List of Wildlife Species at Risk (Canada) explained
The List of Wildlife Species at Risk currently has more than 800 entries for Canadian wild life species considered vulnerable; including 363 classified as endangered species, —190 threatened species, —235 special concern, and 22 extirpated (no longer found in the wild).[1] About 65 percent of Canada's resident species are considered "Secure".[2] More than 30 wildlife species have become extinct in the wild since the arrival of European settlers.[3]
The Government of Canada maintains a list of all plant and animal species, or designatable units (DUs) thereof, federally recognized as special concern, threatened, endangered, extirpated, and extinct in Canada under Schedule I of the Species at Risk Act (SARA).[4]
SARA Schedule
Species listed on SARA Schedule I receive federal legal protections under the act, including the protection of individuals, populations, and their habitat from harm. Listing on Schedule I of the act also mandates the formation of a species recovery team and strategy. The addition of species or DUs to Schedule I is done annually by the Minister of the Environment, based on formal assessment recommendations by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), an independent committee of wildlife experts and scientists. COSEWIC assessments and IUCN designations by themselves are not to be confused with actual Schedule I listings as both of the former have no formal legal status in Canada.[2]
Extirpated mammals
- Eschrichtius robustus — grey whale (Atlantic population)
- Mustela nigripes — black-footed ferret
- Odobenus rosmarus rosmarus — Atlantic walrus (northwest Atlantic population)
Endangered mammals
- Balaenoptera borealis — sei whale (Pacific population)
- Balaenoptera musculus — blue whale
- Dipodomys ordii — Ord's kangaroo rat
- Eubalaena glacialis — North Atlantic right whale
- Eubalaena japonica — North Pacific right whale
- Gulo gulo — wolverine (eastern population)
- Hyperoodon ampullatus — northern bottlenose whale (Scotian Shelf population)
- Marmota vancouverensis — Vancouver Island marmot
- Martes americana atrata — American marten (Newfoundland population)
- Orcinus orca — orca or killer whale (Pacific southern resident population)
- Rangifer tarandus caribou — woodland caribou (Atlantic/Gaspésie population)
- Scapanus townsendii — Townsend's mole
- Sorex bendirii — Pacific water shrew
- Taxidea taxus jacksoni — American badger; jacksoni subspecies
- Taxidea taxus jeffersonii — American badger; jeffersonii subspecies
- Vulpes velox swift fox
Threatened mammals
- Antrozous pallidus — pallid bat
- Balaenoptera physalus (Pacific population) — fin whale
- Bison bison athabascae — wood bison
- Enhydra lutris — sea otter
- Delphinapterus leucas (St. Lawrence Estuary population) — beluga whale
- Mustela haidarum — Haida ermine
- Megaptera novaeangliae (North Pacific population) — humpback whale
- Orcinus orca (northeast Pacific transient population) — killer whale
- Orcinus orca (northeast Pacific northern resident population) — killer whale
- Rangifer tarandus caribou (boreal population) — woodland caribou
- Rangifer tarandus caribou (southern mountain population) — woodland caribou
- Urocyon cinereoargenteus — grey fox
Mammals of special concern
- Balaena mysticetus (Bering–Chukchi–Beaufort population) — bowhead whale
- Balaenoptera physalus (Atlantic population) — fin whale
- Canis lycaon — eastern wolf
- Enhydra lutris — sea otter
- Cynomys ludovicianus — black-tailed prairie dog
- Eschrichtius robustus (eastern North Pacific population) — grey whale
- Euderma maculatum — spotted bat
- Eumetopias jubatus — Steller sea lion
- Microtus pinetorum — woodland vole
- Orcinus orca (Northeast Pacific offshore population) — killer whale
- Phocoena phocoena (Pacific Ocean population) — harbour porpoise
- Rangifer tarandus caribou (northern mountain population) — woodland caribou
- Scalopus aquaticus — eastern mole
- Sylvilagus nuttallii nuttallii — Nuttall's cottontail, nuttallii subspecies
- Ursus maritimus — polar bear
Extirpated birds
- Tympanuchus cupido — greater prairie-chicken
Endangered birds
- Ammodramus henslowii — Henslow's sparrow
- Athene cunicularia — burrowing owl
- Centrocercus urophasianus urophasianus — greater sage-grouse, urophasianus subspecies
- Charadrius melodus circumcinctus — piping plover, circumcinctus subspecies
- Charadrius melodus melodus — piping plover, melodus subspecies
- Charadrius montanus — mountain plover
- Colinus virginianus — northern bobwhite
- Dendroica kirtlandii — Kirtland's warbler
