Sergey Sergeevich Rodionov Explained

Sergey Rodionov
Birth Name:Sergey S. Rodionov
Birth Date:July 29, 1961
Birth Place:Moscow, Russia.
Nationality:Russian, Luxembourg (since 2009)
Alma Mater:Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Sergey Sergeevich Rodionov (ru|link=no|Серге́й Сергеевич Родио́нов; born 29 July 1961) is a Russian publisher and banker.[1] He was the founder, co-owner and CEO of Rodionov Publishing House until 2004. He was also the deputy chairman of the Central Bank of Russia in 1991.

Early life

He was born on July 29, 1961, in Moscow.[2] His father is Sergey Petrovich Rodionov who later was the Vice-President of JSCB "Imperial" and main owner and chairman of the board of directors Slavyansky Bank.[2] [3]

From 1978 to 1983, he attended the Moscow Institute of Finance (now Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation) Kibalchicha str 1. Moscow. He pursued his studies in the Faculty of "International Economic Relations," earning a diploma with honors as an "Economist - Banking and foreign exchange operations".[2]

1983–1986: Postgraduate at the same Institute at the department for International Monetary Operations. Ph.D. in Economics for "Analysis of Monetary Theory and Policy of Federal Reserve System of USA".[2]


1986–1988: Senior researcher in the Computer Centre of the Academy of Social Sciences, Moscow.[2]


From December 1991 to 1992, Rodionov was Chairman of the board of the bank MENATEP which later was owned by the Yukos Owner Mikhail Khodorkovsky.[2] [4]

On 1 April 1992, Rodionov replaced Maxim Trokhov (ru|Максим Трохов) as Chairman, President of the Board of Imperial Bank (ru|"Империал Банк") and continued as Chairman until June 1998.[5] [6] [7] [8] Through Lukoil and Gazprom, Imperial focused on oil and natural gas supplies, respectively, to East Germany and later to Germany including the oil-for-pipes program.[9] At Imperial were the Chairman of Supervising Board - Rem Viakhirev, Vagit Alekperov, whose Lukoil was the largest petroleum account at Imperial, and other members of board- Andrey L. Kostin, Alexander Lebedev, Sergey Konstantinovich Dubinin, who, from 1994 to 1995 handled the financial affairs of the natural gas firm Gazprom which was the largest account at Imperial.[10] [11] From 1992 until 2000, Imperial Bank had a major stake in East-West United Bank (EWUB) Luxembourg.[12] [13] [14] After the Vagit Alekperov associated Lukoil acquired the bank Imperial, Sergey Rodionov resigned from Imperial on 6 July 1998.[15] [16]

From September 1996 to March 2006, Rodionov was acting President of the Diners Club company (Russia).[2]

From 1993 to 2000, Rodionov was Chairman of the Board of East-West United Bank (EWUB) S.A. Luxembourg, which had a 49% stake owned by Imperial bank.[17] Andrey Kostin and Vladimir Stolyarenko, who was first deputy chairman of the board, were at Imperial bank from 1993 to 1998 when Stolyarenko transferred to Tokobank (ru|Токобанк) which held a 28% stake in East-West United Bank in 1998.[18]

From 1996 Chairman of the board of Rodionov Publishing House[19] (Russia).

2000–2001 - Member of the board of EWUB Luxembourg

From 2001 CEO of Domus Participation Sarl Luxembourg (real estate company).


His first wife is Svetlana Mikhailovna Loshchatova (ru|Светлана Михайловна Лощатова: born 1960). She is one of the co-founders of the Mikhail Lesin associated Video International CJSC.[2] [3] [20] [21] She graduated from Lomonosov Moscow State University, and later graduated from the Moscow International School of Finance and Banking (ru|Московская международная финансово-банковская школа) as Candidate of Economic Sciences. From August 1988 to September 1990, she was a junior researcher at the Credit and Finance Research Institute (ru|Кредитно-финансового НИИ) at the State Bank of the USSR (GosBank USSR) (ru|Госбанк СССР). From September 1990 to February 1992, she was Deputy Chairman of the Board of Slavyansky Bank, and, in February 1992, she became chairman of the board of Slavyansky Bank (ru|банк «Славянский») Moscow, which was a "sister" or subsidiary of Imperial bank.[3] [22] [23] In March 1997, a criminal case was opened against her for causing $2.1 million property damage to the Vladimir Vinogradov (ru|Владимир Виноградов), headed Luxembourg company Diffusion Finance S.A.R.L. which had an account with Slavyansky bank, but the case was later dismissed.[3] Sergey and Svetlana have two children and lived in Luxembourg during the 1990s.[2]

His second wife Olga Gennadievna Rodionova (ru|Ольга Геннадьевна Родионова; born 25 June 1974) graduated from the Institute of Economics, Management and Law, with a degree in Banking (ru|Институт экономики, менеджмента и права, по специальности «Банковское дело») in 1996.[2] [24] She is a model and, in 2001, established of the first Vivienne Westwood boutique in Russia located on Stoleshnikov Lane (ru|Столешников переулок), which is one of the most expensive shopping districts in the world.[2] [24] She and Sergey have a home in Rublyovka, which is one of the most exclusive neighborhoods near Moscow.[24]

