Spanish National Health System Explained

The Spanish National Health System (es|Sistema Nacional de Salud, SNS) is the agglomeration of public healthcare services that has existed in Spain since it was established through and structured by the Ley General de Sanidad (the "Health General Law") of 1986. Management of these services has been progressively transferred to the distinct autonomous communities of Spain, while some continue to be operated by the National Institute of Health Management (Instituto Nacional de Gestión Sanitaria, INGESA), part of the Ministry of Health and Social Policy (which superseded the Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs—Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo—in 2009). The activity of these services is harmonized by the Interterritorial Council of the Spanish National Health Service (Consejo Interterritorial del Servicio Nacional de Salud de España, CISNS) in order to give cohesion to the system and to guarantee the rights of citizens throughout Spain.

Article 46 of the Ley General de Sanidad establishes the fundamental characteristics of the SNS:

Antecedents to the SNS in Spain

Public intervention in collective health problems has always been of interest to governments and societies, especially in the control of epidemics through the establishment of naval quarantines, the closing of city walls and prohibitions on travel in times of plague, but also in terms of hygienic and palliative measures. Al-Andalus—Muslim-ruled medieval Spain—was distinguished by its level of medical knowledge relative to the rest of Europe, particularly among the physicians of the Golden age of Jewish culture in Spain. In the years after the Reconquista, the Real Tribunal del Protomedicato regulated the practice of medicine in Spain and in its colonies. However, the system of medical faculties at the various universities was very decentralized. Surgery and pharmacy were quite separate from medicine and were considerably less prestigious; the systems of Galen and Hippocrates dominated medical practice during most of the era of the Antiguo Régimen.

Medicine was one of the principal fields of activity for the novatores of the late 17th century, but their initiatives were individualized and localized. There is some continuity from their work to the broader work during the Age of Enlightenment, such as through the Colegio de Cirugía de San Carlos ("San Carlos College of Surgery") in Madrid. At the beginning of the 19th century, the Balmis Expedition (1803) to administer the smallpox vaccine throughout the Spanish colonies was a public health undertaking of unprecedented geographical scope.

The Cortes of Cádiz debated a sanitary code (the Código Sanitario de 1812), but nothing was approved due to lack of scientific and technical consensus about the actions to be undertaken. During the bienio progresista, the Law of 28 November 1855 established the basis for a General Health Directorate (Dirección General de Sanidad), which was created a few years later and which would last into the 20th century. The Royal Decree of 12 January 1904 approved the General Health Instruction (Instrucción General de Sanidad), which altered little of the 1855 scheme besides the name; the name would later change to General Inspectorate of Health (Inspección General de Sanidad).

After the Spanish Civil War, the Ley de Bases de 1944 perpetuated this . The Law of 14 December 1942 create a system of obligatory health insurance under the already extant National Insurance Institute (Instituto Nacional de Previsión, INP). The system was based on a percentage tax linked to employment. This was further modified by the General Law of Social Security (Ley General de la Seguridad Social) in 1974, toward the end of the Franco regime.[2] Social Security had taken on an increasing number of diseases within its package of services, as well as covering a larger number of individuals and communities.

The General Health Law (Ley General de Sanidad) of 25 April 1986 and the creation of Health Councils (Consejerías de Sanidad) and a Ministry of Health, fulfilled the mandate of the Spanish Constitution of 1978, in particular Articles 43 and 49 which made protection of health a right of all citizens, and Title VIII, which foresaw that purview over matters of health would devolve to the autonomous communities.[3]


The General Health Law of 1986

The General Health Law of 1986 (Ley 14/1986 General de Sanidad) was formulated on two bases. First, it carries out a mandate of the Spanish Constitution, whose articles 43 and 49 establish the right of all citizens to protection of their health. The law recognizes a right to health services for all citizens and for foreigners resident in Spain.

Second, Title VIII of the Constitution confers upon the autonomous communities broad purview in matters of health and health care. The autonomous communities have first-order importance in this area, and the law permits devolution of these functions from the central government to the autonomous communities, in order to provide a health care system sufficient for the needs of their respective jurisdictions. Article 149.1.16 or the Constitution, a further basis for the present law, establishes substantive principles and criteria that allow general and common characteristics to be consistent throughout the new system, providing a common basis for health services throughout Spanish territory.

The administrative device set up by the law is the National Health System. The presumption underlying the adopted model is that in each autonomous community, authorities are adequately equipped with necessary territorial perspective, so that the benefits of autonomy do not conflict with the needs of management efficiency.

