Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game Explained

Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game
Image Link:Star_Wars_X-Wing_Miniatures_FF_logo.png
Manufacturer:Fantasy Flight Games
Designer:Jay (The Man) Little[1]
Publisher:Christian T. Peterson
Date:August 17, 2012
Years:2012 to 2018
Genre:Miniature wargame
Playing Time:45-90 Minutes
Random Chance:Medium (Dice Rolling)
2012 Charles S. Roberts Best Science-Fiction or Fantasy Board Wargame
2012 Jocul Anului în România Beginners
2013 UK Games Expo Best Miniatures Range
2013 Golden Geek Best 2-Player Board Game
2013 As d'Or - Jeu de l'Année Prix du Jury

Star Wars: X-Wing is a miniature war game designed by Jay Little and produced by Fantasy Flight Games that was released at Gen Con during August 17, 2012.[2] [3] It features tactical ship-to-ship dogfighting between various types of starfighters set in the fictional Star Wars universe.[4] The game is said to be easy to learn and quick to play taking anywhere between 15 and 60 minutes from first set-up to battle's end. Each round both players give all their ships movement orders without knowing what their opponent is doing before resolving these orders while trying to shoot down enemy craft.[5] On May 1, 2018, FFG announced X-Wing Second Edition, to be released on September 13, 2018.[6] Although the physical models are transferable, an entire new set of rules, templates, and markers have been produced and are available through a new core set, waves, and conversion packs.

Game description from the publisher

"X-Wing is a tactical ship-to-ship combat game in which players take control of powerful Rebel X-wing fighters and nimble Imperial TIE fighters, facing them against each other in fast-paced space combat. Featuring stunningly detailed and painted miniatures, X-Wing recreates exciting Star Wars space combat throughout its several included scenarios. Select your crew, plan your maneuvers, and complete your mission!

The X-Wing starter set includes everything you need to begin your battles, such as scenarios, cards, and fully assembled and painted ships. What's more, X-Wing quick-to-learn ruleset establishes the foundation for a system that can be expanded with your favorite ships and characters from the Star Wars universe."[7]

First Edition Core game

The core set, which is required to play the game, includes one X-wing fighter miniature and two TIE fighter miniatures. The original core set uses X-wing and TIE fighter miniatures and pilots based on the original trilogy. A second edition of the core set with updated rules was released in 2015 as part of the promotion for , featuring updated X-wing and TIE fighter miniatures and pilots from that movie. The Force Awakens Core Set also introduces sub-factions: The Resistance, a sub-faction of the Rebels and compatible with any Rebel ships, and the First Order, a sub-faction of the Imperials.

Rebel Pilot cardsImperial Pilot cardsUpgrade cards:
•Luke Skywalker•"Mauler Mithel"Proton Torpedoes
•Biggs Darklighter•"Dark Curse"•R2-D2
Red Squadron Pilot•"Night Beast"•R2-F2
Rookie PilotBlack Squadron Pilot (x2)Determination
Obsidian Squadron Pilot (x2)Marksmanship
Academy Pilot (x2)
Rebel Pilot cardsImperial Pilot cardsUpgrade cards:
•Poe Dameron•"Omega Ace"Proton Torpedoes
•"Blue Ace"•"Epsilon Leader"•BB-8
Red Squadron Veteran•"Zeta Ace"•R5-X3
Blue Squadron NoviceOmega Squadron Pilot (x2)Wired
Zeta Squadron Pilot (x2)Weapons Guidance
Epsilon Pilot (x2)

First Edition Expansions

Wave 1

Released Date: September 14, 2012

X-Wing Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsTorpedoesAstromech DroidsElite Pilot Talent Cards
•Wedge AntillesProton Torpedoes•R5-K6Expert Handling
•Garven DreisR5 AstromechMarksmanship
Red Squadron Pilot
Rookie Pilot

TIE Fighter Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite Pilot Talent
•"Backstabber"Swarm Tactics
•"Winged Gundark"
Black Squadron Pilot
Obsidian Squadron Pilot
Academy Pilot

