Shigeyuki Totsugi Explained

Shigeyuki Totsugi
Other Names:Shigeyuki Sato(Until 2007)
Birth Name:Shigeyuki Sato
Birth Date:7 November 1973
Birth Place:Teine-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
Years Active:1993–present
  • Creative Office Cue
  • Amuse Inc.(Business Partnership)

is a Japanese actor, TV personality, voice actor, screenwriter, theatre director, and singer. His real name and former stage name is . He was born in Teine-ku, Sapporo, Hokkaido. He is a member of the TEAM NACS. He graduated from Hokkaido Sapporo Teine High School and, Hokkai Gakuen University. His wife is actress Yui Ichikawa.


Born and raised in the current Teine-ku, Sapporo. When he was a collage ronin (a student who failed to enter the university and is studying to pass the entrance exam again), he was fascinated by a solo performance by Issey Ogatabroadcast on TV, and decided to stop taking the entrance exam and become an actor. He declared this intention to his parents on the same day, but his parents strongly persuaded him in tears, so he ended up attending the college. [1] [2] Entered a theater study group in Hokkai Gakuen University and started stage activities.

At the theater study group, he met Hiroyuki Morisaki, Ken Yasuda, Yo Oizumi, and Takuma Oto'o, and formed TEAM NACS as a one-time unit in 1996. He was thinking to go to Tokyo to continue acting, but TEAM NACS was reunited in 1997 and got momentum in Hokkaido. Impressed by Morisaki's desire to make TEAM NACS a local theatrical unit in Hokkaido that would receive many stage offers from Tokyo, he has been active as a member of TEAM NACS while working as a local talent in Hokkaido.

Joined CREATIVE OFFICE CUE in 2000 with Oto'o by transferring from the office he belonged to at that time.[3] First advance to Tokyo at the TEAM NACS stage performance held in May 2004.[4] In 2005, she made her first appearance in a nationwide online drama series "1 Liter of Tears". Since then, he has been active mainly in Tokyo, such as appearing in serial dramas and movies produced by the Tokyo flagship station.

Mother died of cancer in December 2006. From January 1, 2008, the stage name was changed from the real name "Shigeyuki Sato" to "Shigeyuki Totsugi" after taking the mother's maiden name. The mother's maiden name "Totsugi" is originally read as "Bekki", but it is read as "Totsugi" which is easy to read and remember.[5] [6] [7]

Married to actress Yui Ichikawa on September 8, 2015, after co-starring in the 2014 drama "Owakon TV" (NHK BS Premium).[8] [9] [10] [11] [12] 2016 September 26, the first boy was born.[13] [14] In 2020 September 10, a second boy was born.[15]


Bold is starring.

TV dramas


Variety Shows

Voice acting roles

TV Anime

Puppet Show




  1. 42歳、戸次重幸が「失敗しない役者」から「及第点を超える役者」へ行き着いた理由. August 17, 2016. August 30, 2015.
  2. ThankCUE会報誌(2003 September)
  3. Book: CREATIVE OFFICE CUE. CUEのキセキ クリエイティブオフィスキューの20年. メディアファクトリー. 2012. 978-4840148627. 62–64.
  4. Web site: TEAM NACS Official web site. TEAM NACS Official web site. ja. February 21, 2021.
  5. News: December 3, 2007. TEAM NACSの佐藤重幸が「戸次(とつぎ)」に改姓. ORICON STYLE. August 30, 2016.
  6. News: March 16, 2019. 「TEAM NACS」戸次重幸、芸名のルーツは大分にあった. 西日本新聞. December 3, 2019.
  7. Web site: 戸次重幸 自身の芸名は母の旧姓 本当は"べっき"だが「読めないって言われ」"とつぎ"に. March 20, 2021.
  8. Web site: September 10, 2015. 市川由衣が電撃婚! 戸次重幸と12歳差、昨夏ドラマ共演がきっかけ. 産経ニュース. May 21, 2021.
  9. TEAM NACS戸次重幸&市川由衣が電撃婚 交際1年2ヶ月「小さな幸せを大切に」
  10. 戸次重幸、市川由衣と結婚 8日入籍
  11. 「苦節41年」戸次重幸が市川由衣との結婚を報告
  12. Web site: 市川由衣、戸次重幸とは"交際1週間"で結婚を確信 馴れ初めを明かす – モデルプレス. モデルプレス – ライフスタイル・ファッションエンタメニュース. October 8, 2015 . ja. April 13, 2021.
  13. Web site: 戸次重幸. September 27, 2016. ご報告。. CUE DIARY. CREATIVE OFFICE CUE. November 16, 2016.
  14. News: September 26, 2016. 市川由衣、第1子男児を出産 夫・戸次重幸も「感動で涙が止まりませんでした」. ORICON STYLE. November 16, 2016.
  15. News: September 10, 2020. 市川由衣、第2子男児出産を報告 夫・戸次重幸「妻に多大なる感謝と尊敬の念」. September 10, 2020.
  16. Web site: June 10, 2015. 北海道旭川が舞台の戸次重幸主演作「ホコリと幻想」9月公開決定 予告編とポスターも完成. June 10, 2015. 映画.com.
  17. News: May 31, 2016. 川口春奈×山崎賢人「一週間フレンズ。」に上杉柊平、高橋春織、戸次重幸ら出演. 映画ナタリー. May 31, 2016.
  18. News: August 20, 2017. 戸次重幸「妻の妊娠が自分を後押し」……映画『ゆらり』の追加キャスト発表. RBBTODAY. September 3, 2017.
  19. News: September 1, 2016. 吉沢悠「エキストランド」主演で坂下雄一郎監督とタッグ!戸次重幸&前野朋哉も参戦. 映画.com. September 1, 2016.
  20. News: September 26, 2017. 谷崎潤一郎作品の映画化プロジェクト始動、内田英治、ウエダアツシ、藤井道人が監督. 映画ナタリー. October 15, 2017.
  21. Web site: 小松菜奈&大泉洋「恋は雨上がりのように」に戸次重幸&吉田羊ら出演!特報も完成 : 映画ニュース. March 5, 2021. 映画.com. ja.
  22. Web site: 「がんばれ!TEAM NACS」劇場版として上映へ 9月3日公開. August 17, 2021. Cinema Cafe. August 15, 2021.
  23. Web site: "ミスター残念"こと戸次重幸が初小説のイベントで赤っ恥!? 大泉洋に衝撃エピソードを暴露される!! 芸能ニュースならザテレビジョン. ザテレビジョン. April 7, 2021. ja. ザテレビジョン.

External links