Thus, the various health services fall under the responsibility of the respective autonomous communities, but also under basic direction and coordination by the central state. The respective health services of the autonomous communities would gradually realize a transfer of health resources from the central government to the autonomous communities.

La ley 15/97 “Nuevas Formas de Gestión”

The law of 1997 allowed private health care companies to enter the market. It has been argued to be the beginning of deregulation.[4]

Law of Cohesion and Quality, 2003

The General Health Law was complemented in 2003 by the Law of Cohesion and Quality of the National Health System (Ley 16/2003 de cohesión y calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud), which maintained the basic lines of the General Health Law, but modified and broadened the articulation of that law to reflect existent social and political reality. By 2003, all of the autonomous communities had gradually assumed purview in matters of health and had established stable models to finance the assumed purview. Meanwhile, in the 17 years since the original law, Spanish society had undergone many cultural, technological and socioeconomic changes that affected people's ways of life and affected the country's patterns of disease and illness. These posed new challenges to the National Health System.

Therefore, the 2003 law establishes coordination and cooperation of public health authorities as a means to ensure citizens the right to health protection, with the common goal of ensuring equity, quality and social participation National Health System. The law defines a core set of functions common to all of the autonomous health services. Without interfering with the diversity of forms of organization, management and services inherent in a decentralized system, it attempts to establish certain basic, common safeguards throughout the country. This law attempts to establish collaboration of public health authorities with respect to benefits provided, pharmacy, health professionals, research, health information systems, and the overall quality of the health system.

Toward these ends, the law created or empowered several specialized organs and agencies, all of which are open to the participation of the autonomous communities. Among these are the Agency of Evaluation of Technologies (Agencia de Evaluación de Tecnologías, Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (Agencia Española de Medicamentos y Productos Sanitarios), the Human Resources Committee (Comisión de Recursos Humanos), the Committee to Assess Health Research (Comisión Asesora de Investigación en Salud), the Charles III Institute of Health (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), the Institute of Health Information (Instituto de Información Sanitaria), the Quality Agency of the National Health System (Agencia de Calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud) and the Observatory of the National Health System (Observatorio del Sistema Nacional de Salud).

The basic organ of cohesion is the Interterritorial Council of the Spanish National Health Service (Consejo Interterritorial del Servicio Nacional de Salud de España), which has great flexibility in decision making, as well as mechanisms to build consensus and to bring together the parties taking such decisions. A system of inspection, the Alta Inspección, assures that accords are followed.[5]

Royal Decree-Law of 2012

The Royal Decree-Law 16/2012[6] was introduced on April 20, 2012. It puts into law severe cuts in the Spanish National Health System, including the following:

Governing agencies

Ministry of Health and Social Policy

The Ministry of Health and Social Policy develops the policies of the Government of Spain in matters of health, in planning and delivery of services, as well as exercising the purview of the General Administration of the State to assure citizens the right to protection of their health. The ministry has its headquarters on the Paseo del Prado in Madrid, across the street from the Museo del Prado.

The Royal Decree 1041/2009 of 29 June lays out the basic organic structure of the Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Policy. From the date of that decree, the new ministry assumed the functions of, and superseded the former Ministry of Health and Consumption (Ministerio de Sanidad y Consumo) and Secretary of State for Social Policy, Family, and Attention to Dependency and Disability (Secretaría de Estado de Política Social, Familia y Atención a la Dependencia y a la Discapacidad).

The objective of this reorganization is to reinforce the role of the single ministry as the instrument of cohesion for the National Health System (SNS), adding to the portfolio of the Secretary General of Health purview in matters of the quality of the SNS by adding to it the Agency of Quality of the National Health System (Agencia de Calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud) and the General Directorate of Advanced Therapies and Transplants (Dirección General de Terapias Avanzadas y Trasplantes).[8]

Interterritorial Council

The General Health Law of 1986 created the Interterritorial Council of the Spanish National Health Service (Consejo Interterritorial del Servicio Nacional de Salud, CISNS) as the organ of general coordination in matters related to health between the central State and the autonomous communities who were given authority in health matters under that law. It is jointly composed, and coordinates the basic lines of health policy in matters affecting contracts; acquisition of health and pharmaceutical products, as well as other related goods and services; as well as basic health personnel policies.

