Struthio coppensi is an extinct species of ostrich located near Elisabethfeld, Namibia. This ostrich is believed to have lived during the Miocene, about 20 mya, and is the oldest member of the Struthiogenus.[1]
Mourer-Chauvire . C. . Senut . B. . Pickford . M. . Mein . P. . 1996 . Le plus ancien représentant du genre Struthio (Aves, Struthionidae), Struthio coppensi n. sp., du Miocène inférieur de Namibie . French . The oldest member of the genus Struthio (Aves, Struthionidae) Struthio coppensi n. sp., from the Miocene of Namibia . Comptes rendus de l'Académie des sciences . 1251-8050 . 322 . 4 . 325–332.