Snellius Expedition Explained


The Snellius Expedition was an oceanography expedition organized by the Dutch with emphasis on the fields of geology and oceanography in the waters of eastern Indonesia.[1] [2] This expedition is famous as the largest oceanological expedition ever undertaken in these waters.[1] The expedition was conducted by the Dutch navy ship, named HNMS Willebrord Snell, named after the Dutch mathematician, Willebrord Snell.[1] The expedition was led by Dr. P.M. van Riel and the sea voyage led by Lieutenant F. Pinke.[1] This study took place from July 27, 1929 until 25 November 1930.[1]

Notes and References

  1. Shaadily, Hassan. Ensiklopedia Indonesia Jilid 3. Jakarta: Ichtiar Baru dan Van Hoeve.
  2. van Everdingen . E. . 1930-12-01 . The Snellius Expedition . ICES Journal of Marine Science . en . 5 . 3 . 320–328 . 10.1093/icesjms/5.3.320 . 1054-3139.