Sulfate fluoride explained

The sulfate fluorides are double salts that contain both sulfate and fluoride anions. They are in the class of mixed anion compounds. Some of these minerals are deposited in fumaroles.

Fluoride sulfates were first discovered by Jean Charles de Marignac in 1859.[1] [2]

Some elements such as cobalt or uranium can form complexes that contain fluoride and sulfate groups, and would be referred to as fluoro and sulfato metallates.



nameformularatiosystemspace groupunit cell Åvolumedensityopticalreferences
Chukhrovite-(Ca)Ca4.5Al2(SO4)F13·12H2O1:13IsometricFd3a = 16.749 Z=84698.62.23isotropic n = 1.432[3]
Chukhrovite-(Ce)Ca3(Y,Ce)(AlF6)2(SO4)F · 10H2O1:13IsometricFd3[4]
Chukhrovite-(Y)Ca3(Ce,Y)(AlF6)2(SO4)F · 10H2O1:13IsometricFd3[5]
Chukhrovite-(Nd)Ca3(Nd,Y)Al2(SO4)F13·12H2O1:13IsometricFd3a = 16.759 Z=84,707.02.42isotropic nα = 1.443[6]
MeniayloviteCa4[(SO<sub>4</sub>)(SiF<sub>6</sub>)(AlF<sub>6</sub>)]F · 12H2O1:13IsometricFd3a = 16.722 Z=84,675.89Isotropic n = 1.43
PseudograndreefitePb6(SO4)F101:10OrthorhombicF2 2 2a = 8.51 b = 19.57 c = 8.49 Z=41,413.93Biaxial (+) nα = 1.864 nβ = 1.865 nγ = 1.8732V: measured: 30°, calculated: 40°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.009

CreediteCa3SO4Al2F8(OH)2 · 2H2O1:8MonoclinicB2/ba = 13.936, b = 8.606, c = 9.985 β = 94.39° Z=41,194.022.713Biaxial (-) nα = 1.461 nβ = 1.478 nγ = 1.485Max birefringence: δ = 0.024[8]
ThermessaiteK2AlF3(SO4)1:3OrthorhombicPbcna = 10.81 b = 8.336 c = 6.822614.752.77
GrandreefitePb2(SO4)F21:2monoclinicA2/aa = 8.667 b = 4.4419 c = 14.242 β = 107.418 Z=4523.157.15Biaxial (+) nα = 1.872 nβ = 1.873 nγ = 1.8972V: Measured: 23°

Max Birefringence: δ = 0.025

ArangasiteAl2F(PO4)(SO4) · 9H2O1:1monoclinicP2/aa = 7.073 b = 9.634 c = 10.827 β = 100.40 Z = 2725.72.01Biaxial (+) ?nα = 1.493(5) nγ = 1.485(5)Max birefringence: δ = 0.008[10] [11]
KhademiteAl(SO4)F · 5H2O1:1orthorhombica = 11.17 b = 13.05 c = 10.881,585.961.925Biaxial (-) nα = 1.440 nβ = 1.460 nγ = 1.4872V: measured: 68° calculated: 84°

Max birefringence δ = 0.047


KogarkoiteNa3(SO4)F1:1Monoclinic?P21a = 18.07 b = 6.94 c = 11.44 β = 107.72° Z=121,366.582.676Biaxial (+) nα = 1.439 nβ = 1.439 nγ = 1.442Max Birefringence: δ = 0.003[13]
kononoviteNaMg(SO4)F1:1monoclinicC2/ca = 6.662 b = 8.584 c = 7.035 β = 114.06 Z=4367.42.91biaxial (+), nα = 1.488 nβ = 1.491 nγ = 1.496 2Vmeas = 75°Max birefringence: δ = 0.008[14]
LannoniteMg2Ca4Al4(SO4)8F8 · 24H2O8:8TetragonalI4/ma = 6.860 c = 28.0531,320.162.22Uniaxial (+) nω = 1.460 nε = 1.478Max Birefringence:δ = 0.018[15]
UklonskoviteNaMgSO4F•2H2O1:1monoclinica = 7.2 Å, b = 7.21 Å, c = 5.73 β = 113.23°273.34Biaxial (+) nα = 1.476 nγ = 1.500

Max Birefringence δ = 0.024

VlodavetsiteAlCa2(SO4)2F2Cl · 4H2O2:2TetragonalI4/ma = 6.870, c = 13.342 Z=2629.70Uniaxial (+) nω = 1.509 nε = 1.526

