Satanic panic (South Africa) explained

The Satanic panic is a moral panic about alleged widespread Satanic ritual abuse which originated around the 1980s in the United States, peaking in the early 1990s, before waning as a result of scepticism of academics and law enforcement agencies who ultimately debunked the claims.[1] [2] The phenomenon spread from the United States to other countries, including South Africa, where it is still evident periodically.[3] [4] South Africa was particularly associated with the Satanic panic because of the creation of the Occult Related Crimes Unit in 1992, described as the "world's only 'ritual murder' task force". According to anthropologist Annika Teppo, this was linked with powerful conservative Christian forces within the then-dominant white community in the last years of apartheid. Christian belief is a prerequisite to serve in the unit. The concern with the alleged presence of Satanism and occult practices has continued into the post-apartheid era.

The local context

The long-term focus in a South African context has not been on claims of child abuse by Satanic cults and the psychiatric community has not played a significant role, as was the case in other countries. The local phenomenon is characterised by Christian evangelism and the scapegoating of Satanism for crime and societal problems.[3] [5] [6] In his 1997 PhD thesis, psychologist Gavin Ivey attributes the local phenomenon to an increase in Christian fundamentalism coupled with a perceived Satanic threat in the social context of the contemporary occult revival:

Ivey states "All monotheistic religions are forced to account for the presence of evil in a world where everything is created by God, who in theory should be able to vanquish all forms of evil but seems incapable to do so." He compares the importance of Satan in the only two contemporary major religions with a personified principle of evil in opposition to a single omnipotent deity who is unambiguously good, namely Satan in Christianity, whose identity evolved in the New Testament, and Satan in Islam. He notes the greater significance of Satan in Christianity, as Satan emerged as a less threatening figure in Islam and "Because it embraces a fundamental dualism, the Christian spiritual world is seen as a battleground between God and the personification of evil, the Devil." However, members of the relatively small Muslim community in South Africa have also been outspoken about the alleged dangers of Satanism.[7] [8]

In her 2012 MA thesis, Danielle Dunbar argues that while influenced by the international Satanism scare, past periods of Satanic panic in South Africa reflected localised periods of political upheaval and social anxiety. While in the past Dunbar and other academics have associated the South African phenomenon with the white population group in particular, some more specifically with Calvinist Afrikaners, the racial divide is disappearing. According to American sociologist Jeffrey Victor, With reference to this quote, academic Nicky Falkof states in a South African context "alongside this, the figure of the Satanist provides an object for the displacement of anxiety and the concurrent cohesion of nationalistic sentiment."

Apart from religious groups, the media and the government have aggravated the local phenomenon. In 2007 Afrikaans-language newspaper Rapport dismissed journalist Deon Maas, who had advocated religious tolerance in his new column, to protect its commercial interests.[9] [10] According to Nicky Falkof, the English and Afrikaans media have not differed materially in their treatment of the subject: "The paranoia, sensationalism or occasional scepticism with which stories were reported generally had more to do with the class or locality of the audience than with their language group." The mainstream media in general persists in sensationalistic reporting regarding Satanism and the occult, especially regarding criminal cases with any suggestion of Satanic involvement.[11] [12]

The phenomenon is also evident in South Africa's neighbouring countries. In March 2013, Zimbabwe's national police spokesperson Charity Charamba said media reports about Satanic incidents were unfounded and were causing unnecessary panic.[13]

The role of the government

The Satanic Bible authored by Anton LaVey and published in the United States in 1969, which contains the main principles of atheistic LaVeyan Satanism, was banned during apartheid in South Africa from 1973 to 1993 for moral reasons.[14] In 1974 South Africa's then Minister of Justice, Jimmy Kruger, reported widespread media coverage of a vast secret network of Satanists in the country was based on books published on the subject and not actual Satanic events.[11] The government also disputed claims of widespread Satanism in a 1978 Dutch Reformed Church report.[15] However, elements within the South African government continue to play a role in propagating the panic despite the constitutional right to religious freedom in post-apartheid South Africa.[3] [16]

SAPS Occult Related Crimes Unit

The SAPS Occult Related Crimes Unit was established in 1992 during the final years of apartheid by born-again Christian Kobus Jonker, prompted by former Minister of Law and Order Adriaan Vlok. Jonker joined the SAP in 1969 and was previously head of the Port Elizabeth Murder and Robbery Unit. During his policing career he earned the nicknames "Donker Jonker", "The Hound of God" and "God's Detective".[17] [18] [19] [20] [21]

As late as 2006 SAPS defined occult-related crime on the Occult Related page of their website as follows:

According to Ivey, the special crime unit was formed "to investigate and prosecute Satanic crime". Theodore Petrus, Senior Lecturer in Anthropology at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, states the main focus of the unit is Satanism in his 2009 doctoral thesis on crime related to "witchcraft" in a traditional African context. SAPS has been criticised for neglecting the more serious criminal problems of witch-hunts and medicine murders.[22] [19] [23] [24] Danielle Dunbar refers to the SAPS definition of occult-related crime in her 2012 MA thesis:

Ivey notes that everything occult is considered evil from a fundamentalist Christian perspective, and "the term Satanism is commonly understood in Christian societies to include a wide range of unconventional or occult beliefs and activities". The SAPS website also listed 41 "warning signs of possible destructive occult-related discourse", including "gender confusion", playing fantasy games which lack boundaries, an interest in computers, an excessive interest in horror movies and heavy metal music, depression and various stereotypical elements of Gothic fashion. Dale Wallace, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Religion Studies at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, comments on this thinking in her 2006 doctoral thesis:

Anthropologist Annika Teppo writes about the unit and a research informant's experience with the unit in an academic publication published in 2009:[25]

While SAPS removed the Occult Related page from their website in 2006 after the South African Pagan Rights Alliance requested the removal of discriminatory material, its content is still available via the official SAPS community magazine SERVAMUS.[26] [27] An article titled Breaking the Circle in a SERVAMUS Special Community Edition Drugs and Occult-Related Crime: The Facts, The Answers published in 2000 lists "Animosity towards Christianity, the church and Jesus Christ" as one of many warning signs of Satanic involvement. This SERVAMUS Special Community Edition was still being sold in May 2013.[28] In an article written by Jonker and published in SERVAMUS, he says there are three Satanic movements (Brotherhood of Ram, Order of Darkness and Sons of Satan) and four types of Satanist (generational Satanists, organised Satanists i.e. LaVeyan Satanists, self-styled Satanists and dabblers) in South Africa.[29] [30] He also authored and co-authored several books on Satanism during his policing career which Dunbar describes as alarmist anti-Satanist literature, including Youth and Satanism Exposed (1990), Satanism Exposed (1992) and Satanism in South Africa (2000).[31] Wallace notes the conflation of Paganism and Satanism in this literature, despite disclaimers to the contrary, and Jonker's failure "to distinguish between actual Satanic activity and purely criminal acts" in the media:

Christianity is a prerequisite to serve in the unit. An article titled Warriors against Evil, first published in the November 1998 issue of SERVAMUS and later published in the 2000 SERVAMUS Special Community Edition, states: The article also lists "Deliverance through pastoral guidance" within the scope of the unit.[32] Jonker elaborated on this in an interview with Sarah Duguid: "The ordinary guy cannot investigate occult crimes. There are things you see and experiences you have as a result of the supernatural. You must be strong in faith to be in the occult unit."[20] He believes Satan is a literal being. In the April 1997 issue of SERVAMUS, he writes "I believe the devil exists because I have seen things happen. I have seen a woman being attacked right in my presence by a demonic being".[33] [34] [35] [36]