The 2003 Law of Cohesion and Quality of the SNS introduced significant changes in the composition, functioning, and purview of the CISNS. Under this law, the CISNS functions variously as a plenary body, by delegated committees, through technical commissions, and through work groups. It meets as a plenary body at the initiative of its president or at the initiative of one-third of its members; plenary meetings occur at least four times a year. To some extent, this is a formality: resolutions from CISNS commissions are typically adopted by consensus. Cooperation agreements to conduct joint health actions are formalized in CISNS agreements.

Under the Law of Cohesion, CISNS functions mainly through the adoption of and compliance with joint accords, through the political use of the plenary sessions, with each member making an uncompromising defense of the interests of its region.

Presentations, committees, and working groups have been very important, some more than others. Important committees include:[9]

Articles 69, 70 and 71 of the Law of Cohesion regulate the principal functions of the Interterritorial Council of the SNS. The principal aspects of the Interterritorial Council are:

The Interterritorial Council is constituted by the Minister of Health and Consumer Affairs [now of Health and Social Policy], who holds its presidency, and by the Councilors with purview over matters of health of the autonomous communities. The vicepresidency of the body will be fulfilled by one of the Councilors with purview over matters of health of the autonomous communities, elected by all of the Councilors who make up the body.[10] The CISNS will come to know, debate among other things, and, as appropriate, make recommendations on the following matters:

The prior functions shall be exercised without prejudice to the legislative purview of the Cortes Generales and, as appropriate, the norms of the General Administration of the State; likewise the normal developmental, executive and organizational purview of the autonomous communities.[11]

Purview of the autonomous communities

Article 41 of the General Health Law establishes that:

Notes and References

    • a. La extensión de sus servicios a toda la población.
    • b. La organización adecuada para prestar una atención integral a la salud, comprensiva tanto de la promoción de la salud y prevención de la enfermedad como de la curación y rehabilitación.
    • c. La coordinación y, en su caso, la integración de todos los recursos sanitarios públicos en un dispositivo único.
    • d. La financiación de las obligaciones derivadas de esta Ley se realizará mediante recursos de las Administraciones públicas, cotizaciones y tasas por la prestación de determinados servicios.
    • e. La prestación de una atención integral de la salud procurando altos niveles de calidad debidamente evaluados y controlados.

    Ley 14/1986 General de Sanidad. Organización General de Sistema Sanitario Público,

  1. Decreto 2065/1974, de 30 de mayo
  2. Ley 14/1986, de 25 de abril, General de Sanidad
  3. Web site: Francisco José Villar Rojas . 2020 . La Ley 15/97,.
  4. Web site: LEY 16/2003, de 28 de mayo, de cohesión y calidad del Sistema Nacional de Salud.. Jefatura del Estado (BOE número 128 de 29/5/2003). 2010-01-08.
  5. Available online at
  6. Article 2, section Trece. Checked on March 18, 2013.
  7. Web site: Organización del Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social (España). 2010-01-09.
  8. Web site: Qué es, como funciona el Consejo Interterritorial del Sistema Nacional de Salud (CISNS). Colectivo El Bosque. 2008-10-15. e-ras. Revista on.line de información sanitaria. 2010-01-11.
  9. El Consejo Interterritorial está constituido por el Ministro de Sanidad y Consumo, que ostentará su presidencia, y por los Consejeros competentes en materia de sanidad de las comunidades autónomas. La vicepresidencia de este órgano la desempeñará uno de los Consejeros competentes en materia de sanidad de las comunidades autónomas, elegido por todos los Consejeros que lo integran. (from Article 70 of the Ley de cohesión y calidad de SNS.)
  10. El CISNS conocerá, debatirá entre otros aspectos, y, en su caso, emitirá recomendaciones sobre las siguientes materias:
    • a) El desarrollo de la cartera de servicios correspondiente al Catálogo de Prestaciones del Sistema Nacional de Salud, así como su actualización.
    • b) El establecimiento de prestaciones sanitarias complementarias a las prestaciones básicas del Sistema Nacional de Salud por parte de las comunidades autónomas.
    • c) Las garantías mínimas de seguridad y calidad para la autorización de la apertura y puesta en funcionamiento de los centros, servicios y establecimientos sanitarios.
    • d) Los criterios generales y comunes para el desarrollo de la colaboración de las oficinas de farmacia.
    • e) Los criterios básicos y condiciones de las convocatorias de profesionales que aseguren su movilidad en todo el territorio del Estado.
    • f) La declaración de la necesidad de realizar las actuaciones coordinadas en materia de salud pública a las que se refiere esta ley.
    • g) Los criterios generales sobre financiación pública de medicamentos y productos sanitarios y sus variables.
    • h) El establecimiento de criterios y mecanismos en orden a garantizar en todo momento la suficiencia financiera del sistema.

