Spatial Cultural-Historical Units of Great Importance (Serbia) explained

Spatial Cultural-Historical Units of Great Importance (sr|Просторне културно-историjске целине од великог значаја/Serbian: Prostorne kulturno-istorijske celine od velikog značaja) are the monuments in Serbia that have the second level of the State protection.

Those are part of the Cultural Property of Great Importance protection list.

style=background:#FFDEAD;Picturestyle=background:#FFDEAD;Namestyle=background:#FFDEAD;Municipality/Citystyle=background:#FFDEAD;Place, Addressstyle=background:#FFDEAD;Year of inclusionstyle=background:#FFDEAD;Info
Petrovaradin FortressNovi SadPetrovaradin1991
Subotica City CenterSuboticaSubotica1991
Cemeteries Out of UseNovi SadNovi Sad1991
Greek LaneKruševacKruševac1979
Karačoni CastleNovi BečejNovo Miloševo
Maršala Tita No.84
Ethno Park in KupinovoPećinciKupinovo1991
Barley Market, Sremska MitrovicaSremska MitrovicaSremska Mitrovica1979
The Historic Core of Sombor - "Venac"SomborSombor1991
Lodine SpaNovi SadNovi Sad1979
Godovik ComplexPožegaGodovik1983
Kosančićev VenacBeogradStari Grad1979
Lukarevina FieldAleksandrovacDrenča1983
Rural Area with Watermills on Bistrica and Valjavica on the Bistrica river spring.PetrovacBistrica
Novi Sad SynagogueNovi SadStari Grad
Jevrejska ulica
Memorial GraveyardNovi SadNovi Sad1991
Old TownBelgradeGrocka1979
Old TownIvanjicaIvanjica1987
Old City CoreBelgradeZemun1979
Old City CoreKragujevacKragujevac1979
Old City CoreNegotinNegotin1983
Old City CorePančevoPančevo1991
Old Town CorePančevoBanatsko Novo Selo1991
Old Town CoreBečejBečej1991
Old Town CoreZrenjaninZrenjanin1991
Old Town CoreIrigIrig1991
National Heroes SquareSremska MitrovicaSremska Mitrovica1991
Čajkino HillVrnjačka BanjaVrnjačka Banja1987

Further reading

See also