Some senior SAPS officers have attempted to have the unit disbanded. An internal SAPS document dated October 1998 expressed concern about the policing of religious activities due to "constitutional restraints", and Jonker's public addresses on the dangers of Satanism to schoolchildren, community policing forums and church seminars at the state's expense were curtailed.[37] [38]

Jonker left the police force after suffering a heart attack in 2000 and subsequently practised as a pastoral counsellor.[20] He has been a director of the Act-Up Support Christian prayer ministry since 2002 and has worked as a consultant for the SAPS Detective Academy in Hammanskraal since his retirement.[39] [40] Other former members of the unit became involved in Christian deliverance ministry and therapy, including former Eastern Cape coordinator of the unit James Lottering (Warfare Ministries in Port Elizabeth) and former Free State coordinator of the unit Johan de Beer (Auksano Trauma Therapy Centre in Bloemfontein). Lottering left SAPS at the end of 1997. De Beer founded Auksano in 1998 while working for SAPS and resigned from SAPS in 2002.[20] [41] [42] FH Havinga, a specialist reservist for the unit, is also a Christian pastoral counsellor and founder of the ASERAC centre for trauma victims of drug, occult, alcohol and sexual abuse in Kempton Park.[43] [44] [45]

Attie Lamprecht was appointed head of the unit in 2000.[46] He is also a registered counsellor and as late as 2010 was listed as a member of Act-Up Support's advisory board.[26] [47] Lamprecht has stated that, unlike Satanism in other countries which is predominantly about self-worship, "Satanism in South Africa is characteristically against Jesus Christ. Therefore, it is against all that is good." He believes Satanism is "a belief system that leads to crime", stating "It starts with white magic. It goes to gateway religious systems and then to destructive religions."[48] [49] Official statements that the unit had been disbanded were dismissed by Lamprecht, who in 2006 said the unit had been absorbed into other units,[46] and later said it had been removed from the public eye and renamed the SAPS Harmful Religious Practices Unit.[50] [51]

Psychologist Gavin Ivey said the unit is "a waste of taxpayers' money",[52] and psychoanalyst Véronique Faure states:

In November 2010 a team of 30 specialists was trained for the unit,[50] and in 2012 two detectives per province received specialised training.[53] [54] [55] Jonker was involved in part of this training. In 2012 three Eastern Cape detectives were trained by Jonker for a new provincial occult task team.[56] As a result of this new investment being publicised in the media, DA MP and Shadow Minister of Police Dianne Kohler Barnard asked the Minister of Police Nathi Mthethwa for the number of occult-related crimes in the last financial year and was told such information is not readily available.[57]

Based on an internal SAPS memorandum dated August 2012, it appears the SAPS definition of occult-related crime has been simplified to "crime that relates to or emanates primarily from an ostensible belief in the supernatural that formed a driving force in the forming, planning and execution of a crime".[53] However, the scope of occult-related "crime" that may be investigated has been expanded to include:

The South African Pagan Rights Alliance objected to the apparent revival of the unit on the grounds of religiously motivated prejudice demonstrated towards minority religions by Christian evangelists involved in the initiative, and the inappropriate allocation of police resources to the investigation of alleged paranormal phenomena which cannot be proven in court.[58] [59] [60] Theodore Petrus expressed some reservations about the establishment of a new SAPS occult task team, cautioning that a clear distinction should be made between Satanism and "African witchcraft" beliefs and occult-related crimes should be clearly defined in legislation to avoid infringing on religious freedoms.[61]

Department of Basic education

An example school code of conduct published by the national Department of Education in 2008 explicitly associates Satanism with criminal activity,[62] [63] and many public schools openly discriminate against practitioners of Satanism and the occult, which are generally undefined.[64] Education about what Satanism actually entails has met with resistance from parents,[65] and schoolchildren have been stigmatized and isolated as a result of accusations of Satanism.[66]

On 1 March 2013, Gauteng schoolgirl Keamogetswe Sefularo was allegedly fatally stabbed by another girl from the same school. Although before dying Sefularo allegedly told her mother her attacker said they were attacking her because "she hung out with Satanists", the incident was labelled "Satanic" in the media. On 5 March 2013, Gauteng MEC for Education Barbara Creecy announced a "gang" of ten other learners at the school, including two present at the incident, had been suspended from school pending investigations into the incident. Gauteng Department of Education (GDE) spokesperson Charles Phahlane said their suspension related to alleged involvement in "harmful religious practices", which Creecy said department officials were told might have led to the incident.[67] [68] [69] South African Council of Churches chairperson Mautji Pataki commented "We are gravely concerned that evil spirits are driving innocent children to commit horrendous crimes."[70]

According to a GDE media release dated 7 March 2013, a partnership with faith-based organizations (FBOs) comprising representatives of mainstream Abrahamic religions is "assisting the department to support schools in addressing issues of learning and teaching, learner discipline, and spiritual disturbances at schools".[71] On 18 March 2013, Creecy publicly signed a memorandum of understanding with the FBOs.[72] On the same day, the department published an official statement online about an "anti-Satanism strategy" for schools developed by the FBOs to address "harmful religious practices" related to the occult and Satanism.[73] [74] [75] However, the department has no statistics on such incidents, Creecy said the situation is not at crisis level,[76] [77] and the department denied there was an increase in Satanic incidents among schoolchildren in the province.[78]

Creecy said a handbook had been compiled to help teachers and parents deal with Satanism which included signs to look out for and guidance in the event that a child is suspected of being involved in the occult.[73] [79] [80] [81] Atheists and Pagans objected on constitutional grounds.[82] [83] [84] Following the receipt of several complaints by the South African Human Rights Commission,[85] the GDE advised there would no longer be a handbook for teachers and parents, only guidelines for department officials.[86] Ironically, in March 2011 Creecy herself was labelled a "Satanist" in a public slur by Moss Senye, a school principal and SADTU's Gauteng chairperson.[87] [88] [89] Although the mainstream media in general sensationalised the Satanism aspect of these developments, one article by Elaine Swanepoel in The Citizen newspaper presented sceptical views of experts and religious leaders including Anglican bishops Peter Lee and Martin Breytenbach that dysfunctional behaviour and school violence could also be attributed to emotional and psychological problems, instability at home and superstition.[75]

Also in March 2013, KwaZulu-Natal MEC for Education Senzo Mchunu said an increase in Satanism and incidents of "possession" in KwaZulu-Natal schools were a cause for concern for the KwaZulu-Natal Department of Education. He invited churches and others to help the department address the issue.[4] In contrast to the GDE partnership with FBOs, following reports of learners being involved in Satanism in Western Cape schools in 2012, Western Cape Education Department spokesperson Paddy Attwell said school psychologists and social workers would be provided to support schools on request.[90] [91] [92] [93] Spokesperson for the national Department of Basic Education Hope Mokgatlhe said the department did not have a firm policy to deal with the issue, and said the GDE strategy could be implemented in other provinces at the discretion of the individual provinces.[73]

In October 2013, the Minister of Basic Education Angie Motshekga told residents of Mpumalanga to pray for their children to be "delivered from evil spirits" in response to a parent's statement about Satanism in the community.[94] [95]

