Sheu Tian-ming explained

Sheu Tian-ming [1] is currently the dean of the College of Education[2] at National Taiwan Normal University, NTNU, and the professor in the Department of Education[3] and the Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration,[4] NTNU. His fields of interest include school finance, education policy analysis, education reform, and indigenous education.[5]

Sheu graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature[6] at National Taiwan University as a bachelor in 1983. With hopes to maximize his influence on society, he decided to step into the realm of education. Sheu later received his M. Ed. from the Department of Educational Administration (now the Department of Educational Leadership and Policy[7]) at University of Utah in 1989, and subsequently his Ed.D. from the Department of Educational Administration (now the Department of Organization and Leadership [8]), Teachers College[9] at Columbia University.

Speaking of the students at NTNU, Sheu once pointed out an interesting scene. Sheu has graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature at National Taiwan University and is now teaching at NTNU, while his wife, a graduate from the Department of English at NTNU, is now teaching at NTU. Almost every month there would be former students return to the campus to visit him, sometimes with small presents. However, his wife at NTU seldom sees former students return for a visit. “That’s the gratitude of an NTNU graduate,” said Sheu.[10]


Employment history

Notes and References

  1. Web site: 許添明院長著作目錄 . Catalog of works by Dean Xu Tianming . . 2019-02-17.
  2. College of Education
  3. Department of Education
  4. Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration
  5. Web site: 國立臺灣師範大學教育系 . 2015-03-23 . dead . . 2015-04-02 .
  6. Department of Chinese Literature
  7. Department of Educational Leadership and Policy
  8. Department of Organization and Leadership
  9. Teachers College
  10. Web site: 國立臺灣師範大學 秘書室公共事務中心 .
  11. Web site: 國立台灣師範大學教育學系::許添明老師個人網站:: . 2015-03-23 . dead . . 2015-04-02 .