Stochastic portfolio theory explained
Stochastic portfolio theory (SPT) is a mathematical theory for analyzing stock market structure and portfolio behavior introduced by E. Robert Fernholz in 2002. It is descriptive as opposed to normative, and is consistent with the observed behavior of actual markets. Normative assumptions, which serve as a basis for earlier theories like modern portfolio theory (MPT) and the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), are absent from SPT.
SPT uses continuous-time random processes (in particular, continuous semi-martingales) to represent the prices of individual securities. Processes with discontinuities, such as jumps, have also been incorporated* into the theory (*unverifiable claim due to missing citation!).
Stocks, portfolios and markets
SPT considers stocks and stock markets, but its methods can be applied to other classes of assets as well. A stock is represented by its price process, usually in the logarithmic representation. In the case the market is a collection of stock-price processes
each defined by a continuous
is an
Brownian motion (Wiener) process with
, and the processes
are progressively measurable with respect to the Brownian filtration
. In this representation
is called the (compound)
growth rate of
and the
covariance between
It is frequently assumed that, for all
the process
is positive, locally square-integrable, and does not grow too rapidly as
The logarithmic representation is equivalent to the classical arithmetic representation which uses the rate of return
however the growth rate can be a meaningful indicator of long-term performance of a financial asset, whereas the rate of return has an upward bias. The relation between the rate of return and the growth rate is
The usual convention in SPT is to assume that each stock has a single share outstanding, so
represents the total capitalization of the
-th stock at time
is the total capitalization of the market. Dividends can be included in this representation, but are omitted here for simplicity.
An investment strategy
is a vector of bounded, progressively measurableprocesses; the quantity
represents the proportion of total wealth invested in the
-th stock attime
, and
is the proportion hoarded (invested in a money market with zero interest rate). Negative weights correspond to short positions. The cash strategy
keeps all wealth in the money market. A strategy
is called
portfolio, if it is fully invested in the
stock market, that is
holds, at all times.
The value process
of a strategy
is always positive and satisfies
where the process
is called the
excess growth rate process and is given by
This expression is non-negative for a portfolio with non-negative weights
and has been usedin
quadratic optimization of stock portfolios, a special case of which is optimization with respect to the logarithmic utility function.
The market weight processes,
define the
market portfolio
. With the initial condition
the associated value process will satisfy
for all
A number of conditions can be imposed on a market, sometimes to model actual markets and sometimes to emphasize certain types of hypothetical market behavior. Some commonly invoked conditions are:
are bounded away from zero. It has
bounded variance if the eigenvalues are bounded.
- A market is coherent if
\operatorname{lim}t → inftyt-1log(\mui(t))=0
for all
- A market is diverse on
if there exists
such that
- A market is weakly diverse on
if there exists
such that
Diversity and weak diversity are rather weak conditions, and markets are generally far more diverse than would be tested by these extremes. A measure of market diversity is market entropy, defined by
Stochastic stability
We consider the vector process
ranked market weightsmax1\leq\mui(t)=:\mu(1)(t)\geq\mu(2)(t)\geq … \mu(n)(t):=min1\leq\mui(t)
where ties are resolved “lexicographically”, always in favor of the lowest index. The log-gaps
are continuous, non-negative semimartingales; we denote by
their local times at the origin. These quantities measure the amount of turnover between ranks
during the time-interval
A market is called stochastically stable, if
(\mu(1)(t), … ,\mu(n)(t))
converges in distribution as
to a random vector
with values in the Weyl chamber
of the unit simplex, and if the strong law of large numbers
holds for suitable real constants
Arbitrage and the numeraire property
Given any two investment strategies
and a real number
, we say that
arbitrage relative to
over the time-horizon
, if
both hold; this relative arbitrage is called “strong” if
we recover the usual definition of arbitrage relative to cash.We say that a given strategy
has the
numeraire property, if for any strategy
the ratio
is a
−supermartingale. In such a case, the process
is called a “deflator” for the market.
No arbitrage is possible, over any given time horizon, relative to a strategy
that has the numeraire property (either with respect to the underlying probability measure
, or with respect to any other probability measure which is equivalent to
). A strategy
with the numeraire property maximizes the asymptotic growth rate from investment, in the sense that
\limsupT → infty
holds for any strategy
; it also maximizes the expected log-utility from investment, in the sense that for any strategy
and real number
we have
If the vector
\alpha(t)=(\alpha1(t), … ,\alphan(t))'
of instantaneous rates of return, and the matrix
of instantaneous covariances, are known, then the strategy
has the numeraire property whenever the indicated maximum is attained.
The study of the numeraire portfolio links SPT to the so-called Benchmark approach to Mathematical Finance, which takes such a numeraire portfolio as given and provides a way to price contingent claims, without any further assumptions.
A probability measure
is called
equivalent martingale measure (EMM) on a given time-horizon
, if it has the same null sets as
, and if the processes
are all
−martingales. Assuming that such an EMM exists, arbitrage is not possible on
relative to either cash
or to the market portfolio
(or more generally, relative to anystrategy
whose wealth process
is a
martingale under some EMM). Conversely, if
are portfolios and one of them is arbitrage relative to the other on
then no EMM can exist on this horizon.