Human Sciences Research Council

The Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) statutory body released its report on what it describes as "the first comprehensive assessment of human trafficking in South Africa" in March 2010. While the HSRC report acknowledges an urgent need for further research on ritual sacrifice, it states as fact "the trafficking of people, sometimes children, for ritual sacrifice by satanic cults" based solely on interviews with informants described as "former members of satanic cults in South Africa" which revealed "a belief that satanic cults operate within all areas of South Africa".[96] A critical review of the HSRC report published by the Institute for Security Studies says it suffers from "lack of evidence and methodological integrity" and "fuels sensationalism".[97] [98]

Parliament of South Africa

In April 2013, the Minister for Women, Children and People with Disabilities Lulu Xingwana publicly cited Satanism as a contributing factor to gender-based violence in South Africa in a submission to Parliament, despite more obvious critical factors and a lack of supporting evidence.[3]


The pattern of suppressing objective information about Satanism while spreading anti-Satanist propaganda has contributed to the social phenomenon of pseudo-Satanism in South Africa. Propagation of the Christian mythical version of Satanism serves to provide a role for rebellious teenagers and mentally confused individuals to act out in a self-fulfilling prophecy.[52] [99] [100] In his 1997 PhD thesis, Gavin Ivey addresses the phenomenon of pseudo-Satanism informed by cultural paranoia:

Nicky Falkof notes that paranoid lists of warning signs of Satanism, such as those published by SAPS and contained in the Gauteng Education Department handbook, operate as a self-fulfilling prophecy:

American folklorist Bill Ellis associates this phenomenon with legend tripping youths:

Satanic cases

According to the US State Department's International Religious Freedom Report 2006 for South Africa, there were no reports of Satanic killings as such cases are investigated and prosecuted as homicide.[101] However, a few high-profile cases have been publicly linked to Satanism.[12] In some of these cases, Satanism, demonic possession and/or occult aspects have been raised as a legal defence or a mitigating factor in sentencing.[102] In 2008 head of the SAPS investigative psychology unit Gerard Labuschagne cautioned against emphasising so-called forces of evil in criminal cases: In 2012 Dale Wallace said many incidents were labelled "Satanic" to cover up bullying, family problems and psychological problems.

Kobus Jonker is often quoted in the media and called as an expert witness regarding such cases.[16] [103] Véronique Faure states:

Following sensationalistic media reports about a number of fatal incidents involving children which were linked to Satanism based on hearsay, a member of the Church of Satan condemned so-called Satanic killings in an interview aired on SABC News in May 2013. He said children younger than 18 are not welcome in the church and Satanic rituals are misinterpreted by many people claiming to be Satanists.[104] [105] [106] An article by Khuthala Nandipha in the Mail & Guardian newspaper highlighted community ignorance about Satanism and likely contributory factors including social decay and inequality and the abuse of alcohol and drugs such as nyaope.[107]

Gert van Rooyen

Gert van Rooyen and his lover Joey Haarhoff were suspected by the South African Police of abducting and murdering several young girls who disappeared between 1988 and 1990. In January 1990, Van Rooyen killed Haarhoff and committed suicide during a police chase. In November 1991, Van Rooyen's son Flippie van Rooyen was convicted of murdering a 15-year-old Zimbabwean girl during his military service. His death sentence was commuted to life imprisonment in 1993. In 1997 he said the missing girls were killed during Satanic rituals and were the victims of international child pornography rings, but no evidence of this was ever found.[108] [109] [110] In 2001 he was sentenced to an additional six years' imprisonment for perjury for false statements he made about the missing girls.[111] [112] [113] He was paroled in 2008.[111] [113] The whereabouts of the missing girls are still unknown.[109] [114]

Death of Dawn Orso

In September 1992 Dawn Orso was murdered in her home in the Rugby suburb of Cape Town. In March 1994 her daughter Angelique Orso and Angelique's boyfriend Lawrence van Blerk were convicted of the murder. The judge rejected their defence that they were acting involuntarily under the influence of demons.[115] [116] [117] Angelique Orso received an 11-year prison sentence and van Blerk received an 8-year prison sentence.[118]

Abduction of Alison Botha

In December 1994 Alison Botha was abducted, raped, stabbed and disembowelled by Frans du Toit and Theuns Kruger in Port Elizabeth. She miraculously survived the attack.[119] Her attackers were described as "Satanists" in the media.[120] Du Toit said he was possessed by a demon and underwent an "exorcism" in June 1995 which was publicised. Kobus Jonker testified he did not believe he was possessed by a demon. Du Toit and Kruger both received life sentences in August 1995. Satanism was not considered a mitigating factor in their sentencing.[121] [122] A book was written about Botha's survival by Marianne Thamm, I Have Life, which has been made into a film, Alison.

Maurice Smith

In September 1997 Maurice Smith and two schoolboy accomplices murdered and decapitated a homeless man in East London. The schoolboys testified as state witnesses. Smith said he was a Satanic high priest and said he killed the man to obtain a human skull to give him power. He received a 30-year prison sentence in January 1998. Satanism was not considered a mitigating factor in his sentencing.[20] [123] [124] Kobus Jonker said this murder gave SAPS their first concrete evidence of human sacrifice.[123]

Death of Charles Jacobs

On 31 October 2005, Charles Jacobs was killed in a Paarl LDS church where he worked as custodian. The scene was staged as a crucifixion and the word "Satun" [''sic''] was written on the floor in blood. Although police spokespersons said it was probably a "botched burglary" not an occult murder, the killing was described as "Satanic" and "occult-style" in the media.[52] [125] [126] Four suspects were arrested and charged with murder and robbery with aggravating circumstances but the state failed to make their case. One of the four suspects was convicted of theft while another was convicted of receiving stolen property.[127] Both men received suspended sentences.[128]

Lotter case

In July 2008 Johannes Petrus Lotter and his wife Maria Magdalena Lotter were murdered in their home in the Westville suburb of Durban. Their daughter Nicolette, their son Hardus and Nicolette's boyfriend Mathew Naidoo were arrested shortly afterwards.[129] In 2009 Christelle Lotter, sister to Hardus and Nicolette, dismissed claims that her siblings were influenced by Satanism.[102] [130] The murder trial, which commenced in October 2011, involved references to God, the Bible, Satanism, a tokoloshe, demons and witchcraft.[103] [131] [132] [133] In March 2012 Nicolette, Hardus and Naidoo were convicted of the murder. The uncle of the Lotter siblings, Reverend Willem Lotter of the Dutch Reformed Church, gave evidence in mitigation of sentence during which he urged them to take responsibility for their actions. Nicolette received two 12-year concurrent prison sentences and Hardus received two 10-year concurrent prison sentences. The judge said people should not be allowed to escape liability as a result of a belief in witchcraft and the occult. Naidoo, whom the siblings said they believed to be the "third son of God" and was found to be the mastermind by the judge, received two life sentences.[134] [135] [136]

Morne Harmse

See main article: Nic Diederichs Technical High School slashing. In August 2008 18-year-old Morne Harmse went on a violent rampage at his Krugersdorp school, killing fellow pupil Jacques Pretorius and injuring several others with a katana. During the attack he wore a mask resembling one worn by the lead singer of heavy metal band Slipknot. It was reported he told bystanders Satan told him to do it.[137] His parents told the press he was a victim of school bullying and said it seemed he had experimented with Satanism.[138] Community speculation about a Satanic motive was dismissed as simplistic by SAPS psychologist Gerard Labuschagne.[139] [140] During early court proceedings it transpired that Harmse had told a doctor a ghost had told him to become a Satanist.[141] In his subsequent admission of guilt of murder and attempted murder he said he did it to make an impression.[142] Kobus Jonker later testified as expert witness the evidence did not suggest he was a Satanist.[16] [21] [143] Harmse received a 20-year prison sentence in September 2009.[144]

