Saki Kubota Explained

Sayuri Kume
Birth Name:[1]
Birth Date:1958 5, df=yes
Birth Place:Kunitachi, Tokyo
Genre:New music
Michtam Records
MIDI inc

Sayuri Kume (Japanese: 久米小百合 (Kume Sayuri)),[2] [3] also known as Saki Kubota (Japanese: 久保田早紀 (Kubota Saki)), is a Japanese singer-songwriter[4] [5] [6] whose song Ihojin (1979) (Japanese: 異邦人)[7] sold more than 1.4 million copies[8] and reached number 1 in the Japanese singles chart.[9] [10] The song was used in the "Silk Road" television commercial for Sanyo.[11] [12] [13]

Her album Yumegatari (Japanese: 夢がたり) stayed at number 1 in the Oricon chart for seven consecutive weeks from 31 December 1979 to 11 February 1980.[14] Her album Tenkei (Japanese: 天界) reached number 11 in the Japanese chart in 1980.[15] Her album Saudade (Japanese: サウダーデ) reached number 54 in the Japanese chart.[16]

Her single Nijūgoji (1980) (Japanese: 25時) reached number 19 in the Japanese chart.[17] Her single Kugatsu no iro (Japanese: 九月の色) (1980) reached number 51 in the Japanese chart. Her single Orange Airmail Special (Japanese: オレンジ・エアメール・スペシャル) (1981) reached number 62 in the Japanese chart.[18] [19]

She appeared on The Best Ten[20] and Yoru no Hit Studio.[21]

She sang songs in the new music genre (Japanese: ニューミュージック, nyū myūjikku).[22] She has been described as the standard bearer of that genre.[23] She plays the piano.[20] [24]

Her farewell concert was on 26 November 1984. A video recording of the concert was released under the title Saki Kubota Farewell Concert (Japanese: 久保田早紀 フェアウェルコンサート) on VHS[25] and Betamax[26] in 1985, and on DVD in 2011.[27] A live album was released on CD.[28] Her 40th anniversary concert was held in 2021,[29] [30] having been postponed.[31] [32] [33] [34]

In January 2020, a box set was released under the title Saki Kubota Premium to celebrate the 40th anniversary of her debut in 1979.[2]


She was born on 11 May 1958 in Kunitachi, Tokyo.[35]

She graduated from the Department of Literature at Kyoritsu Women's Junior College,[36] [37] and the Department of Theology at the Tokyo Baptist Theological Seminary of the Japan Baptist Convention.[38] [39] [40]

In 1985, she married Daisaku Kume (Japanese: 久米大作), son of Akira Kume.[41] [38] [42]

She released four albums of christian music from 1987 to 2017.[43] In 2007, she became a goodwill ambassador for the Japan Bible Society.[44]

She appeared on the television programme Takeda Tetsuya no Showa wa kagayaiteita (Japanese: 武田鉄矢の昭和は輝いていた).[45]

She published the book Kaisōroku: gogo no pēji kara (Japanese: 回想録-午後の頁から…) in 1993.[46] She published her autobiography, Futari No Iho Jin (Japanese: ふたりの異邦人), in 2019.[47]



The following singles were released by CBS/Sony:

The following single was released by Fun House (Japanese: ファンハウス):

Studio albums

The following studio albums were released by CBS/Sony:

The following studio album was released by Michtam Records (Japanese: ミクタムレコード):

The following studio album was released by MMP, a division of Maki Music Production:

The following studio album was released by MIDI inc (Japanese:株式会社ミディ):

The following studio album was released by Life Creation (Japanese: ライフ・クリエイション):

Compilation albums

The following compilation albums were released by CBS/Sony:

The following compilation albums were released Sony Records:

The following compilation album was released by Sony Music Entertainment (Japan) Inc:

The following compilation albums were released by Sony Music House:

The following compilation albums were released by Sony Music Direct:

