Shadow Ministry of John Howard (1995–96) explained

The Shadow Ministry of John Howard was the opposition Coalition shadow ministry of Australia from 30 January 1995 to 11 March 1996, opposing Paul Keating's Australian Labor Party ministry.

The shadow cabinet is a group of senior Opposition spokespeople who form an alternative Cabinet to the government's, whose members shadow or mark each individual Minister or portfolio of the Government.

John Howard resumed his position as Leader of the Opposition upon his return as leader of the Liberal Party of Australia on 30 January 1995, and appointed a new Shadow Cabinet.

Shadow Cabinet

The following were members of the Shadow Cabinet:[1]

width=80 colspan="2" Shadow Ministerwidth=725 Portfolio
  • Leader of the National Party
  • Shadow Minister for Trade
  • Deputy Leader of the National Party
  • Shadow Minister for Primary Industry
  • Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
  • Shadow Minister for Education, Science and Technology
  • Deputy Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
  • Shadow Minister for Communications and the Arts
  • Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • Shadow Minister for Environment and Heritage (to 10 March 1995)
  • Shadow Minister for Industry and Commerce
  • Shadow Minister for Industrial Relations
  • Shadow Minister for Defence
  • Shadow Minister for Privatisation
  • Shadow Minister for Commonwealth-State Relations
  • Shadow Minister for Employment, Training and Family Services
  • Shadow Minister for Resources and Energy
  • Shadow Minister for Social Security
  • Shadow Minister for Senior Citizens
  • Shadow Minister for Finance
Senator Ian Macdonald
  • Shadow Minister for Regional Development and Infrastructure
Senator Jim Short
  • Shadow Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs
  • Shadow Minister for Transport
  • Shadow Minister for Health and Human Resources
Senator Amanda Vanstone
  • Shadow Attorney-General
  • Shadow Minister for Justice
Senator Rod Kemp
  • Shadow Minister for Environment and Heritage (from 10 March 1995)

Outer shadow ministry

width=80 colspan="2" Shadow ministerwidth=725 Portfolio
  • Shadow Minister for Small Business
  • Shadow Minister for Women's Affairs
Senator Warwick Parer
  • Shadow Minister for Aviation
  • Shadow Minister for Tourism
  • Shadow Minister for Customs
  • Shadow Minister for Veterans' Affairs, Defence Science and Personnel
  • Shadow Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs
Senator Grant Tambling
  • Shadow Minister for Housing, External Territories, Northern Development
Senator Rod Kemp
  • Shadow Minister for Administrative Services, Australian Capital Territory, Public Administration (to 10 March 1995)
  • Shadow Minister for Local Government
Senator Ian Campbell
  • Shadow Minister for Sport, Recreation and Youth Affairs
  • Shadow Minister for Superannuation and Retirement Income
  • Shadow Minister for Schools, Vocational Educational and Training
  • Shadow Minister for Consumer Affairs


  1. Shadow Cabinet