Death of Michael van Eck

In April 2011 Michael van Eck was murdered in a Welkom graveyard by Chane van Heerden and Maartens van der Merwe. The murder was labelled "Satanic" by Danie Krügel, a former police officer and founding member of Auksano.[145] [146] [147] Soon after the murder Welkom police spokesperson Stephen Thakeng, who is also an ordained Christian minister,[148] said gruesome discoveries on the couple's property confirmed the police's suspicion about their involvement in Satanism.[149] People close to the couple said they were Christian and denied any link to Satanism.[11] [150] The Satanism link was dismissed by expert witnesses and van Heerden herself during her trial. SAPS psychologist Gerard Labuschagne testified aspects of the murder indicated it was a "psychologically motivated crime".[151] [152] [153] In November 2011 van Heerden was declared a dangerous criminal and received a minimum prison sentence of 20 years, to be re-evaluated after 20 years.[154] Van der Merwe received a life sentence in November 2012.[155]

Death of Kirsty Theologo

In October 2011 18-year-old Kirsty Theologo died and a 14-year-old girl was seriously injured after being doused with petrol and set on fire in the Linmeyer southern suburb of Johannesburg. The incident was described as a "Satanic ritual" in the media. Six people aged 16 to 23 were charged with murder and attempted murder.[12] [156] In March 2012 18-year-old Lester Moody, the son of a Christian pastor, and 18-year-old Jeremy King entered into a plea bargain with the state. Each received a 17-year prison sentence, five years of which was suspended.[157] In April 2013 Moody testified in the trial of the four others accused that the ritual, which he described as a "sacrifice" after reading it described that way in magazines, was based on a Bible verse with "Satanic elements" added later. The court also heard from a defence attorney that Theologo's friends were curious about Satanism but did not really understand what it entailed.[158] [159] [160] In November 2013 Lindon Wagner and Robin Harwood were convicted of assault, murder and attempted murder.[161] In February 2014 Wagner was sentenced to life imprisonment for Theologo's murder plus 18 years' imprisonment for attempted murder, while Harwood was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment for Theologo's murder.[162]

Deaths linked to Overcomers Through Christ ministry

Between July 2012 and October 2012, two women and a male pastor with links to the Overcomers Through Christ (OTC) teaching ministry, as well as a neighbour of one of the women, were found stabbed to death in Gauteng. Friends of the victims and the media speculated the deaths were linked to Satanism.[163] [164] [165] It was reported one of the women killed, Natacha Burger, was an OTC trainer who converted Satanists to Christianity and worked with former Satanists.[166] [167] In December 2017 six members of Overcomers Through Christ were arrested for the four murders which were among a total of 11 murders believed to have been committed by the group. The killings are believed to have stemmed from a factional split in the OTC membership.[168]

Death of Kyle Mudaly

In September 2012 16-year-old Kyle Mudaly from the Reservoir Hills suburb of Durban committed suicide in his bedroom. A black hexagram was found on his bedroom wall. Speculation that the suicide was linked to a "Satanic cult" was dismissed by his family and friends, who said he was a practising Christian.[169] [170] [171]

Death of Keamogetswe Sefularo

In March 2013 14-year-old Keamogetswe Sefularo from Lukhanyo Secondary School in the Mohlakeng township in Randfontein was allegedly fatally stabbed on her way home from school by a 15-year-old girl from the same school who was arrested immediately and charged with murder.[172] Before dying Sefularo allegedly told her mother her attacker and two others present "interrogated her about an incident where she apparently called them goths" and said they were attacking her because "she hung out with Satanists".[67] Other family members alleged the attackers had declared they were Satanists and the stabbing incident and attackers were labelled "Satanic" in the media.[173] [174] Police said there is no evidence of a Satanic group or occult-related crime in the area. Journalists were informed the case would be heard in camera.[172] In October 2013 the teenage defendant confessed to the murder in court and received a prison sentence of 10 years, including a two-year suspended sentence. She said she committed the murder to be promoted within a cult after Sefularo had decided to leave the cult, and that she was attracted to the cult by the prospect of financial gain.[175] [176] [177]

Fatal exorcisms

There have also been several reported cases of fatal "exorcisms" of children where the killers believed the victims were possessed by demons.

Academic views

Véronique Faure states "Satanism, a recent and marginal phenomenon in South Africa, is more often treated by the tabloids than by the academics."[37] In her 2012 MA thesis, Danielle Dunbar comments on the lack of academic interest in the subject: (not taking into account academic theses on Satanism written from a Christian perspective). Some theses or articles written by academics relevant to the Satanic panic in South Africa are listed below:

Further reading

Notes and References

  1. Book: Victor, Jeffrey S.. Satanic Panic: The Creation of a Contemporary Legend. 1993. Open Court. Chicago. 9780812691924. 4th print..
  2. Jenkins. Phillip. 1992. Investigating Occult and Ritual Crime: A Case for Caution. Police Forum. 2. 1. 1–7. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. 2 May 2013. dead. 16 December 2013.
  3. News: Davis. Rebecca. Analysis: Is moralising helpful to the gender agenda?. 28 April 2013. Daily Maverick. 23 April 2013. On Monday, addressing the multi-party caucus, Xingwana also pointed to the 'growing' number of teenagers who choose to 'serve Satan' as one potential cause of gender-based violence. While there was a case last month of a teenage girl stabbed to death in Randfontein as part of what was alleged to be a 'satanic attack', such incidents are thought to be extremely rare in South Africa, though every now and then hysteria rises on the subject..
  4. News: Cole. Barbara. Education MEC asks for help as 'Satanic panic' grips schools. 28 April 2013. Daily News. 26 March 2013.
  5. News: Satan is behind South Africa's crime: North West MEC. 20 May 2013. Times LIVE. 1 July 2012. 'Satanism is the only wicked force that leads wives to kill their husbands and children, and for men to rape their own children'.
  6. News: 'Satanism has spread across the country' – Zwelithini. 21 May 2013. SABC News. 17 March 2013. Zulu King Goodwill Zwelithini has blamed Satanism for the country's problems, warning his followers about devil worshippers and their evil tricks..
  7. Web site: Satanism not a joke. 1 December 2012. dead. 7 July 2013. Voice of the Cape. 21 May 2013.
  8. Web site: Satanism: stay away. 3 December 2012. dead. 7 July 2013. Voice of the Cape. 21 May 2013.
  9. News: Writer fired after Satanism row. 4 May 2013. News24. 15 November 2007.
  10. News: Johns. Lynnette. Outrage at journalist's axing. 4 May 2013. IOL. 17 November 2007.
  11. News: de Villiers. Johannes. Waar is al die sataniste?. af. Where are all the Satanists?. 2 May 2013. Rapport. 16 April 2011.
  12. News: Coetzee. Michael. Devil in the deadline. dead. 7 July 2013. 28 April 2013. The Citizen. 26 April 2013.
  13. News: Don't sensationalise satanism: Police. 20 May 2013. The Herald. 14 March 2013.
  14. Web site: Censored publications: ID 9914286. Beacon for Freedom of Expression. 4 May 2013. Period of censorship: June 22, 1973 – January 22, 1993.
  15. News: Kerk, staat verskil oor Satanisme. af. Church, state differ on Satanism. Die Burger. 13 August 1979.
  16. News: Jacques Rousseau. Goblins and gobbledegook. 30 April 2013. The Star. 14 September 2009. Less expected, perhaps, was the involvement of an 'occult crime specialist', in the form of Kobus Jonker (or Donker Jonker, to those of us who remember his fomentation of 'Satanic Panic' in the 1980s and the 1990s, when he headed the Occult Crimes Unit of the SAPS)..
  17. The South African Police (SAP) was renamed the South African Police Service (SAPS) in post-apartheid South Africa.
  18. The Afrikaans word donker means "dark".
  19. News: Mark Gevisser. Donker Jonker's righteous crusade. 6 October 1995. Mail & Guardian.
  20. News: Possession and the law. Duguid. Sarah. 30 July 2004. Financial Times. 8 October 2012.
  21. News: Gifford. Gill. Sword killer 'tried' witchcraft – expert. 30 April 2013. IOL. 1 September 2009.
  22. The colonial term witchcraft used by Petrus in a traditional African context has strong negative connotations and relates to a belief in harmful magic.
  23. PhD. Theodore. Petrus. An Anthropological Study of Witchcraft-related Crime in the Eastern Cape and its Implications for Law Enforcement Policy and Practice. Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University. 2009. 5 May 2013.
  24. Limpopo Task Team report on ritual murders. dead. 7 July 2013. 26 October 2006. South African Government Information. 2 May 2013.
  25. Web site: Researchers: Annika Björnsdotter Teppo. The Nordic Africa Institute. 30 April 2013.
  26. PhD. The Construction and Articulation of a Pagan Identity in South Africa: A Study of the Nature and Implications of a Contested Religious Identity in a Pluralistic Society. Wallace. Dale. 2006. University of KwaZulu-Natal. 30 April 2013.
  27. Web site: Ariel Damon. Cultural and religious prejudice in South African society. Vuya! Pagan. 2 August 2006. 30 April 2013.
  28. Web site: Servamus Products. SERVAMUS. 5 May 2013. dead. 20 June 2013.
  29. News: Welkom-moord wek wyd kommer. af. Welkom murder rouses wide concern. 1 May 2013. Volksblad. 7 April 2011.
  30. News: Goldstone. Carvin. In the grip of 'Satan'. 30 April 2013. IOL. 30 August 2008.
  31. Web site: Author search: Jonker, Kobus. WorldCat. 3 May 2013.
  32. Book: Fourie, Madaleen. Drugs & Occult-related Crime: The Facts, the Answer. 2000. SARP Publishers.
  33. News: Motale. Phalane. Jonker is one hell of a cop out to control cult crimes. 15 May 2013. City Press. 17 September 2000. Sights such as a satanic witch having stigmata down her arms in the shape of a pentagram and triple sixes, and watching a boy being exorcised, feeling the demons kicking against his stomach, confirmed Jonker's rebirth in Christ..
  34. News: Motale. Phalane. Evil spirits torment girls. 16 May 2013. City Press. 3 December 2000.
  35. News: Heart of darkness. Mail & Guardian. 9 March 2001.
  36. News: Rostron. Bryan. South Africa's devilish shadow. Mail & Guardian. 23 March 2001. A literal belief in Satan is remarkably prevalent here even after opponents of apartheid proved not to be the anti-Christ..
  37. Book: Faure, Véronique. Kiernan. James. In Pursuit of the Occult: The Investigation of Satanism and Witchcraft in South Africa. The power of the occult in modern Africa: Continuity and innovation in the renewal of African cosmologies. 2006. Lit Verlag. Berlin. 3825887618. 153–181.
  38. News: Devil busters to go bust?. Mail & Guardian. 19 March 1999.
  39. Web site: About us: Directors. 18 September 2008. 2 May 2013. Act-Up Support.
  40. Web site: Board of Directors. 2 May 2013. Act-Up Support.
  41. Web site: Warfare Ministries. 30 April 2013. Pastor James Lottering was a member of the South African Police Service for 21 years and was assigned to the Occult Related Crimes Unit as Provincial Coordinator, Eastern Cape in July 1992 until 31 December 1997..
  42. Web site: Auksano: Johan de Beer (Director). 30 April 2013. Later on in his career, he became the coordinator of the Occult Related Crime Unit in the Free State ... These academic qualifications, his practical experience in the SAPS with occult related crimes as well as counseling of victims of the occult for more than 20 years, distinguishes him as one of the few true expert therapists in this specialist field.. dead. 27 June 2013.
  43. News: Muteme. Tumelo. Occult and Satanic practices 'on the increase'. 30 April 2013. looklocal. 30 July 2012. The director and founder of ASERAC (trauma centre for drug, occult, sexual violence and alcohol victims), FH Havinga, confirmed that there is an increase in occult and Satanic practices..
  44. News: Anticevich. Annalie. Mutilated rabbit found: witchcraft is suspected. 30 April 2013. looklocal. 11 July 2012. Mr FH Havinga, a specialist reservist at the SAPS unit for harmful religious practises, said it was possible that the mutilation was done as part of African witchcraft and not satanism..
