Siege of Narva (1558) explained

Partof:the Livonian War
Date:April - May 1558
Place:Narva, Livonian Confederation in modern Estonia
Combatant1:Livonian Confederation
Combatant2:Tsardom of Russia
Commander2:Ivan Mikhailovich Viskovatyi
Result:Russian victory
Conflict:Siege of Narva
Combatants Header:Belligerents
Territory:Narva is captured by Russian forces
Commander1:Focht Schnellenberg

The Siege of Narva (Estonian: Narva piiramine; Russian: Осада Нарвы) was a Russian siege of the Livonian city of Narva (in modern-day eastern Estonia) from April through May 1558, during the Livonian War.[1] After capturing the city in July 1558, the Russians used Narva as a trading center and port to transport commerce from Pskov and Novgorod. The Russians controlled the city until 1581, when it was captured by Swedish forces under Pontus De La Gardie.

Notes and References

  1. Летописец Русский (Московская летопись) // Чтения в Императорском Обществе Истории и Древностей Российских, Книга 3. 1895 (Chronicler Russian (Moscow Chronicle) // Readings in the Imperial Society of Russian History and Antiquities,)