See also


External links

Notes and References

  1. "「異邦人」から40年…久保田早紀はなぜ音楽宣教師・久米小百合になったのか"
  2. "久米小百合さんデビュー40周年 記念BOX「久保田早紀プレミアム」来年1月末発売"
  3. Sayuri Kume (known as Saki Kubota) Dinner Show
  4. "久保田早紀“引退”の契機 久米小百合さんが聖書を開いた訳"
  5. "歌って味わう!昭和レトロポップス (4)シンガーソングライターの時代"
  6. "大ヒットから40年 二人の「異邦人」の心の旅"
  7. Ihojin
  8. (1984) 3 実践国語教育大系 277
  9. "Japan" in "Hits of the World". Billboard. 22 December 1979. p 71.
  10. [Cashbox (magazine)|Cash Box]
  11. (1995) 73 文藝春秋 (Bungei Shunjū) 400
  12. "最高だと思う「1980~82年のヒット曲」ランキングTOP21 ! 第1位は「異邦人」"
  13. 1979 television commercial for the Sanyo colour television model calledくっきりタテ7.
  14. "安室奈美恵の勢い衰えず!ドリカム以来14年8ヶ月ぶりの6週連続首位"
  15. Billboard. 12 July 1980. p 51.
  16. 1970-1989 Oricon Chart Book LP Edition. オリコンチャートブック〈LP編(昭和45年‐平成1年)〉. Oricon Books. May 1990. ISBN 4871310256. p 128.
  17. シングル売上TOP2作品
  18. 1968-1997 Oricon Chart Book: 30 years anniversary: All Singles: Listing by Artist.
  19. 1968-1987 Oricon Chart Book: 20 years: All Singles: Listing by Artist. Oricon Books.
  20. "第9回: 徹子さんがお姫様!?"
  21. 23483
  22. "賛美歌が宝石のように心に届きますように 久米小百合さんニューアルバム「7carats+1」発売"
  23. Teppei Akagi. ソニーの 21世紀戦略: 進展するソフト革命の全貌. Japan Management Association. 1990. p 156.
  24. "スターダムへの戸惑いと苦悩……「久保田早紀」は引退、音楽伝道師の道へ"
  25. CBS/Sony catalogue number 96ZM3018
  26. CBS/Sony catalogue number 96QM3018
  27. Ordermade Factory. Catalogue number DYBL24
  28. Ordermade Factory. Catalogue number DYCL2645
  29. 久保田早紀(現・久米小百合)が37年ぶりに一夜限りの復活、8/28開催「ミュージック・モア otonanoコンサート」の生配信&アーカイブ配信が決定
  30. 37年ぶり! 久保田早紀(現・久米小百合)が一日限りの復活!
  31. 【くめさゆりの DAY BY DAY】第2回 デビュー40周年コンサートは中止したけれど 久米小百合
  32. 久保田早紀、36年ぶりに1日限りの復活『ミュージック・モア otonano コンサート』出演
  33. 久保田早紀が1日限りの復活 渡辺真知子、サーカスらが出演するコンサートの生配信が決定
  34. 「一日限りの復活」久保田早紀(現・久米小百合)、渡辺真知子、サーカスが出演!
  35. "5月11日は「異邦人」久保田早紀の誕生日"
  36. 久保田早紀のヒット曲『異邦人』のルーツを中央線沿線に発見した
  37. ボストン日本祭り ファンドレイジングパーティー
  38. 「異邦人」のヒットから40年 久保田早紀が久米小百合として音楽宣教師になった理由
  39. "Ms. Sayuri Kume as Goodwill Ambassador of JBS". JBS News International. Volume 3. October 2007.
  40. 【BRIDGE】 「異邦人」のヒットの陰で 久米小百合
  41. 俳優・声優の久米明さん死去、義娘に教会音楽家の久米小百合さん
  42. 89
  43. Tehillim 33
  44. 久米小百合さんを親善大使に 日本聖書協会
  45. 武田鉄矢の昭和は輝いていた【“異邦人”の久保田早紀と“雨バラ”の湯原昌幸】
  46. Sayuri Kume. 回想録-午後の頁から… ISBN 4795227586. NCM2 Books. 1993.
  47. 自伝『ふたりの異邦人』出版記念 久米小百合さん「今でも気分は異邦人」 2019年4月1日
  48. CBS/Sony catalogue number 06SH636
  49. This romanized name appears on the back cover of the sleeve of the vinyl record. Also called 25ji.
  50. CBS/Sony catalogue number 06SH745
  51. CBS/Sony catalogue number 07SH839
  52. CBS/Sony catalogue number 07SH971
  53. 『異邦人』の“久保田早紀”が語る、大ヒットで苦悩した日々と現在
  54. エアメール・スペシャル
  55. 1981 television commercial for Kirin Orange
  56. CBS/Sony catalogue number 07SH1033
  57. CBS/Sony catalogue number 07SH1161
  58. Front cover, and back cover, of the sleeve of the vinyl record
  59. Episodes of "Shizen Wandafuru", opening and closing credits
  60. 久保田早紀(くぼたさき)ディスコグラフィ
  61. CBS/Sony catalogue number 07SH1256
  62. CBS/Sony catalogue number 07SH1473
  63. CBS/Sony catalogue number 07SH1560
  64. Catalogue number 07FA-5019
  65. CBS/Sony catalogue number 25AH919
  66. CBS/Sony catalogue number 27AH1011
  67. CBS/Sony catalogue number 27AH1148
  68. サウダーデ【Blu-spec CD2】
  69. 久保田早紀は「異邦人」だけじゃない!異国路線にケジメを付けたアルバム「サウダーデ」
  70. (1999) 44 地理 48
  71. CBS/Sony catalogue number 28AH1266
  72. Otonano Portal
  73. Light Mellow Neon Nights (2015) GT Music, Sony Music Direct, catalogue number MHCL 2553: 邦楽シティポップコンピ「Light Mellow」最新作2タイトル発売. Natalie. 16 September 2015.
  74. City Pop Story: Urban and Ocean (2023) Sony Music Labels catalogue number MHJL 288-9.
  75. CBS/Sony catalogue number 28AH1452
  76. CBS/Sony catalogue number 28AH1518
  77. CBS/Sony catalogue number 28AH1776
  78. Catalogue number MCD-10021
  79. Catalogue number TDCT-1125
  80. MIDI Inc. Catalogue number MDCL-1401
  81. Catalogue number MDCL-1495
  82. 久米小百合さん、13年ぶりの新アルバム「天使のパン」発売
  83. CBS/Sony catalogue number 28AH 1341
  84. CBS/Sony catalogue number 25AH 1479
  85. CBS/Sony catalogue number 28KH 1616
  86. Catalogue number 30DH 216
  87. CBS/Sony catalogue number 30DH 417
  88. Catalogue number SRCL 2537
  89. Catalogue number FCCL 30421
  90. Catalogue number SRCL 4132
  91. Golden J-Pop/The Best
  92. Catalogue number MHCL 8
  93. CD industry aims at aging music buffs
  94. Catalogue number MHCL-189~90.
  95. GT. Sony Music Direct (Japan) catalogue numbers MHCL-583~4
  96. CD & DVD The Best 久保田早紀 シングルズ
  97. For a review of this album, see CD & DVD Best Saki Kubota. Yumeki magazine. 24 June 2005.
  98. Catalogue number MHCL-899
  99. Sony Music Shop
  100. Catalogue number MHCL-1572