Y-Wing Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsTorpedoesSecondary WeaponAstromech DroidsReference Cards
•Horton SalmProton Torpedoes x2Ion Cannon Turret•R5-D8"Ion Tokens"
•"Dutch" VanderR2 Astromech
Gray Squadron Pilot
Gold Squadron Pilot

TIE Advanced Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsMissilesElite Pilot Talent
•Darth VaderConcussion MissilesSquad Leader
•Maarek SteleCluster MissilesSwarm Tactics
Storm Squadron PilotExpert Handling
Tempest Squadron Pilot

Wave 2

Release date: March 1, 2013

Millennium Falcon Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew CardsElite Pilot Talent CardsMissile CardsModification CardsTitle CardsReference Cards
• Han Solo• ChewbaccaDraw Their FireAssault MissilesEngine Upgrade x2• Millennium FalconBoost Action
• Lando Calrissian• Luke SkywalkerElusivenessConcussion MissilesShield Upgrade x2
• Chewbacca• Nien NunbVeteran Instincts
Outer Rim SmugglerWeapons Engineer

Slave I Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew Upgrade CardsElite Pilot Talent CardsMissile CardsSecondary Cannon CardsBomb CardsModification CardsTitle CardsReference Cards
• Boba FettGunnerExposeAssault MissilesIon CannonProximity MinesStealth Device x2• Slave IBombs Tokens
• Kath ScarlettMercenary CopilotVeteran InstinctsHoming MissilesHeavy Laser CannonSeismic ChargesIon Tokens
• Krassis Trelix
Bounty Hunter

A-Wing Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsMissile CardsElite Pilot Talent CardsReference Cards
• Tycho CelchuCluster MissilesDeadeyeBoost Action
• Arvel CrynydConcussion MissilesPush The Limit
Green Squadron PilotHoming Missiles
Prototype Pilot

TIE Interceptor Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite Pilot Talent CardsReference cards
• Soontir FelDaredevilBoost Action
• Turr PhennirElusiveness
• "Fel's Wrath"
Saber Squadron Pilot
Avenger Squadron Pilot
Alpha Squadron Pilot

Wave 3

Release date: September 13, 2013

B-Wing Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsSystem CardsSecondary Weapon CardsReference Cards
•Ten Numb Fire Control System Autoblaster Ion Tokens
•Ibtisam Proton Torpedoes
Dagger Squadron Pilot Advanced Proton Torpedoes
Blue Squadron Pilot Ion Cannon

TIE Bomber Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite Pilot Talent CardsSecondary Weapon CardsMissile CardsBomb CardsReference Cards
•Major Rhymer Adrenaline Rush Advanced Proton Torpedoes Assault Missiles Seismic Charges Bomb Tokens
•Captain Jonus Proton Bomb Using Bombs
Gamma Squadron Pilot
Scimitar Squadron Pilot

HWK-290 Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew Upgrade CardsSecondary WeaponTitle CardsReference Cards
•Jan Ors Recon Specialist Ion Cannon Turret Moldy Crow Ion Tokens
•Kyle Katarn Saboteur Blaster Turret
•Roark Garnet Intelligence Agent
Rebel Operative

Lambda-class Shuttle Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew Upgrade CardsSystem CardsSecondary Weapon CardsModification CardsTitle CardsReference Cards
•Captain Kagi •Darth Vader Sensor Jammer Heavy Laser Cannon Anti-Pursuit Lasers x2 ST-321
•Colonel Jendon Rebel Captive Advanced Sensors
•Captain Yorr Weapons Engineer
Omicron Group Pilot Intelligence Agent
Flight Instructor

Wave 4

Released Date: June 26, 2014

Z-95 Headhunter Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite Pilot TalentModificationSecondary WeaponReference Cards
•Airen CrackenDecoyMunitions FailsafeIon Pulse Missiles Ion Token
•Lieutenant BlountWingmanAssault MissilesModifications and Titles
Tala Squadron
Bandit Squadron Pilot