Max birefringence: δ = 0.017

SchaireriteNa21(SO4)7ClF67:6trigonal3_2/ma = 12.17 c = 19.292,474.252.67Uniaxial (+) nω = 1.440 nε = 1.445

Max birefringence: δ = 0.005

GaleiteNa15(SO4)5F4Cl5:4Trigonala = 12.17 c = 13.941,788.03Uniaxial (+) nω = 1.447 nε = 1.449

Max Birefringence: δ = 0.002

FluorellestaditeCa10(SiO4)3(SO4)3F23:2hexagonala = 9.53 c = 6.91543.493.03Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.655 nε = 1.650

Max birefringence:δ = 0.005

StraßmanniteAl(UO2)(SO4)2F·16H2O2:1monoclinicC2/ca = 11.0187 b = 8.3284 c = 26.673 β = 97.426°2427.22.20pale yellowish greenBiaxial (-) nα = 1.477(2) nβ = 1.485(2) nγ = 1.489(2)

2V: measured: 70° calculated: 70.2°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.012

Svyazhinite(Mg,Mn2+,Ca)(Al,Fe3+)(SO4)2F · 14H2O2:1triclinica = 6.21 b = 13.3 c = 6.25 α = 90.15°, β = 93.56°, γ = 82.08°510.29Biaxial (-) nα = 1.423 nβ = 1.439 nγ = 1.444

2V: calculated: 56°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.021

WilcoxiteMgAl(SO4)2F · 17H2O2:1triclinicPa = 6.644, b = 6.749, c = 14.892 α = 79.664°, β = 80.113°, γ = 62.487579.61.58Biaxial (-) nα = 1.424 nβ = 1.436 nγ = 1.438

2V: measured: 48°, calculated: 44°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.014

KrasheninnikoviteKNa2CaMg(SO4)3F3:1hexagonalP63/mcma = 16.6682 c = 6.9007 Z = 61660.362.68Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.500 nε = 1.492Max birefringence: δ = 0.008[25]
ShuvaloviteK2(Ca2Na)(SO4)3F3:1orthorhombicPnmaa = 13.2383 b = 10.3023 c = 8.9909 Z = 41226.222.64biaxial (−), nα = 1.493 = 1.498 nγ = 1.498 2Vmeasured ≤ 20[26]
Thermessaite-(NH4)(NH4)2AlSO4F31:3orthorhombicPbcna = 11.3005 b = 8.6125 c = 6.8501 Z = 4666.69[27]