    Las anteriores funciones se ejercerán sin menoscabo de las competencias legislativas de las Cortes Generales y, en su caso, normativas de la Administración General del Estado, así como de las competencias de desarrollo normativo, ejecutivas y organizativas de las comunidades autónomas. Web site: Capítulo X. Ley de cohesión y calidad de SNS. Del Consejo Interterritorial. BOE. 2010-01-12.

    • Las comunidades autónomas ejercerán las competencias asumidas en sus estatutos y las que el estado les transfiera o, en su caso, les delegue.
    • Las decisiones y actuaciones publicas previstas en esta ley que no se hayan reservado expresamente al estado se entenderán atribuidas a las comunidades autónomas.
    • a) Control sanitario del medio ambiente: Contaminación atmosférica, abastecimiento de aguas, saneamiento de aguas residuales, residuos urbanos e industriales.
    • b) Control sanitario de industrias, actividades y servicios, transportes, ruidos y vibraciones.
    • c) Control sanitario de edificios y lugares de vivienda y convivencia humana, especialmente de los centros de alimentación, peluquerías, saunas y centros de higiene personal, hoteles y centros residenciales, escuelas, campamentos turísticos y áreas de actividad físico deportivas y de recreo.
    • d) Control sanitario de la distribución y suministro de alimentos perecederos, bebidas y demás productos, directa o indirectamente relacionados con el uso o consumo humanos, así como los medios de su transporte.
    • e) Control sanitario de los cementerios y policía sanitaria mortuoria.
  11. Web site: Transferencias del Insalud. Ministerio de Sanidad y Política Social (Ministry of Health and Social Policy). Madrid. 2010-01-06.
  12. Web site: Cifras de población referidas al 01/01/2009. Resumen por Comunidades Autónomas. . Instituto Nacional de Estadística (Spain). 2010-01-06.
    • Artículo 39: Los poderes públicos aseguran la protección social, económica y jurídica de la familia.
    • Artículo 43: Se reconoce el derecho a la protección de la salud. Compete a los poderes públicos organizar y tutelar la salud pública a través de medidas preventivas y de las prestaciones y servicios necesarios. La Ley establecerá los derechos y deberes de todos a ete respecto. Los poderes públicos fomentarán la educación sanitaria, la educación física y el deporte.
    • Artículo 49. Los poderes públicos realizarán una política de previsión, tratamiento, rehabilitación e integración de los disminuidos físicos, sensoriales y psíquicos.

    Web site: Constitución Española. Capítulo III. noticias.jurí 2010-01-12.

    • Artículo 3. Los extranjeros gozarán en España, en igualdad de condiciones que los españoles, de los derechos y libertades reconocidos en el Título I de la Constitución y en sus leyes de desarrollo, en los términos establecidos en esta Ley Orgánica.
    • Artículo 10. Los extranjeros tendrán derecho a ejercer una actividad remunerada por cuenta propia o ajena, así como al acceso al Sistema de la Seguridad Social, en los términos previstos en esta Ley Orgánica y en las disposiciones que la desarrollen.
    • Artículo 12. Los extranjeros que se encuentren en España inscritos en el padrón del municipio en el que residan habitualmente, tienen derecho a la asistencia sanitaria en las mismas condiciones que los españoles. Los extranjeros que se encuentren en España tienen derecho a la asistencia sanitaria pública de urgencia ante la contracción de enfermedades graves o accidentes, cualquiera que sea su causa, y a la continuidad de dicha atención hasta la situación de alta médica. Los extranjeros menores de dieciocho años que se encuentren en España tienen derecho a la asistencia sanitaria en las mismas condiciones que los españoles. Las extranjeras embarazadas que se encuentren en España tendrán derecho a la asistencia sanitaria durante el embarazo, parto y postparto.

    Web site: Ley Orgánica 4/2000, de 11 de enero, sobre derechos y libertades de los extranjeros en España y su integración social.. Boletín Oficial del Estado. 2010-01-12.