E-wing Expansion Pack

Elite Pilot Talent CardsSkill CardsSecondary Weapon CardsSystem CardsAstromechsReference Cards
•Corran Horn Outmaneuver Flechette Torpedoes Advanced Sensors •R7-T1 Boost Action
•Etahn A'baht R7 Astromech
Blackmoon Squadron Pilot
Knave Squadron Pilot

TIE Defender Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite Pilot Talent CardsSecondary Weapon CardsMissile CardsModification CardsReference CardsReference Cards
•Rexler Brath Outmaneuver Ion Cannon Ion Pulse Missiles Munitions Failsafe Ion TokensModifications and Titles
•Colonel Vessery Predator
Onyx Squadron Pilot
Delta Squadron Pilot

TIE Phantom Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew Upgrade CardsSystem CardsModification CardsReference Cards
•"Whisper" Tactician Fire Control System Advanced Cloaking Device Modifications and Titles
•"Echo" Recon Specialist Stygium Particle Accelerator Cloak Action
Shadow Squadron Pilot Decloak
Sigma Squadron Pilot

Wave 5

Released Date: November 26, 2014

YT-2400 Freighter Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew CardsSystem CardsElite Pilot Talent CardsSecondary Weapon CardsTitle CardsReference Cards
•Dash Rendar •Dash Rendar (crew) Countermeasures x2Stay on TargetHeavy Laser Cannon OutriderIon Token
•"Leebo" •"Leebo" (crew) Experimental Interface Lone WolfProton RocketsBoost Action
•Eaden Vrill •Lando Calrissian (crew)
Wild Space Fringer Gunner
Mercenary Copilot

VT-49 Decimator Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew Upgrade CardsElite Pilot Talent CardsSecondary Weapon CardsModification CardsTitle CardsBomb CardsReference Cards
•Rear Admiral Chiraneau Fleet Officer Intimidation Ion Torpedoes Tactical Jammer x2 Dauntless Proton BombsIon Token
•Commander Kenkirk •Mara JadeRuthlessness x2Using Bombs
•Captain Oicunn •Moff Jerjerrod Bomb Tokens
Patrol Leader•Ysanne Isard

Wave 6

Released Date: February 26, 2015

Most Wanted Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew CardsSecondary Weapons CardsSalvaged Astromech CardsElicit UpgradesTitle Cards
•N'dru Suhlak •Greedo Autoblaster Turret x2 •"Genius" "Hot Shot" BlasterBTL-A4 Y-Wing x2
•Kaa'to Leeachos K4 Security Droid Bomb Loadout x2 R4 Agromech x2 •Andrasta
Black Sun Soldier x2 Outlaw Tech •R4-B11
Binayre Pirate x2 Salvaged Agromech x2
•Kavil Unhinged Astromech x2
•Drea Renthal
Hired Gun x2
Syndicate Thug x2
•Boba Fett
•Kath Scarlet
•Emon Azzameen
Mandalorian Mercenary
•Dace Bonearm
•Palob Godalhi
•Torkil Mux
Spice Runner

StarViper Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsSkill CardsSecondary Weapon CardsIllicit UpgradesSystem CardsModification CardsTitle CardsReference Cards
•Prince Xizor Calculation Ion Torpedoes Inertial Dampeners Accuracy Corrector Autothrusters x2 ViragoSegnor's Loop
•Guri Bodyguard Hull Upgrade Modifications and Titles
Black Sun Vigo Ion Token
Black Sun Enforcer Boost

M3-A Scyk Interceptor Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsSecondary Weapon CardsModification CardsTitle CardsReference Cards
•Serissu Flechette Cannon Stealth Device "Heavy Scyk" InterceptorModifications and Titles
•Laetin A'Shera Ion Cannon Ion Tokens
Tansarii Point Veteran Mangler Cannon
Cartel Spacer