  45. Web site: Course: Occult Related Trauma. Trumpet Call. 30 April 2013.
  46. News: Bevan. Stephen. South African police accused of ignoring ritual murders. 30 April 2013. The Telegraph. 26 March 2006. Supt Attie Lamprecht, who became the head of the occult-related crimes unit in 2000, said that it had not been disbanded but had been 'absorbed' into other units. 'The capacity is there, it does exist, but it is not a task that is full time,' he said..
  47. Web site: About us: Advisory Board. 1 March 2010. 2 May 2013. Act-Up Support.
  48. News: Breytenbach. Jacques. Sin, sedition and Satanism in South Africa. 30 April 2013. IOL. 25 September 2008.
  49. News: Ross. Keith. Spend time with your kids. 1 May 2013. IOL. 21 August 2008.
  50. News: Metelerkamp. Petrovna. Repliek: Duiwelse bewyse van jare lê polisie se store vol. af. Rebuttal: Years of devilish evidence fills police storage. 30 April 2013. Rapport. 23 April 2011. Die polisie-eenheid waarvan Jonker hoof was, is uit die openbare oog verskuif en herdoop na die eenheid teen skadelike geloofspraktyke. Die stryd teen satanisme is ononderbroke voortgesit, eers deur die bekende brig. Piet Byleveld en deesdae deur dr. Attie Lamprecht..
  51. News: Steven. Dianne. SAPS Occult Unit was never disbanded – just went underground. dead. 7 July 2013. 25 April 2013. Gateway News. 30 April 2013.
  52. News: du Venage. Gavin. Black magic, murder and madness in Satanist South Africa. 2 May 2013. The Australian. 21 November 2005. these preachers would frighten and perhaps unintentionally titillate their captive audience with lurid descriptions of black mass, blood sacrifice and uninhibited sex.
  53. Web site: Investigation of Harmful Occult-related Crimes: Investigation Support Capacity. SAPS. 21 August 2012. SAPRA. 1 May 2013.
  54. News: Ferrari. Tereasa. New occult task team in the province; A leaked police document reveals police will be investigating the paranormal . looklocal. 18 October 2012. 19 October 2012.
  55. News: Polisie jag ook vampiere. du Toit. Adele. 22 October 2012 . Rapport. 25 October 2012. af. Police also hunt vampires.
  56. News: EC police establish occult task team. Harvey. John. 22 September 2012. The Herald. 5 October 2012.
  57. Web site: Dianne Kohler Barnard. Mthethwa not answering questions properly – Kohler Barnard. 8 November 2012. Politicsweb. 3 May 2013.
  58. Web site: SAPRA Objection to SAPS Religious Crime Unit. 10 September 2012. SAPRA. 1 May 2013.
  59. News: Pulling Lucifer's tail. dead. 22 April 2013. Coetzee. Michael. 20 September 2012. The Citizen. 5 October 2012.
  60. News: Police on a witch hunt. Davids. Nashira. Nombembe. Philani. 20 September 2012. The Times. 9 October 2012.
  61. News: Petrus. Theodore. SAPS 'occult' unit welcome with caution. The Herald. 29 September 2012.
  62. The Department of Education was divided into the Department of Basic Education and the Department of Higher Education and Training in 2009.
  63. Web site: Example of a Code of Conduct for a School. Department of Education. 4 June 2008. 23 May 2013. Grade 4: Offences – 14. Satanic practices that damage property or cause harm to people or any other living creatures..
  64. Web site: Code of Conduct for Learners. Westville Girls' High School. 21 May 2013. Learners are not to practice any form of Satanism or exploration of the occult on the school premises, nor are they to influence or try to influence others in this regard.. dead. 14 July 2014. Example of a public school code of conduct.
  65. News: Rademeyer. Alet. Anger over Satanism lesson. 21 May 2013. Beeld. 29 August 2008.
  66. News: Moodley. Clinton. Naidoo. Elaine. Update: 'Satanic' Westcliff pupil speaks out. 28 April 2013. looklocal. 11 March 2013.
  67. News: Louw. Poppy. They killed my sister and drank her blood. 6 May 2013. Times LIVE. 6 March 2013.
  68. News: Learner killed in satanic ritual to be laid to rest. 19 May 2013. SABC News. 9 March 2013.
  69. News: Ramothwala. Peter. School hit by Satanism practices. dead. 14 July 2014. 11 June 2013. The New Age. 9 June 2013.
  70. News: Ramothwala. Peter. 'Satanists' suspended. 6 May 2013. The New Age. 6 March 2013. dead. 14 July 2014.
  71. GDE signs pact with religious groups to promote quality education. Gauteng Department of Education. 7 March 2013. 29 April 2013.
  72. Web site: Gauteng Education's MOU with Faith Based Organisations. Politicsweb. 29 April 2013. 18 March 2013.
  73. News: Monama. Tebogo. Mthethwa. Zama. Some children put spells on teachers. 29 April 2013. Sowetan. 19 March 2013. Channel Islam International Youth Foundation's Moulana Mohammed Seedat said the books has information for parents and teachers on what signs to look out for, and where and how to get help if you suspect that a child is involved in the occult..
  74. Web site: Gauteng Education. MEC Creecy says GDE anti-Satanism strategy will address harmful religious practices. dead. 7 July 2013. 18 March 2013. South African Government Information. 29 April 2013.
  75. News: Swanepoel. Elaine. Gauteng education MEC declares war on Satanism. dead. 7 July 2013. 29 April 2013. The Citizen. 19 March 2013.
  76. News: Govt, religious leaders to fight Satanism (video). 29 April 2013. eNCA. 18 March 2013.
  77. News: Faith issue in schools tackled. 28 April 2013. News24. 18 March 2013.
  78. News: Dept. ontken 'satanisme-probleem'. 29 April 2013. RSG. 19 March 2013. af. Department denies "Satanism problem".
  79. News: Louw. Poppy. Education department seeks divine intervention. 29 April 2013. The Times. 19 March 2013.
  80. News: Sibanyoni. Mbali. MEC urges schools to tackle social ills (video). 29 April 2013. EWN. 18 March 2013.
  81. News: Education Department piloting handbook on dealing with Satanism. dead. 7 July 2013. 20 March 2013. Gateway News. 28 April 2013.
  82. News: Coetzee. Michael. Poor grip on probity. dead. 7 July 2013. 19 May 2013. The Citizen. 21 March 2013. Yes, the government will officially be discriminating against minority religions such as Satanism, Wicca and religions which may be considered 'occult' by a group of Christian and Muslim clerics with too much time on their hands. What happened to the freedom of religion promised in the constitution?.
  83. News: Jacques Rousseau. Burn the witch!. 29 April 2013. Daily Maverick. 26 March 2013.
  84. MEC Creecy says Occultism and Satanism harmful practices?. SAPRA. 29 April 2013. 18 March 2013.
  85. News: Premdev. Doreen. Satanism is not evil, says activist. Sunday Times Extra. 31 March 2013. Spokesman for the HRC Isaac Mangena said the commission has received several complaints regarding Creecy's alleged utterances.
  86. News: Swanepoel. Elaine. No guide on 'harmful practices'. 28 April 2013. The Citizen. 11 April 2013.
  87. News: Bath. Camilla. Barbara Creecy labelled a Satanist by angry teachers. 12 May 2013. EWN. 11 March 2011.
  88. News: Churches upset over Satanist comments. 12 May 2013. News24. 14 March 2011.
  89. News: Monama. Tebogo. Teachers union says sorry for MEC insult. 12 May 2013. The Sowetan. 15 March 2011.
  90. News: Satanism fears hit Ceres Valley. 7 May 2013. City Press. 25 February 2012.
  91. News: Fisher. Shamiela. Satanism growing in WC schools. 22 May 2012. EWN. 1 June 2013.