  13. Costa-Font. Joan. Gil. Joan. Exploring the pathways of inequality in health, health care access and financing in decentralized Spain. Journal of European Social Policy. December 2009. 19. 5. 446–458. 10.1177/0958928709344289. 154007289.
  14. World Health Organisation, World Health Staff, (2000), Haden, Angela; Campanini, Barbara, eds., The world health report 2000 - Health systems: improving performance (PDF), Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organisation,
  15. Puig-junoy. Jaume. Rovira. Joan. Issues raised by the impact of tax reforms and regional devolution on health-care financing in Spain, 1996 - 2002. Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy. June 2004. 22. 3. 453–464. 10.1068/c0236. 55110733.
  16. Web site: Historia Clínica Digital del Sistema Nacional de Salud (España). 2010-01-12.
  17. Web site: Catálogo de Centros de Atención Primaria del Sistema Nacional de Salud 2009. 2010-01-12.
  18. Web site: Organización del Sistema Nacional de Salud (España). 2009-12-28.
  19. Web site: Especialidades médicas en España . . 2010-01-11 . dead . . 2010-01-06.
  20. Web site: Profesionales sanitarios colegiados por tipo de profesional, años y sexo. . INE. 2010-01-13.
  21. Web site: Real Decreto 1277/2003, de 10 de octubre, por el que se establecen las bases generales sobre autorización de centros, servicios y establecimientos sanitarios.. BOE nº254 23 de octubre de 2003. 2010-01-14.
  22. Web site: Centros de Sanitarios del SNS . 2010-01-12.
  23. Web site: Recursos y actividades del SNS. 2010-01-12.
  24. Web site: Real Decreto 1277/2003, de 10 de octubre. ANEXO II Definiciones de centros, unidades asistenciales y establecimientos sanitarios. Centro de salud.. BOE nº254 23 de octubre de 2003. 2010-01-14.
  25. Web site: Actividades y recursos del SNS. 2010-01-12.
  26. Web site: Definición de hospital. 2010-01-07.
  27. Web site: Un nuevo concepto de clínica. 2010-01-15.
  28. Web site: Funciones de los hospitales. 2010-01-07.
  29. Web site: Ley 2/2002, de 17 de abril, de Salud. Colaboración con la iniciativa privada.. 2010-01-07.
  30. Web site: Recursos y actividades del SNS. Hospitales.. Ministerio de Sanidad. 2010-01-12.
  31. Web site: Recursos y actividades del SNS. Hospitales. Ministerio de Sanidad. 2010-01-12.
  32. Web site: Recursos sanitarios de alta tecnología. 2010-01-17.
    • 1. La prestación de salud pública es el conjunto de iniciativas organizadas por las Administraciones públicas para preservar, proteger y promover la salud de la población. Es una combinación de ciencias, habilidades y actitudes dirigidas al mantenimiento y mejora de la salud de todas las personas a través de acciones colectivas o sociales.
    • 2. Las prestaciones en este ámbito comprenderán las siguientes actuaciones: Información y vigilancia epidemiológica. Protección de la salud. Promoción de la salud. Vigilancia y control de los posibles riesgos para la salud derivados de la importación, exportación o tránsito de mercancías y del tráfico internacional de viajeros. Promoción y protección de la sanidad ambiental. Promoción y protección de la salud laboral.
    • 3. Las prestaciones de salud pública se ejercerán con un carácter de integralidad, a partir de las estructuras de salud pública de las Administraciones y de la infraestructura de atención primaria del Sistema Nacional de Salud.
  33. Web site: Prestaciones sanitarias del Sistema Nacional de Sald. Atención primaria. 2010-01-16.
  34. Web site: Prestaciones de la Atención Esppecializada.
  35. Web site: Urgencia médica.
  36. Web site: Ley 29/2006, de 26 de julio, de garantías y uso racional de los medicamentos y productos sanitarios. BOE. 2010-01-18.
  37. Web site: Prestaciones famaceúticas del Sistema Nacional de Salud. 2010-01-18.
  38. Web site: Prestaciones complementarias. 2010-01-18.
  39. Web site: Prestaciones complementarias. Servei Català de la Salut. 2010-08-13.
  40. Web site: Population data as of January 1st, 2018 and Migration statistics.. National Institute of Statistics of Spain. 25 June 2018. Instituto Nacional de Estadística.
  41. Web site: . Serie histórica de población. España. Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) España. 2010-01-15. 2016-10-10. dead.