- Empidonax virescens — Acadian flycatcher
- Eremophila alpestris strigata — horned lark, strigata subspecies
- Grus americana — whooping crane
- Icteria virens auricollis (British Columbia population) — yellow-breasted chat, auricollis subspecies
- Lanius ludovicianus migrans — loggerhead shrike, migrans subspecies
- Loxia curvirostra percna — red crossbill, percna subspecies
- Megascops kennicottii macfarlanei — western screech-owl, macfarlanei subspecies
- Numenius borealis — Eskimo curlew
- Oreoscoptes montanus — sage thrasher
- Picoides albolarvatus — white-headed woodpecker
- Pooecetes gramineus affinis — vesper sparrow, affinis subspecies
- Protonotaria citrea — prothonotary warbler
- Rallus elegans — king rail
- Sphyrapicus thyroideus — Williamson's sapsucker
- Sterna dougallii — roseate tern
- Strix occidentalis caurina — spotted owl, caurina subspecies
- Tyto alba (eastern population) — barn owl
Threatened birds
- Accipiter gentilis laingi — northern goshawk, laingi subspecies
- Aegolius acadicus brooksi — northern saw-whet owl, brooksi subspecies
- Anthus spragueii — Sprague's pipit
- Brachyramphus marmoratus — marbled murrelet
- Falco peregrinus anatum — peregrine falcon, anatum subspecies
- Ixobrychus exilis — least bittern
- Lanius ludovicianus excubitorides — loggerhead shrike, excubitorides subspecies
- Phoebastria albatrus — short-tailed albatross
- Puffinus creatopus — pink-footed shearwater
- Riparia riparia - bank swallow
- Rhodostethia rosea — Ross' gull
- Vermivora chrysoptera — golden-winged warbler
- Wilsonia citrina — hooded warbler
Birds of special concern
- Bucephala islandica (eastern population) — Barrow's goldeneye
- Coturnicops noveboracensis — yellow rail
- Dendroica cerulea — cerulean warbler
- Falco peregrinus pealei — peregrine falcon, pealei subspecies
- Histrionicus histrionicus (eastern population) — harlequin duck
- Icteria virens virens — yellow-breasted chat, virens subspecies
- Megascops kennicottii kennicottii — western screech-owl, kennicottii subspecies
- Melanerpes lewis — Lewis' woodpecker
- Numenius americanus — long-billed curlew
- Otus flammeolus — flammulated owl
- Pagophila eburnea — ivory gull
- Passerculus sandwichensis princeps — Savannah sparrow, princeps subspecies
- Rhynchophanes mccownii — thick-billed longspur
- Seiurus motacilla — Louisiana waterthrush
- Synthliboramphus antiquus — ancient murrelet
- Tyto alba (western population) — barn owl
Extirpated reptiles
- Actinemys marmorata — Pacific pond turtle
- Crotalus horridus — timber rattlesnake
- Phrynosoma douglasii — pygmy short-horned lizard
- Pituophis catenifer catenifer — Pacific gophersnake
Endangered reptiles
- Chrysemys picta bellii (Pacific Coast population) — western painted turtle
- Clemmys guttata — spotted turtle
- Coluber constrictor foxii — blue racer
- Contia tenuis — sharp-tailed snake
- Dermochelys coriacea — leatherback seaturtle
- Emydoidea blandingii (Nova Scotia population) — Blanding's turtle
- Eumeces septentrionalis — prairie skink
- Hypsiglena torquata — nightsnake
Threatened reptiles
- Apalone spinifera — spiny softshell
- Coluber constrictor flaviventris — eastern yellow-bellied racer
- Crotalus oreganus — western rattlesnake
- Elaphe gloydi — eastern foxsnake
- Elaphe spiloides — grey ratsnake
- Emydoidea blandingii (Great Lakes / St. Lawrence population) — Blanding's turtle
- Heterodon platirhinos — eastern hog-nosed snake
- Pituophis catenifer deserticola — Great Basin gophersnake
- Regina septemvittata — queen snake
- Sistrurus catenatus — massasauga
- Sternotherus odoratus — stinkpot
- Thamnophis butleri — Butler's gartersnake
- Thamnophis saurita (Atlantic population) — eastern ribbonsnake
Reptiles of special concern
- Charina bottae — rubber boa
- Chrysemys picta bellii (intermountain–Rocky Mountain population) — western painted turtle
- Coluber constrictor mormon — western yellow-bellied racer
- Eumeces skiltonianus — western skink
- Graptemys geographica — northern map turtle
- Lampropeltis triangulum — milksnake
- Thamnophis saurita (Great Lakes population) — eastern ribbonsnake
Extirpated amphibians
- Ambystoma tigrinum (Great Lakes population) — tiger salamander
Endangered amphibians
- Acris crepitans — northern cricket frog
- Ambystoma texanum — small-mouthed salamander
- Ambystoma tigrinum (southern mountain population) — tiger salamander
- Ascaphus montanus — Rocky Mountain tailed frog
- Rana pipiens (southern mountain population) — northern leopard frog
- Rana pretiosa — Oregon spotted frog
Threatened amphibians
- Ambystoma jeffersonianum — Jefferson salamander