  92. News: Johns. Lynnette. Satanism suspected at school. 7 May 2013. Cape Argus. 23 May 2012.
  93. News: Shocking cases of Satanism in Cape schools. 7 May 2013. Daily Voice. 30 May 2012.
  94. News: Angie Motshekga turns to prayer. 29 October 2013. City Press. 20 October 2013.
  95. News: Perrett. Mallory. Motshekga denies praying away evil spirits for matrics to pass. 29 October 2013. Power FM. 21 October 2013. 'I was responding to a question from the floor by a parent who was saying that there is lots of Satanism in the community. And the prayer was for kids in that sense. I'm not that naive or stupid to think that kids can pass with a prayer.'.
  96. Web site: Tsireledzani: Understanding the Dimensions of Human Trafficking in Southern Africa. March 2010. Republic of South Africa. 7 June 2013.
  97. News: Nicolson. Greg. 'Satanic' South Africa. 7 June 2013. Daily Maverick. 7 June 2013. The investigation offers information from 'respondents' but apart from claiming to have seen a video of satanic sacrifice, offers no hard evidence..
  98. Gould. Chandré. Richter, Marlise; Palmery, Ingrid. Of Nigerians, albinos, satanists and anecdotes: A critical review of the HSRC report on human trafficking. SA Crime Quarterly. June 2010. 32. 37–45. 7 June 2013.
  99. News: Maas. Deon. 666 is net 'n syfer.,,752-801_2214403,00.html. 17 November 2007. 3 May 2013. af. 666 is just a number. Rapport. 3 November 2007. Sover as wat geloof gaan, het Satanisme nog altyd aan die kortste end getrek wat die media betref. Terselfdertyd is dit die beste vriend wat die Christene nog ooit gehad het synde dat die duiwel die kerk in besigheid hou. Die aantrekkingskrag daarvan vir veral tieners is natuurlik dat dit die nodige kop-aan-kop-botsing is met die idees wat hul ouers propageer en daarom so 'n aantreklike opsie is..
  100. News: Jacques Rousseau. Goblins and gobbledegook. 30 April 2013. The Star. 14 September 2009. Having said that, we are talking about confused people, so it is entirely possible that some poor kid could swallow the version of Satanism (or the typically vague 'occult') promoted by Jonker, and aspire to live up to those fabricated standards..
  101. Web site: South Africa: International Religious Freedom Report 2006. U.S. State Department. 30 April 2013.
  102. News: Broughton. Tania. Siblings intend raising Satanism in murder trial. 5 May 2013. Cape Times. 12 March 2009. Siblings Nicolette and Hardus Lotter, who are accused of murdering their parents at their Westville home last year, intend raising Satanism to counter the charges, a defence rarely used in South Africa..
  103. News: Jacques Rousseau. The Lotters, Harry Potter and SA's judicial system. 5 May 2013. Daily Maverick. 23 November 2011. The trial of the Lotter siblings for murdering their parents will resume in March 2012. At that point, we'll hopefully start hearing evidence which corresponds to more reasonable hypotheses for why they committed these crimes, instead of tales involving tokoloshes and demonic possession..
  104. News: Mokoena. Michael. Satanism blamed for tot's drowning. 29 May 2013. Diamond Fields Advertiser. 27 May 2013.
  105. News: Satanism, drugs blamed for family killing. 29 May 2013. News24. 27 May 2013.
  106. News: A 14-year-old murder suspect prepares to appear in court for killing his family (video). 29 May 2013. SABC News. 28 May 2013. The church of Satan in South Africa has criticised Satanic killings. The High Priest of the church says killings are not part of the church ritual..
  107. News: Nandipha. Khuthala. Hacking murders: Drugs or satanism?. 4 June 2013. Mail & Guardian. 4 June 2013.
  108. News: The sins of the father: a dark legacy. IOL. 8 April 2007. 28 April 2013.
  109. Web site: Paedophile Gert van Rooyen and mistress commit suicide. SAHO. 28 April 2013.
  110. Web site: ANC Daily News Briefing. dead. 7 July 2013. 14 May 1996. 28 April 2013.
  111. News: Dobson. John. Paedophile's son on parole. 22 April 2008. 28 April 2013. Six years were added to his sentence in 2001 for perjury after he made some bizarre claims about his father's notorious paedophile case. These claims included how his father dissolved the bodies of the girls he kidnapped in acid in a Satanic ritual, the acid supposedly supplied by Flippie from Iscor where he worked at the time..
  112. News: Parents request hypnotism for paedophile's son. 28 April 2013. Mail & Guardian. 14 October 1998. Flippie van Rooyen has pleaded not guilty to statutory perjury charges. He has claimed that the girls were killed during satanic rituals, that their bodies were burnt with acid he stole, and that they were taken to the Middle East. His claims were dismissed and perjury charges were brought by the Attorney-General's office earlier this year..
  113. News: van Rooyen. Fanie. Pedofiel Van Rooyen se seun uit tronk. 28 April 2013. Beeld. 10 July 2008. af. Paedophile van Rooyen's son out of jail.
  114. News: Capazorio. Bianca. 'Link' to long-lost Van Rooyen girls. 1 May 2013. Saturday Star. 9 March 2013.
  115. Journal of Southern African Studies. 2012. 38. 4. 753–767. Falkof. Nicky. 'Satan has come to Rietfontein': Race in South Africa's Satanic Panic. Routledge. London. 28 April 2013. 10.1080/03057070.2012.732290. 144804619.
  116. News: 'Satan se dogter' val flou toe sy skuldig bevind word aan moord. af. 'Satan's daughter' faints on being found guilty of murder. 10 May 2013. Beeld. 1 March 1994.
  117. News: 'Demone' het hulle laat moor. af. 'Demons' made them kill. 10 May 2013. Rapport. 13 November 2005.
  118. News: 'Satanistiese' moordenaars kry tronkstraf. af. 'Satanic' murderers jailed. 10 May 2013. Beeld. 22 March 1994.
  119. News: Reddy. Tash. Alison has life – and she truly cherishes it. 4 May 2013. IOL. 2 December 2006.
  120. News: Rank. Francois. Survivor of horror attack comes full circle. 7 May 2013. IOL. 16 November 2003. The tall, attractive former head girl was abducted outside her Port Elizabeth home by Satanists Frans du Toit and Theuns Kruger..
  121. Book: Thamm, Marianne. I have life: Alison's journey. 1998. Penguin Books. Johannesburg. 9780140280791.
  122. News: No parole yet for Alison's attackers. 5 May 2013. IOL. 17 January 2012.
  123. News: Confessed satanist jailed for 30 years for ritual murder. 1 May 2013. City Press. 1 January 1998.
  124. News: E-London cops probe satanic revenge crime. 4 May 2013. Mail & Guardian. 1 January 2002.
  125. News: Breytenbach. Karen. Pair in the dock after Halloween killing. 6 May 2013. IOL. 8 November 2005.
  126. News: Breytenbach. Karen. Four in court for 'satanic' murder. 2 May 2013. IOL. 19 October 2006.
  127. News: Schroeder. Fatima. Church custodian murder: 'state failed'. 6 May 2013. IOL. 20 September 2007.
  128. News: Schroeder. Fatima. Family 'angry' after alleged killers go free. 6 May 2013. IOL. 21 September 2007.
  129. News: Gerretsen. Bronwyn. The evil within .... 8 May 2013. IOL. 26 July 2008.
  130. News: Packree. Sharlene. Lotters driven by 'money, sex, anger'. 4 May 2013. The Witness. 24 June 2009. Regarding the allegations that her siblings were under the influence of satanism, Lotter said there are no facts to support this. 'I simply do not accept that the applicants can simply blame satanism or Naidoo so as to absolve themselves of all the blame for the murders. We all have beliefs and persons who influence us – that does not equate to a licence to kill with impunity.'.