nameformulaMWratiosystemspace groupunit cellvolumedensityopticalCASreferences
LiMgFSO41:1triclinicPa = 5.1623 b = 5.388 c = 7.073 α = 106.68 β=107.40 and γ=97.50° Z=2[28]
Na2AlSO4F31:1monoclinicP2/ca=6.3562 b=6.2899 c=7.1146 β=115.687° Z=2256.332.928[29]
Li4NH4Al(SO4)2F42:4monoclinicC2/ca=13.6561 b=4.9761 c=13.9919 β=92.135° Z=4950.22.383
β-K3[SO<sub>4</sub>]F1:1tetragonalI4/mcma= 7.2961 c= 10.854[31]
α-K3[SO<sub>4</sub>]F1:1cubicPmma≈5.43 ≥585 °C
KMgSO4F178.471:1orthorhombicPna21a=12.973 b=6.4585 c=10.635 Z=8891.12.661colourless[32] [33]
Li6K3Al(SO4)4F44:4triclinicPa=5.0304 b=9.5690 c=9.7078 α=70.968° β=75.531° γ=75.183° Z=1420.082.554
sodium calcium sulfapatiteNa6Ca4(SO4)6F26:2
K3Ca2(SO4)3F3:1orthorhombicPn21aa=13.467 b=10.521 c=9.167 Z=41299.9[34]
[N<sub>2</sub>C<sub>10</sub>H<sub>12</sub>] TiF4SO4378.16?1:4triclinicPa=8.691 b=9.208 c=9.288 α=68.56 β=84.30 γ=81.59 Z=2              683.61.837colourless
[N<sub>2</sub>C<sub>10</sub>H<sub>12</sub>]TiF2(SO4)2436.22?2:2triclinicPa=4.5768 b=8.9162 c=10.1236 α=112.888 β=95.196 γ=98.706 Z=1              371.111.952colourless
Rb2TiF2(SO4)2 · 2H2O1:1[35]
Cs2TiF2(SO4)2 · 3H2O1:1
[N<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>16</sub>]V(SO4)2F378.272:1monoclinicP21/ca=10.262 b =17.761 c=7.0518 β=93.93 Z=4                 1282.31.959green
LiMnSO4F1:1monoclinica=13.2406 b=6.4082 c=10.0229 β=120.499732.76[36]
Dipotassium trifluorosulfato manganate(III)K2MnF3(SO4)1:3pink-brown
FeFSO4170.911:1monoclinicC2/ca = 7.3037 b = 7.0753 c = 7.3117 β = 119.758°328.0173.461[38]
[N<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>16</sub>]Fe(SO4)2F383.182:1monoclinicP21/ca=10.2220 b=17.6599 c=7.0437 β=93.894 Z=41268.592.006brown
LiFeFSO4177.851:1triclinicPa = 5.1751 b = 5.4915 c = 7.2211 α = 106.506° β = 107.178° γ=97.865°182.443.237grass green
sodium ferrous sulfate fluorideNaFeFSO4193.911:1monoclinicP21/ca = 6.6739 b = 8.6989 c = 7.1869 β = 113.525°382.5673.366
sodium ferrous sulfate fluoride dihydrateNaFeFSO4·2H2O1:1monoclinicP21/ma=5.75959 b=7.38273 c=7.25047 β=113.3225283.109white[39]
trisodium ferric disulfate difluorideNa3Fe(SO4)2F22:2orthorhombicPncaa = 6.6419 b = 8.8115 c = 14.0023[40]
NaCoFSO41:1monoclinicC2/ca=6.6687 b=8.6251 c=7.1444 β=114.323374.46[41]
NaCoFSO4·2H2O1:1monoclinicP21/ma=5.73364 b=7.31498 c=7.18640 β=113.5028276.40pink
NaNiFSO4·2H2O1:1monoclinicP21/ma=5.70118 b=7.27603 c=7.15634 β=113.8883271.429green
LiZnSO4F1:1orthorhombicPnma7.40357 b=6.32995 c=7.42016347.740[43]
KZnSO4F219.531:1orthorhombicPna21a=13.0602 b=6.4913 c=10.7106 Z=8908.023.212transparent <190 nm
K2Zn3(SO4)(HSO4)2F41:4orthorhombicCmc21a=17.725 b=7.6650 c=9.7505 Z=41324.73.212colourless[44]
Li4RbAl(SO4)2F42:4monoclinicC2/ca=13.6503 b=4.984 c=14.0081 β=91.509° Z=4948.822.858[45]
Y(SO4)F203.971:1orthorhombicPnmaa=8.3128, b=6.9255, c=6.3905 Z=4367.903.682[46]
YSO4F·H2O1:1monoclinicP21/na=4.9707 b=7.306 c=11.493 β =96.95°birefringence 0.0357 at 546 nm[47]
Y2Cu(OH)3(SO4)2F·H2O521.522:1monoclinicP21/na=11.6889, b=6.8660, c=12.5280, β=97.092° Z=4997.83.472blue
KYSO4F21:2monoclinicP21/ma=6.4402 b=5.7784 c=6.992 β=113.684° Z=2238.303.652band gap 7.79 eV; birefringence 0.015 @ 546.1 nm[48]
RbYSO4F21:2monoclinicP21/ma=6.5347 b=5.8212 c=7.1383 β=114.332° Z=2247.424.140band gap 7.82 eV; birefringence 0.02 @ 546.1 nm
Zr2O2F2SO4 · 6H2O1:2[49]
α-K3ZrF5SO4 · H2O1:5
K2ZrF2(SO4)2 · 2.5H2O2:2
K3Zr2F9SO4 · 2H2O1:9
(NH4)3Zr2F9SO4 · 2H2O1:9
(NH4)2ZrF2(SO4)2 · 2.5H2O2:2
Rb2ZrF2(SO4)2 · 3H2O2:2
Rb3Zr2F9SO4 ·2H2O1:9
RbZr2O2F(SO4)2 · 5H2O2:1
Cs2ZrF2(SO4)2 · 2H2O2:2
Cs8Zr4F2(SO4)11 · 16H2O11:2
CsZr2O2F(SO4)2 · 6H2O2:1
Zr2O2F2SO4 · 5H2O1:2
triindium trifluoride sulfate ditellurite hydrateIn3(SO4)(TeO3)2F3(H2O)866.741:3orthorhombicP212121a=8.3115 b=9.4341 c=14.80681161.04.959band gap 4.10 eV; white[50]
4,4'-bipyridine distannous difluoride disulfate(C10H10N2)0.5[SnF(SO<sub>4</sub>)]2:2triclinicPa=4.726 b=7.935 c=11.203 α = 81.05° β = 87.59° γ=73.70° Z=2398.32.608colourless[51]
diantimony dipotassium hexafluoride sulfateK2SO4·(SbF3)2531.761:6monoclinicP21/ca=9.1962 b=5.6523 c=19.2354 β =103.209 Z=4973.403.629colourless[52]
diantimony dirubidium hexafluoride sulfateRb2SO4·(SbF3)2624.501:6monoclinicP21a=9.405 b=5.7210 c=9.879 β = 103.850 Z=2516.14.018colourless
