Senecio viscosus explained

Senecio viscosus is a herbaceous annual plant of the genus Senecio. It is known as the sticky ragwort, sticky groundsel or stinking groundsel.[1]


An annual, growing to 70 cm high and covered with glandular hairs. Very similar to Senecio sylvaticus which does not have glandular hairs. The outer bracts show a brown tip. The ray-florets are ligulate, yellow and at first spreading then rolled back. The leaves are alternate and deeply lobed. Senecio vulgaris (Groundsel) does not have ray florets.[2]


Locally common in Britain and Ireland on waste ground.[2] [3] [4]

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Notes and References

  1. Groundsel . 11 . 221.
  2. Parnell, J. and Curtis, T. 2012. Webb's An Irish Flora. Cork University Press.
  3. Martin, W.K. 1965. The Concise British Flora in Colour. Ebury Press
  4. Hackney,P. 1992. Stewart & Corry's Flora of the North-east of Ireland. Institute of Irish Studies, The Queen's University of Belfast.