- Bufo fowleri — Fowler's toad
- Desmognathus ochrophaeus — Allegheny Mountain dusky salamander
- Dicamptodon tenebrosus — coastal giant salamander
- Spea intermontana — Great Basin spadefoot
Amphibians of special concern
- Ascaphus truei — coast tailed frog
- Bufo boreas — western toad
- Bufo cognatus — Great Plains toad
- Gyrinophilus porphyriticus — spring salamander
- Plethodon idahoensis — Coeur d'Alene salamander
- Rana aurora — red-legged frog
- Rana pipiens (western boreal/prairie populations) — northern leopard frog
Extirpated fish
- Erimystax x-punctatus — gravel chub
- Polyodon spathula — paddlefish
Endangered fish
- Acipenser transmontanus — white sturgeon
- Catostomus catostomus subsp. — Salish sucker
- Coregonus huntsmani — Atlantic whitefish
- Coregonus reighardi — shortnose cisco
- Gasterosteus sp. — benthic Enos Lake stickleback
- Gasterosteus sp. — benthic Paxton Lake stickleback
- Gasterosteus sp. — benthic Vananda Creek stickleback
- Gasterosteus sp. — limnetic Enos Lake stickleback
- Gasterosteus sp. — limnetic Paxton Lake stickleback
- Gasterosteus sp. — limnetic Vananda Creek stickleback
- Lampetra richardsoni var. marifuga — Morrison Creek lamprey
- Moxostoma hubbsi — copper redhorse
- Notropis anogenus — pugnose shiner
- Noturus stigmosus — northern madtom
- Rhinichthys cataractae subsp. — Nooksack dace
- Salmo salar (Inner Bay of Fundy populations) — Atlantic salmon
- Salvelinus fontinalis timagamiensis — aurora trout
Threatened fish
- Ammocrypta pellucida — eastern sand darter
- Anarhichas denticulatus — northern wolffish
- Anarhichas minor — spotted wolffish
- Cottus confusus — shorthead sculpin
- Cottus paulus — pygmy sculpin
- Cottus sp. (St. Mary and Milk River populations) — eastslope sculpin
- Erimyzon sucetta — lake chubsucker
- Hybognathus argyritis — western silvery minnow
- Lampetra macrostoma — Vancouver lamprey
- Lepisosteus oculatus — spotted gar
- Notropis percobromus — carmine shiner
- Osmerus spectrum — Lake Utopia dwarf smelt
- Percina copelandi — channel darterm
Fish of special concern
- Acipenser medirostris — green sturgeon
- Anarhichas lupus — Atlantic wolffish
- Coregonus kiyi kiyi — Upper Great Lakes kiyi
- Cottus hubbsi — Columbia sculpin
- Esox americanus vermiculatus — grass pickerel
- Fundulus diaphanus (Newfoundland population) — banded killifish
- Fundulus notatus — blackstripe topminnow
- Lepomis gulosus — warmouth
- Macrhybopsis storeriana — silver chub
- Minytrema melanops — spotted sucker
- Moxostoma carinatum — river redhorse
- Myoxocephalus thompsonii (Great Lakes–Western St. Lawrence populations) — deepwater sculpin
- Notropis bifrenatus — bridle shiner
- Opsopoeodus emiliae — pugnose minnow
Extirpated arthropods
Endangered arthropods
Threatened arthropods
Arthropods of special concern
Extirpated molluscs
Endangered molluscs
Threatened molluscs
Molluscs of special concern
Vascular plants
Extirpated vascular plants
Endangered vascular plants
Threatened vascular plants
Vascular plants of special concern
Extirpated mosses
- Ptychomitrium incurvum — incurved grizzled moss
Endangered mosses
- Bartramia stricta — rigid apple moss
- Bryoandersonia illecebra — spoon-leaved moss
- Entosthodon rubiginosus — rusty cord-moss
- Fabronia pusilla — silver hair moss
- Fissidens pauperculus — poor pocket moss
- Scouleria marginata — margined streamside moss
Threatened mosses
Mosses of special concern
- Bryoerythrophyllum columbianum — Columbian carpet moss
- Entosthodon fascicularis — banded cord-moss
- Fissidens exilis — pygmy pocket moss
- Syntrichia laevipila — twisted oak moss
Endangered lichens
- Erioderma pedicellatum (Atlantic population) — boreal felt lichen
- Heterodermia sitchensis — seaside centipede lichen
Threatened lichens
Lichens of special concern
- Erioderma pedicellatum (boreal population) — boreal felt lichen
- Nephroma occultum — cryptic paw
- Sclerophora peronella (Nova Scotia population) — frosted glass-whiskers
- Amtyaz Safi, Hashmi MUA and Smith JP. (2020). "A review of distribution, threats, conservation and status of freshwater turtles of Ontario, Canada". Journal of Environmental Sciences. 2 (1): 36–41.
External links
Notes and References
- Web site: COSEWIC Annual Report. Species at Risk Public Registry. 2019.
- Web site: Wild Species 2000: The General Status of Species in Canada. 2001. Conservation Council (CESCC). Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada..
- Web site: Species at Risk in Canada. . 2010.
- Web site: Consolidated federal laws of canada, Species at Risk Act. 12 August 2021.