  131. News: Broughton. Tania. Chilling confessions in Lotter murder trial. 8 May 2013. The Mercury. 25 October 2011.
  132. News: Barbeau. Noelene. Lotter case has it all. 5 May 2013. Daily News. 14 November 2011. All eyes have been on the three accused who, during their nearly three weeks on trial, have referred to Bugs Bunny, Harry Potter, Satanism, cults, a third son of God, a tokoloshe, demons and witchcraft..
  133. News: Broughton. Tania. Psychologist to testify in Lotter trial. 8 May 2013. The Mercury. 8 March 2012.
  134. News: Liebenberg. Dries. Naidoo 'an arrogant liar and fraud'. 17 May 2013. The Witness. 14 March 2012.
  135. News: Comins. Lyse. Lotter Judge is one tough taskmaster. 18 May 2013. Independent on Saturday. 17 March 2012.
  136. News: Nicolette Lotter was 'programmed to kill'. 5 May 2013. News24. 19 March 2012.
  137. News: Satan told me to kill the children. 4 May 2013. News24. 18 August 2008.
  138. News: Our son was bullied. 4 May 2013. Beeld. 21 August 2008.
  139. News: Attwood. Vivian. Psychologist: Satanic label simplistic. 4 May 2013. IOL. 20 August 2008. A person can kill another of their own free will. They do not need Satan to intervene. This is the view of a top police psychologist who warned people not to put too much emphasis on the so-called forces of evil..
  140. News: Serrao. Angelique. Foss. Kanina. Eliseev. Alex. Community ponders motive behind sword killing. 4 May 2013. IOL. 21 August 2008.
  141. News: Eliseev. Alex. Foss. Kanina. Samurai sword boy had 'satanic ghost' vision. 4 May 2013. IOL. 28 August 2008.
  142. News: Ndaba. Baldwin. Foss. Kanina. I killed for attention, says teenager. 4 May 2013. IOL. 15 April 2009.
  143. News: Foss. Kanina. Devil 'didn't make him do it'. 2 May 2013. IOL. 2 September 2009.
  144. News: Langer. Mirah. Sword killer Harmse sentenced to 20 years in jail. 5 May 2013. Mail & Guardian. 10 September 2009.
  145. News: de Wet. Tom. Phillips. Marisa. Erf van gruwels. 1 May 2013. Beeld. 6 April 2011. af. House of horrors. Mnr. Danie Krügel, spesialisondersoeker en voormalige polisieman wat by die ondersoek na die okkulte betrokke was, sê Van Eck se moord is een van die grusaamste sataniese moordtonele nóg in die land..
  146. News: Allan. Eamon. The killing that shook Welkom. 1 May 2013. Mail & Guardian. 8 July 2011.
  147. Web site: Auksano: About Us: History. 15 May 2013. Due to the increasing number of victims of destructive subcultures as well as a definite call from God, Johan resigned as Captain from the SAPS in 2002 to commit himself full-time to the mission of Auksano. The other founding members were: Rev. Johan Cilliers, Danie Krügel and Barbara de Beer.. dead. 27 June 2013.
  148. News: Bergh. Joanie. Stephen Thakeng:'I serve man and God'. 1 May 2013. Vista News. 13 December 2012.
  149. News: de Wet. Tom. Phillips. Marisa. Erf van gruwels. af. House of horrors. 1 May 2013. Beeld. 6 April 2011. Al die ontdekkings bevestig die polisie se vermoede oor die verdagte paartjie se betrokkenheid by satanisme en dit word intensief ondersoek, sê kapt. Stephen Thakeng, polisiewoordvoerder..
  150. News: Scholtz. Herman. Murder accused 'loved Dexter'. 1 May 2013. Rapport. 10 April 2011.
  151. News: Occult killer shows no remorse. 1 May 2013. News24. 21 November 2011.
  152. News: Skinning murder unique, expert testifies. 1 May 2013. News24. 22 November 2011.
  153. News: de Wet. Tom. Phillips. Marisa. Dis nié satanisme. 1 May 2013. Beeld. 23 November 2011. af. 'It's not Satanism'.
  154. News: Graveyard killer jailed for 20 years. 5 May 2013. News24. 25 November 2011.
  155. News: Victim's mom attacks cemetery killer. 5 May 2013. News24. 2 November 2012.
  156. News: 5 in court for Satanic ritual death. 7 May 2013. IOL. 1 November 2011.
  157. News: Mashabane. Puleng. Satanic ritual murderers jailed for 17 years. 7 May 2013. The Citizen. 29 March 2012. dead. 5 April 2012.
  158. News: Moeketsi. Sandy. Bible verse examined in satanic ritual case. 7 May 2013. IOL. 25 April 2013.
  159. News: Satanic ritual 'plan' began from a Bible verse: testimony. 7 May 2013. Times LIVE. 25 April 2013.
  160. News: van Wyk. Pauli. Groep snap satanisme nie, hoor hof. af. Group doesn't understand Satanism, court hears. 7 May 2013. Beeld. 19 April 2013. Kirsty Theologo se vriende was nuuskierig oor satanisme, het nie mooi geweet wat dit behels nie en het besluit om 'n offer te brand toe hulle petrol oor haar en 'n vriendin gegooi en hulle aan die brand gesteek het, het die hooggeregshof in Palm Ridge aan die OosRand gister gehoor ... Adv. Lydia van Niekerk, vir Wagner, het gesê die vriende het drie weke voor die aanval gesprekke oor satanisme en offers gehad. 'Niemand het satanisme werklik verstaan nie en het bespreek hoe dit gedoen moet word. Moody sou glo 'n soort formule hê. 'n Nommer sou in die vorm van 'n naam na hom toe kom van dit wat geoffer moet word.' Hulle was nuuskierig, het Van Niekerk gesê, maar Wagner het dit as 'n grap gesien, al het hulle beplan om 'n Bybel te verbrand..
  161. News: Kirsty's mom sobs as sentencing postponed. 8 November 2013. News24. 8 November 2013.
  162. News: Cousins get long jail terms for satanic killing. 12 February 2014. City Press. 12 February 2014.
  163. News: van Huyssteen. Suzette. Sataniste dalk betrokke by dubbelmoord. af. Satanists may be involved in double murder. 7 May 2013. looklocal. 27 July 2012.
  164. News: Golden. Amoryn. Woman slain – possible link to other murders. 7 May 2013. looklocal. 8 October 2012. Although possible Satanism seems to be a motive for the murders, there is no proof at this stage..
  165. News: Hosken. Graeme. Satanists killing us off. 7 May 2013. Times LIVE. 12 October 2012.
  166. News: Friends link Pretoria murders to Satanism. 7 May 2013. News24. 27 July 2012.
  167. News: van Zuydam. Lali. Cops probe occult link in dual killing. 8 May 2013. Pretoria News Weekend. 28 July 2012.
  168. News: Church 'cult' to stand trial for 11 nurders. 26 June 2018. South Africa Sunday Times. 10 December 2017.
  169. News: Nair. Yogas. Satanic cult fear in suicide. 30 April 2013. Daily News. 7 September 2012.
  170. News: Moodley. Camara. Update: Ritualistic worship linked to boy's suicide. 11 September 2012. looklocal. 3 May 2013.
  171. News: Comins. Lyse. Rise in witchcraft & Satanism in KZN. 3 May 2013. IOL. 15 September 2012.
  172. News: Mathebula. Nonkululeko. Update: Alleged satanic murderer to appear in court. 6 May 2013. looklocal. 4 March 2013.
  173. News: Flanagan. Louise. Mtshali. Nontobeko. Schoolgirl killed by peers in 'satanic attack'. 29 April 2013. The Star. 5 March 2013.
  174. News: Ndhlovu. Ntombi. 'Pals sucked blood from stabbed girl's neck'. 29 April 2013. The Star. 6 March 2013.
  175. News: Teen confesses to satanic killing. 12 October 2013. News24. 4 October 2013.
  176. News: Teen 'satanist' jailed for killing friend. 12 October 2013. News24. 11 October 2013.
  177. News: Judgment being delivered for another Satanic killing. 12 October 2013. Times LIVE. 11 October 2013.
  178. News: Oelofse. Neil. Ritual to 'exorcise girl's demons'. 29 April 2013. Garden Route Media. 21 November 2011.
  179. News: Nair. Yogas. Girl dies after exorcism attempt. 29 April 2013. IOL. 15 March 2012.
  180. Web site: Staff Profile: Nicky Falkof. Wits University. 30 April 2013.