IG-2000 Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsSecondary Weapon CardsBomb CardsSystem UpgradesIllicit UpgradesTitle CardsReference Cards
•IG-88A Autoblaster Seismic Charges Accuracy Corrector Feedback Array x2 IG-2000Segnor's Loop
•IG-88B Mangler Cannon Proximity Mines Dead Man's Switch x2 Bomb Tokens
•IG-88C Inertial Dampeners Using Bombs
•IG-88D "Hot Shot" Blaster

Wave 7

Released Date: August 25, 2015

YV-666 Light Freighter (Hound's Tooth) Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew CardsSecondary Weapons CardsElite TalentsIllicit UpgradesModification CardsTitle Cards
•Bossk K4 Security Droid Heavy Laser Cannon Stay on Target GlitterstimIon ProjectorHound's Tooth™
•Moralo Eval Outlaw Tech Lone Wolf Maneuvering Fins
•Latts Razzi •Bossk Crackshot Engine Upgrade
Trandoshan Slaver
Nashtah Pup Pilot

Kihraxz Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite Pilot Talent CardsIllicit UpgradesSecondary Weapons
•Talonbane Cobra Crackshot Glitterstim Homing Missiles
•Graz The Hunter Predator
Black Sun Ace Lightning Reflexes
Cartel Marauder

K-Wing Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew CardsTurretsSecondary Weapon CardsBombsModification CardsReference Cards
•Miranda Doni Bombardier Twin Laser Turret (x2) Extra Munitions Conner Net Advanced SLAMSLAM Action
•Esege Tuketu Advanced Homing Missiles Ion Bombs
Guardian Sq. Pilot Plasma Torpedoes
Warden Sq. Pilot

TIE Punisher Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsSecondary Weapon CardsBomb CardsSystem UpgradesModification Cards
•Redline Extra Munitions Cluster Mines Enhanced Scopes Twin Ion Engine Mk. II
•Deathrain Flechette Torpedoes Ion Bombs
Black Eight Sq. Pilot Advanced Homing Missiles
Cutlass Sq. Pilot Plasma Torpedoes

Wave 8

Release date: March 17, 2016

T-70 X-Wing Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsTorpedoesAstromech DroidsElite Pilot Talent CardsModificationsTech
Ello AstyAdv. Proton TorpedoesTargeting AstromechCool HandIntegrated AstromechWeapons Guidance
"Red Ace"
Red Squadron Veteran
Blue Squadron Novice
TIE/fo Fighter Expansion Pack
Pilot CardsElite Pilot Talent CardsTech
"Omega Leader"JukeComm Relay
"Zeta Leader"
"Epsilon Ace"
Omega Squadron Pilot
Zeta Squadron Pilot
Epsilon Squadron Pilot

VCX-100 (Ghost) Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew CardsElite TalentsTurretsBombsTorpedoesSystem UpgradesShip Titles
VCX Pilots:Kanan JarrusPredatorDorsal Turret x2Conner NetAdvanced Proton TorpedoesReinforced DeflectorsGhost™
•Hera Syndulla"Zeb" OrreliosCluster MinesPhantom™
•Kanan Jarrus"Chopper"Thermal Detonators
•"Chopper"Ezra Bridger
Lothal RebelHera Syndulla
Attack Shuttle Pilots:Sabine Wren
•Hera Syndulla
•Sabine Wren
•Ezra Bridger
•"Zeb" Orrelios

TIE Advanced Prototype (Inquisitor's TIE) Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite TalentsMissilesModificationsShip Titles
•The InquisitorDeadeyeHoming MissilesGuidance ChipsTIE/v1
Valen Rudor•Valen RudorXX-23 S-Thread Tracers
•Baron of the Empire
Sienar Test Pilot

G-1A Starfighter (Mist Hunter) Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew CardsElite TalentsCannonSystemIllicitShip Titles
•Zuckuss•4-LOMAdaptability (+/-1)(Dual) x2Tractor BeamElectronic Baffle x2Cloaking DeviceMist Hunter™
Gand Findsman
Ruthless Freelancer