Functionally-generated portfolios
Suppose we are given a smooth function
on some neighborhood
of the unit simplex in
. We call
portfolio generated by the function
. It can be shown that all the weights of this portfolio are non-negative, if its generating function
is concave. Under mild conditions, the relative performance of this functionally-generated portfolio
with respect to the market portfolio
, is given by the
F-G decomposition
which involves no stochastic integrals. Here the expression
is called the
drift process of the portfolio (and it is a non-negative quantity if the generating function
is concave); and the quantities
are called the
relative covariances between
with respect to the market.
- The constant function
generates the
market portfolio
- The geometric mean function
generates the
equal-weighted portfolio
for all
- The modified entropy function
for any
generates the
modified entropy-weighted portfolio,
- The function
generates the
diversity-weighted portfolio
drift process
Arbitrage relative to the market
The excess growth rate of the market portfolio admitsthe representation
as a capitalization-weighted average relative stockvariance. This quantity is nonnegative; if it happens to be bounded away from zero, namely
for all
for some real constant
, then it can be shown using the F-G decomposition that, for every
there exists a constant
for which the modified entropic portfolio
is strict arbitrage relative to the market
; see Fernholz and Karatzas (2005) for details. It is anopen question, whether such arbitrage exists over arbitrary time horizons (for two special cases, inwhich the answer to this question turns out to be affirmative, please see the paragraph below andthe next section).
If the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix
are bounded away from both zero and infinity, the condition
can be shown to be equivalent to diversity, namely
for a suitable
Then the diversity-weighted portfolio
leads to strict arbitragerelative to the market portfolio over sufficiently long time horizons; whereas, suitable modificationsof this diversity-weighted portfolio realize such strict arbitrage over arbitrary time horizons.
An example: volatility-stabilized markets
We consider the example of a system of stochastic differential equations
given real constants
and an
-dimensional Brownian motion
It follows from the work of Bass and Perkins (2002) that this system has a weak solution, which is unique in distribution. Fernholz and Karatzas (2005) show how to construct this solution in terms of scaled and time-changed squared Bessel processes, and prove that the resulting system is coherent.
The total market capitalization
behaves here as
geometric Brownian motion with drift, and has the same constant growth rate as the largest stock; whereas the excess growth rate of the marketportfolio is a positive constant. On the other hand, the relative market weights
have the dynamics of multi-allele Wright-Fisher processes. This model is an example of a non-diverse market with unbounded variances, in which strong arbitrage opportunities with respect to the market portfolio
exist over
arbitrary time horizons, as was shown by Banner and Fernholz (2008). Moreover, Pal (2012) derived the joint density of market weights at fixed times and at certain stopping times.
Rank-based portfolios
We fix an integer
and construct two capitalization-weighted portfolios: one consisting of the top
stocks, denoted
, and one consisting of the bottom
stocks, denoted
. More specifically,
}\qquad \text\eta_i(t) = \fracfor
Fernholz (1999), (2002) showed that the relative performance of the large-stock portfolio with respect to the market is given as
log\left( | Z\zeta(t) |
Z\mu(t) |
| \mu(1)(T)+ … +\mu(m)(T) |
\mu(1)(0)+ … +\mu(m)(0) |
| \mu(m)(t) |
\mu(1)(t)+ … +\mu(m)(t) |
Indeed, if there is no turnover at the mth rank during the interval
, the fortunes of
relativeto the market are determined solely on the basis of how the total capitalization of this sub-universeof the
largest stocks fares, at time
versus time 0; whenever there is turnover at the
-th rank,though,
has to sell at a loss a stock that gets “relegated” to the lower league, and buy a stockthat has risen in value and been promoted. This accounts for the “leakage” that is evident in thelast term, an integral with respect to the cumulative turnover process
of the relative weight in the large-cap portfolio
of the stock that occupies the mth rank.
The reverse situation prevails with the portfolio
of small stocks, which gets to sell at a profit stocks that are being promoted to the “upper capitalization” league, and buy relatively cheaply stocks that are being relegated:
| \mu(m+1)(T)+ … +\mu(n)(T) |
\mu(m+1)(0)+ … +\mu(n)(0) |
| \mu(m+1)(t) |
+ … +\mu(n)(t) |
It is clear from these two expressions that, in a
coherent and
stochastically stable market, the small-stock cap-weighted portfolio
will tend to outperform its large-stock counterpart
, at least overlarge time horizons and; in particular, we have under those conditions
\limT → infty
This quantifies the so-called
size effect. In Fernholz (1999, 2002), constructions such as these are generalized to include functionally generated portfolios based on ranked market weights.
First- and second-order models
First- and second-order models are hybrid Atlas models that reproduce some of the structure of real stock markets. First-order models have only rank-based parameters, and second-order models have both rank-based and name-based parameters.
Suppose that
is a coherent market, and that the limits
exist for
, where
is the rank of
. Then the Atlas model
defined by
is the rank of
is an
-dimensional Brownian motion process, is the
first-order model for the original market,
Under reasonable conditions, the capital distribution curve for a first-order model will be close to that of the original market. However, a first-order model is ergodic in the sense that each stock asymptotically spends
-th of its time at each rank, a property that is not present in actual markets. In order to vary the proportion of time that a stock spends at each rank, it is necessary to use some form of hybrid Atlas model with parameters that depend on both rank and name. An effort in this direction was made by Fernholz, Ichiba, and Karatzas (2013), who introduced a
second-order model for the market with rank- and name-based growth parameters, and variance parameters that depended on rank alone.
- Fernholz, E.R. (2002). Stochastic Portfolio Theory. New York: Springer-Verlag.