Sioux language explained

Nativename:Dakota, Lakota
States:United States, Canada
Region:Northern Nebraska, southern Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, northeastern Montana; southern Manitoba, southern Saskatchewan
Fam2:Western Siouan
Fam3:Mississippi Valley
Nation: United States
Lingua:62-AAC-a Dakota
Map:Lang Status 80-VU.svg

Sioux is a Siouan language spoken by over 30,000 Sioux in the United States and Canada, making it the fifth most spoken Indigenous language in the United States or Canada, behind Navajo, Cree, Inuit languages, and Ojibwe.[2] [3]

Since 2019, "the language of the Great Sioux Nation, three dialects, Dakota, Lakota, and Nakota" is the official Indigenous language of South Dakota.[4] [5]

Regional variation

Sioux has three major regional varieties, with other sub-varieties:

  1. Lakota (Lakȟóta, Teton, Teton Sioux)
  2. Western Dakota (a.k.a. Yankton-Yanktonai or Dakȟóta, and erroneously classified, for a very long time, as "Nakota"[6])
    • Yankton (Iháŋktȟuŋwaŋ)
    • Yanktonai (Iháŋktȟuŋwaŋna)
  3. Eastern Dakota (a.k.a. Santee-Sisseton or Dakhóta)
    • Santee (Isáŋyáthi: Bdewákhathuŋwaŋ, Waȟpékhute)
    • Sisseton (Sisíthuŋwaŋ, Waȟpéthuŋwaŋ)

Yankton-Yanktonai (Western Dakota) stands between Santee-Sisseton (Eastern Dakota) and Lakota within the dialect continuum. It is phonetically closer to Santee-Sisseton but lexically and grammatically, it is much closer to Lakota. For this reason Lakota and Western Dakota are much more mutually intelligible than each is with Eastern Dakota. The assumed extent of mutual intelligibility is usually overestimated by speakers of the language. While Lakota and Yankton-Yanktonai speakers understand each other to a great extent, they each find it difficult to follow Santee-Sisseton speakers.

Closely related to the Sioux language are the Assiniboine and Stoney languages, whose speakers use the self-designation term (autonym) Nakhóta or Nakhóda.

Comparison of Sioux and Nakota languages and dialects

Phonetic differences

The following table shows some of the main phonetic differences between the regional varieties of the Sioux language. The table also provides comparison with the two closely related Nakota languages (Assiniboine and Stoney).[7]

LakotaWestern DakotaEastern DakotaAssiniboineStoney
LakȟótaDakota: DakȟótaDakota: DakhótaNakhótaNakhódaself-designation
lowáŋDakota: dowáŋDakota: dowáŋnowáŋto sing
Dakota: Dakota: assertion
čísčilaDakota: čísčinaDakota: čístinačúsinačúsinsmall
hokšílaDakota: hokšínaDakota: hokšínaDakota: hokšídahokšínahokšínboy
gnayáŋDakota: gnayáŋDakota: knayáŋDakota: hnayáŋknayáŋhnato deceive
glépaDakota: gdépaDakota: kdépaDakota: hdépaknépahnébato vomit
kignáDakota: kignáDakota: kiknáDakota: kihnákiknágihnáto soothe
slayáDakota: sdayáDakota: sdayásnayásnayáto grease
wičhášaDakota: wičhášaDakota: wičháštawičháštawičháman
kiblézaDakota: kibdézaDakota: kibdézakimnézagimnézato sober up
yatkáŋDakota: yatkáŋDakota: yatkáŋyatkáŋyatkáŋto drink
Dakota: Dakota: žéžéthat

Lexical differences

English glossSantee-SissetonYankton-YanktonaiLakota
Northern LakotaSouthern Lakota
childDakota: šičéčaDakota: wakȟáŋyežawakȟáŋyeža
kneeDakota: hupáhuDakota: čhaŋkpéčhaŋkpé
knifeDakota: isáŋ / Dakota: mínaDakota: mínamíla
kidneysDakota: phakšíŋDakota: ažúŋtkaažúŋtka
hatDakota: wapháhaDakota: wapȟóštaŋwapȟóštaŋ
stillDakota: hináȟDakota: naháŋȟčiŋnaháŋȟčiŋ
manDakota: wičháštaDakota: wičhášawičháša
hungryDakota: wótehdaDakota: dočhíŋločhíŋ
morningDakota: haŋȟ’áŋnaDakota: híŋhaŋnahíŋhaŋnahíŋhaŋni
to shaveDakota: kasáŋDakota: kasáŋkasáŋglak’óǧa

Writing systems

In 1827, John Marsh and his wife, Marguerite (who was half Sioux), wrote the first dictionary of the Sioux language. They also wrote a "Grammar of the Sioux Language."[8] [9]

Life for the Dakota changed significantly in the nineteenth century as the early years brought increased contact with European settlers, particularly Christian missionaries. The goal of the missionaries was to introduce the Dakota to Christian beliefs. To achieve this, the missions began to transcribe the Dakota language. In 1836, brothers Samuel and Gideon Pond, Rev. Stephen Return Riggs, and Dr. Thomas Williamson set out to begin translating hymns and Bible stories into Dakota. By 1852, Riggs and Williamson had completed a Dakota Grammar and Dictionary (Saskatchewan Indian Cultural Center). Eventually, the entire Bible was translated.

