Scorpius in Chinese astronomy explained

The name of the IAU constellation Scorpius in modern Chinese is 天蝎座 (tiān xiē zuò).

In terms of traditional Chinese uranography, the modern constellation is located within the eastern quadrant of the sky, which is symbolized as the Azure Dragon of the East (東方青龍, Dōng Fāng Qīng Lóng) and includes the asterisms "Heart", "Room" and "Tail".


The map of Chinese constellation in constellation Scorpius area consists of:

Four Symbols !Mansion (Chinese name) Romanization !Translation Asterisms (Chinese name) !Romanization Translation !Western star name Chinese star name !Romanization Translation
Azure Dragon of the East (東方青龍)FángRoomFángRoom
π Sco[1]
房宿一Fángsuyī1st star
房宿距星FángsujùxīngSeparated star
房宿南第二星Fángsunándìèrxīng2nd southern star
左骖ZuǒcānLeft-side horse of three horses
ρ Sco
房宿二Fángsuèr2nd star
左服 ZuǒfúLeft-side clothes
δ Sco
房宿三 Fángsusān3rd star
房宿北第二星 Fángsuběidìèrxīng2nd northern star
右服YòufúRight-side clothes
β1 Sco and β2 Sco
房宿四Fángsusì4th star
房宿北第一星Fángsuběidìyīxīng1st northern star
房星FángxīngStar of room
右骖YòucānRight-side horse of three horses
1 Sco房宿增四Fángsuzēngsì4th additional star
2 Sco房宿增五Fángsuzēngwǔ5th additional star
4 Sco房宿增六Fángsuzēngliù6th additional star
ω1 Sco
鉤鈐一Gōuqiányī1st star
鉤鈐西星GōuqiánxīxīngWestern star
ω2 Sco鉤鈐二Gōuqiánèr2nd star
鍵閉JiànbìDoor Bolt
ν Sco[2]
鍵閉Jiànbì(One star of)
天鍵TiānjiànCelestial door bolt
天心TiānxīnCelestial heart
18 Sco罰一Fáyī1st star
11 Sco罰二Fáèr2nd star
16 Sco罰增一Fázēngyī1st additional star
ψ Sco罰增二Fázēngèr2nd additional star
西咸XīxiánWestern Doorξ Sco西咸一Xīxiányī1st star
σ Sco[3]
心宿一 Xīnsuyī1st star
心宿距星XīnsujùxīngSeparated star
心宿太子XīnsutàizǐBig in "heart"
心前星XīnqiánxīngFront star
α Sco
心宿二 Xīnsuèr2nd star
心宿中星XīnsuzhōngxīngCentral star
心星XīnxīngStar of heart
心大星XīndàxīngBig star
大火DàhuǒGreat flame
HuǒThe flame
Chén5th earthly branch
商星ShāngxīngCommerce star
天王TiānwángCelestial king
辰龙ChénlóngDragon of 5th earthly branch
青龙星QīnglóngxīngStar of azure dragon
龙星LóngxīngStar of dragon
农星NóngxīngStar for agriculture
閼伯之星 Ebózhīxīng
τ Sco
心宿三Xīnsusān3rd star
心宿庶子XīnsushùzǐNumerous in "heart"
心後星XīnhòuxīngHind star
心宿后星 Xīnsuhòuxīng"Queen" star
12 Sco心宿增一Xīnsuzēngyī1st additional star
13 Sco心宿增二Xīnsuzēngèr2nd additional star
ο Sco心宿增三Xīnsuzēngsān3rd additional star
22 Sco心宿增五Xīnsuzēngwǔ5th additional star
25 Sco心宿增八Xīnsuzēngjiǔ9th additional star
μ1 Sco[4]
尾宿一Wěisuyī1st star
尾宿距星WěisujùxīngSeparated star
尾宿西第二星Wěisuxīdìèrxīng2nd western star
ε Sco
尾宿二Wěisuèr2nd star
尾宿西第一星Wěisuxīdìyīxīng1st western star
酒旗JiǔqíBanner of a wine shop
ζ1 Sco and ζ2 Sco尾宿三Wěisusān3rd star
η Sco尾宿四Wěisusì4th star
θ Sco尾宿五 Wěisuwǔ5th star
ι1 Sco and ι2 Sco尾宿六 Wěisuliù6th star
κ Sco
尾宿七Wěisuqī7th star
三师SānshīThree masters
λ Sco尾宿八Wěisubā8th star
υ Sco尾宿九Wěisujiǔ9th star
27 Sco尾宿增一Wěisuzēngyī1st additional star
μ2 Sco尾宿增二Wěisuzēngèr2nd additional star
Q Sco尾宿增三Wěisuzēngsān3rd additional star
HD 162391尾宿增四Wěisuzēngsì4th additional star
神宮ShéngōngChanging RoomNGC 6231神宮Shéngōng(One star of)
傅說FùyuèFuyueG Sco[5] 傅說Fuyue(One star of)
(One star of)
魚星 YúxīngStar of fish

See also

External links

Notes and References

  1. AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 5 月 8 日
  2. AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 6 月 30 日
  3. AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 5 月 9 日
  4. AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 5 月 10 日
  5. Ian Ripath's Startales - Scorpius the Scorpion
  6. AEEA (Activities of Exhibition and Education in Astronomy) 天文教育資訊網 2006 年 7 月 1 日