JumpMaster 5000 (Punishing One) Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew CardsElite TalentsSalvaged AstromechTorpedoesModificationsIllicitShip Titles
•Dengar•Boba FettAttanni Mindlink x2R5-P8Plasma TorpedesGuidance Chips x2Feedback ArrayPunishing One™
•Tel Trevura•"Gonk"RageOverclocked R4
Contracted Scout

Wave 9

Release date: September 23, 2016

ARC-170 Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew CardsElite TalentsAstromech DroidsTorpedoesModificationsShip Titles
•Nora WexleyTail GunnerAdrenaline RushR3 Astromech 2XSeismic TorpedoVectored Thrusters 2XAlliance Overhaul
•Shara BeyRecon Specialist
•Thane Kyrell
•Braylen Stramm

Special Forces TIE Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsSystem UpgradesElite TalentsTech UpgradesShip Titles
•"Quickdraw"Collision DetectorWiredSensor Cluster x2Special Ops Training
Valen Rudor •"Backdraft"
Omega Specialist
Zeta Specialist

Protectorate Starfighter Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite TalentsShip Titles
•Fenn RauFearlessnessConcord Dawn Protector
•Old Teroch
•Cad Solus
Concord Dawn Ace
Concord Dawn Veteran
Zealous Recruit

Lancer-Class Pursuit Craft (Shadow Caster) Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew CardsElite TalentsModificationsIllicitShip Titles
•Ketsu Onyo•Latts RazziVeteran InstinctsCounter MeasuresRigged Cargo Chute•Shadow Caster
•Asajj Ventress•Ketsu OnyoGyroscopic TargetingBlack Market Slicer Tools (x2)
•Sabine Wren•IG-88DTactical Jammer (x2)
Shadowport Hunter

Wave 10

Release date: February 2, 2017

Sabine's TIE Fighter Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite TalentsCrewIllicitModificationConditionsShip Titles
•Sabine WrenVeteran InstinctsCaptain Rex•EMP DeviceCaptured TIE•Suppressive Fire•Sabine's Masterpiece
•Ahsoka Tano
•Captain Rex

Upsilon-Class Shuttle Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrewElite TalentsTech UpgradesModificationConditionsShip Titles
•Kylo Ren•Kylo RenSnap Shot (x2)Targeting Synchronizer (x2)ion Projector (x2)•I'll show you the Dark SideKylo Ren's Shuttle
•Major Stridan•General HuxHyperwave Comm Scanner (x2)•Fanatical Devotion
•Lieutenant DormitzOperations Specialist (x2)
Starkiller Base Pilot

Quadjumper Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsCrew CardsElite TalentsModificationsBombsIllicitTech UpgradesConditions
•Unkar Plutt•Unkar Plutt•A Score to SettleSpacetug Tractor ArrayThermal DetonatorsScavenger CraneHyperwave Comm Scanner•A Debt to Pay
•Contable Zuvio•BoShek
•Sarco Plank
Jakku Gunrunner

U-Wing Expansion Pack

Release Date: December 15, 2016

Pilot CardsElite TalentsCrewModificationSystem UpgradesTorpedoesShip Titles
•Cassian AndorExpertise (x2)•Jyn ErsoStealth Device (x2)Sensor JammerFlechette TorpedoesPivot Wing
•Bodhi Rook•Cassian Andor
•Heff Tobber•Baze Malbus
Blue Squadron Pathfinder•Bistan
•Bodhi Rook
Inspiring Recruit (x2)

TIE Striker Expansion Pack

Release Date: December 15, 2016

Pilot CardsElite TalentsModificationsShip Titles
•"Duchess"•Swarm LeaderLightweight FrameAdaptive Ailerons
•"Pure Sabacc"
Black Squadron Scout
Scarif Defender
Imperial Trainee

Wave 11

Release Date: July 13, 2017

TIE Aggressor Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite TalentsModificationsMissilesTurrets
•Lieutenant KestalIntensityLightweight FrameUnguided RocketsTwin Laser Turret
•"Double Edge"Synced Turret
Onyx Squadron Escort
Sienar Specialist