tetraantimony hexarubidium dodecafluoride trisulfateRb6Sb4F12(SO4)31515.9893:12trigonalP3a=16.9490 c=7.5405 Z=21875.944.026white53168-89-1[53] [54]
hexaammonium dodecafluorotrisulfatotetraantimonate(III)[NH<sub>4</sub>]6Sb4F12(SO4)33:12trigonalP3a=17.07 c=7.515 Z=318962.92[55]
hexarubidium dodecafluorotrisulfatotetraantimonate(III)Rb6Sb4F12(SO4)33:12
Li4CsAl(SO4)2F42:4monoclinicC2/ca=13.574 b=5.0427 c=14.258 β=91.961° Z=4975.73.103
tetraantimony hexacaesium dodecafluoride trisulfateCs6Sb4F12(SO4)31800.6013:12triclinicPa=7.9044 b=10.5139 c=17.3534 al=90.350 β = 90.151 ga=104.797 Z=41394.34.289white53200-54-7[56]
antimony caesium difluoride sulfateCsSbF2SO4388.721:2orthorhombicPna21a=9.9759 b=11.6616 c=5.2968515.204.19clear, non-linear SH[57]
LiLa2F3(SO4)22:3monoclinicI2/aa = 8.283, b = 6.947, c = 14.209 β = 95.30° Z=4[58]
CeF2(SO4)1:2orthorhombicPca21a=8.3668 b=6.3600 c=8.3862birefringence 0.361@ 546 nm; SHG 8×KDP[59]
NdFSO4·H2O277.321:1monoclinicP21/na = 4.9948 b = 7.3684 c = 11.6366 β = 96.672° Z=4425.374.330pink[60]
NaPr2F3(SO4)22:3monoclinicI2/aa = 8.223, b = 6.9212, c = 14.199, β = 95.88° Z=4light green[61]
LiEr2F3(SO4)22:3orthorhombicPbcna = 14.791, b = 6.336, c = 8.137
hexa(triethylenetriammonium) tetrasamarium tetradecasulfate difluoride[C<sub>4</sub>H<sub>16</sub>N<sub>3</sub>]6[Sm<sub>4</sub>F<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>14</sub>]2621.4314:2triclinicPa = 11.1988 b = 11.4073 c = 16.2666 α = 89.901°, β = 82.406°, γ = 67.757° Z=11903.92.286colourless
TbFSO4·H2O292.001:1monoclinicP21/na = 5.0014 b = 7.377 c = 11.651 β = 96.692° Z=4426.94.543colourless
gadolinium fluoride sulfateGdF[SO<sub>4</sub>]1:1orthorhombicPnmaa=8.436 b=7.0176 c=6.4338 Z=4[62]
γ-K2HfF2(SO4)2 · 2H2O2:2
K2HfF2(SO4)2 · 2.5H2O2:2
ThSO4F2.H2O1:2monoclinicP21na = 6.9065 b = 6.9256 c = 10.589 β = 96.755° Z = 4502.98colourless[64]
potassium catena-di—fluoro-difluorotetraoxo-di—sulphato-diuranate(VI) hydrateK2UF2O2(SO4)·H2O1:2monoclinicP21/ca = 9.263 b = 8.672 c = 11.019 β= 101.60° Z = 4867.13.83greenish yellow[65] [66]
(NH4)2[UO<sub>2</sub>F<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)]triclinicPa=9.73 b=10.28 c=11.37 α = 107.4°, β = 111.9°, γ =106.9 Z=2greenish yellow
(NH4)6[(UO<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>F<sub>4</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)<sub>3</sub>]triclinicP1a=9.35 b=9.85 c=11.25 α = 109.2°, β = 113.1°, γ =102.5 Z=1greenish yellow
Cs2[(UO<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>F<sub>4</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)]greenish yellow
(NH4)[UO<sub>2</sub>F(SO<sub>4</sub>)]triclinicP1a=8.99 b=7.12 c=7.42 α = 114.5°, β = 117.4°, γ =103.2 Z=11.92greenish yellow
RbUO2SO4ForthorhombicPca21a=25.353 b=6.735 c=11.496 Z=12[67] [68]
[N<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>16</sub>][UO<sub>2</sub>F<sub>2</sub>(SO<sub>4</sub>)]520.291:2triclinicPa=6.9105 b=9.6605 =10.1033 α=72.6594(14) β=87.068 γ=77.9568 Z=2629.622.744yellow[69]
[N<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>16</sub>][UO<sub>2</sub>F(SO<sub>4</sub>)]2884.372:2orthorhombicPmmna=6.9503 b=17.2147 c=7.0867 Z=2847.903.464yellow
[N<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>12</sub>][UO<sub>2</sub>F(SO<sub>4</sub>)]2·H2O862.322:2orthorhombicPnmaa=13.5775 b=14.6180 c=8.1168 Z=41610.993.555yellow
[N<sub>2</sub>C<sub>5</sub>H<sub>14</sub>][UO<sub>2</sub>F(H<sub>2</sub>O)(SO<sub>4</sub>)]2907.382:2monoclinicP121/n1a=8.4354 b=15.5581 c=14.8442 β =96.666 Z=41935.03.115yellow
[N<sub>2</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>18</sub>]2[UO<sub>2</sub>F(SO<sub>4</sub>)]4·H2O1792.804:4triclinicPa=10.8832 b=10.9386 c=16.5325 α=75.6604 β=73.6101 γ=89.7726 Z=21824.733.263yellow
[N<sub>2</sub>C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>12</sub>][UO<sub>2</sub>F(SO<sub>4</sub>)]2·H2O864.342:2monoclinicP121/n1a=6.7745 b=8.1589 c=14.3661 β =94.556 Z=2791.543.626yellow
diammonium hydrazinium triuranium(IV) tetrafluoride hexasulfateU4+3F4(SO4)6·2NH4·H3N-NH31436.66:4monoclinicC2/ca=15.2309 b=8.77998 c=18.8590 β=105.5030 Z=42432.694.392green[70]

