Spilling water for luck explained

Spilling water for luck is a folk custom in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Bosnia, North Macedonia, Serbia, Turkey, Iraq, Iran and other nearby countries.[1] [2] [3] According to folk belief, spilling water behind the person who goes on a journey, or to do a job, will bring good luck, and is done so that the travel or the job will end happily. It is also practiced when going to school, on an exam,[3] for a job interview, going into the army and the like.[1] [3]

In the ethnology of the Balkan Peninsula countries, it is considered that spilled or running water symbolizes mobility and ease of movement,[2] since it does not stop or get stuck, and so spilling of water is done so that the job someone started would go as smoothly as the spilled water.[1] At the very act of spilling water in some areas it is said: "Let him go clean and clear as water."[2]

See also

Notes and References

  1. http://www.rtrs.tv/av/player.php?id=14912&x=1 . sr:Одговор.Но 1: Зашто проливамо воду за срећу? . 2011-10-02 . . sr . 2011-10-03.
  2. Book: http://ooo.matf.bg.ac.rs/ASK/pdf/Predstava_o_detetu_u_srpskoj_kulturi.pdf . sr:Антологија српске књижевности: Представа о детету у српској култури . 32 . Žarko Trebješanin . 2009 . docx . Учитељски факултет Универзитета у Београду . sr . 2011-10-03.
  3. Book: Зборник радова конференције "Развој астрономије код Срба VI": Одрази космичких сила на духовни живот српског народа у Метохији: Обичаји и веровања, стр. 901 . Milorad Radunović . April 22–26, 2010 . Публ. Астр. друш. „Руђер Бошковић“ бр. 10, 2011, 889-904 . sr . 2011-10-03 .