Today, it is possible to find a variety of texts in Dakota. Traditional stories have been translated, children's books, even games such as Pictionary and Scrabble. Despite such progress, written Dakota is not without its difficulties. The Pond brothers, Rev. Riggs, and Dr. Williamson were not the only missionaries documenting the Dakota language. Around the same time, missionaries in other Dakota bands were developing their own versions of the written language. Since the 1900s, professional linguists have been creating their own versions of the orthography. The Dakota have also been making modifications. "Having so many different writing systems is causing confusion, conflict between our [the Dakota] people, causing inconstancy in what is being taught to students, and making the sharing of instructional and other materials very difficult" (SICC).

Prior to the introduction of the Latin alphabet, the Dakota did have a writing system of their own: one of representational pictographs. In pictographic writing, a drawing represents exactly what it means. For example, a drawing of a dog literally meant a dog. Palmer writes that,

For the missionaries, however, documenting the Bible through pictographs was impractical and presented significant challenges.

Comparative table of Dakota and Lakota orthographies
Buechel &<br>Manhart
Standard orthography[10] Brandon
& Boas
Rood &<br>Taylor Riggs[11] Williamson University
White Hat Txakini
pronounced as /ʔ/ ´ ´ ʾ ´ none ʼ ´ ´ ´ none '
pronounced as /a/ a a a a a a a a a a a
pronounced as /aː/ a (á) á a a a a a a a a 'a[13]
pronounced as /ã/ an, an' (aƞ) an̄ ą an ą an
pronounced as /p~b/ b b b b b b b b b b b
pronounced as /tʃ/ c č c c c č ć c c c
pronounced as /tʃʰ/ c (c, c̔) čh ć c čh ć̣ ċ[14] ch
pronounced as /tʃʼ/ c’ č’ c’ c čʼ ć c c’ ċ’ c'
pronounced as /t~d/ none none d d d d d d d d d
pronounced as /e~ɛ/ e e e e e e e e e e e
pronounced as /eː~ɛː/ e (é) é e e e e e e e e 'e
pronounced as /k~ɡ/ g g g g g g g g g g g
pronounced as /ʁ~ɣ/ g (ġ) ǧ ǥ ġ g ǧ ġ ġ ġ ġ gx
pronounced as /h/ h h h h h h h h h h h
pronounced as /χ/ ȟ ħ r ȟ x
pronounced as /χʔ~χʼ/ h’ (h̔’) ȟ’ ħ̦ ḣ’ r ȟʼ ḣ’ ḣ’ x'
pronounced as /i/ i i i i i i i i i i i
pronounced as /iː/ i (í) í i i i i i i i i 'i
pronounced as /ĩ/ in, in' (iƞ) in̄ į in į in
pronounced as /k/ k (k, k̇) k k k k k k k k k k
pronounced as /kʰ~kˣ/ k kh k‘ k kh k k k kh
pronounced as /qˣ~kˠ/ k (k̔) k‘ k kh k k kx
pronounced as /kʼ/ k’ k’ ķ k’ q k’ k’ k'
pronounced as /l/ l l none l none l l l none l l
pronounced as /lː/ none none none none none none none none none none
pronounced as /m/ m m m m m m m m m m m
pronounced as /n/ n n n n n n n n n n n
pronounced as /ŋ/ n n n n n ň n n n n ng
pronounced as /o/ o o o o o o o o o o o
pronounced as /oː/ o (ó) ó o o o o o o o o 'o
pronounced as /õ~ũ/ on, on' (oƞ) un̄ ų on ų un
pronounced as /p/ ṗ (p, ṗ) p p p p p p p p p
pronounced as /pʰ/ p ph p‘ p ph p p p ph
pronounced as /pˣ~pˠ/ p (p̔) p‘ p ph p p px
pronounced as /pʼ/ p’ p’ p’ p p’ p’ p'
pronounced as /s/ s s s s s s s s s s s
pronounced as /sʼ/ s’ s’ ș s’ s s’s’ s’ s’ s'
pronounced as /ʃ/ š š š x, ś š ś [15] sh
pronounced as /ʃʔ~ʃʼ/ š’ š’ ș̌ ṡ’ x, ś š ś’ ṡ’ ṡ’ ṡ’ sh'
pronounced as /t/ t (t, ṫ) t t t t t t t t t t
pronounced as /tʰ/ t th tʿ t th t t t th
pronounced as /tˣ~tˠ/ t (t̔) tʿ t th t t tx
pronounced as /tʼ/ t’ t’ ţ t’ t t’ t’ t'
pronounced as /u/ u u u u u u u u u u u
pronounced as /uː/ u (ú) ú u u u u u u u u 'u
pronounced as /õ~ũ/ un, un' (uƞ) un̄ ų un ų un
pronounced as /w/ w w w w w w w w w w w
pronounced as /j/ y y y y y y y y y y y
pronounced as /z/ z z z z z z z z z z z
pronounced as /ʒ/ j ž ž z j ž ź ż ż j zh
  1. UNESCO Atlas of the World's Languages in Danger
  2. Web site: Indigenous Languages Spoken in the United States (by Language). Estes, James. 1999. 2020-05-24. 2017-07-23. dead.
  3. Statistics Canada: 2006 Census
  4. Web site: Argus Leader. South Dakota recognizes official indigenous language. Kaczke, Lisa. March 25, 2019. 2020-05-24. 2020-07-28. live.
  5. South Dakota Legislature (2019): Amendment for printed bill 126ca
  6. for a report on the long-established error of the Yankton and the Yanktonai as "Nakota", see the article Nakota
  7. Parks. Douglas R.. DeMallie. Raymond J.. 1992. Sioux, Assiniboine, and Stoney Dialects: A Classification. 30028376. Anthropological Linguistics. 34. 1–4. 233–255.
  8. Winkley, John W. Dr. John Marsh: Wilderness Scout, pp. 22-3, 35, The Partnenon Press, Nashville, Tennessee, 1962.
  9. Lyman, George D. John Marsh, Pioneer: The Life Story of a Trail-blazer on Six Frontiers, pp. 79-80, The Chautauqua Press, Chautauqua, New York, 1931.
  10. Orthography of the New Lakota Dictionary
  11. Riggs, p. 13
  12. Web site: Lakota orthographies. Society to Advance Indigenous Vernaculars of the United States. 2011. 2020-05-24. 2015-01-11. dead.
  13. Marks a stressed initial syllable
  14. Saskatchewan uses c̀ for White Hat's ċ
  15. Saskatchewan uses s̀ for White Hat's ṡ