Auzituck Gunship Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite TalentsCrewModifications
WullffwarroIntimidationTacticianHull Upgrade
LowhhrickSelflessnessBreach Specialist
Wookie LiberatorWookiee Commandos
Kashyyyk Defender

Scurrg H-6 Bomber Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsElite TalentsTorpedoesMissilesTurretsBombCrewTitleSystemSalvaged Astromech
•Captain Nym (Rebel)Lightning ReflexesSeismic TorpedoesCruise Missiles x2Synced Turret•Bomblet GeneratorCad Bane•HavocMinefield Mapped•R4-E1
•Captain Nym (Scum)
•Sol Sixxa
Lok Revenant
Karthakk Pirate

Wave 12

Released Date: December 8, 2017

Alpha-class Star Wing

Pilot CardsElite TalentsModificationsCannonMissileTitles
•Major VynderSaturation SalvoAdvanced SLAMLinked BatteryCruise MissilesXg-1 Assault Configuration
•Lieutenant KarsabiJamming BeamOs-1 Arsenal Loadout
Rho Squadron Veteran
Nu Squadron Pilot

Phantom II

Pilot CardsAstromechsCrewsTitles
•Fenn Rau•"Chopper"•Maul•Ghost
•Ezra BridgerFlight-Assist AstromechCourier Droid•Phantom II
•"Zeb" Orrelios

M12-L Kimogila Fighter

Pilot CardsElite TalentsMissilesTorpedoesSalvaged AstromechIllicitTitle
•Torani KuldaSaturation SalvoScrambler MissilesPlasma Torpedoes•R5-TKDead Man's Switch•Enforcer
•Dalan OberosContraband Cybernetics
Cartel Executioner
Cartel Brute

Wave 13

TIE Silencer

Pilot CardsElite TalentsSystemTechModificationTitleCondition
•Kylo RenDebris Gambit (2X)Sensor JammerPrimed ThrustersAutothrusters (2X)•First Order Vanguard•I'll Show You the Dark Side
•Test Pilot "Blackout"Advanced Optics (2X)
First Order Test PilotThreat Tracker (2X)
Sienar-Jaemus Analyst

Resistance Bomber

Pilot CardsBombSystemTechTitleModificationCondition
•"Crimsom Leader"Conner Net (2X)Trajectory Simulator (3X)Targeting SynchronizerCrossfire FormationDeflective Platting•Rattled
•"Cobalt Leader"Ordnance SilosAdvanced Optics
•"Crimsom Specialist"Seismic Charges
Crimsom Squadron PilotThermal Detonators

Wave 14

TIE Reaper

Pilot CardsElite TalentCrewTitleCondition
•Major VermellDecoySystem Officer (2X)Advanced Ailerons•Optimized Prototype
•Captain Feroph•Death Troopers
•"Vizier"•Director Krennic
Scarif Base PilotISB Slicer
Tactical Officer (2X)

Saw's Renegades

Pilot CardsElite TalentCrewAstromechSystemModificationsTitles
•Saw GerreraCrack Shot•Saw Gerrera (Crew)Flight-Assist Astromech•Targeting ScramblerServomotor S-Foils (5X)Pivot Wing
•Benthic Two Tubes•Magva Yarro (Crew)Renegade Refit (3X)
•Kullbee Sperado
•Levan Tenza
•Edrio "Two Tubes"
•Cavern Angel Zealost (5X)

Other Expansions

Imperial Aces

Release date: March 14, 2014

Pilot CardsSkill CardsModification CardsTitle Cards
•Carnor JaxPush The Limit x2Shield Upgrade x2Royal Guard Tie x2
•Kir KanosOpportunist x2Hull Upgrade x2
•Tetran CowallTargeting Computer x2
•Lieutenant Lorrir
Royal Guard Pilot
Saber Squadron Pilot