Notes and References

  1. Book: Buyske, Gail. Banking on Small Business: Microfinance in Contemporary Russia. 2007. Cornell University Press. 978-0-8014-4578-1. en.
  2. Web site: Прибыловский . Владими (Pribylovsky, Vladimir) . Vladimir Pribylovsky . РОДИОНОВ Сергей Сергеевич . RODIONOV Sergey Sergeevich . ru . Антикомпромат ( . November 2016 . 16 September 2024 . . 20 November 2019.
  3. News: ред.FLB (editors of FLB) . Всемирная история банка "Империал" . The World History of Bank Imperial . ru . Агентство федеральных расследований ( . 23 July 1997 . 16 September 2024 . . 9 December 2000. This is based upon dossier (ru|досье) in the Filipp Bobkov associated security service of Most database. Alternate archive
  4. Web site: Родионов Cергей Сергеевич . Rodionov Sergey Sergeevich . ru . АНО Экономические Летописи ( . December 2017 . 16 September 2024 . . 29 December 2017.
  5. Web site: Footage Interview of Sergei Rodionov. (1990 - 1999). 2021-07-23.
  6. The chief of bank " Imperial " has met journalists
  7. News: КУЗНЕЦОВА . ЕЛЕНА (KUZNETSOVA, ELENA) . Шеф банка "Империал" встретился с журналистами: Банк сохранил склонность к стратегическим альянсам . The chief of the bank "Imperial" met with journalists: Bank retains penchant for strategic alliances . ru . Kommersant «Коммерсантъ» №217 . 16 November 1994 . 22 March 2022 . 23 March 2022 .
  8. News: МРАЧНЫЕ ТАЙНЫ «ИМПЕРИАЛА»: СТРАННЫЕ ДЕТИ «ИМПЕРИАЛА» . THE DARK SECRETS OF "IMPERIAL": STRANGE CHILDREN OF "IMPERIAL" . ru . «Коррупция.ру» ( . 1998 . 25 September 2024 . 9 April 2001 . Alternate archive
  9. News: staff . Столяренко, Владимир Михайлович . Stolyarenko, Vladimir Mikhailovich . ru . АНО «Экономическая летопись» ( . February 2020 . 15 July 2021 . 11 February 2020 . .
  10. [:ru:Дубинин, Сергей Константинович|S.K.Dubinin]
  11. Web site: убинин Сергей Константинович . Dubinin Sergey Konstantinovich . ru . ОАО Банк ВТБ ( . October 2013 . 16 September 2024 . . 16 October 2013.
  12. News: East-West United Bank (EWUB). Our History: Ownership History . East-West United Bank S.A. . April 2022 . 5 April 2022 . 6 April 2022 .
  13. News: East-West United Bank (EWUB). Our History: Ownership History . East-West United Bank S.A. . April 2022 . 5 April 2022 . 6 April 2022 .
  14. News: SABIR . USMAN . SUBSIDIARY BANK OF SISTEMA PJSFC: EAST-WEST UNITED BANK IN LUXEMBOURG . International Press Service News Agency (IPS) ( . 14 May 2021 . 5 April 2022 . 6 April 2022 .
  15. News: Кто и как ушел из крупного бизнеса: "Независимая газета" подвела итоги ухода российских банкиров и других крупных бизнесменов из большого бизнеса. . Who and how left big business: Nezavisimaya Gazeta summed up the results of the departure of Russian bankers and other major businessmen from big business. . ru . "Банкир.Ру" ( . 26 October 2005 . 16 September 2024 . . 8 August 2014.
  16. Web site: Прибыловский . Владими (Pribylovsky, Vladimir) . Vladimir Pribylovsky . АЛЕКПЕРОВ Вагит Юсуфович: Политико-экономическая биография . ALEKPEROV Vagit Yusufovich: Political and Economic Biography . ru . Антикомпромат ( . November 2019 . 16 September 2024 . . 20 November 2019.
  17. News: Овчинников . О. (Ovchinnikov, O.) . 8 November 2000 . ЦБ - центральный Банд ... . Central Bank - Central Gang ... . . 10 April 2021 . ru.
  18. News: ТОКОБАНК ГЛАЗАМИ ПРЕССЫ ДЕКАБРЬ 1997 - ИЮНЬ 1998 . TOKOBANK THROUGH THE EYES OF THE PRESS DECEMBER 1997 - JUNE 1998 . ru . журнал «Банковское дело в Москве» ( . June 1998 . 20 October 2023 . 26 March 2009 .
  19. Sergey Rodionov searches for the profile investor
  20. Web site: Раззаков . Федор (Razzakov, Fyodor) . Читать книгу: «Блеск и нищета российского ТВ», страница 4 . Read the book: "The Splendor and Poverty of Russian TV", page 4 . ru . ООО «Литрес» (or "literary resource") ( . 18 September 2024 . . 18 September 2024.
  21. News: МИХАЙЛИН . МИХАИЛ (MIKHAYLIN, MIKHAIL) . Дело АО ОРТ: Тяга к народному . Case of JSC ORT: Craving for folk . ru . . 29 April 1995 . 18 September 2024 . . 10 September 2012.
  22. News: Последствия кризиса на рынке МБК: банк "Славянский": "Империал" не даст в обиду родственный банк . Consequences of the crisis in the interbank lending market: Slavyansky Bank: "Imperial" will not let its sister bank be offended . ru . . 6 September 1995 . 16 September 2024.
  23. News: Проблема долгов банка "Славянский": "Империал" не намерен оплачивать долги "Славянского" . The problem of debts of the bank "Slavyansky": Imperial does not intend to pay the debts of Slavyansky . ru . . 12 October 1995 . 16 September 2024.
  24. News: МИНАЕВ . Сергей (MINAEV, Sergey) . Ольга Родионова: Миф о Рублёвке придумала Робски! . Olga Rodionova: The myth of Rublyovka was invented by Robsky! . ru . Экспресс-газета ( . 19 December 2008 . 16 September 2024 . . 8 August 2014.