Siddhantakaumudi is a book by Bhaṭṭoji Dīkṣita on Sanskrit grammar. Its full name Vaiyakaranasiddhantakaumudi. Bhattoji Dixit composed Siddhanta Kaumudi on the basis of Prakriyakaumudi. He himself wrote Praudha Manorama Tika on this book.[1] [2] Bhattoji dikshita's disciple Varadarāja also became a great scholar of grammar. He composed Laghusiddhantakaumudi.
In the ancient practice of studying Paṇiniyān grammar, the order of Paniniya sutrapath was considered as the basis. This sequence was difficult from the point of view of experiment, because formulas of different chapters had to be used to do the same experiment. Seeing this difficulty, there was a need to invent such a method in which all sutras necessary for the achievement of a particular experiment are available at one place.
As Western countries are being interested in Sanskrit, Siddhantakaumudi along with Astadhyayi and other books, are becoming widely researched.[3]
Siddhantakaumudi is more popular than Ashtadhyayi. The sutras of the Ashtadhyayi have been collected and explained under appropriate headings in permutations. Thus Siddhantakaumudi is more organized and can be easily understood.
Paniniyan sutras are defined such as