Notes and References

  1. Avdontceva . Margarita S. . Zolotarev . Andrey A. . Krivovichev . Sergey V. . Order–disorder phase transition in the antiperovskite-type structure of synthetic kogarkoite, Na3SO4F . Journal of Solid State Chemistry . November 2015 . 231 . 42–46 . 10.1016/j.jssc.2015.07.033. 2015JSSCh.231...42A .
  2. Book: de Marignac . Jean Charles . Recherches sur les formes cristallines et la composition chimique de divers sels . 1859. Annales des mines. 15 . 221.
  3. Web site: Chukhrovite-(Ca): Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
  4. Web site: Chukhrovite-(Ce): Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
  5. Web site: Chukhrovite-(Y): Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
  6. Web site: Chukhrovite-(Nd): Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
  7. Web site: Pseudograndreefite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
  8. Web site: Creedite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
  9. Web site: Grandreefite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
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  11. Web site: Arangasite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-16.
  12. Web site: Khademite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-16.
  13. Web site: Kogarkoite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
  14. Pekov. Igor V.. Krzhizhanovskaya. Maria G.. Yapaskurt. Vasiliy O.. Belakovskiy. Dmitry I.. Chukanov. Nikita V.. Lykova. Inna S.. Sidorov. Evgeny G.. 2015-07-27. Kononovite, NaMg(SO4)F, a new mineral from the Arsenatnaya fumarole, Tolbachik volcano, Kamchatka, Russia. European Journal of Mineralogy. en. 27. 4. 575–580. 10.1127/ejm/2015/0027-2457. 2015EJMin..27..575P. 0935-1221.
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  16. Web site: Sulphohalite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
  17. Web site: Uklonskovite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
  18. Web site: Vlodavetsite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
  19. Web site: Schairerite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
  20. Web site: Galeite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-03.
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  22. Web site: Straßmannite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-16.
  23. Web site: Svyazhinite: Mineral information, data and localities.. 2020-06-16.
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