Scouting and Guiding in Portugal explained
The Scout and Guide movement in Portugal is served by several organizations:
- Federação Escotista de Portugal, member of the World Organization of the Scout Movement, a federation of:
- Associação Guias de Portugal (AGP), WAGGGS member.
- Associação das Guias e Escuteiros da Europa (AGEE; Guide and Scout Association of Europe), UIGSE member.
- Comité Português de Amizade dos Antigos Escoteiros e Guias (AEG) - member of International Scout and Guide Fellowship which includes
- Fraternal Escotista de Portugal (FAEP; former members of AEP, and any other adults)
- Associação de Antigas Guias (AAG; former Girl Guides)
- Fraternidade de Nuno Álvares (FNA; former members of CNE)
- Associação Escoteiros Independentes da Moita (AEIM; non-aligned)
- União dos Escoteiros Portugueses (UEP; non-aligned, created after breakaway of AEP, but with former scouts of other Associations)
International Scouting units in Portugal
The Transatlantic Council of the Boy Scouts of America serves American Boy Scouts in Lisbon and in the Azores.