Rebel Aces

Release date: September 25, 2014

Pilot CardsCrew CardsMissile CardsModification CardsSystem CardsTitle Cards
•Jake Farrell•Jan OrsChardaan Refit x3B-Wing/E2 x2Enhanced Scopes x2A-Wing Test Pilot x2
•Gemmer Sojan•Kyle KatarnProton Rockets x2
•Keyan Farlander
•Nera Dantels
Green Squadron Pilot
Prototype Pilot
Dagger Squadron Pilot
Blue Squadron Pilot

Imperial Veterans

Release date: June 30, 2016

Pilot CardsElite Pilot TalentCrewBomb CardsCannon CardsModification CardsTitle Cards
•Maarek SteleCrackShotSystems OfficerProximity MinesTractor BeamLong Range ScannerTIE /x7 x2
•Countess RyadCluster MinesTIE /D x2
•Tomax BrenTIE Shuttle x2
Glaive Squadron Veteran
Gamma Squadron Pilot

Heroes of the Resistance Expansion Pack

Release date: October 26, 2016

Pilot CardsCrew CardsAstromechElite Pilot TalentIllicitTitle CardsTech UpgradesModification Cards
•Han Solo•Finn•M9-G8Snap Shot (x2)Burnout Slam (x2)•Millennium FalconPrimed ThrustersIntegrated Astromech
•Rey•ReyTrick Shot (x2)•Black OnePattern AnalyzerSmuggling Compartment
•ChewbaccaHotshot Co-pilot
Resistance Sympathizer
•Poe Dameron
•Nien Numb
•"Snap" Wexley
•Jess Pava
Red Squadron Veteran
Blue Squadron Novice

Guns for Hire Expansion Pack

Pilot CardsModificationsConditionIllicitMissileTitles
•Viktor Hel Stealth DeviceHarpooned! (2X)Ion Dischargers (2X)Harpoon MissilesVaksai (2X)
•Captain JosteroVectored Thrusters•ShadowedStarViper Mk.II (2X)
Black Sun AcePulsed Ray Shield (2X)•Mimicked
Cartel Marauder
•Dalan Oberos
Black Sun Assassin (2X)

GR75 Transport Expansion Pack

Release date: April 30, 2014

Pilot CardsCargo CardsCrew CardsAstromech CardsTitle CardsTorpedo Cards
•Wes JansonSlicer ToolsGeneral Jan DodonnaR5-P9Bright HopeFlechette Torpedo 4X
•Jek PorkinsComs BoosterToryn FarR3-A2Quantum Storm
•Derek "Hobbie" KlivianShield ProjectorCarlist RieekanR2-D6Dutyfree
•Tarn MisonWED-15 Repair DroidR4-D6

CR90 Corvette Expansion Pack

Release date: May 22, 2014

Cargo CardsCrew CardsHardpoint CardsTeam CardsTitle Cards
Coms Booster x2•Raymus AntillesSingle Turbolasers x3Engineering TeamDodonna's Pride
Ionization Reactor•Leia OrganaQuad Laser CannonsGunnery TeamTantive IV
Tibanna Gas Supplies•R2-D2(crew)Sensor TeamJaina's Light
Backup Shield GeneratorTargeting Coordinator
Engine BoosterC-3PO
CR90 Corvette (FORE)Han Solo
CR90 Corvette (AFT)

Imperial Raider Expansion Pack

Release date: August 13, 2015

Pilot CardsMissile CardsCrew CardsSystem CardsTitle CardsCargo CardsHardpoint CardsTeam Cards
•Commander AlozenCluster Missiles•Admiral OzzelAdvanced Targeting Computer (x4)•AssailerBackup Shield GeneratorIon Cannon battery (x4)Engineering Team
•Juno EclipseProton Rockets•Captain Needa •ImpetuousComms BoosterQuad Laser Cannons (x2)Gunnery Team
•Lieutenant Colzet•Emperor Palpatine •InstigatorEngine BoosterSingle Turbolasers (x2)Sensor Team
Raider-class Corv. (Aft)•Grand Moff Tarkin TIE/x1 (x4)Tibanna Gas Supplies
Raider-class Corv. (Fore)Shield Technician (x2)
Storm Squadron Pilot
Tempest Squadron Pilot
•Zertik Strom

Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion Pack

Release date: December 23, 2015

Pilot CardsMissile CardsCrew CardsElite TalentsTitle CardsCargo CardsHardpoint CardsTeam CardsModifications
•"Scourge"Cluster Missiles•Agent Kallus Expose •RequiemBroadcast Array Dual Laser Turret Ordnance Experts (x2) Automated Protocols (x2)
•"Wampa"Homing Missiles•Rear Admiral Chiraneau Marksmanship •SuppressorDocking Clamps Optimized Generators (x2)
•"Youngster"Ion Torpedoes Construction Droid (x2) Expert Handling •VectorCluster Bombs Ordnance Tubes (x2)
Black Squadron Pilot x2
Obsidian Squadron Pilot x2
Academy Pilot x2
Gozanti-class Cruiser

C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack

Release date: Q1 2017

Pilot CardsTurretsCannonCrew CardsTeamModificationsHardpointsTitlesCargo
C-ROC Cruiser PilotHeavy Laser TurretARC Caster (5X)•Cikatro VizagoIG-RM Thug DroidsPulsed Ray Shield (5X)Heavy Laser Turret"Heavy Scyk" InterceptorSupercharged Power Cells (2X)
•Genesis Red•AzmoiganOptimized Generators"Light Scyk" Interceptor (6X)Quick Release Cargo Locks
•Quinn Jast•Jabba the HuttAutomated Protocols (2X)•Merchant One
•Inaldra•Broken Horn
•Sunny Bounder•Insatiable Worrt
Tansarii Point Veteran
Cartel Spacer


See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. Book: Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game Rules Of Play. 2012. Fantasy Flight Games.
  2. Web site: X-Wing.
  3. Web site: Launch Your Attack Run—X-Wing (TM) Launches into Action with Organized Play . . July 2, 2012 . 2020-10-09.
  4. Web site: xwing_tutorial.
  5. James Dominguez, Friday Question: Which table-top games have you been playing lately?, The Sydney Morning Herald, September 27, 2013. Retrieved January 21, 2014.
  6. Web site: X-Wing Second Edition. 2018-05-31.
  7. Web site: X-wing game description from the publisher . . May 12, 2013 .
  8. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – X-Wing Expansion Pack - Board Game - BoardGameGeek.
  9. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – TIE Fighter Expansion Pack - Board Game - BoardGameGeek.
  10. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – TIE Advanced Expansion Pack - Board Game - BoardGameGeek.
  11. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Millennium Falcon Expansion Pack - Board Game - BoardGameGeek.
  12. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Slave I Expansion Pack - Board Game - BoardGameGeek.
  13. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – A-Wing Expansion Pack - Board Game - BoardGameGeek.
  14. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – TIE Interceptor Expansion Pack - Board Game - BoardGameGeek.
  15. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – B-Wing Expansion Pack - Board Game - BoardGameGeek.
  16. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – TIE Bomber Expansion Pack. BoardGameGeek.
  17. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – HWK-290 Expansion Pack - Board Game - BoardGameGeek.
  18. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Lambda-class Shuttle Expansion Pack. BoardGameGeek.
  19. "Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures" - Full Card list by expansion
  20. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Rebel Aces Expansion Pack.
  21. Web site: Join the Resistance.
  23. Web site: Alliance Overhaul.
  24. Web site: I'll Show You the Dark Side.
  25. Web site: Stay in Attack Formation.
  26. h6/
  27. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Imperial Aces Expansion Pack - Board Game - BoardGameGeek.
  29. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Rebel Transport Expansion Pack. BoardGameGeek.
  30. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Tantive IV Expansion Pack.
  31. Web site: New Star Wars Ship Imperial Raider Coming to X-Wing Miniatures. geekSerious.
  32. Web site: Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game – Imperial Assault Carrier Expansion Pack (2015). BoardGameGeek.
  33. Web site: Bargains, Bribes, and Battles. 2017-01-20.