Sollicitudo rei socialis explained

Sollicitudo rei socialis
Translation:The Social Concern
Argument:On the twentieth anniversary of the encyclical Populorum progressio
Date:30 December 1987
Pope:John Paul II
Papal Coat Of Arms:John paul 2 coa.svg
Number:7 of 14
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Sollicitudo rei socialis (Latin: The Social Concern) is an encyclical letter promulgated by Pope John Paul II on 30 December 1987, on the twentieth anniversary of Populorum progressio. It deals once more with the theme of development along two fundamental lines:

  1. the failed development of the third world and
  2. the meaning of, conditions and requirements for a development of a worthy person.

The encyclical presents differences between progress and development, and insists that true development cannot be limited to the multiplication of goods and services, but must contribute to the fullness of being a human being. In this way the moral nature of real development is meant to be shown clearly.

The pope continues in this letter his development of the term "structures of sin",[1] used in his earlier apostolic exhortation, Reconciliatio et paenitentia (1984). "Structures of sin" are defined in the Catechism of the Catholic Church as "social situations or institutions that are contrary to the divine law".[2]

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Notes and References

  1. John Paul II (1987), Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, paragraph 36, accessed 1 June 2024
  2. Holy See (2005), Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, question 400, italics in original, accessed 1 June 2024