Sardis Secondary School | |
Address: | 45460 Stevenson Rd |
City: | Chilliwack |
Province: | British Columbia |
Postcode: | V2R 2Z6 |
Country: | Canada |
Schooltype: | high school |
Fundingtype: | Public |
Founded: | 1933 |
Schoolboard: | School District 33 Chilliwack |
Number: | 3333018 |
Principal: | Lynnet Schramm |
Staff: | 100+ |
Grades Label: | Grades |
Grades: | 9-12 (13+ for students who choose to stay) |
Enrollment: | 2,000+ |
Estimated Enrollment As Of: | April 2023 |
Language: | English |
Colours: | Green, white |
Mascot: | Freddy Falcon |
Team Name: | Falcons |
Sardis Secondary (SSS) is a public high school in Chilliwack, British Columbia part of School District 33 Chilliwack. The current principal is Lynnet Schramm.
Sardis Secondary has a focus on agricultural and skilled trades education. The school is also somewhat distinctive in having an active high school football team.[1] [2]
In 2013, 12 students were suspended for a semester for using marijuana and breaking curfew on a school trip. The punishment was appealed by some parents and received a small amount of national news coverage.[3]
In 2015, the sustainable agriculture program was expanded with the purchase of the SSS Farm. Students grow food for a community-supported agriculture program. Participation in the program is worth four course credits, the same amount as a standard class. The program was developed with support from the University of the Fraser Valley, a university local to Chilliwack and Abbotsford.
With the end of the 2023 school year, the 20+ year old Computer Science program was shut down due to the lack of any available Computer Science teachers in British Columbia.
In 2022, the Drumline placed third[4] in the BC Provincial Championships, hosted by the Canadian Drumline Association, losing only to MEI and Collingwood.