See Lakota language – Phonology and Dakota language – Phonology.


Dakota is an agglutinating language. It features suffixes, prefixes, and infixes. Each affix has a specific rule in Dakota. For example, the suffix –pi is added to the verb to mark the plurality of an animate subject.[16] "With respect to number agreement for objects, only animate objects are marked, and these by the verbal prefix wicha-." Also, there is no gender agreement in Dakota.

Example of the use of –pi:

Example of the use of wicha-

Infixes are rare in Dakota, but do exist when a statement features predicates requiring two "patients".

Example of infixing:


Dakota has subject/object/ verb (SOV) word order. Along the same line, the language also has postpositions.Examples of word order:[16]

According to Shaw, word order exemplifies grammatical relations.

In Dakota, the verb is the most important part of the sentence. There are many verb forms in Dakota, although they are "dichotomized into a stative-active classification, with the active verbs being further subcategorized as transitive or intransitive." Some examples of this are:

  1. stative:
    • ma-khata "I am hot" (I-hot)
    • ni-khata "you are hot" (you-hot)
    • khata "he/she/it is hot" (0-hot)
    • u-khata "we (you and I) are hot" (we-hot)
    • u-khata-pi "we (excl. or pl) are hot" (we-hot-pl.)
    • ni-khata-pi "you (pl.) are hot" (you-hot-pl.)
    • khata-pi "they are hot" (0-hot-pl.)
  2. active intransitive
    • wa-hi "I arrive (coming)" (I-arrive)
    • ya-hi "you arrive" (you-arrive)
    • hi "he arrives"
    • u-hi "we (you and I) arrive"
    • u-hi-pi "we (excl. or pl.) arrive"
    • ya-hi-pi "you (pl.) arrive"
    • hi-pi they arrive"
  3. active transitive
    • wa-kte "I kill him" (0-I-kill)
    • wicha-wa-kte "I kill them" (them-I-kill)
    • chi-kte "I kill you" (I-you (portmanteau)- kill)
    • ya-kte "you kill him" (0-you-kill)
    • wicha-ya-kte "you kill them" (them- you-kill)
    • wicha-ya-kte-pi "you (pl.) kill them"
    • ma-ya-kte "you kill me" (me-you-kill)
    • u-ya-kte-pi "you kill us" (we-you-kill-pl.)
    • ma-ktea "he kills me" (0-me-kill-pl.)
    • ni-kte-pi "they kill you" (0-you-kill-pl.)
    • u-ni-kte-pi "we kill you" (we-you-kill-pl.)
    • wicha-u-kte "we (you and I) kill them" (them-we-kill)

The phonology, morphology, and syntax of Dakota are very complex. There are a number of broad rules that become more and more specific as they are more closely examined. The components of the language become somewhat confusing and more difficult to study as more sources are examined, as each scholar has a somewhat different opinion on the basic characteristics of the language.


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