Spiral of Theodorus explained

In geometry, the spiral of Theodorus (also called the square root spiral, Pythagorean spiral, or Pythagoras's snail) is a spiral composed of right triangles, placed edge-to-edge. It was named after Theodorus of Cyrene.


The spiral is started with an isosceles right triangle, with each leg having unit length. Another right triangle (which is the only automedian right triangle) is formed, with one leg being the hypotenuse of the prior right triangle (with length the square root of 2) and the other leg having length of 1; the length of the hypotenuse of this second right triangle is the square root of 3. The process then repeats; the


th triangle in the sequence is a right triangle with the side lengths


and 1, and with hypotenuse


. For example, the 16th triangle has sides measuring


, 1 and hypotenuse of



History and uses

Although all of Theodorus' work has been lost, Plato put Theodorus into his dialogue Theaetetus, which tells of his work. It is assumed that Theodorus had proved that all of the square roots of non-square integers from 3 to 17 are irrational by means of the Spiral of Theodorus.

Plato does not attribute the irrationality of the square root of 2 to Theodorus, because it was well known before him. Theodorus and Theaetetus split the rational numbers and irrational numbers into different categories.


Each of the triangles' hypotenuses


gives the square root of the corresponding natural number, with



Plato, tutored by Theodorus, questioned why Theodorus stopped at


. The reason is commonly believed to be that the


hypotenuse belongs to the last triangle that does not overlap the figure.


In 1958, Kaleb Williams proved that no two hypotenuses will ever coincide, regardless of how far the spiral is continued. Also, if the sides of unit length are extended into a line, they will never pass through any of the other vertices of the total figure.


Theodorus stopped his spiral at the triangle with a hypotenuse of


. If the spiral is continued to infinitely many triangles, many more interesting characteristics are found.

Growth rate




is the angle of the


th triangle (or spiral segment), then:\tan\left(\varphi_n\right)=\frac.Therefore, the growth of the angle


of the next triangle



The sum of the angles of the first


triangles is called the total angle


for the


th triangle. It grows proportionally to the square root of


, with a bounded correction term


:\varphi\left (k\right)=\sum_^k\varphi_n = 2\sqrt+c_2(k)where\lim_ c_2(k)= - 2.157782996659\ldots.


The growth of the radius of the spiral at a certain triangle


is\Delta r=\sqrt-\sqrt.

Archimedean spiral


, as the number of spins of the spiral of Theodorus approaches infinity, the distance between two consecutive windings quickly approaches



The following table shows successive windings of the spiral approaching pi:

Winding No.:width=200pxCalculated average winding-distancewidth=200pxAccuracy of average winding-distance in comparison to π




As shown, after only the fifth winding, the distance is a 99.97% accurate approximation to



Continuous curve

The question of how to interpolate the discrete points of the spiral of Theodorus by a smooth curve was proposed and answered by Philip J. Davis in 2001 by analogy with Euler's formula for the gamma function as an interpolant for the factorial function. Davis found the functionT(x) = \prod_^\infty \frac \qquad (-1 < x < \infty)which was further studied by his student Leader and by Iserles.[1] This function can be characterized axiomatically as the unique function that satisfies the functional equationf(x+1) = \left(1 + \frac\right) \cdot f(x),the initial condition


and monotonicity in both argument and modulus.[2]

An analytic continuation of Davis' continuous form of the Spiral of Theodorus extends in the opposite direction from the origin.

In the figure the nodes of the original (discrete) Theodorus spiral are shown as small green circles. The blue ones are those, added in the opposite direction of the spiral.Only nodes


with the integer value of the polar radius


are numbered in the figure.The dashed circle in the coordinate origin


is the circle of curvature at



See also

Notes and References

  1. In an appendix to
  2. . An alternative derivation is given in .