtimes. 26 November 2021.
- Web site: 砂の器. ポニーキャニオン. 26 November 2021.
- Web site: 田村正和『大忠臣蔵』『砂の器』から『総理と呼ばないで』まで 出演ドラマから見えてくるもの. Yahoo. 26 November 2021.
- Web site: 砂の器2004. ザテレビジョン. 26 November 2021.